Honey, I'm Home part 2 of 2

For the first time since moving in with Jack, Eddie woke to the sound of an alarm. Having always been a creature of habit he’d usually have Jack’s suit laid out for the day, showered, and dressed himself. He’d be starting breakfast in the kitchen, but that morning his head was pounding. Veronica was right. He did in fact like the wine better than beer, but he didn’t like the dry mouth, the sick feeling, and everything else that went with it the next day.

Eddie was in a fog as the last night’s events slowly played back in his thoughts. At first he could only comprehend that something loud was happening. Once he realized that it was the little hammer waving back and forth that was causing him so much stress he elbowed Jack in the ribs and through a raspy whisper said, “You’re going to be late for work.”

Jack reached behind his head, and grabbed the little gold clock, halting the mechanism's momentum, and then without missing a beat, wrapped his arm, timepiece and all, back around Eddie’s midsection. “Five more minutes.” he mumbled, squeezing tightly around Eddie’s silk covered waist, breathing him in while his face rested in Eddie’s curler filled hair. Eddie almost agreed, briefly letting himself melt into Jack, until he noticed something firm pressing the silk of his nightgown deeper between his butt cheeks.

“Absolutely not!” Eddie shouted, grabbing the alarm from Jack’s hands, and standing straight up, letting the ring of those two evil bells once more fill the room. “Today’s your first day in your new position. How’s it going to look if you’re late?”

“Alright, alright.” Jack groaned. He pulled himself out of bed, and stumbled towards the bathroom, seemingly unaware of the tent poking out in the front of his flannel pajamas.

Eddie hurried to get Jack’s suit laid out. Fortunately it was freshly pressed so there was no need to plug in the iron. He stepped out into the hallway, rushing to get something edible on the table, and shivered. He no longer had Jack’s body heat to fight back the morning chill. He remembered the peignoir lying on the bedroom floor, and after a little backtracking, started whipping up something to eat.

When Jack walked into the kitchen, dapper as always, he found a simpler breakfast than he was used to consisting of just scrambled eggs, bacon, and coffee. Also on the table were two dozen curlers, Eddie’s forehead resting on the glossy mahogany. “This is your first hangover?” Jack asked. He gently rubbed Eddie’s back in an attempt to provide some comfort.

Eddie leaned back in his chair, and looked up into Jack’s eyes like a small child who just broke a toy. “I don’t think I even drank that much. Just a few glasses. Is it always this bad?”

“Only sometimes. I’m not surprised though. You were pretty tipsy by the time the Tates left. Wine leaves you with the worst hangover too, for whatever reason.”

“Well then I’m never drinking wine again either. I’ll be okay. Just eat your breakfast.”

Jack complied, taking his seat across from Eddie, and digging in. Through a full mouth he said, “Never say never. I doubt it would ever be this bad again, honestly. Take a couple of aspirin, and drink some water, and you’ll be good as new. What time is Veronica coming?”

“Oh, god! Don’t remind me…Ten.”

“Plenty of time then. Just drink some coffee too to get yourself moving. I’m sure you can handle it all. You’re a miracle worker after all.”

“Right. Why don’t you work a miracle, and take me out back and shoot me?”

“Aww, poor baby.” Jack answered, half snickering. Eddie glared one last time at Jack before returning his forehead to the cool kitchen table.


“I feel a little underdressed.” Eddie said. He was wearing a blue cotton shirtwaist dress that buttoned all the way down the front, nipped at the waist by a thin black belt that perfectly matched the black patent flats adorning his hosed feet, and the black handbag hanging from his forearm. It was a simple cute outfit perfectly befitting the young woman he appeared to be, but contrasted heavily with the green linen suit, black three inch pumps, mid length gloves, and the little hat adorned with an elegant flat bow pinned into Veronicas perfectly coiffed hair. Eddie had managed to brush out his hair into a passable style, and he suitably recreated the simple daytime makeup Emily had taught him during his crash course on womanhood, but with limited experience he couldn’t hope to achieve anything like the flawless elegance of his would-be mentor.

“Nothing to be afraid of, Edie.” Veronica said. “That’s exactly why we’re here.”

Two hours before, Eddie was standing at the kitchen sink, scrubbing the baked on grime of the previous evening's dinner party, and praying the aspirin would take effect just that much sooner. Now he was standing outside the most expensive beauty salon in town while a stone-faced man in a fancy suit and hat held the largest glass door he’d ever seen open for him. The establishment was nothing like the barbershop he’d frequented years before. Instead of waiting in an uncomfortable chair for his name to be called, and having to listen to a bunch of old men espouse their lecherous notions to each other, he was brought straight back to a chair, and a young girl, probably around the same age as he, dressed impeccably in the establishments uniform smock, was holding an expensive silver tray and offering him a tall glass with a long stem.

“Thank you.” he said, smiling and politely taking the glass. “What is it?”

“It’s a mimosa.” she answered, then asked, “Can I take your bag?”

“Oh, right. Of course.”

He handed her the purse, and took a sip of the drink realizing he’d just broken his vow of never drinking again, just a few hours later. Still, he liked the sweetness the orange juice added, and enjoyed the way the bubbles danced around his tongue.

“Alright ladies, if you need anything, I’ll be right over there, and Louis should be with you in just a moment.”

“Louis is the best this side of the Mason-Dixon.” Veronica boasted, as she and Eddie looked at each other through the mirror. “You’re lucky he could make time for you today. Of course, I spend enough money here, he’d probably have canceled every other appointment if I’d asked him to.”

“You really didn’t have to go to the trouble, Veronica.”

“No trouble at all. Women have to look out for one another after all. The first time Hughey took me to meet a client, I wore what I’d normally wear to a cast party or the like. I thought I looked like a million bucks, but the sneer those old bats gave me told me I looked six ninety-five at a local department store. After that embarrassment I had to teach myself what I needed to know to fit in with those crusty old geezers. I swore that if I could help it, I’d never let another girl go through that.”

“How many times have you played Pygmalion?”

“Actually, you’re my first. Young one’s like us coming into the fold are a rarity, Honestly I’m happy to do it. Don’t be so hard on yourself, gorgeous. I’d hardly call it playing Pygmalion. You’ve already got all of the tools you need, and you speak well enough. You just need the look to match.”

“That’s funny. You’re the second person to say something to the same effect in the past few days.”

“Well they sound like smart people. Oh, look. Here comes Louis now.”

“Ladies, welcome welcome welcome!” Louis said excitedly as he sashayed across the white tile floor to greet his favorite client.” Growing up other boys often chided Eddie for his girlish ways. Louis seemed to be on another level. He was a round little man, mid-forties, with graying hair, parted on the right side with not a strand out of place, and he wore a black suit with a boutonnière; a little red rose. “Is this the little miss Edie you were telling me about on the phone this morning? She’s a real dish isn’t she.”

“Indeed.” Veronica agreed. “Isn’t she just the cutest thing? Unfortunately, cute doesn’t suit our purposes today. Today is something of a coming out for our young Edith. Her husband is a young executive at Tate. She’s about to start a brand new life, and she’s going to need a brand new look to go with it.”

“Well, what are we thinking?” At this point, Louis was holding Eddie by the chin, turning his head to every angle it could reach without pulling it clean off of his neck. “I like the color palette for the makeup. Maybe just some cleaner lines, and bolder lashes. Heavy eye makeup is coming into fashion now. We’ll definitely need to ditch those cheap press-ons.”

Veronica was nodding in agreement with every word. “Absolutely. Also, I’m thinking a little less height for her hair. Not that this isn’t a good style for her, but maybe just a little less back combing. Something we can get under a hat.”

“That sounds lovely. Maybe a nice fringe like the French have been doing?”

Throughout the entire discussion, Eddie sat with a glazed expression, nursing his mimosa as he struggled to decipher the jargon flying around him. He yearned to interject, having been conspicuously absent from the decision-making process, but lacked the necessary input to contribute meaningfully. After a brief exchange, Louis and Veronica finally reached a consensus on the style.

“Take good care of her, Louis.” Veronica said, smiling to Eddie through the mirror, while Louis affixed a pink plastic cape over Eddie’s shirtwaist and snapped the little button in the back. “I’ll be back in an hour or so. I’m going to head over to Bloomingdale’s and pick out a few things so we might actually be finished in time for lunch. You’re in good hands, Edie.” With that, she disappeared out the door, leaving Eddie to face the unknown.

“How old are you, Edie?” Louis asked, once the two were alone.

“Nineteen, sir.” Eddie answered politely, eliciting a chuckle from his new stylist.

“Honey, I’d rather you call me ma’am than sir. Why don’t you just call me Louis too? We’re practically best friends already.” He found a wide bristled brush in his station, and starting at the ends of Eddie’s hair he brushed short strokes at first, but they grew longer and longer as he moved closer to the scalp. Eddie’s hair detangled, and the product left in from the night before, plus the light coating of hairspray he’d used that morning loosened up. When all was said and done, he was left with a fluffy mass of waves that refused to lie down flat. “I love how thick your hair is, and the color is to die for. You should try growing it a little bit longer. The cascading updos I could do with this bounty would be a work of art.”

“I might do that.” Eddie replied, trying to be nice.

Louis could tell Eddie was uncomfortable, but his reasoning wasn’t exactly spot on. “I know you’re worried about me doing up your hair like you’re some old fogie, but I promise you now, I would never do that to you. I don’t think I could live with myself. That’s definitely not what Ronnie wants either. We just want to take you to the next level. Less hometown sweetheart, and more sophisticated young woman. Do you trust me?”

“Umm…” Eddie didn’t know how to answer.

“Well too bad.” Louis joked before taking him by the hand. “Let’s get you washed.”

Louis pulled Eddie across the salon floor to a corner filled with a row of wash basins where a few younger girls were waiting, thumbing through magazines. “Girl’s, this is Edie. She’s in today for the works. If you could get her washed, when you’re finished, just bring her back to my station.” He then placed his hand comfortingly on Eddie’s shoulder and said, “Edie dear, these two are going to take care of you, while I get myself setup. You’re in good hands.”

Eddie just nodded helplessly in response. At the very least a warm sensation was starting to wash over his body thanks to a little help from his second mimosa. The girls had him sit in the reclined chair with the back of his neck resting in the sink basin. As one began to shampoo, she was anything but gentle, though Eddie still found it incredibly relaxing. By the time she rinsed and began repeating the process, he was nearly asleep. He let his eyes close, and decided to just enjoy the pleasant sensations of the girls plying their trade.

Once finished they wrapped his hair up in a little soft towel that fastened closed at the front. From there, he was led back across the floor, feeling even more exposed than when he arrived. Eddie back in the chair, Louis set to task with expertise. His shears seemed to disappear into a blur as he snipped away the ends of Eddie’s hair. Overall it was a very short process, where the only time Louis seemed to be concentrating was when he was cutting Eddie’s new bangs as the damp hair hung limply in his face.

Satisfied with the result, Louis ran a comb through, collecting any stray trimming still hanging on. Once that was finished, he started rolling up Eddie’s hair in a fashion not too dissimilar from what Emily had done the day before, but in less than half the time. “Practice makes perfect, I guess.” Eddie thought to himself, while he watched Louis’ fingers moving as quickly as his own when he sewed a button. He found himself wondering if he could develop the same level of skill if he applied himself.

Once every strand was arranged neatly into place, Louis brought him over to a row of hairdryers, and sat him under one of the glossy pink machines. After the whir of the warm air started, Louis said something to Eddie, but he had no idea what. He just smiled and nodded.

Eddie sat bored for a few minutes, his gaze darting around the room expecting to find everyone scrutinizing him and his presentation. Even though there wasn’t an eye on him, he still became increasingly conscious of how he was carrying himself. He started putting in the extra effort to sit up as straight as possible with his knees pressed firmly together. Eventually though the anxiety gave way to boredom, so he started fussing around with a stack of magazines on a nearby table. Cosmopolitan was as good of a choice as any, and by the time Louis switched the dryer off he was that much more knowledgeable of the first ladies’ wardrobe.

Eddie’s hair was dry, and Louis was all smiles. He explained, “I’m going to play esthetician before we brush out your style, and Charlene is going to come work on your nails at the same time. That way we can get you over to Bloomingdale’s before my hair grays anymore than it already is.”

Cold cream and a face wash were nothing different from what Eddie had done the night before, but after that it was into unknown territory as Louis gave him his first facial. After a firm round of exfoliation, a plethora of lotions and creams were applied, and cucumber slices were placed over his eyes. Meanwhile, Eddie had felt someone handling his fingers. He both heard, and felt the pop as each of his press-on nails were freed from their current placement, the cheap glue doing little if anything to hang on.

“French manicure?” a woman’s voice asked.

Louis answered, “I think that would be best. Charlene. It’s classy, and it goes with anything really. Edie here is leaving with a proper look, but she’ll still need to be able to cut loose. She is still young after all.”

Eddie didn’t have a clue what anyone was doing. He could only hope that nothing was going to be too hard to undo once they figured a way out of all of this. All in all it wasn’t too unpleasant. There was only a little pain when Louis plucked away a few stray eyebrow hairs, perfecting Emily’s efforts. Even after Charlene told Eddie he could move his fingers again, he still kept them splayed, as the unfamiliar glossiness of his new talons were such a foreign sensation, he was certain if he did anything else he’d somehow ruin them.

“You don’t have to be so careful, sugar.” Charlene explained. “These are acrylics. They’re state of the art. You’d have to put in some effort to mess those up. Just try not to break one, or it will take your natural nail with it. You should be fine as long as you’re not fixing any cars or anything, and you don’t really strike me as the type.”

After Louis removed the cucumbers, and rinsed Eddie’s face for the final time, he finally got to examine his new nails. They were definitely shiny, glittering under the overhead fluorescent lighting. They were only about a half inch long, but to Eddie they might as well have been a yard. It was definitely going to take some getting used to.

Louis set to task painting Eddie’s face in earnest. With every bottle and compact he tried to explain what he was doing, but Eddie was too focused to listen. He was enthralled by an artist painting a masterpiece like it was any other Friday. His eye makeup was similar to the dinner party, but the lines were perfectly clean, like a painter peeling off his blue tape. Everything was perfectly symmetrical. Also, the products he was using were much nicer than the grocery store brands Eddie had used that morning.

At first glance Eddie thought he looked older, but upon closer inspection he realized that he still appeared as young and beautiful as he already was, but more mature. Edie was definitely becoming the young lady Veronica was trying to create.

Ecstatic with his work, Louis started unrolling Eddie’s hair, whistling happily to himself while he worked. Just like with Emily, his hair wound up a mass of springy coils, all packed tightly around Eddie’s head. Louis backcombed it much less however, creating just a little height at the routes, and he left more of the curl intact. With his Denman styling brush, he smoothed the top, and arranged the soft curls and waves around the bottom, having them flip out underneath the little bubble of hair he’d created on top. Eddie’s new bangs were brushed through so they fell softly, side-parted onto his forehead. All in all it wasn’t too far off from how he walked in with but it was clean and polished in a way that would take meticulous patience to recreate.

“Voila!” Louis said proudly, unsnapping the cape, and brushing off the back of Eddie’s neck. “What do you think, sweetheart?”

Eddie was genuinely speechless. He stared in awe at his reflection. It was definitely his reflection. He blinked, waved his arms, and even made a few funny faces to make sure. He just couldn’t believe it. There was no trace of the effeminate boy he’d seen in the mirror so many times before. There was a young lady, a heartbreaker at that, dripping with charm, and oozing glamor.

“That bad, huh?” Louis asked, half joking, and half hoping this girl wasn’t going to start crying in the middle of the shop.

“What…oh no. Of course not. You’re incredibly talented. I just can’t believe it. I look like a completely different person.”

“Yes you do.” Veronica beamed. “This is exactly what I was talking about. It’s wonderful, isn’t it.”

“Oh my god, Veronica, you scared me.” Eddie held his fanned out hand over his chest after he jumped. “I didn’t know you were standing there.”

“I figured I’d let you have your moment.” She then turned to Louis and said, “Delightful as always. You’re a master of your craft. Charge it to my account. Will we be seeing you this evening?”

“Of course, darling. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Thank you, Louis. I love it” Eddie said, mentally returning to the room. He didn’t really know how he felt about his new look, but he knew any woman would be thrilled with his efforts, as the work itself was unquestionably superb.

Louis, and Veronica kissed the air by their cheeks. Eddie took a cue and followed suit. After he collected his purse, he followed Veronica out to the town car, and the two were on their way.


“Edie, give me a little twirl, if you would.” Veronica was in full force. Eddie was standing on a little podium wearing a gorgeous turquoise evening gown, its draping skirt tickling the tops of his bare feet. It was a silk brocade with a modest high neckline, but still form fitting enough to accentuate his false bosom, and the little metal filaments sparkled in the overhead studio lighting.

Eddie’s cheeks burned red, glowing brightly through the layer of powder foundation. Veronica had had him trying on outfit after outfit; suits, evening dresses, day dresses, tennis dresses, skirts, blouses, and dozens of other garments eddie didn’t even know how to describe, and to top it all off he was now wearing the most expensive piece of clothing he had ever seen, praying that he didn’t do anything to harm it in some way that would invite the wrath of the busy department store workers treating him like a show floor mannequin.

Only ten minutes prior, he was convinced the jig was up. The evening gown was backless. Without so much as a request for cooperation from the dressers, they stripped him of his brassier leaving the soft flesh of his flat chest on full display for all to see, including Veronica. A kind old seamstress tried to offer comfort. “Don’t worry, dear. A lot of us had to stuff when we were younger. It’s perfectly normal for a girl your age. What are you, nineteen?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Eddie replied, his eyes darting nervously around the small mirrored room.

“Mark my words, miss. This time next year, you’ll have developed, and you’ll be even lovelier than you are now. In the meantime, we can sew some padding into the garment to help. I’ll have them bring out something to use as a placeholder until we make it more permanent.”

“See, Edie dear.” Veronica said from the plush armchair down on the floor. “Nothing to be ashamed of. She said lots of girls your age are dealing with the same thing. Just let her work. Those gowns are supposed to be perfectly tailored to the wearer. We’re hosting an award ceremony for the staff in a few weeks for the end of the quarter, and it's usually quite an affair. We need you looking your best.” Eddie was just glad he’d decided to wear a half slip instead of a full one that morning, so he wasn’t in the exact same situation wearing nothing but panties.

Now that he was wearing the dress and he could see his reflection in the mirror, Eddie had to admit it was a beautiful piece. It was the kind of thing most girls would kill for. He knew Emily certainly would. “The color suits me better, though, and I like the large bow under the bust.” he thought to himself, then inwardly cringed at the momentary betrayal of the little masculinity he’d maintained.

“White opera gloves, Mrs. Tate?” the seamstress asked, while she diligently pinned the hem length.

“No, I think something dyed to match the dress. Perhaps just a shade darker to match the shoes.”

“Oh yes, that would be lovely. Those slingbacks are such a rich blue, they’ll go nicely. I’ll send off a fabric sample to the dyer with the gloves. It should be ready by next week.”

“Wonderful.” Veronica said with a smile. “Edie, seriously you look lovely. I’m jealous. If I could steal your youth I just might.”

“And I’d let you have it.” Eddie's lighthearted remark earned a chuckle from his patron.

After carefully removing the work in progress, and getting stabbed by a single errant pin, Eddie finally stepped down from the podium, and was allowed a short silk robe to cover himself with. They also gave him his bra back, but he waited till his back was facing the rest of the room to slip into it.

Veronica stood from her seat, and after removing her gloves, and lighting a slim cigarette said, “Allright Edie, we’re off to accessories. I know you are bereft in that department. I didn’t see a single hat in your house during our visit.”

“A hat?” Eddie replied, befuddled.

“Yes, a hat. Look, I know you young girls don’t like them, and they’re going out of fashion, but the upper crust hasn’t caught on yet and we still have decorum to think about. There are times when a well dressed young woman such as yourself should be wearing a hat…and gloves…like now…Do you even own a pair of gloves?”

“I do have one pair.” Eddie said defensively. He in fact did. He just didn’t say that they were a pair of leather driving gloves his aunt had gifted him for his sixteenth birthday. He still hadn’t found an occasion to wear them.

“You’re going to need more than that.” Veronica said. She knew she sounded judgmental, so to soften the blow, she placed a hand on the small of Eddie’s back to comfort him. “Hats, gloves, scarves, coats, new jewelry, and so much more. Perhaps even a mink stole, or something of the sort. You’ll definitely need an outfit suitable for the Red Room after hours. Honestly, I think over half of the boy’s business is probably done there rather than at the office.

“This is a lot, Veronica.” Eddie said. “I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to pay you back.”

“So you and Jack obviously haven’t discussed his salary yet. Well that’s between you two, but let me just say you absolutely will be able to afford it. Even so, I’d prefer you didn’t pay me anything. Just do me a favor, and pay it forward when you find yourself in my position. Shall we move along? When we’re finished, we can swing by Tate Chem and say hello.”


That afternoon the office was buzzing. The new partnership Jack had been working on had finally come to fruition. The deal was big enough to merit a restructuring of the accounts department so they could better accommodate the workload. A classified listing to fill several new positions was going in the paper Monday, and the new recruits would need a direction by the time they were hired. Jack had moved his things into his new office earlier that morning only to find he still had plenty of room to spare in the new spacious accommodations.

He couldn’t complain though. It was what he had been working towards for the past several years, and his efforts were finally paying off. The new organizational structure was going to upset some, having them lose some of their long term accounts to their younger peers, but if they could keep up, and adapt to the new workload they’d actually come out ahead in the end, cementing themselves as indispensable to the organization.

“Mr Lamb, your wife is here to see you.” said the young secretary whose name he’d had yet to learn over the intercom.

“You’re shitting me.” Jack said to himself, standing just a little too quickly, and spilling a stack of papers onto the floor. “Tell her I’ll be right out.” he answered. It took him a moment to figure out exactly which button he should press on his end.

Out on the floor Veronica was stopping by each and every desk to say hello on her way to the colonel’s office. She made it a point to learn one anecdote from each employee so she could ask them about it when they next spoke. It was becoming harder as the company grew, but she took it as a challenge, and had yet to fall short.

Meanwhile, Eddie was standing silently in front of Jack’s new secretary’s desk, trying not to notice every single salesman finding an excuse to walk by and get a better view. “Would you like a cup of coffee Mrs. Lamb?” The secretary asked.

“Yes, thank you…Umm…I apologize, but I haven’t learned your name.” he replied, trying to force a smile in such an uncomfortable circumstance.

“It’s Melody, ma’am.”

“Well thank you, Melody. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Just then, mercifully, Jack opened the door to his office. “Oh my god, Edie!” Jack nearly shouted, after seeing the end results of his roommate’s makeover. “You look…”

“Weird.” Eddie interrupted, obviously embarrassed by his attire.

“Actually I was going to say amazing.” Jack replied. He leaned down, and kissed his wife on the cheek, warmly placing his hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “Give me a little twirl. I want to take it all in.”

“Jack, hush.” Eddie chastised, but Jack’s infectious grin was just too much. He always had a way of loosening Eddie up, even in his most anxious moments. It was often he who gave him permission to relax and enjoy things. Eddie’s glare softened, and quickly enough, he was returning the gleeful smile to his faux spouse.

Eddie spun around on his toes, and demonstrated his newfound mastery of his three-inch, black, pointed-toe heels, the skirt of his dress flaring out as he twirled. He certainly looked the part of a junior executive’s wife, pretty, stylish, and definitely well kept.

His outfit, a black and white two-piece houndstooth suit consisting of an elegant, knee-length, knit, sleeveless, a-line dress, and a matching bolero was perfectly complemented by midnight black stone jewelry, a three-strand necklace and clip on earrings, as well as a black, satin, pillbox hat perched prettily atop his sleek new coiffure. Every single piece, down to the shining patent purse in his white, satin gloved hands painted the picture of a girl who wanted for nothing, and never had to ask for anything.

Just then Melody returned carrying a warm mug. “That outfit is to die for! You really are very lovely, Mrs. Lamb. I’m so jealous.”

“Isn’t she?” Jack agreed.

Still unused to compliments on his appearance, especially one’s about his pretty dress, Eddie flushed red, and tried to wave them off. Comparing himself to the understated beauty of the twenty something secretary, he didn’t feel he truly deserved them. “It’s just the clothes. Honestly, I’ve never worn anything so nice before. I feel like an impostor.”

“Nonsense.” the girl said, offering comfort. Melody was perceptive enough to notice the saddening expression of her new boss’ wife. “That outfit only looks so good because it’s you wearing it. You’re probably a knockout from the moment you wake up, I’d bet.” She glanced over to Jack, and discovered him admiring Edie, his tongue practically hanging from his mouth. She nudged him hard in the side with her elbow. “Isn’t that right, Mr Lamb?”

“Oh, right. Of course.” Jack sputtered. He wrapped his arms tightly around Eddie in a way that wasn’t typical for a man to do in public in the day, without a hint of shame. “You’re beautiful honey. Seriously, any man would be lucky to call you his wife.”

If Eddie was blushing before then all the blood in his body had settled in his face by now. “Jackie, we’re in public.” he said, pushing the large man away with a playful giggle, and hiding his face in his hands.

“Well, I think it’s sweet.” Melody interjected. “I wish my Thomas would hold me like that. What’s your secret? How do you two keep it fresh?”

“Umm, never go to bed angry.” Eddie answered with a shrug. He didn’t really know how to answer the question, but it made him think. As far as he could remember, in the years that the two had known each other, Eddie and Jack had never had a fight. They bickered of course, Eddie often chastising the once slovenly man for leaving socks somewhere socks should never be, but heated words were never exchanged. It certainly didn’t resemble any other adult relationship he’d been exposed to in his nineteen short years.

“I think it’s because we take care of each other.” Jack said earnestly. “I don’t think it’s something we have to try for honestly. The pieces just fit perfectly…but that’s just now, I’m sure we’ll weather a storm or two one day…eh hem…” He nervously cleared his throat while stroking the back of his neck while Eddie and Melody fell silent, shocked by the honest display of emotion so rarely shared by those of the masculine persuasion.

Eddie’s mind raced. While he tried to parse the meaning of Jack’s unintentional monologue his heart pounded in his chest, and he nearly squealed when Melody leaned over, and surprised him, resting her hand gently on the small of his back and whispering, “You are one of the luckiest women I’ve ever met. Way to go, honey!” Eddie’s face flushed red while he returned an awkward smile, unsure of what to say.

“There you are!” The words rang out clearly across the busy room. It was quite the feat, but one that came naturally to a born performer like Veronica. She waved her hand high in the air, and scurried to meet up with her reluctant protege. “I didn’t have a clue where Jack’s new office was. I forget how large this building is sometimes. I mean, Hughey’s office is right up the elevator, back down again, and I’m out of here. Hello, Jack. Hello, Melody. How are you two enjoying the new office? Is it everything you ever dreamed of?”

“It’s certainly roomy.” Jack answered with a chuckle.

“I suppose much hasn’t changed for me.” Melody said, then asked, “Can I get you some coffee, Mrs. Tate?”

“Thank you, but I’m afraid no. I’ve got to steal away this pretty little thing, but fret not, Jack. You’ll see her tonight at the party.”

“The party?” Eddie asked.

“Oh right, we’re having a cocktail party at the house tonight. Jack already told Hughey you’d be attending. We can get ready together at our house beforehand, and your husband can come straight after work. This way I can keep you all to myself until then.”

It was starting to annoy Eddie a little that Veronica had all but stopped making requests, and had slipped into only giving instructions. Still, he could tell her heart was in the right place so he followed along, but snuck a tormented face back to Jack and Melody as he passed. He didn’t want to make anything harder on Jack, feeling the path of least resistance would be to just go along with Veronica until they could finally figure out a way off of the hellish ride they’d created for themselves. He smiled to himself as heard Melody giggle softly behind him.

As they exited the building, Veronica leaned in close, and said, “I’d watch out for that one.”

“What do you mean?” Eddie asked.

“Secretaries, dear. They’re only ever out for one thing, and that’s to find a husband. Perhaps you should get Jack to request someone a bit older. He can hire whoever he wants, you know.”

“I’m surprised at you, Veronica.” Eddie said assertively, much to the shock of his tutor. “She’s just the same as any other girl her age; trying to make it in a man’s world. We aren’t all fortunate enough to not think about our living expenses, and some women have to work. She seemed nice, and until I have a reason to think otherwise, I will continue to hold that opinion.”

“Well…” For the first time since they’d met, Veronica was speechless. “I’m sorry, Edie. I didn’t mean to come across poorly. Perhaps my opinions have been colored poorly by my own past experiences. It’s different for girls your age, I suppose. Let me just say, your husband is a catch, and if you’re not careful, someone inevitably is going to try and steal him out from under you, but I guess you have to worry about that kind of thing less than the rest of us.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve seen the way Jack looks at you. He worships the ground you walk on.”

“He does not!” Eddie squealed, the corners of his mouth turning up involuntarily.


It was in the master bedroom of the Tate mansion where Eddie finally had a moment of peace and quiet. Veronica had disappeared into the kitchen to check in on the preparations for the party that evening. Having just removed the hat, gloves, and jacket, he appraised his reflection in an antique standing mirror by the doorway. The sleeveless houndstooth dress hugged his slender figure tightly at the bodice before flaring out gracefully over his two layers of petticoats. It was a figure he was certain any girl would kill for, and even though he could admit to himself that he liked the look, he felt he wasn’t supposed to, given his tenuous status as a male.

He thought, “Emily is going to have to do something about this hair. There’s no way I could ever walk into a barber shop like this. It really is so much thicker than I realized, too. It’s shorter, but I think somehow I still have more hair than Emily, and Veronica put together. At least, should anyone discover me, this helmet should protect me when they decide to club the pervert over the head.” Eddie reached up and patted his stiffly lacquered locks, genuinely impressed by their fortitude.

“Oh. there you are!” Veronica said, startling Eddie and rousing him from his trance. “I thought you’d maybe gotten lost. That ‘do is definitely you, dear. Don’t you just love it?”

“It’s…a big change.” Eddie replied. He honestly loved his new look. He liked the cut of the clothes, and the understated beauty of the expertly applied makeup. He just never expected that he'd be enjoying them on his own person. Even the hair, in all its impracticality, perfectly crowned the aesthetic. He’d have loved to work with fabrics of this quality for one of his creations, but wearing such pieces was doing nothing to support his ever-crumbling masculinity, and the whole experience left him feeling a bit weak in the knees.

“You look famished dear.” Veronica took Eddie by the arm and led him out into the hallway and out to the giant garden out back. “We’ll be having sandwiches and tea with some representatives for the new children’s hospital Hughey is donating a wing to. They want to have a large banquet at the dedication, and give him a plaque or something. Standard stuff, but we still have to work out the details, and dollar amounts. This will be an excellent lesson on the duties of a Tate-Chem wife. Just smile, be pleasant, and listen. They’re going to want at least forty-thousand to get started, so we need to make sure that his name is on the building. A man’s legacy is important after all.

Eddie was taken aback by how transactional the whole thing seemed. So much money went into philanthropy, but he knew from personal experience that very little of it ever actually helped anybody in a practical way. It certainly didn’t help him or his mother. All it seemed to be doing was ensuring a bunch of haves left monuments to their vast fortunes behind, while the have-nots had to be satisfied with the little collateral good that spilled off of the wealthy’s vanity projects.

“I’m sorry, Veronica. I’m really not feeling very well. If I could lie down for a bit, I might recover, but today has already been more of an adventure than I’m used to, and there’s yet more ahead.”

“Oh, of course.” Veronica said sweetly. “I’m sorry if I’ve gotten carried away. I was just so excited that I didn’t stop to notice. Just lie down, and I’ll have the help bring you some food, and an aspirin. Get some rest, and I’ll be back after my meeting.” Eddie layed on the bed while Veronica placed her hand on his forehead, and felt for a temperature. She thought, “She seems to be fine. Better let her rest. The poor thing must be overwhelmed. It's a big change going on in her life right now, but I’m sure she’ll adjust soon.”


“You must be Edie. It’s lovely to meet you.” The gaggle of women that had just arrived to the party all swarmed onto Eddie, making introductions, asking dozens of questions. The nap did in fact help and he found his second wind. The previous few hours were spent going through and trying on half of the outfits they purchased that day for the second time until deciding on a little black number that barely fell to his knee. The tight dress fit snuggly to his well padded figure, doing everything to highlight the assets of what appeared to be the young woman poured into it.

Armed with some bobby pins, a wad of fake hair Veronica called a rat, and almost a full can of hairspray, she managed to maneuver Eddie’s hair into a passable updo, teased high on top and decorated in the back by a large black velvety bow in the back. With the subtle gold chain necklace, and matching earrings, and the pink manhattan resting in his manicured fingers, every part of the feminized boy painted the picture of an up and coming socialite.

Eddie politely accepted the compliments, but didn’t say much more than that. The party was just getting started, and he was already surrounded by more people than he’d ever even seen in his life outside of school. It was an overwhelming experience, and he didn’t really know what else to do other than to follow Veronica’s lead.

Veronica, who had changed into a gorgeous red gown, played the part of the perfect hostess, making a point to say hello to each and every person in the room, leaving them feeling like this party was just for them and no one else. Still her magnetism wasn’t enough to distract from the beautiful creature she had in tow.

“Edie, you must tell me your secret.” One girl asked, before another added. “You must have sold your soul to the devil. I don’t know how else your skin could be so smooth.”

“Ladies, you’re too kind.I fear you’ll cause my head to swell, and I’ll never be able to get this dress off.”

“And she’s modest too. I see exactly what you were saying, Veronica. I think the Lambs are going to do well at Tate.”

It was all Eddie could do to break away from the mob, and find an empty seat on a nearby sofa. He sat down and for just a moment forgot his dress, showing his underwear to the doorway, but managed to cross his legs just in time before someone stepped through and got a free show. He thought the kitten heels would be less painful than his previous pair, but his feet were so tired he could barely notice the difference. The only thing that seemed to be helping was the fruity beverage he had been steadily sipping on since the party began.

For the next two hours guests trickled in, and before he knew it, Eddie was surrounded by hundreds of strangers. He stayed in the same spot for as long as he could, and tried not to draw any undue attention hoping that he could ride it out long enough to escape with Jack after precisely as much time as wouldn’t be considered rude.

“Where is that man?” he grumbled to no one in particular.

“Right here, babycakes.” said a random fellow who Eddie didn’t realize had been sitting right beside him.

“Oh, sorry, I’m waiting for someone.” Eddie said curtly.

The man was probably the picture of a gentleman two hours earlier, but at this point his hair was a mess, and his tie dangled loose in his wrinkled hundred dollar shirt. All night, Eddie had politely deflected the affections of more than a few suitors, but this particular fellow couldn’t seem to take a hint. “Well, wait no longer because he’s right here.”

“I can assure you, sir, that you’re not him.” Eddie slid over as close as he could to the armrest.

“Oh really. Who is this Prince Charming you’re waiting for then?”

Just then, a booming voice sounded out across the room, drawing many eyes. “Her husband!”

“Oh, Jackie.” Eddie squealed gleefully. He stood up and hurried to his roommate, not looking back once at the drunk in his wake. He hopped up and kissed Jack on the cheek, and then twinged at how naturally the action came.

“Hi Honey!” Jack said. He leaned over and kissed his embarrassed roommate full on the mouth, and then glared at the drunk on the couch.

“Oh, don’t mind Roger, Jack.” Veronica said, seemingly coming from nowhere to kiss her husband hello when he arrived with his new VP. “He’s just an old lush from my theater days. He’s harmless really.” Sure enough, Roger was already long gone, having set his sights on what he hoped was a more available target.

At the start of the get together, the crowd mostly consisted of business men and their wives, finally able to cut loose as a long week, but as the evening progressed the crowd grew decidedly more bohemian when the two men had arrived from the office, Jack had no clue what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t a group of people smoking Marijuana on the colonel’s porch while a string bean with a goatee recited poetry to them. Apparently Veronica had kept in touch with many of her old artsy acquaintances. Times were changing as the culture and counterculture of America were finally beginning to get to know each other, and perhaps even flirt a little.

“Not what I expected.” Jack said to Eddie, who he still kept one arm wrapped around.

“Me neither.” Eddie replied. He then whispered into his rescuer's ear, “Stay close to me okay? That’s not the first set of leering eyes I’ve had to deal with.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” With that, Jack scooped Eddie up like a baby only to immediately plop back down, depositing Eddie in the same place he was sitting only now, he was perched prettily atop Jack’s lap.

The colonel had joined a group of old men in his study for cigars while Veronica fetched a refill for Eddie, and a Martini for Jack. Once she was certain her guests were well taken care of she was off doing the same for someone else. For the first time that day, though in a room full of dozens of partygoers, the roommates were alone.

There was an awkward tension as they tried to look everywhere but at each other. Jack watched Eddie sipping daintily from the ornate glass. Eddie, who was staring into the fireplace turned his head slightly causing Jack to panic and the young man quickly moved his gaze towards a couple standing by the record player. When Eddie caught sight of Jack, he marveled at how handsome the man actually was. It wasn’t something he’d thought about much until recently. The previous few years, Jack was a constant. The pair had settled into a routine, and it was comfortable. It wasn’t that he took Jack for granted, but with every woman he met telling him just how lucky he was to be Jack’s wife, he had to acknowledge they were right. Before him was one of the most attractive people he’d ever set eyes on, and for whatever reason, that man was choosing to spend all of his time with him.

By the time Jack’s gaze was pulled back, Eddie was too lost in thought to adjust. He kept his eyes fixed on his roommate, an inquisitive smirk on his face. Jack and Eddie stared into each other’s eyes, and the two were somewhere else entirely. “I really do love your hair.” Jack said, breaking through the tension.

“Oh, do you think I should keep it?” Eddie joked. He gently primped, trying his best to smile like a model.

“If you want to.” Jack answered. “I certainly wouldn’t mind.”

Eddie snickered at the absurdity of the idea, but he quickly noticed Jack wasn’t doing the same. He didn’t say it in jest. Unsure of how to respond, Eddie sat stunned before noticing the empty glass in his hand. “I’m thirsty!” he nearly shouted. “Do you want a refill, goober?”

“That would be great.” Jack replied. Eddie stood up, and reached down for Jack’s glass. While doing so, he never broke Jack’s gaze. Before standing back up, he gently pressed his lips to Jack’s. The gentle peck was simple enough, but it spoke volumes to their desires. The entire journey to and from the bar, Eddie was on autopilot. He had just kissed Jack. Sure, he’d done it half a dozen times before by this point, but this time no one was watching. This time, for whatever reason, it just felt like the thing to do.

He thought about the absurd situation he now found himself in while he waited on the bartender to finish his order. Before Jack, Eddie had never kissed anybody before. The first time it happened, he was too dumbfounded to process the event, certain there was now a special place in hell reserved for him. The second wasn’t so bad. At the time he rationalized it away as the actions of his character. It wasn’t like they were actually homosexuals. They may as well have been in a play. The third, the forth, and the fifth went without note. Every time, it was just the thing a married couple was supposed to do so he did it, subconsciously ignoring just how pleasant the experience was. It was a type of intimacy he’d never experienced before, so of course there would be some stirrings. However, this last kiss he couldn’t ignore. This one didn’t have an excuse. He wanted to, and he was just drunk enough not to get in his own way. He kissed Jack before he could realize he was supposed to talk himself out of it, and strangely enough, Jack didn’t seem to mind one bit.

When he returned, Eddie noticed that the seat next to Jack had opened up, but as he went to take it his would-be husband wrapped a muscular arm around his waist, and pulled him back down onto his lap.

Through a playful giggle, Eddie gently chided Jack. “I’m gonna spill it, you big ape.”

“Then you better hand it over, so I can drink it first.” Jack said with a grin.

Jack pressed Eddie in tight against him, and started telling him all about his first day on the job, all the while Eddie listened intently. He was proud of Jack. The man had turned an entry level warehouse position into a vice presidency in under a decade after all. He draped his arms around Jack’s neck, going on and on about how amazing Jack was. The drink he’d quickly finished had definitely caught up with him, and any fear had long gone out the window. Right now, there were only two people in the room that mattered.

Jack chuckled at the sight of his drunken companion. He wasn’t exactly sober himself, but Eddie was on another level. Any of the slight boy's typical nervous energy had disappeared, and in its place a confidence exuded from the beautiful creation that was hanging all over him. He’d always thought beautiful was a better description for Eddie than handsome, and with a little bit of paint, and a sexy little number, it seemed that assessment was spot on. His painted lips were so inviting, but Jack restrained himself. Instead, he tried to listen while Eddie went on about the mysteries of feminine grooming he’d gotten a crash course in over the past couple of days.

Eventually, the conversation ran out of steam, and the two were left just gazing silently into each other’s eyes, almost in a stalemate. The two started to speak at the same time, and then both tried to apologize for interrupting. Another awkward silence, but this one ended, with a shared knowing smile. Eyes still locked, their breathing grew heavy with anticipation. It was Eddie who finally took the plunge, running his long nails through Jack’s short hair, and down the back of his neck. He squeezed Jack’s cheeks between his palms, Jack’s lips puffing out like a fish. Through their shared laughter, the first kiss was a playful peck. The second was much slower, and nobody was laughing. Eddie was actually speechless as he was left, eyes closed, lips hanging in the air, while Jack leaned back onto the couch, and gazed appreciatively at the gorgeous visage that he’d just shared the tender moment with. For Eddie this just wasn’t enough.

He pressed his lips firmly into Jack’s, like he was the very air he needed to breathe. This time Jack’s parted ever so slightly, and his tongue discovered Eddie’s. They explored each other, drinking in each other’s essence as their heavy panting breaths synced up. Jack was worried, only for a moment, but was reassured by Eddie’s emphatic participation that this was a pleasure for both of them. Eddie, who in every other situation, would have been worrying if he was doing it right, instead only thought of how much he didn’t want it to end.

“Do you want to get out of here?” Jack asked, Eddie nodding in agreement before he could even finish the question.

Many years, and a few dead friends later, Jack would regret driving that intoxicated, but at that time it wasn’t something anyone spent a lot of time worrying about. They couldn’t say their goodbyes fast enough. Veronica seemed to take forever parting, Eddie’s hands clasped in hers while she said her drunken goodbyes for the tenth time, meanwhile Jack stood silently suffering through an unrelenting half-erection pressing into his pants, only obscured by the plethora of packages and bags from Eddie’s shopping trip hanging from his arms.

“Tell the colonel I said goodbye!” Jack said it so fast, Veronica couldn’t understand, but that didn’t matter to him. He was already hurrying his bride out into the cool evening air.

He practically jogged to the car, packing the load into the trunk, and hurriedly opening the door for Eddie.

Eddie was taking his time, carefully navigating each step in the unfamiliar heels. Despite how gracefully he managed, he still didn’t trust himself not to fall flat on his face. He bundled up from the evening chill in his new fur stole, elegant as any celebrity walking the red carpet.

“I can’t believe this thing is so warm.” he said, rubbing his delicate fingers across the fluffy garment. “It almost makes up for the lack of trousers.”

“It’s a good look.” Jack swung the car door open, and with a bow and a very bad British accent he said, “M’lady.” Eddie raised an eyebrow, and playfully patted Jack on the cheek before sitting back into his seat, and swinging his exposed legs into the vehicle.

The two rode home in silence, save the smooth voice of the radio DJ and his song selections. They’d nervously steal a peek at one another, both thinking of holding the other’s hand, just to nervously pull it back as time pulled them both closer to sobriety. They pulled into their little gravel driveway a short time later. Jack tried to collect Eddie’s new belongings, but was told to leave them till morning.

Once inside, it was like the two had never met before. As their inhibitions returned, neither knew quite how to pick up where they left off. With no one making the first move Eddie glanced around the room, trying to find a way to break the ice with a man he’d been living with for the entirety of his adult life.

“We uhhh, made it in time to catch the end of Carson. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. I basically had a few crackers Veronica called sandwiches, and that’s it. Sit down, and I’ll fix us something to eat.”

“Thanks. That’ll be great.” Jack answered, realizing he hadn’t eaten lunch, let alone dinner. Food was the last thing from his mind after the brief moment of romance in the Tate’s lounge, but with just that subtle provocation his stomach rumbled from beneath his belt. He slipped said belt off, as well as his tie, and unbuttoned his collar.

Eddie switched on the television, and stepped into the kitchen, leaving Jack to get settled. “How does peanut butter sandwiches sound?” he shouted out through the doorway.”

“Well, I’d settle for a rotten prune at this point, so that sounds downright gourmet.” Jack shouted back.

Upon returning, Eddie set two plates down onto the coffee table, one a stack of three sandwiches, and another, just a single cut in half down the middle. After one more trip for a couple of glasses of water, Eddie found his usual seat next to his roommate. While Jack scarfed down the late night meal, Eddie meekly took little bites, barely able to finish as he was still wearing the restrictive waist cincher, and it was still pressed tightly into his soft midsection.

He slowly took bite after bite, all the while Jack was summoning up his courage, and inching his way closer to the beautiful creature next to him. He slipped his arm around Eddie’s shoulder, and pulled him closer. Eddie enjoyed the feeling of the bigger man’s warmth and he melted into place as though their bodies were carved out just for each other.

“...I bid you a very heartfelt goodnight.” Johnny Carson signed off and the room filled with the flickering light of the static on the screen. Eddie took one last bite of sandwich and turned back to face Jack. The two silently gazed into each other's eyes, a smirk creeping into the corners of their lips as the unspoken feelings the two shared permeated the air. Jack seized the moment, and pressed his lips firmly to Eddie’s, eager to pick up where they left off at the party.

Eddie pulled his face back quickly, and covered his lips with his hand. Jack thought he’d royally screwed up, kicking himself for pushing it this far, when Eddie dropped his hand revealing the goofy grin of a mouth struggling to swallow. A big drink of water, and Eddie was fine, though he couldn’t stop cracking up. He squealed, “I still had peanut butter in my mouth, goober!”

Jack thought there was no recovery from that error so he held his face in his hands in embarrassment. To Eddie though, Jack had never been cuter. He could be a superman sometimes, but it was nice to remember that he was also human. In high school, many a night he’d find himself awkwardly sitting on her bedroom floor trying not to watch Emily necking with her flavor of the month. He used to be jealous, not of the boy, but of the romance he assumed no one would ever want to share with him. At this moment though, he was thinking of it as a crash course preparing him for this exact situation.

He pulled Jack’s hands from his face, and straddled his legs across his lap. Eddie’s skirt rode up exposing his satin panties and garters, but he didn’t care. He kissed Jack on the lips, lightly at first, but quickly dove into the act unrestrained. Their lips parted, and their tongues explored each other’s mouths drinking in the flavor of peanut butter and lust. It was clumsy, and a little silly, but right then, Eddie never wanted it to end., It did however once he and Jack were both keenly aware of Jack’s throbbing erection pressing into his own struggling to escape from its satin confines.

That morning as the two lied in bed, Eddie briefly compared his own to the phallus pressed between his cheeks, and felt ashamed. He was fully dressed as a woman from the skin out, and his own little peg paled next to the half asleep Jack’s throbbing member. He’d never felt like less of a man until just a day later, only this time Eddie didn’t seem to mind at all.

He reached down, and eagerly fumbled with Jack’s belt with all the coordination of a toddler tearing at a wrapper to get at a piece of candy. Then came the button. Then came the zipper. His momentum only halted when Jack gripped his hands. To Eddie, the man’s expression was painful. “Did I do something wrong?”

Jack’s breath heaved. “No no no no. You’re perfect. It’s just been such a long time since I’ve been with anyone. Honestly, I’m afraid you’re going to take off running once you see my deformity.” A small tear rolled down his cheek.

“I swear I won’t.” Eddie said cheerfully. “As long as you don’t do the same when you see mine.”
“Right…” Jack steeled himself expecting the worst, but he allowed Eddie to proceed. He slipped his shorts down, and revealed the now flaccid penis. Eddie took it gently in his hands, and made a show of inspecting it from every angle. On one side, the skin was rippled where the burn scar showed on full display just the same as the ones on Jack’s back. It wasn’t as pronounced as Eddie was expecting, but he could understand how such a thing could change the way a man saw himself. It certainly didn’t do anything to change his own opinion of Jack though. He was still the same perfect specimen he always was.

Eddie slid off of Jack, and down onto the floor onto his knees. His face moved in closer. “Y-y-you really d-don’t have to do that.” Jack nervously sputtered. He was gripping the armrest so tightly one might think he was trying to crush it.

“Shush.” Eddie placed a finger over his lips, and with the sweetest, most genuine smile Jack had ever seen said, “I promise I want to.” He turned his attention back to the organ, and half whispered, “I really really want to.”

At first, he didn’t quite know how to proceed, so he just gave it a little kiss. This was all it took for Jack to spring back to half-mast. Once Eddie wrapped his little fingers around the base of his shaft that was it. Their little interlude was already forgotten, and Jack’s fully erect sex was ready to go. Eddie didn’t quite know what to do with the throbbing hunk of meat aside from the scant details Emily chose to share with him about her exploits, and the things guys bragged to each other about in the locker room. The only part he was certain of was that the first step was to put the thing in his mouth.

Jack shouted, “Oh my god!” It had been almost a decade since someone besides himself had touched him down there, let alone pleasured him orally. He counted it as a miracle that he didn’t explode in the young virgin’s mouth right then and there. He leaned back onto the couch basking in the rapture of the encounter, but his attention was snapped back to the present when he felt a little scraping running down his shaft. He stopped Eddie for a moment, a little drool dripping down the first timer's chin while he looked up with puppy dog eyes. “Try not to use your teeth, honey.”

“Am I doing a bad job?” Eddie asked. He looked like he was about to cry.

“Oh, god no! You’re doing a wonderful job. Just less teeth. Nobody is an expert at anything on their first try.”

Eddie nodded, and returned to the task with fervor. His hand pumped the base, the same as when he pleasured himself while his mouth took in the head, and his tongue explored the mushroom top. It tasted like Jack smelled, though with a musk Eddie thought he normally would have found revolting but instead found himself craving. He felt Jack’s fingers grip firmly into the back of his rapidly decaying coiffure, not enough to hurt but firm enough that he wasn’t getting loose if the man didn’t want him to.

Jack didn’t force Eddie, but he gently guided him, helping him find his rhythm. Soon they were moving in a steady tempo and with every pump Jack’s penis slipped that much deeper into Eddie’s mouth. Jack whispered through panting breaths. “If you relax your throat, it’s easier.”

A quick learner, Eddie did as instructed, and sure enough, Jack was reaching the back of his throat. His eyes watered, and a small bead of mucus ran from his nose down to his lip. Another situation he would have normally despised, but he just wanted more. He wanted every inch of Jack’s member inside of him.

Things intensified taking Jack right to the edge of climax, before he roughly shoved Eddie off, but holding onto him so he didn’t fall backwards onto the floor. “I don’t want to waste that.” Jack said, before scooping Eddie back up onto the couch with him, and pushing him back so he was lying down the length of the furniture.

Tearing off the flimsy undies took no effort whatsoever, and they were shortly in a pile with the other discarded garments and shoes. With expert hands, Jack began massaging Eddie’s throbbing little cock while hovering over him and kissing his neck sensuously. It was the hardest he’d ever been when Jack undid the zipper of his little dress, and slid it over his head revealing the satin undergarments underneath. The bra was easy enough, but their momentum halted briefly since it took the both of them to undo the waist cinch.

“Oh you poor thing.” Jack whispered upon seeing the deep red imprints in Eddie’s supple skin from the boning of the restrictive shapewear. A quiet whimper seeped from Eddie’s lips as Jack started kissing the sores and working his way down from there. Before Jack’s own little hello kiss, Eddie’s sex was already standing at full attention. It didn’t take much to get the whole thing in his mouth, but that didn’t stop Jack from performing with gusto.

Eddie leaned back, sweat dripping from his body. He didn’t offer a guiding hand to Jack. Jack didn’t need it. “Jesus fucking Christ!” Eddie shouted, causing the neighbors dogs to start barking, but neither of them cared one bit. Just when he was about to finish, Jack pulled back to meet the gaze of his pouting partner. “No, don’t stop!”

“We’re not stopping, pretty lady.” Jack replied with a chuckle. He scooped up the object of his affections, and carried him princess style into the bedroom, only stopping by the bathroom to grab the little pot of cocoa butter Eddie had left on the sink that morning.

Eddie didn’t know how to feel about being called a pretty lady when there was no one else around, and there was no reason, but he didn’t care much in the moment. He certainly didn’t look like any boy he’d ever seen when he caught sight of his reflection the brief moment they were in the bathroom. Jack could have called him a turquoise canary so long as the pleasure didn’t stop.

Jack tossed the naked Eddie onto their bed with the same ease of tossing a stuffed bear, after fully pulling his trousers off joined the beautiful creature. Under the covers they held each other close. They passionately kissed while Jack held both their members in his massive hands, and stroked the two together. Breaking away, and reaching for the cocoa butter, Jack explained, “Okay, we need to take this slowly. Can you be on top at first? At least until we get warmed up? I don’t want to hurt you by accident.”

“Hurt me?!” Eddie replied nervously. “What do you mean?”

“Well, you know…Using that hole is a delicate process.”

“Oh wait…you don’t mean…” The idea of anal sex had never even occurred to Eddie before. He’d barely even masturbated at this point in his life. Only when he was absolutely positive his Aunt hadn’t been home, and even then out of a child like curiosity. When he’d moved in with Jack he just stopped, for fear that he’d be discovered, shamed, and then thrown out on his ass for being a pervert. Little did he know that Jack was doing it every morning in the shower before work.

“We don’t have to if you don’t want to. No pressure.” Jack tried to not betray his carnal desires. He really wanted to take the next step, but he didn’t want to pressure Eddie into feeling like he had to.

“No, wait…I’ve just never done anything like that before. Give me a moment to wrap my head around it.” Eddie thought about it for just a moment before he was ready. “Okay, just be gentle.”

“It’s going to hurt a little at first, but I promise you it’ll feel much better once we get going.”

Jack slathered the slippery substance all over his manhood while he lay on his back until he was convinced that adding any more wouldn’t make any difference. He was certain he didn’t want to do anything that might damage the delicate flower he now shared his bed with. He then guided Eddie to straddle his waist, lubricated his finger, and kissed him gently on the forehead before slipping it deep into his puckered hole.

Eddie winced at first, terrified of a great pain that never came. It was strange feeling something traveling a different direction from what he was used to, but not unpleasant, and maybe even a little thrilling. He relaxed, and decided to trust Jack as he always had. The second finger however was more than he expected. It wasn’t comfortable to start, and reflexively his sphincter clamped down.

Jack shushed him gently, trying to comfort the poor youth until he was just as relaxed again. Eddie laid down on Jack’s chest and listened to him breathing deeply until Jack slid his finger out.

“Okay, you’re in charge now, gorgeous.” Jack said, resting the tip of his phallus on Eddie’s awaiting hole. “Just go slow. We can stop as much as you need. I promise it’ll get easier, and if you want to stop, just say the word. You’re safe. I promise.”

Eddie bit his lower lip, and nodded that he understood. He slid down onto the throbbing erection just taking in the head. He winced causing Jack to pause, and the two held each other closely until he relaxed just that much more. After starting again Jack slid in just a few inches deeper. Another brief respite and he slid down one more time. This time there was very little pain. He was becoming used to the sensation of being filled by the sexy gentleman he shared a bed with.

Jack started pumping slowly, but steadily. Any resistance Eddie had left dissolved into nothing and Jack was now plunging deep into his partner with every thrust. Soon enough, Eddie was bouncing up and down on Jack’s lap on his own accord. The warm sensation of Jack’s member filled every fiber of his being with pleasure. It swelled in his loins before spreading with each thrust. The two panted heavily, taking in each other's essence as their pleasure reached its pinnacle together.

Overcome by the moment, Eddie looked into Jack’s eyes, nearly in tears, though certainly not at all sad. Jack gazed back, and his heart fluttered. This was the most beautiful creature he’d ever had the pleasure of setting his eyes upon, and by some miraculous twist of fate, they were here in his bed. He felt like the luckiest guy in the world.

The seconds blurred into minutes, and then time lost all meaning. There was no work. There was no stress. There was just this moment, and nothing was more important. Eddie felt Jack swell up inside of him as he began thrusting harder, his climax building. In kind, his own sex swelled despite the fact that no one was touching it, and his eyes rolled back into his head. The tension built up as Eddie dug his square-tipped nails into Jack’s taught pectorals. They accelerated in unison until the dam broke, Jack spilling his seed deep inside Eddie while Eddie did the same out onto Jack’s chest. The two collapsed into a heap, Jack’s now flaccid penis still inside of Eddie. In the afterglow, Jack remained inside, and caressed his fingers down Eddie’s back, while the pretty creature heaved quivering breaths, hanging limply over Jack’s torso listening to his heartbeat, without a single coherent thought between them.


Panic. That was the first feeling to wash over Eddie when he awoke the next morning. Before opening his eyes, he replayed the previous evening's events in his pounding skull. Last night it seemed so simple. For the briefest of time he was able to forget himself, and engage in the most glorious act of hedonism he’d never even dared to dream of before. Now, he was in the cold unforgiving light of day, his ass was sore, and he was a man who’d done something that society had made abundantly clear was deviant and unacceptable. Even worse, he loved every single moment of it.

When he opened his eyes, and found his bedmate gone, a tear welled up in the corner of Eddie’s eye. With absolutely no evidence, he decided what must have happened to the man who he’d so willing given his virginity. He imagined him waking up repulsed by his own actions, and sneaking out of the house in shame. Eddie knew Jack hated him. He knew Jack should. He knew he was going to have to find somewhere else to live. He knew his life was over. He just couldn’t decide which was worse, his entire living situation being upended yet again, or the fact that he’d never see the man he loved again; the man who he was just now beginning to comprehend his feelings for.

Eddie cracked an eyelid, wincing as the sting of the morning sun struck his vision. His head pounded while he stumbled to the bathroom. After the longest urination of his life, Eddie faced his reflection in the mirror. The perfect polish of the previous evening had worn off, as did his fake eyelashes. The remnants of his eye makeup were smeared across his pallid countenance leaving just one clean area around his lips, void of any of the foundation or lipstick meticulously applied.

Tearfully Eddie cleansed away the cosmetics, praying that his shame would follow the muck down the drain. He ran a brush through his hair over and over again trying to eradicate the shellacked style that the little flamboyant gentleman had created not twenty-four hours prior. Try as he might, his hair, while no longer a rigid helmet, still flowed and curled in that perfectly girlish way that no man of the era would ever be caught dead wearing. He wailed in frustration, and threw down the brush.

Crying, Eddie crawled back into bed, and flung the covers over his face. Unintentionally, he breathed in Jack’s musk, the weight of his loss hitting him hard. The tears poured like a facet. This went on for twenty uninterrupted minutes. Feeling like his head was about to split, he finally tried to steady his breaths. The comforter came down, and through blurry eyes he stared out into the room trying to make sense of the situation he now found himself in. It was only then that Eddie noticed the note pinned to the bedpost in the corner.

Note in hand, Eddie did his best to make out Jack’s chicken scratch. It read, “Good morning, beautiful. I had to step out this morning to run some errands. I might be home a little later than I mean to, but don’t you dare set one foot in that kitchen young lady, or I might have to give you a good paddling when I get back. Today is your day off. You’ve earned it. I’ll be back with breakfast soon, and then we’ll make a day of it. -Jack” and at the bottom Jack had scribbled a little crudely drawn heart. “P.S. There is aspirin and water on the nightstand.”
“That asshole!” Eddie shouted to the air. “I told him to stop poking holes in the furniture!” He may have been shouting and he might have still been crying, but the lovestruck youth had the biggest smile plastered across his face.

One look at the clock told Eddie he’d been lying in bed till ten a.m., a time unheard of as far as he was concerned. Shaking off his shame and embarrassment, Eddie decided to just keep his freak-out as his own little secret, and to face the consequences of the previous night’s escapades head on. Out on the floor, he spotted the bag that Emily had hidden away, freshly retrieved, and ready to be unpacked.

“Jack must have grabbed it for me before he left.” Eddie thought to himself. He dug out a few things, and started to get dressed for the day. As he slid his briefs up his smooth calves it felt almost wrong. The material was coarse, and rough on his skin. A typical pair of pants and button down shirt followed, leaving him to assess his reflection in the mirror. It was the same outfit he’d worn at least a hundred times over, but for the first time in his life he’d actually formed an opinion of it. Sure, he’d loved the craft when it came to clothing, but judging the garments by their aesthetic he hated them. They were boring. They were dull. They were perfectly tailored to his figure, but somehow, they still didn’t fit right at all. “Well, I certainly can’t be an Eddie with this hair.” he said out loud to no one, rationalizing what he was about to do. He stripped back down to the nude, and stuffed the bag into the bottom of the closet as well as the boy that was Eddie for safe keeping. For at least this day, Edie was going to stick around.

Edie searched through her dresser, borrowing another set of undergarments from Emily, a matching set of pale blue panties and a brassier. Another highwaisted pantygirdle kept everything tucked neatly in place, and then it was time to select another outfit. Her first instinct was to find a pair of pants, but if she was going to be Edie just for one day, then she decided she might as well live it up. A simple white, knee-length straight skirt seemed elegant, but practical enough for whatever adventures Jack had dreamed up. In the closet hung a pastel blue sweater set, with ruffles along the trim of the high collar of the top, and the seams of the matching cardigan. It all made for a perfectly pretty combination, decorated only with simple gold button earrings, and two gold bangles dangling from her svelte wrist.

Satisfied with her selections, Eddie tried her hand at makeup again, deciding to keep it simple. Concealer was a must given the dark circled the previous evenings escapades had plastered under her eyes. Beyond that though, the new girl only used the faintest layer of foundation with a little blush, a few coats of mascara, and a kissable application of her glossy red lipstick. Once again the mirror showed the beautiful girl that Jack had shared his bed with. She decided to save the torture of her shoes for later. The only addition remaining was the golden wedding band Edie slipped onto her manicured finger.

In the kitchen, Edie stood in her bare feet, waiting on a pot of water to boil when she heard the back door open behind her. “You better not be making breakfast, young lady.” Jack’s voice boomed. He grasped Edie by the waist, and pulled her in tightly, her squealing at the surprise.

“I’m making coffee, goober.” she replied, turning the giant man’s arms, and playfully slapping his cheek with all the force of a sheet of paper blowing in wind, leaving him mouth agape while she gleefully giggled at the bit of mischief.

“You’re going to pay for that.” Jack said, wickedly grinning. He buried his face into her neck, and played at taking a bite while she fought for her freedom like a woman with Stockholm syndrome.

“Jackie, we need to talk about last night.” she said, pulling them back to reality. “That came out of nowhere.” She let the sentence hang in the air, while she set the table, and unpacked the diner breakfast Jack brough home.

“Did it?”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t think that was much of a surprise. I mean how long can two people share a bed before things escalate. It’s human nature.” Jack was serious, but he didn’t seem at all stressed about it. Being as helpful as he could, he performed the only culinary task Edie allowed him, and filled the percolator.

“I don’t think it’s human nature to do things like that. I mean you put your…parts…inside of me. How did you know how to do all that? The cocoa butter? Don’t get me wrong, I’m kind of sore back there, but I thought something like that would kill me. Why did I like it so much?”

Jack took a deep breath, and walked over to the table. He took the hands of the young lady who just two days before was his nervous effeminate roommate, and locked eyes with her. “In Korea, I’d get lonely sometimes…at least before the hospital. Honestly, before all of that mess the war was boring, if horrific. We marched and marched, never seeing battle, just the aftermath. When you’re faced with the specter of death every day like that, a person can come to crave human embrace. On leave there were whorehouses a’plenty, but sometimes we’d be out in the field for months at a time. Well…some of the other guys felt the same way. It really wasn’t that strange to share your bunk with another soldier. I mean we didn’t know if we were even gonna make it back alive, so the hypothetical judgements of a bunch of folks five thousand miles away didn’t really matter that much. Anyway, plenty of those guys didn’t need a war going on to enjoy the touch of another man, so they brought their expertise overseas with them.”

Edie was dumbfounded. She had built up this picture of Jack in her head, and that image did not include the information he was now readily sharing with her as though it was just another Saturday conversation topic. She asked, “So you’ve done what I did last night.”

“I have, but I prefer the other way…not that I wouldn’t do it for you, if you wanted me to.”

“I…” She didn’t know what to say. In that moment, Edie was playing a part, and seizing the opportunity to live a fantasy she didn’t even know she had, but now, the man playing the part of her husband was acting as though the fantasy was instead their reality.

“Why don’t you sit down, and eat your breakfast, and I’ll get you some coffee. I want to take a little day trip today. We can discuss it then. Right now, just relax and get some food in you, and hopefully you’ll be rid of that hangover I know you’re nursing.”


In the cool breeze of the autumn air a scene unfolded amidst the vibrant hues of falling leaves. Jack, a man of imposing physique yet gentle heart, carried his beloved Edie, her eyes veiled by a blindfold. Her playful laughter echoed through the air, mingling with the symphony of the rustling trees that serenaded their journey.

"Jack, please!" Edie implored, her voice laced with mock exasperation, "I won't run away, I promise. Just let me see!"

Jack chuckled, his voice resonating with affection, "Not a chance, my love. We're almost there, just a little further."

Edie sighed dramatically, yet her lips curved into a mischievous smile. She relished the sensation of the wind caressing her hair and the sun's warmth kissing her skin.

As the minutes ticked by, Jack's footsteps halted, and he carefully placed Edie on her feet.

"Alright, Jack," Edie declared, her hands reaching for the blindfold, "I'm taking it off. Don't even think about stopping me."

“Of course, dear. Don’t let me stop you.

With a determined motion, she unveiled her eyes, anticipating a breathtaking vista; a cascading waterfall, perhaps, or a secluded picnic spot. Instead, her gaze fell upon their familiar car, parked beside the very house they had been admiring when they parked.

Confusion clouded Edie's features, "Jack? What's going on?"

Jack knelt before her, his eyes radiating an intensity that mirrored the love in his heart.

"Edie," he began, his voice filled with emotion, "I love you more than words can express. You are the most extraordinary person I've ever encountered, and I cannot imagine my life without you."

Edie's eyes welled up with tears, her heart pounding like a drum.

With a flourish, Jack produced a diamond ring, its brilliance reflecting the sun's rays.

"Edie, this morning I put a downpayment on this house. It’s yours." he continued, his voice trembling with anticipation, "will you do me the honor of becoming my wife…for real this time?"

Edie nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks, "Jack, you can’t waste your life on me. I’m not even a real woman. It’s me, Eddie. The same guy you’ve been living with. You’re not thinking straight. This is just a disguise.

It doesn’t look like a disguise to me.” Jack shot back. “This morning, you could have worn anything you liked, and you chose that little number. Not that I’m complaining, you picked a good number. Whatever, that doesn’t matter. I love you. Not Edie specifically. Not Eddie even. I love you. Whoever you are…I just love you. I’ve loved you for a long time now, and I don’t think those feelings are one-sided. I never said anything because I was terrified of scaring you away, but after last night, I don’t think I can go another day without shouting it from the rooftops. I love you, Edie. Eddie. Any name you want to be called. I’ll ask again. Will you marry me?”

Edie held her hands to her mouth, frozen. A lifetime of rejection, abandonment, and tragedy had not prepared her for this moment. For as long as she’d been living with him, her biggest fear was the day Jack finally decided he was done with her. Now, here he stood, ring in hand, with a promise to never do that, and from the looks of the neighborhood, a very expensive Tudor home to back it up. “Of course it’s yes, Jack. Yes!!”

The newly betrothed couple embraced, tears in their eyes, and they shared a kiss. Not their first, and certainly not their last. Even this beautiful moment couldn’t derail Edie’s anxieties, her mind always fixated on the next problem to be solved.

“How are we going to get married, Jack?” Edie asked, the obvious difficulties of their ambitions having slapped her out of her moment of bliss. “As far as the state is concerned, I’m still male, and if we try to go down to the courthouse to get a license, they’re libel to string us up by our toes to tar and feather us, then run us out of town.

“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that. I got an old war buddy who works down at the registrar of deeds. It’s pretty much just him there most days. He said it’d be no effort to type up a new birth certificate since you were born in this county. Anything after that is a piece of cake.

“I don’t understand. Why would he take a risk like that?”

“Do you remember the guys I was talking about this morning?...The ones who preferred the company of other men?”


“Well…that answers your question. He actually knows a few girls like you as well. He said he could arrange for you to meet them if you wanted…just so you know you’re not alone. ”

“Still though, that’s no little favor, Jack.”

“It wasn’t a problem. I assured him that you were the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen, and that no one in their right mind would ever believe you were a boy. You just say the word, and we can get our new life started, perhaps with a trip to Las Vegas next weekend so we can make everything official. That way I can add you to the deed.”

“Can we afford that? It seems like a lot, darling?”

“We’ll sit down and discuss money tonight, but for now just trust me…We can definitely afford it.”


“Well good morning.” Emily said with a delightfully wicked grin. “We’ve been shopping, I see. That’s not one of mine. She gestured to Edie’s blouse, an ivory confection of ruffles and pleats, tied off with a precious floppy bow at the neck.”Its to die for with those cute little stretch pants. Very modern of you, Edie Lamb.

Emily had just returned from her journey, given the suitcase she still carried by her side, and the gorgeous chocolate suit she wore, carrying her mid-length white gloves in her hand, Edie could assume she hadn’t been home yet.

“A lot of stuff happened while you were away.” Edie explained with a nod to the rock of her little ring finger. “Jack, and I are getting married…for real… I understand if you think I’m a deviant, and you never want to speak to me again.”

“Ha!” Emily laughed so hard she startled her friend, and then barged in through the door like she had a thousand times before. “Like you could get rid of me that easily. Honey, there’s at least a thousand people like you in the entertainment industry. I’ve known you two were in love for a while. I was just trying to stay out of the way until you figured it out.” Edie fixed them both a glass of tea, and the old friends took a seat on the couch next to each other. “Jack got the promotion, I take it?”

“Indeed he did.” Edie replied. “For the first time in my life I’m not poor, but I have no clue what to do with it? All I want to do is stay home, and work on my needle point while we cuddle on the couch. It’s surreal, Em. It happened so fast, I feel like I should be panicking, or running for the hills, but right now, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. He actually makes me feel safe. It never occurred to me that I was supposed to feel safe.” Edie’s lashes fluttered as she dreamed fondly of her man. “Enough about me though. Tell me how your audition went.”

The tears started welling up in Emily’s eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment. Her smile, once genuine and heartfelt, was now a strained mask, cracking under the weight of her unspoken emotions. Her laughter, once spontaneous and joyful, had dwindled into a nervous chuckle, a desperate attempt to conceal the turmoil within. Edie saw this in her friend, and instantly felt guilty for broaching the subject. “Oh no! You didn’t get it? They’re fools. They don’t know what they’re missing?”

“It’s not that, Edie!” Emily squealed, the dam holding back her tears breaking under the weight of her inner turmoil. “I did get it!” Her voice barely above a whisper, she continued, "I have something to tell you."

Edie, guided by her warm compassionate spirit, leaned forward, her eyes filled with concern. "What is it, Emily?"

Emily took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly. "I'm pregnant."

The words hung in the air, casting a shadow over the room. Edie's eyes widened, her expression a mix of surprise and sympathy.

"Oh, Emily," Edie murmured, reaching out to gently grasp her friend's hand. "I'm so sorry."

Emily nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "I know it's not the right time," she confessed, her voice breaking. "I just got offered my dream job, and my father would never approve of a baby out of wedlock. I’m gonna have to take care of this pregnancy, or I’m fucked. I should have enough money saved up under my mattress. The tour doesn’t even start until summer so I’ll have plenty of time to recover. Really my only deadline is dealing with it before I start showing, and my dad gets his shotgun and drags me to the chapel with the next man that dares to darken our doorstep."

Edie's heart ached for her friend. She understood the societal pressures Emily faced, the weight of expectations and the fear of judgment.

"I’m not judging you, Emily," Edie assured her. "I just worry about you. Those procedures are dangerous, especially when they're done illegally. You’d have to travel North to get it done safely. Can you afford that right now? Do you know who the father is?"

“Jerry maybe…Tom…Does it matter?” Emily knew Edie was right. The thought of seeking an illegal abortion filled her with fear, but she couldn't ignore the reality of her situation.
"I know it’s not ideal." Emily said, her voice barely audible. "But, I've made up my mind, Edie. I have to do this. It’s going to be rough. I know it sounds strange, but I’m not meant to be somebody’s mother. I don’t want to. It goes against nature, or so we’ve been told, but it’s not for me. You must think I’m a monster."

Edie pulled Emily into her padded bosom, and held her tightly, not caring one bit about the fine silken fabric of her new blouse or the mascara now streaked across the front of it. “You’re not a monster at all. You know, I used to feel abandoned by my mother. I wondered why I wasn’t good enough for her, but in hindsight, I understand it wasn’t her fault. She was never in a position to be able to take care of me, and you know what? It wasn’t fair of the world to expect her to. Taking me to Aunt Francis’ was the best thing she could have done for me. Giving me up saved my life, and I hope it saved hers as well.”

Edie allowed Emily to cry it out for a while. At one point, Jack came in through the back door covered in grass. Before he could even ask what was going on, Edie was shewing him back out, where he was left to fiddle with the engine of his car for no other reason than he didn’t know what else to do with himself. Finally, when Emily calmed down, Edie brought her some tissues, and sent her home saying, “Go get freshened up, and try to relax for a little while. I’ll make dinner tonight, and we can sit down and talk about it. I promise, I’m here for you, and I support you no matter what.”

Emily snuck out the front door, not wanting Jack to see her in such a state. As soon as the door closed behind her, Edie scurried out the back, and tiptoed into the car park where Jack was standing, looking into the engine, smoking a cigarette, and otherwise doing nothing productive. “Jackie.” Edie cooed sweetly into her lover’s ear, wrapping her arms around his barrel chest. “I think I know something I want more than a new house.”


“Mrs. Lamb, you really shouldn’t be up in your condition?”

“Oh, hush now, Melody. I’m fine.”

Edie was holding the door of her new Tudor house open while her husband and his secretary carried in several boxes of papers.

“Are you sure? I don’t think I could live with myself if anything happened to your baby. I mean, you look like you’re about to burst.”

“Seriously, hon, it’s fine. I think you stressing me out over it is probably worse.” Edie joked, only to see the young lady’s face fall. “I kid, I kid. It’s sweet of you to worry, but I’m fine. I’ll be even better once my husband starts packing the car, and we get on the road.. We have to be in Winston by tomorrow morning to see the specialist, darling. I know it’s only a few hours away, but at this rate, the baby will be in college before you’re done loading up all these boxes.”

“I know, honey.” Jack said, as he hurried by stopping momentarily to kiss his wife on the forehead. “I wish I didn’t have to take all the work with me, but we’ll be gone for nearly a month, and even though I asked, the colonel couldn’t shut down the business and wait while we’re gone, but he wouldn’t listen.”

Edie slapped him on the rear as he walked by, before remembering their guest now standing in the foyer, practically whistling with her eyes raised to the ceiling, but with a tell tale grin on her face. “Oh hush. You know what I mean.”

“Okay, I think that’s everything. You can go now, Melody. I’ll sort through this stuff myself, before we leave. Two people would be too many cooks in the kitchen.”

“Are you sure Mr. Lamb?” the girl asked. “It’s really no trouble. I already told Thomas I’d be home late.”

“No, I insist. In fact, I’ll tell you what?” Jack reached into his wallet, and pulled out a fifty dollar bill. “Why don’t you and Thomas go out and have a night on the town, on me.”

“Oh my word! Thank you Mr Lamb. You’re so kind.” She took the bill, and quickly stuffed it into her purse. It was rare that she saw such a large denomination, and she was terrified the wind might pick up, and try to steal it from her.

“Go on, you deserve it. You can probably get away with coming in a few hours late tomorrow anyway. I hear your boss won’t be there.” Jack said with a wink. “And remember, you’re my eyes, ears, and voice while I’m gone. If anyone gives you any guff, you let them know they’re going to have to answer to me.”

“I will sir. Safe travels. Mrs. Lamb, you’re going to have to bring that little angel to the office first thing when you get back, or I’ll never forgive you.”

With that, the two women shared a hug, and Melody skipped out the door, excited to spend a romantic evening with her beau. Meanwhile, the Lambs got to work loading up their car for the long journey ahead.

Edie said, “I can’t wait to take off this stupid belly. I mean, the weight alone has been bad enough, but if you ever see me in another mumu again after this, take me out into the woods and shoot me. I’ve already given up. I can’t imagine how Emily must be feeling. Nine months of growing a little person inside of you must be hell. I’m just so grateful she’s doing this for me.”

“For us, darling…though yes, mostly for you. Hopefully the luxury hotel we put her up in has been of some comfort.”

“I’m sure it has. It’s definitely preferable to her dad finding out, and tossing her on the street, not that we’d ever let that happen. I’m just glad the day is almost here.”

“Just one little stop in Atlanta for that breast augmentation surgery. Honey, I’m still nervous about that though. Are you sure it’s what you want? It’s practically experimental, and you know I love you just the way you are.

“I know you do, dear, but it’s not about you. I want to feel more confident in my womanhood, and the risk is worth it. Those shots the doctor has been giving me have helped a little but not to my liking. I’ll be fine, I’m sure. I love you for worrying though.” The couple shared a kiss then Edie stooped down to pick up a box.”

“Absolutely not.” Jack said dryly while he watched his young bride struggle to lift the paper filled container. “I don’t think you could even lift that, but if you could, and the neighbors saw you doing it in your condition, then they’d tie me to a horse, and drag me out of town.”


“Aunt Emily!” the little girl squealed, running across her living room floor, and hugging the leg of the woman who just walked through the front door carrying a large package wrapped in bright wrapping paper.

“Hello there, Franny Lamb!” She dropped the box where she stood, scooped the child up in her arms, and squeezed until she grunted. “How old are you today? Three?”

“You know I’m six” The girl was holding up all the fingers of her right hand and an extra on the left proudly as she said it.

“Where’s your Mommy and Daddy?”

“Daddy’s out back building my new playhouse, and Mommy’s in the kitchen talking to Caitlynn’s mom.”

“Is that your little friend over there?”

“My best friend.”

“Okay, run along then and play with her. I’m here all weekend. We’ll talk more later, goober.”

“Mommy calls me that.”

“Your mommy calls everyone that when she loves them. Where do you think she got it from?”

Emily placed her down, and little Franny took off running at full speed into the mass of children swarming the house. From the waist down, the domicile was a frenzy, two dozen little voices chattering non stop. She fought her way through the mess, and found the kitchen where a bunch of tired mothers stood, wine glasses in hand.

“Oh, my god, you’re Emily Jones!” one woman shouted, pulling all the attention to the person who just strolled through the door. “I heard you on the radio on the way here. This is crazy. You’re like…famous.”

“You’re too kind. I’m not that famous yet. Hopefully I’m not a one hit wonder.”

The woman was about to burst with glee, her eyes never leaving the up and coming singer. She had to fight the urge to ask for an autograph for fear of looking tacky.

At the counter stood Edie, covered in frosting while she put the finishing touches on an adorable chocolate birthday cake, so focused on her task that she didn’t even notice the commotion in the room. Finally satisfied, she took her set down the decorating bag, and stepped back to admire her handiwork. “Voila!” A quick glance around the room told her that in the last fifteen minutes their home had almost completely filled with guests, one in particular she was thrilled to see. “Emily!” She rushed over to her best friend, and threw her arms around her. “Oh drat, I’ve got frosting all over your dress. Let me get a damp towel.”

Emily however didn’t let go. “Don’t you dare run off on me, Edie Lamb. I’ll take this hug over clean clothes any day.”

After a few minutes, they relented, and let each other go. “What’s in the box?” Edie asked, spotting the awkwardly shaped package sitting by her best friend’s feet.

“Oh, a guitar.”

“The perfect gift to give someone else’s child, right?” Edie was imagining the nonstop cacophony that was about to fill her home for the foreseeable future.

“Oh c’mon.” Emily replied, playfully poking at the young mother’s ribs. “It won’t be so bad once she gets some lessons. I got some of those too btw, but they wouldn’t fit in the box.”

“Seriously, it’s wonderful. I’m sure she’ll have the talent for it.”

“Where’s Jack? Franny said he was out back.”

“He’s in that huddle of men somewhere. They’re all back there building the new playhouse he got her.”

Another woman standing nearby interjected, “More like Jack is building it, while the rest of them stand around with one thumb up their asses, and the other wrapped around a beer can while they ramble about wrenches or something.”

The party went on for the next few hours until a bunch of parents were carrying their exhausted youngsters out to their vehicles. Once Franny was tucked away in bed, Edie decided to put off the cleanup until later, so she poured herself a glass of wine, and joined Emily who had found a spot on the back porch where she was sitting and watching Jack, still struggling to assemble the little playhouse.

She pulled up a chair and said, “The man can take apart a carburetor, but a little mail order toy like that, and you’d think he was building the Taj Mahal.

“He just wants to get it right. You know my old man would have said fuck it, and lit the damn thing on fire by now.”

“Yeah, Jack is a good dad, isn’t he? We’re lucky.”

“How is he doing with the new job?”

“Oh, the garage? He loves it. When I met him, he was so career focused, I don’t think he ever stopped to ask if he was actually happy. Of course the money was good, but every day, the colonel kept asking more and more of him, and his heart just wasn’t in it. I thought he was going to die from the stress. That life just wasn’t for us. Can’t say I miss seeing Veronica all the time, either. That woman was sweet, but she was almost too much for me to handle. Wonderful fashion sense though.”

“Oh she has style in spades.”

“Still, he did it long enough to get us a little nest egg, so it served its purpose. We have this lovely home, I’ve got my dress shop, he’s got his garage, and our daughter has so many toys, I’m afraid we’ve already spoiled her.”

“I saw in that last letter…You said you talked with Franny about everything? What did you tell her?”

“I told her the truth. That her mommy and daddy couldn’t make a baby of their own but mommy wanted her so bad that her Aunt Emily made her for me. I told her that we all loved her very much just the same, but some people wouldn’t understand so, for now at least, we have to keep it our little family secret. You know, she’s actually very mature for her age. I just didn’t want her to find out when she was older and hate us all for it.”

“Don’t be silly. She could never hate us. That child has too much love in her life, and her mother keeps extra around just in case she needs it. I’m just so happy for y’all. Speaking of which, come Christmas time, if he’s still around, there might be a fella I want you to meet.”

“Well, I’ll be damned. Emily has a steady boyfriend. You’re kidding me.”

“Oh shut up. They can’t all be bad, right? You got a good one didn’t you?”

Edie looked out into the yard where her husband diligently sanded away at what she thought was a terrible paint job the little kit had arrived with. Jack was working hard in order to get everything finished in a timely manner so the little wooden structure would be dry by the time his little girl woke the next morning. A small smile turned into something larger as Edie watched the man, knowing just how much Jack loved his family and how he would do anything for them. Turning slightly to look at Emily, the smile still on her face Edie nodded. "I did, didn't I? I got the best one."

The End

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