You've set an impossible bar for civility, creativity, and positive influence.
Your writing is amazing and makes us all pea-green with envy.
Your demeanor is above reproach. . .at least a foot above the highest reproach known to womankind.
But where you really have us all outdone is in your blogs that inspire people to do good things.
Your latest series of blogs about authors' favorite short stories is a prime example. (I hesitate to use the word "prime" because a coach out west might have that word legally restricted to his ego.)
By asking authors to select a favorite from their catalog of stories you:
1.) Made a bunch of authors feel important -- in that someone actually cares about stories they wrote more than a month ago.
2.) You actually read the stories and commented on them (nicely), thereby stimulating others to read them. My numbers reflect that your recommendation was noted and acted upon with at least my story.
3.) You uncovered old treasures for those looking for good reading.
I hereby nominate you for a SOB award (Sisterhood of the Big Closet) for Best Thing To Happen to BC Since Rasufelle Joined Us about Seventeen Years Ago.
Enjoy your SOB (not to be confused with a S.O.B. which a quite a different award.) May you have many, many SOBs!
I second the motion!
Emma, you are awesome!
Hear Hear!
If I get a vote (heck, even if I don't!), I vote to affirm this SOB tale spun by Jill! And if all the sobbing becomes overwhelming, dearest Emma, I'll put you in for at least a few GRINs (Girl Really Indubitably Nice)!
Go to catch some sleep, and I get put up for an award! Hmmm . . . maybe I should try this sleep stuff more often . . . .
Thank you, Jill, Dot, and Erisian. You are all very kind, and I certainly can’t compare to the amazing Miss Melanie. :) If I blush any harder, you’ll be able to drop my head in a blender and have tomato juice!
— Emma
It's unanimous
I seriously doubt you get any sleep unless you are a speed reader extraordinaire. Your comments bring a new civility and sense of community to our eclectic group. Your last comment was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, and that's saying a lot. You're a gem Emma Anne Tate! :DD
Ok, it's my turn
I spend a lot of time reading. I visit BCTS several times daily. And I have a pattern. First I check solo and then the blog subjects. Next the middle column for new fiction and then the authors list behind the new entries. And then I check the comments. I have a lot of favorites. Over the last couple of months you were noticed and followed. You're everywhere.
I've been meaning to comment on this thread but up to now I really didn't know what to say. And then I spotted your recent comment on a 14 year old thread. "No Half Measure" by Jenny Walker is a personal favorite. I got started on her here and found it easier on Kindle. Then I devoured her other three novels. Yummy. While checking out your comment I looked at the other contributions. Low and behold there appears a name "Nancy Cole". Another favorite. But her work is better found under the name H.W.Coyle. wow.
Anyway, with your pleasant demeanor, natural adherence to the 9 rules of civility, and gifts of written word, I nominate you for the spirit award.
I had the distinct pleasure of editing Jenny's last three novels. Jenny is from the UK but loves to write novels that occur in the US. I try to help her with those pesky across-the-pond distinctions.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
A Well-Deserved Standing Ovation
I don't think I ever welcomed you to BC, Emma, so, belatedly, let me add my applause to that of all the other commentors/commentators and the originator of the blog, Angela Rasch (Jill MI).
New writers are always welcome to the site, but we rarely get a superstar who not only writes great fiction but cares for the feelings of others in her comments.
I did not nominate any of my stories for your approbation and consideration as I felt it would be more than a little narcissistic of me to invite comparison with the best writers on the site, although obviously I have my favourites.
What I would like to do is nominate a story by another author who did not take part but I consider to be one of the finest here (even if you cannot exactly call her a shrinking violet). She is my friend Laika and the story of hers that still deeply affects me is "Veronica and Veronica". Whether or not it is her favourite I have no idea but I reckon it needs recognition.
To paraphrase
Smokey Robinson and the Miracles
Since I agree with what you said;
I had a kindred no-oh-shun!
I second your emotion!
Laika is a wonderful talent and a good friend!
Love, Andrea Lena
Agreed, Emma's been a blessing!
Great work produced, a great community spirit, and a genuinely pleasant person to chat with.
Melanie E.
(Also, thank you for the compliment!)
Thank you all.
Really. You are all such lovely people!
Lots of hugs,
— Emma
Unfortunately I was away ...
So I missed out on the chance to feel important.
However I did find the post and I sent in links to 3 of my stories that are not necessarily my best, but continue to intrigue me.
Anyway, the purpose of writing this is to observe that Big Closet is just a lovely warm place for us all to enjoy thanks to Emma and Jill and many others, as opposed to the crap I get back from certain other sites!
Thanks to you all!