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What would you do if you found out that you were the child of Lucifer and what is basically an immortal woman? Will you rale against Fate? Would you curse God for who your parents were? Would you face the oncoming battle for your soul with a smile? Would you curl up in a ball and hope that it was all a dream? That is the problem facing one young man as his reality changes.
Chapter 11
The Great Barn Brawl.
Tuesday 11:35am.
As I flew through the air I felt a freedom that I had never known before. I also felt a desire growing within me with each passing mile. A desire to sink my fangs into the flesh of Gabriel and drink his blood. This was the asshole who insulted my mother. As I cross over the nearest windbreak to the old Black Barn nursery I am hit with a bolt of lightning. Even as I was tumbling from the skies Gabriel was shouting at me.
“It’s time to face thy judgement Hell Spawn! I can smell thy immoral stench from the very Gates of Heaven! Unlike the other Heavenly Virtues! I have no reason to spare thy pathetic existence! Thy very being is an afront to the Morally Upright!” Gabriel screamed as he pulled a flaming bastard sword from nowhere.
“You know something shit bag. I was willing to put up with your stupid test and then let you go. Instead, I’m going to provide that the only way you can fix stupid is with a life altering ass beating.” I snarled and pulled the feather from my necklace. Daddy had shown me this little trick after my run in with Uncle Ralf on Monday.
I don’t really understand how it works but the necklace charm turned into 6ft long double headed spear. The first time I did this Lucifer chuckled saying that my soul weapon was a reflection of my dual nature. At each end was a ten inch red and black feather shaped double edged blade. Between them was a solid bronze shaft. In the center was a one foot black leather wrap for a handle. I really wish Lucifer had shown how to perform this trick to me before my run in with Sandalphon. I could have really used a weapon against Sandalphon’s honking massive sword.
“Maybe you can explain something for me. What is it with you asshole angels and your oversized swords? Compensating for a lack of something?” I asked Gabriel as I blocked his overhanded swing at my head. “Maybe you should get a Tesla Roadster? It’ll be a whole lot less harmful to the environment and makes a great chick magnet.”
“Damn you, you impertinent child. I shall smite thy for daring to show such blatant insolence!” Gabriel snarled as he swung his sword towards my waist. This time I didn’t bother to block. I just stepped back out his reach. This seemed to piss him off even more. “Hold still damn you!”
“You have got to be yanking my chain?” I asked in disbelief. Then decided to see if I could twist his tit even more. I flipped upside down and floated a few feet out of his reach. “Here would this help?”
“I’LL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THIS INSULT!” Gabriel screamed and charged. Only to miss me again as I flipped over the top of him. I just had to add injury to the insult. I couldn’t pass up the chance of kicking him in the ass. As Gabriel flew through the air to land face first in a pile of cow shit I broke out laughing. I couldn’t believe this smuck was an Archangel.
“Holy shit! Come on Gabby. You’re supposed be this big bad ass archangel. Show me something already. Where is your pride man?! Didn’t anyone teach you how to use that sword?” I asked between giggles.
“I am not some loathsome barbaric blood thirsty warrior. I am the Enforcer of Morality. I need not fight those who are immoral. I only need judge them and carry out their just punishment.” Gabriel spat as he stood up to face me. “Now stand still and receive thy punishment.”
“Um… nope.” I snickered as Gabriel turned blue with frustration. I couldn’t help myself. I was having so much fun twisting his tit that I completely forgot my rage. That was until the asshole fired another one of those blasts of light at me. I was laughing so hard that I barely avoided the beam. Now I was really pissed off and gave into my lust for battle. “You’ll pay for that shithead.”
In my rage I summoned a massive ball of fire and threw it at the asshole. This time when Gabriel swung his sword it cut the fireball in half. Instead of dissipating the fireball exploded. The explosion threw Gabriel back fifty and left behind a twenty foot hole in the ground. I quickly followed up my magical attack by diving on Gabriel. When I was within reach of my spear I swung it with all of my might. As his sword flew from his hands I dropped my spear. I quickly began to beat the shit out of the pompous asshole with my bare hands. I was so lost to my lust for battle that I didn’t notice the arrival of Lucifer and Michael.
Once Lucifer had dragged me off Gabriel. Michael quickly tended to Gabriel’s injuries. “I warned you not to challenge our nephew Gabriel.”
“Calm down, Ashley. Let your anger go. You’ve proven your point child. You have won this confrontation.” Lucifer told me, as he held me as tightly as he could. Once I had taken a few breaths to calm down Lucifer let me go.
“If that fuck head insults my mother or dares to attack me again.” I never got to finish the threat. I was suddenly hit with a massive wave of pain that drove me to my knees. “Mother fuck!”
“Finally, my punishment takes hold.” Gabriel grunted as Michael helped him to stand. “I may have lost the battle, but I won the war.”
“What did you do brother?” Lucifer snarled as he knelt beside me.
“I have only passed judgement on an immoral creature. As is my heavenly right.” Gabriel snorted as he looked down at me in contempt. “That thing’s uncontrolled lust for battle was his downfall. If he had shown restraint. Then I would have forgiven its sin and returned to Heaven. Instead, I have sentenced it to spend the rest of eternity as one of Lilith’s daughters.”
“Gabriel you do not have that authority!” Lucifer screamed as he jumped to his feet. I could only stare in awe as he summoned a black bastard sword from the ether. “I’ll feed your immortal existence to my sword!”
“Hold brother!” Michael shout as he stepped between them. “If you strike down Gabriel now. You will break the truce.”
“You dare to speak of honoring the truce! A truce that he has already broken!” Lucifer shouted as he pointed towards Gabriel. “Hear me Michael! By Father’s own laws I demand a full compensation for your subordinate’s unjustified transgressions against my child!”
“If I should refuse your demand? What then brother? Would you really risk a resumption of the war over a justified judgement?” Michael asked.
“The judgement was false, and the punishment is unjustified brother. A judgement that was based solely on Gabriel’s hate for me. So yes I would risk a resumption of the war and more for such an insult.” Lucifer snarled as he snapped the fingers of his left hand. Before I realized what was going we were surrounded by seven pillars of red sulfurase smelling smoke and flames. I didn’t need a narrator to know that the Seven Mortal Sins just made a grand appearance. As I looked up at my father I knew that he was pissed. “Well brother. What is your answer?”
“Name your price, Lucifer.” Michael sighed.
“Cancel the rest of the judgements.” Lucifer demanded.
“That I cannot do Lucifer. These judgements are all that stands between peace and a resumption of hostilities.” Michael sighed at the sounds of several soul weapons being drawn. “I’ll cancel one.”
“Not enough. Three of the remaining four judgements.” Lucifer countered.
“Again, you ask for too much Lucifer. I’ll cancel two.” Michael huffed.
“I get to choose which two.” Lucifer countered quickly.
“Which two?” Was all that Michael asked.
“Remove Sariel, and Uriel from the judgement.” Lucifer told him with a grin. “If you want me to overlook Gabriel’s transgression against my child then Ashley will not face the trials of Charity, and Kindness.”
“That only leaves the trials for Patience and Humility.” Michael chuckled. “As the only child of both Pride, and a dragonoid she’ll have an advantage that no other mortal would.”
“I never said I won’t stack the deck her favor.” Lucifer said with more than a little attitude for Michael. “After all. You of all people should know that I never make a deal that doesn’t benefit me in some way.”
“Do us all a great favor and never change Lucy.” Michael chuckled before he grabbed Gabriel by the scruff of the neck. “Come along little brother. We need to have a long talk about overstepping your authority.”
Once they disappeared most of the Seven Mortal Sins vanished as well. Only Asmodeus remained with me and Lucifer. As I staggered to my feet I felt my crotch. I didn’t need a biologist to tell me that I was now a girl. Even through my now ruined jeans I could feel that my manhood was gone. To say that I was pissed is an understatement of Mount Everest proportions. Looking around I snarled. “Where did that cock sucking, mother fucking, asshole angel go? I going to rip off his god damned wings and use them to make a stew of chicken and dumplings.”
“I have to say brother. I have never felt or tasted such a powerful lust for vengeance.” Asmodeus said as she walked up to stand beside me. “Peace child. Let your lust go before it burns your soul.”
“Never.” I spat as I flexed my wings and whipped tail around. “I told them to leave me out of their bullshit Auntie. I warned them that if they kept pushing they’ll get a war they can’t win. I was willing to put up with this judgement crap because of my mother, but only if they played by the rules. I played by the rules. They cheated. Now they pay!”
“Lucifer more than just her Word is driving her emotions. Her dragonoid nature is also fueling her need for vengeance. I really hate to say this, but you should have let her kill Gabriel.” Asmodeus told Lucifer. “We all know Father’s laws. You and Michael shouldn’t have intervened. The trials are to be individual contests of will or combat.”
“If we had let her kill Gabriel it would have restarted the war.” Lucifer told her as he placed his hand on my shoulder. “Michael and I waited to intervene until after Ashley had clearly won their contest. Once she had disarmed Gabriel of his sword. The contest was decided.”
“What is so damned important about keeping this treaty pops?” I snarled. “From what I can see the assholes upstairs are just chomping at the bit for a chance to rumble. Why not give them what they want?”
“Ashley you need to understand that no matter what happens. Hell cannot be the ones to resume the war.” Lucifer told me. When he saw the look in my eyes my father just sighed. “Come on let’s get you home. I promise that ounce we’re alone I’ll explain everything.”
“Fine.” I snarled then looked down at my body. “Though you get to explain to mom why she no longer has a son.”
Chapter 12
Explanations for it all!
Tuesday 12:45
The first thing mom did when we got home was to give me a hug. The hug was followed up by asking me if I was hurt. Only after reassuring mom that most of my injuries were bumps and scraps and that I was basically fine did she blow her top. The smack to the back of my head let me know that I had done something stupid. That was when Lucifer dropped the bomb.
I would have thought mom would have been more pissed off. Instead, an unsettling calm came over her. There’s only other time I ever seen my mother this calm before. I had just turned seven and we were living in England at the time. For a surprise birthday present mom had taken me to see an English Premier League soccer game. As we were leaving the stadium a street thug attacked us for mom’s purse. I got knocked down and hit my head on the street curb. The last thing I remember before passing out was mom becoming extremely calm before attacking the thug.
She ordered me to go upstairs, clean up, and change. I was slightly surprised when she asked Asmodeus to arrange something for me to wear. When I came out of my shower Asmodeus was waiting for me. At first I was unsure about the clothes she had waiting for me. I mean what woman wears a Grecian style dress in the middle of the day. I would have complained but Asmodeus was wearing one already. It was only after I was actually wearing the dress that I realized the practicality of the style.
It left my back bare so that I could extend my wings and tail. When I got back downstairs I noticed that mom was also wearing a similar style dress with her wings and tail extended. I could tell by the look in her eyes that mom was ready for a fight. I quickly followed her example. I don’t know what mom and Lucifer talked about while I was cleaning up but whatever it was must have been major. Because they weren’t alone, and the kitchen had undergone a major magical remodel.
It was a surreal situation for me as we all sat down around the kitchen table. When I say ‘all’. It was more than just mom, Lucifer, and me at the kitchen table. For the first time in my life all of my ‘aunts and uncles’ from Hell were there. I talking about the big eight in Hell here people. The crowned Dukes and Dutchesses of Hell’s hierarchy. With my father being the biggest bad ass in the room. The Crown Prince of Hell, himself Lucifer. Starting off directly to my left then going clockwise around the table were Satan, Belial, Asmodeus, Astaroth, Mammon, Belphegor, ending with Beelzebub next to mom. Sitting directly to my right was Lucifer at the head of the table with mom seated at his right hand.
The crazy thing about the whole situation wasn’t the way I was dressed. It wasn’t that we all had our wings extended. It wasn’t the moaning black bastard hanging from Lucifer’s hip or Satan’s blood red humming double bladed-axe. It was the fact that they were just sitting there drinking coffee as if it was a normal everyday board meeting.
With Lucifer acting as if he was the CEO for some Fortune 500 company. Mom just sat there acting like some kind of Chief Personal Assistant taking notes. Not that I wasn’t surprised to see her behaving like this. She was the PA for the CEO of a major human company in Cincinnati. No, the weird part of her taking notes was what she was using. I mean who uses a quail pin and parchment in this day and age.
“Sorry for calling all of you up here on short notice.” Lucifer began. Only to have Satan of all people interrupt him.
“No need to apologize Lucy.” Satan told him with a shit eating grin. “I’ve been wanting to meet my nephew, I mean, niece for some time now. I do wish it was under better circumstances. Though I do wonder why you stopped her from killing that overbearing asshole little brother of ours.”
“As much as I hate to agree with him on anything. I too wonder as to why you stopped your daughter from putting an end to our mutual pain in the ass.” Belial snarled as he drank his coffee. “All of us here have more than enough reasons to end his worthless existence, but none of us have a match to her grievance.”
“I know you don’t want to hear this from me brother.” Belphegor said before yawning. “You shouldn’t have stopped Ashley. Gabby along with the rest of the Virtues have been pushing the situation from day one of your agreement with Michael concerning Ashely. And if you haven’t figured it out yet. They’ve already broken the damned truce.”
“You all know that we’re not in position to resume hostilities. As it stands right now there’s only one of us that has even the slightest chance of surviving an all-out war with their counterpart and that’s Satan. Only because he gets all of those wanbe ‘Soldiers for God’ martyr nutjobs. The rest of us have to deal with untrained sinners as soldiers. We might get the odd veteran here and there, but the rest of our troops are little better than speedbumps.” Astaroth pointed out before drinking his coffee. “The only reason we even have our current forces is because of the Truce. I know that none of you want to hear this, but Lucifer and Asmodeus did the right thing when they kept Ashley from killing Gabriel.”
“I know you all got some major shit to talk about, but can one of you please tell me what’s so damned important out this truce, treaty, or whatever? I’m kind of operating in the dark here.” I complained only to get the stink eye form my mom and Lucifer. Not that I gave a shit. “Don’t give me that look mom as for you daddy. You don’t get to tell me how to behave. A real father is there for more than just the fun part. As far as this truce goes. From what I can see. The only ones playing by the rules are the ‘bad guys’. While the ‘good guys’ are cheating their asses off. If they don’t like how the game is going. They change the rules.”
“The rules have never changed Ashley. Only their interpretations.” Mammon told me from his place at the other end of the table.
“Bullshit! Don’t try to legalese the situation here Mammon. The rules are the rules. They don’t need interpretation. If the rule is to honor thy mother and father. Then by god you honor your mother and father. If the rule says do not kill. Then you don’t kill. There is no qualifier for killing in war time.” I snapped then grumbled. “At least now I know who came up with the idea for lawyers.”
“Don’t blame Mammon for lawyers Ashley. Those despicable individuals, especially divorce attorneys, were the bright idea of the archangel Uriel. As for the sixth Commandment. That one Commandment has been debated over from the time of Moses, Ashley. It is also the reason why Uriel created lawyers. Mammon just made better used of them. The reason why lawyers were needed is the actual interpretation that Moses used.” Satan told me only to get the WTF look from me. “Contrary to popular religious teachings Moses had to translate the Ten Commandments from Enochian into Hebrew.”
“What? Hold on here. I thought God just told Moses what to write down. Am I missing something here?” I asked in confusion.
“Ashley only supernatural beings like angels, devils, dragons, and demons can hear the actual Voice of the Almighty. The only humans to have ever heard the words of God and survive were Adam, Eve, and Jesus. Moses not to mention all of the other Prophets for God never once talked directly with the Big Guy. It was actually our pain in the ass older brother Metatron that Moses talked with.” Asmodeus told me.
“Wait? What? I thought my father was the oldest and first of God’s angels. Who’s this Metatron?” I asked in confusion.
“While I am the First among His angels Ashley. I am not the oldest nor the most powerful. That honor belongs to Metatron. He is also the only angel that has ever been in the actual presence of Yahweh.” Lucifer told me as he put his hand on my shoulder.
“Which gives him a fat head at times.” Satan snorted. “The only good thing about him being the voice of God. The big guy keeps him and the other two members of the First Choir out of our fight.”
“Speaking of fighting. Will someone please explain to me about this truce?” I asked before taking a drink of my coffee.
“I think it would be best if we give you a little background on the war to start with Ashley. You see it all started in the Garden of Eden with your father getting a massive case of the ass over the way Adam was treating his first wife Lilith. It all started because she wouldn’t put up with Adam’s bullshit about male superiority. Well Adam went and complained to God about her refusing to be subservient to him. In response to Adam’s complaint God expelled Lilith from the Garden. When your father complained about this unfair treatment of Lilith. God told your father that women are to be subservient to men. Well, your father got a case of the dumbass and pointed out to God that he had made both in his image therefore making women subservient to men was a mistake. Which gave God a massive case of the ass with your father because God doesn’t make mistakes. That was when your father’s natural rebellious streak came out. From that point things got kind of stupid. Half of our siblings sided with your father and the rest with Michael on the side of God. Within five days we were in an all-out war, and earth paid the price. Namely the greatest extension event in history. You would know it as the end of the dinosaurs. The only life on earth that survived the war was either supernatural or protected by the Eternal Wall surrounding the Garden of Eden.” Satan explained for me.
“That is so cool. I mean Lilith was the original Feminist Rights activist. I wish that I could have seen her action.” I chuckled only to receive questioning looks from Satan, Belial, and Belphegor. “Oh, come on people. Who wouldn’t want to meet an original rebel?”
“There’s no doubt she’s your daughter, Lucifer.” Belial chuckled. “If there was ever any doubts. That last comment dispelled them.”
I blushed clear down to my breasts. I have to be honest. I’ve always been a rebel at heart and admired those who stood up for what they believed in. To me Lilith has always been given a raw deal. Like a lot of powerful women from history. I can hear you out there, but no. I’m not some radical for the Feminist Rights. What I am is an advocate for the historical truth. Every time I read about some woman being vilified by so-called historians I want to scream to high Heaven. Because most of those historians are men out to perpetuate the myth of masculine superiority.
“Why did the fighting stop?” I asked wanting to get them back on topic.
“We were forced to.” Lucifer told me.
“Hold on. Who or what could have forced the two most powerful armies in the universe to call a truce?” I asked in shock.
“Two of our ancestors got into an argument that escalated into a full blown brawl.” Mom told me with a nasty grin.
“What do you mean mom?” I asked her quickly.
“Ashley, when dragons fight. Nothing stops them except for death. The destruction they leave in their wake is cataclysmic. Whole continents have been leveled. It wasn’t a meteorite strike that killed off the dinosaurs. It was a fight between two of the most powerful dragons in history.” Mom explained for me. “To stop their fight and save what was left of life on earth. The armies of Heaven and Hell were forced to call a truce.”
“Holly shit! Just who or what were these dragons?” I was forced to ask.
“The two Great Dragon Emperors. Albion the White Dragon Emperor and Ddraig the Red Dragon Emperor. The only dragons more powerful than them are Great Red the Apocalypse Dragon, and Ophis the Ouroboros Dragon.” Lucifer told me as he stood up and pulled his toga aside showing me the left side of his chest. “I received this scare during my battle with Albion. Michael has a similar scare on his right side from Ddraig.”
“I thought that only soul weapons could harm angels.” I said.
“Ashley, you need to understand that because of their supernatural nature all dragons and dragonoids are living weapons. Why do you think you were able to hand Gabriel his ass so easily with your bare hands?” Asmodeus asked me with a smirk. “You might be only half dragonoid, but you’re still twice as strong as a normal angel because of your dragonoid blood. That puts you on the same level as your father and Michael. In our fight to stop the two rampaging dragons. More than two thirds of both armies was wiped out. Because of the catastrophic losses by both sides, we were forced to continue with the truce. A truce that has held ever since.”
“If all of this happen during the time of the dinosaurs. Where did all of the other gods and people come from?” I ask them.
“Ashley do you know how many creation myths are out there?” Satan asked with a knowing grin. “I’ll save you the trouble and give you a hint. There is creation myth for each and every pantheon of the gods. There is one thing that they all have in common. They all have a ‘Garden of Eden’ of some type. That is the reason why no one has ever found the ‘Birthplace of Humanity. Everyone is looking for one place where there are hundreds. Each with their own protective wall.”
“Damn. The religious theologians really got that one wrong. Why hasn’t any one ever figured this out?” I asked them.
“The Big Three kiddo.” Mammon told me as if that explained everything.
“The Big Three? Who are they?” I asked.
“Those are the three major Judeo-Christian based faiths. You know them as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All three believe in the God of Abraham. Which so happens to our Father.” Lucifer told me with a grin.
“I have got to ask. If God is your father is he like my grandfather?” I asked with a more than a little confusion.
“Only in the most extreme metaphysical sense of things Ashley. You see God created all angels. Because of this simple fact He is the only father figure any angel has ever known.” Asmodeus explained for me.
“Okay that makes sense. But if God created the angels, who created the devils?” I asked them. Only to have Mammon flip a coin to me. As I grabbed it out of the air Mammon grinned and asked.
“Ashely what can you tell me about that coin?”
“I really don’t know.” I answered as I turned the coin over in my hand. On both sides of the coin the words ‘Morning Star’ were written at the bottom. One side has ‘In God We Trust’ is written at the top, while the other side states ‘In God We’re Damned’. On the ‘Trust’ side of the coin is an image of the crucifixion of Jesus within a triangle. The three sides of the triangle are labeled Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. On the ‘Damned’ side of the coin has a goat head within a star. Surrounding the star are five words Deceiver, Serpent, Dragon, Satan, and Lucifer. “Other than it looks like the mythical Pentecostal Coin nothing. Why?”
“Now compare it to these coins.” Mammon told me as she placed a stack of seven silver coins in front of me. As I picked up each coin I noticed that each one held the name for a Mortal sin on one side with the Heavenly virtue on the other at the bottom. As I went through the stack I also noticed the centers of the coins were stamped with an angel for the Virtue side and a devil for the side of Sin. When I looked up Mammon in confusion she explained. “As those coins clearly show you Ashley. The flipside for every angel is a devil. There are nine versions of the Pentecostal Coin. One for Lucifer, one for Michael, and one for each virtue and sin. The only coin not in your hand is Michael’s.”
“What happened to the other gods?” I asked.
“They’re still around. Some work for Heaven, and some for me.” Lucifer told me bluntly. Then he dropped the bomb. “Then there are the ones who work for themselves. These are the gods that embody Chaos or bring about the end of creation. They’re the ones that want to end our truce.”
“They’re the ones who have been pushing to have me judge.” I guessed. Then flipped the coin for Lucifer in the air. As it spun something strange happened when it reached the top of its arch. It just hung there floating. Slowly spinning on its axes. “What just happened?”
“This is my coin Ashley. Only I can use it. To decide your Fate, you need to flip your own coin.” Lucifer told me as reached up and took a hold of the spinning coin. After placing it back in the stack Lucifer turned and looked across the table. “You can keep those they mark you as one of ours. Whether we like it or not. Mammon a blank if you please.”
“Of course. As the Demon Lord of Greed, I should’ve been allowed to give her a blank at the start of her judgement.” Mammon sighed as she waved her hand and a 3in blank silver desk appeared before me on the table.
“Before I flip this thing. Why are they all made from silver?” I asked.
“The most commonly minted coins throughout history were made from silver. Because of this Charon set his price for crossing the river at two coins. Though he has many names they are all the same person. The Ferryman for the River Styx. Unlike the myth they are not onetime usage.” She explained for me as I picked up the blank.
The second my hand touched the silver disk it shimmered brightly and began to change. On one side the near the top were the words Venator Inferorum Largitas. Across the bottom was written Morningstar. Between the two was engraved dragon’s head within a star. Surrounding the star are five words Succubus, Hell’s Hound, Dragonoid, Lilium, and Ashley. The flipped side was a copy of the Trust side of Lucifer’s coin. For some reason I suddenly didn’t want to flip this coin. This coin did more than mark me as one of Hell’s royalty. It told the universe that I was a Princess of Hell.
“All Hail Ashley! Dragonoid Princess of Hell!” A heavenly voice boomed as I held the coin in my hand. I looked over at mom and Lucifer as the Seven Mortal Sins all dropped to one knee around the table.
“I think I just made a massive mistake.” I whispered. Then asked Lucifer. “What was that voice?”
“That Ashley was my older brother Metatron acting in his official duty as the Voice of God. I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first?” He asked me as he waved for the sins to stand.
“Give me the bad news first.” I answered quickly.
“The bad news I get the pleasure of welcoming you into the ranks of the eternally damned daughter.” Lucifer told me as he gave me a fatherly hug while I broke downing crying. “The good news is it isn’t that bad a life.”
“Lucifer I think it is time for you to take us home.” Mom told him as she stood up. I felt her wrap her arms around me from behind. “Thanks to that load mouth. We can’t stay up here anymore.”
“Are you sure Lilith? If we do this. You and Ashley will spend the rest of eternity aligned with myself and Hell.” Lucifer asked her.
“It no longer matters Lucifer. That choice has been taken away from us by the powers that be. For better or worse your family is coming home.” Mom told him with a heavy sigh. “I always knew that sooner or later it would come to this. Michael and the Virtues have always chaffed at the agreement they were never going to let me, and our child live in peace. If they couldn’t have her, then no one could. We have always been bound for Hell.”
“Then so be. Time to go home.” Lucifer sighed. “I promise that someone will pay for taking away your dream Lilith.”
He snapped her fingers, there was a flash, followed by a massive boom. I felt a swirling rush of power and then nothing. If I had been standing outside of our old house I would have witnessed a massive pillar of fire engulfing my old home. The local Fire Department fought the blaze for 6 hours. When the flames finally died down only the foundation remained.
As the Fire Investigators shifted through the ashes they found nothing had survive. They expected to find the charred remains of furniture, clothing, electronics, and bodies. Yet they found nothing but ashes. The two fire investigators were forced to claim that the blaze was so intense that no human remains could have survived.
They also conclude that the fire was an act of arson. These conclusions would led to an investigation of a certain church who had a long standing grievance with the mother and son. Their suspicion of the preacher and son intensified following the man’s public declaration that the James family suffered the Righteous Flames of Judgement. That all witches will burn in the same manner. Yet despite the rhetoric the preacher and his church were cleared of any connection to the James family fire.
Chapter 13
My new home in Hell.
Day unknown 07:30
I don’t remember much after that. What I do know is that when I woke up I wasn’t in my bedroom at home. Wherever I was it sure as Hell was in my own bedroom. The first clue was the bed I was lying in. It was an Alaskan King sized 4-poster canopy bed. The corner posts were 1ftx1ftx10ft. They were connected by 6x12 beams. The top of the mattress sat at least 4ft off the floor. Hanging on the inside of the beams on 1in thick rods were red trimmed black velvet drapes. The comforter that covered me was made from a red fleece with the picture of a dragonoid and angel printed in the center. As for the sheets, they were black and made from some kind of silk. The only good thing I could see so far nothing was pink.
The sound of massive claws scraping across stone drew my attention. Pulling the curtain aside I looked out into the rest of the room. I had to do a double take at what I saw. I’ve seen big dogs before. I’m talking about English mastiffs weighing over 300lbs and measuring 8ft from nose to tail. This beast was covered in scales and had to be 6ft at the shoulder, 10ft nose to tail, and weigh more than 700lds with a mouth full of fangs.
“Good morning Mistress.” The beast rumbled before licking my face with a tongue that was at least 2ft long. “Welcome to Hell.”
It took my brain a few seconds to catch up with what just happened. When it did I did the most natural of things. I screamed at the top of my lungs as I scrambled to reach the other side of the bed. I don’t know who was more frightened at the time. Me or the Hellhound. The only reason I include the Hellhound is because it started howling in fear at my scream. The ruckus we raised naturally brought my mother and much to my surprise two succubae dressed as maids. Mom took one look and shouted.
“Enough! I will have silence!” I naturally obeyed my mom. I knew that when she was pissed off about something. Not to get on her bad side.
“Helga weren’t you told to wait outside?” Mom snarled at the Hellhound.
“Yes, Lady Lilith.” The Hellhound pouted.
“Then why are you in my daughter’s room?” She demanded.
“I only wanted to see if she was awake yet, Lady Lilith. I wanted to see if she was as cute as the maids say.” Helga pouted acting like a scolded puppy. “I didn’t mean to scare your daughter Lady.”
“I see.” Mom said with a heavy sigh of frustration. “Helga I know that you were ounce a powerful Paladin for Pope Gregory the eighth during the Third Crusade. That means you’re quite intelligent. Now knock off the act!”
“Yes Ma’am!” The Hellhound gulped. “Though I really am sorry for scaring your daughter. Maybe I should have used my smaller form for greeting her.”
“Mom, please tell me that I’m dreaming. That I’m not actually hearing a dog talk?” I begged her as I flexed my wings and flipped my tail.
“Oh, do get over yourself Ashley.” Mom snapped. “Helga is not a dog. She is a Hellhound. One of your subordinates. Of course, she can talk.”
“Give me a break here will you mom.” I told her. “How would you feel if you woke up in a strange place coming face to face with a talking dog the size of a small horse? I mean come on already.”
“You do have a point dear. Though Helga does have a duty to be here.” Mom told me. At my blank look she explained. “She is one of your servants.”
“Fine. Whatever.” I grumbled as I climbed off. Ounce I was standing I took in the rest of the room. What I saw made my stomach flipflop. The room was fit for a Disney Princess. If that Princess was a latex or leather clade Dominatrix. Everything that you would find in a room for a princess was there, but it had a B&D flare to it. “Woah! Okay this isn’t a nightmare. It’s a wet dream gone wrong.”
“Yes dear I know. Before you complain don’t.” Mom warned me kindly. When I looked over at the succubae mom smiled and turned to dismiss them. “You may leave us. Now that I know what caused the commotion. It’ll be best if I handle things from here.”
“What does that mean mom?” I asked.
“This is Hell, Ashely. It will twist whatever desire you have to represent that the fact you’re still in Hell.” Mom explained. “You wanted a simple boy’s room like you had back on Earth. This is the result.”
“Okay. I can see the Princess theme happening as that is as far away from my old tastes as you could get without going totally nuts. What I don’t, understand is the B-n-D twist?” I asked.
“Oh that. You’re a Princess of Hell now and it is kind of expected of you. You know that whole pain and punishment thing that Devils are supposed to get into. As Hell’s Bounty Hunter and Watchdog. The whips, chains, gags, rope, and other bondage gear are the tools of your trade.” Mom told me with a giggle as my eyes bulged.
“Please tell me that I’m not expected to wear leather when performing my job?” I whined as I had visions of leather catsuits, thigh-high spiked heeled boots, spiked collars, and corsets. Mom just smiled as she opened a one of the two massive armoires. It was filled with a wardrobe befitting a professional Dominatrix. “Ah Hell. I just had to tempt fate.”
“Sorry kiddo. It’s what is expect of you.” Mom told me with a straight face. As I facepalmed mom started to laugh. “Gotcha!”
“What?!” I asked as my head snapped up. I could only stare in disbelief as the inside of the armoire filled with fog. When the fog vanished all of the Dominatrix gear was gone. In its place was something that an average teenage girl would wear. I should say a teenage fashionista that has a thousand dollar clothing allowance. “Uh mom, I know this is going to sound like I’m ungrateful. Where are the jeans, t-shirts, and tennis shoes?”
“About that Ashley. Remember when I said you were in Hell?” Mom asked me. When I nodded my head she continued. “Everyone here has to live with their own personal Hell. Even your father has to put up with some small form of punishment. From the looks of things, it seems that your personal hell is to live the life of a teenage fashionista.”
“Okay. Just exactly what does that mean?” I asked in confusion.
“I suggest that you get used to wearing short skirts and dresses, silk blouses, stockings, and high heel shoes. Along with looking like a fashion plate model.” Mom told me. “Even when you’re hunting down escaped souls. You can expect to be dressed in the height of teenage fashion.”
“Mom, I got a feeling about that last part being all too true.” I told her as I reached into the armoire and pulled out a pair of leather pants. “These might be slacks but they’re Victorian Horsewoman leather riding breeches. They cost four-hundred-fifty-dollars a piece on sale. Before you ask how I know that I’ll tell you. Amber Combs wore a pair to school last month and was bragging about how she got them on sail.”
“You can thank your Uncle Mammon for the quality of your new wardrobe. Something like this would be right up his alleyway. He is the Demon Lord of Greed after all.” Mom told me with a soft chuckle. “By the way dear. You have greatly impressed your aunts and uncles.”
“Why doesn’t that fill me with excitement?” I snarked.
“Let’s just say that having them backing you up is a good thing.” Mom told me with her own smirk. “Come on kiddo let’s get you dressed. We still have a lot to get done today. The first of which is introducing you to your minions and setting up your office staff.”
“Office staff? Why would I need an office let alone a staff?” I asked her as I pulled off the night gown I was wearing.
“Where do you think the concept for Bureaucracy and red tape came from?” Mom snarked then gave me a lopsided grin. “Just between you and me. Your father has cursed the day he thought of the idea.”
“Then it’s his own damned fault. He probably thought that it would be a great way to corrupt mortals. Only it came back to bight him in the ass.” I chuckled as I pulled in my wings and tail. I quickly pulled on my bra and panties. As I hooked the clasp to my bra I noticed that it and the matching panty were made from some type of silk. “Mom, I know that these are made from silk but what kind?”
“Nothing special really. Just a few strands of ghost spider silk. Best use of that bothersome crap. All things considered I have to say that it was one of Baraqiel’s better ideas. The really nice thing about ghost spider silk. It holds its magical properties. That’s why everything you own is either made from or lined with the stuff.” Mom told me.
“Why is that a good thing mom?” I asked her as I pulled on a black silk blouse. “What is so special about ghost spider silk?”
“No matter what you’re wearing at the time you can unfold your wings and tail while not destroying your clothing. So long as it has threads made of ghost spider silk in its construction.” Mom explained for me as pulled a pair of stockings up my legs. When they reached the tops of my thighs I felt a tingling sensation run down both legs. Mom saw my shiver and gave me a small smile. “Be careful, Ashley. Ghost spider silk has been known to cause certain reactions in dragonoids.”
“That would have been nice to know before hand mom.” I grumbled. Then giggled at the leather skirt she held out. “You can’t be serious?”
“Dead serious. Now put it on.” Mom snarled. “You have got to get used to wearing them anyway. Besides you really should dress in a professional manner for your first day at work.”
“What’s going on mom?” I asked her as I pulled on the skirt.
“You’ll be meeting the Lilium shortly dear. Not to mention all your other minions.” Mom told me as she set a pair of 5in pumps on the floor. “These should go nicely with your outfit. We’ll pair the skirt and shoes with a one nice waist length jacket.”
“Mom I got to ask. You’re being rather blasé about this. What gives here?” I asked her as I stepped into the pumps. “Damn this is going to take some getting used to. Don’t I have any shoes with a lower heel?”
“Those are your lowest heels dear. As for my blasé attitude. Let’s just say that I have seen a great deal of crazy and far out in my life. What is happening to you isn’t the craziest thing or the furthest out there.” Mom told me with sad grin. “I’m just happy that you’re alive.”
“Why do you say that mom?” I asked her as I pulled on the matching jacket to my skirt and shoes.
“Because a few of your aunts and uncles on the other side have a habit of getting carried away with the whole ‘smite the unclean’ bit.” Mom snarled. Then softened her look before explaining. “It all started during the war.”
“Never mind mom. I think I get the idea. As it is I’ve already had one of them try and kill me.” I snarked. “Just because I refused to be judged.”
“So you father told me. Next time don’t drop your weapon. Run the bastard through and end the problem.” Mom snarled.
“Damn mom. I’ve never seen you like this. You’re always telling me to turn the other cheek or walk away.” I told her.
“Normally I would agree with you dear. However, these are not normal circumstances. The Heavenly Virtues, not mention a few other angels, would happily kill you for no other reason than you’re Lucifer’s daughter.” Mom told me harshly. “From now you face off against an oversized chicken.”
“Don’t worry mom. I’m done holding back. That asshole Gabriel crossed the line. If my father hadn’t stopped me. I would be using that assholes wings to make the biggest buffalo wings in history.” I snarled.
“Really Ashley. Buffalo Wings? Can’t you show a little more imagination than that?” Mom huffed before she chuckled.
“Well at the time I was thinking about making a chicken potpie out of the asshole.” I told her with a chuckle of my own. My chuckle was interrupted by the grumbling of my stomach. “Any chance of getting something to eat?”
“We’ll swing by the staff cafeteria on our way to your office. They should have a something tasty on the spit to fill that pit you call a stomach.” Mom told me with a grin. “Before we go though. We need to see to your makeup. Nothing major. Just a minor illusion.”
Before I could stop her mom waved her hands and felt the magic settling around my head. As the spell worked I looked into the mirror that covered the door to my wardrobe. After a few second the magic vanished. Leaving behind a teenage supermodel with perfect makeup and hair. Mom just smiled. “Can I cook or what?”
“Holy shit! I’m like smoking hot. How much of that is the magic and how much of it is me?” I whispered.
“That is all you kiddo. The magic only highlighted what was there.” Mom told me as she put her arms around me. “Come on. Let’s get you fed.”
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Wardrobe of clothes
Well, there are many girls which would kill to have such a big closet of clothes. Not to mention the model looks.
And many men would sell their souls to be "treated" by Ashley.
BTW: I think Ashley has the virtue of honor, otherwise she would have run Gabriel through her spear after disarming him and would have transformed him into a pin cushion.
Thx for another nice chapter^^
Not honor, anger.
This was more a case of anger overruling honor. Remember Ashley wanted to pound the piss out of Gabriel with her bare hands from the start.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
That's the point: Clearly I
That's the point: Clearly I didn't remember. That only shows that my memory isn't the best these days.
I'm wondering: Are the great dragon emperors still araound? If so, well, interesting times and all that.
War between Albion and Ddraig?
Nice names. I see someone has watched High School DxD.
"The pen is mightier than the sword ... if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp"
I blame my daughter
Got the names from my daughter Karen. She changed them from what I had originally used. She pointed out that most of my readers won't understand the names I was using without some type of cultural reference.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
The way the kid acts and talks makes me think they're an egg. Definitely trans in some way, maybe nonbinary? Genderfluid? So at least she's not getting misgendered just because her body changed. Just because she has a biological female body, doesn't mean she has to be a girl after all. Trans dudes exist. Someone should present that option to her maybe? Femboys exist too if he has to dress in girly clothes
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
She is in hell doesn’t really get a choice
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
I don't think that really matters. Unless hell is just as transphobic as heaven? In which case I'd be double fudged O_O
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
War with counterpart
I bet Ashley could take several virtues in a fight by herself. All they need to do is stall until she gets to their fight.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna