Ever since my name & gender change was official, in March of this year, I have been informing various folk officially of the change. One of those was the Tavistock & Portman GIC Trust in London. When I received a "who are you" back in May I had to let them have my old and new NHS registration numbers, but they couldn't find me. Most recently I sent them the referral documentation.
Today I was told that the referral hadn't been received so I wasn't on their system. They suggested I speak to my GP. I forwarded the long email chain to my GP asking for an explanation but also copied it to the local complaints unit. No great surprise that I've heard nothing from my GP but I followed the email up with a call to the complaints unit and spoke to a lovely lady - thankfully she could see my email. First order of business is a new GP, second order is for this new complaint to be added to the one I raised in March! Perhaps it is fortunate that my original complaint is also now being dealt with locally. I'm promised a call or email before the week's out.
Gotta LOVE Government Bureaucracy
They are a lot of fun are they not? Let's see now, humm, the VA never did make the change after I filed the forms two years prior. The notarized court papers? We can ignore those or lose them in the system. Gave up, went to another VA centralized system out of Albuquerque instead of Dallas. Smooth sailing. Wish the IRS was that easy. Huge fine for not paying my taxes. Hey guys I sent in the court papers two years ago, you didn't acknowledge then. Sent in court papers with IRS return this year. You still don't get it. He's dead, she took over his affairs. Look the SS is the same for both. Taxes were paid. Gah, give me a break.
The Aliens visiting earth, are they taking on passengers? I want off this big blue marble.
And just when you think this vacation is going great, the county mounties stop you and seize all your vacation funds under civil forfeiture. Legalized government theft. Gov is the biggest mafia in the world. If you're carrying a gun you are an armed terrorist. Parents who protest school board meetings are labeled domestic terrorist.
Hugs shiraz, you're not alone. thousands like us.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Two sides to the coin
When the government is coming after you, hope that it’s not efficient. When it is serving you, hope that it is.
I have a high tolerance for inefficiency in government because of the consequences when government goes wrong. A lone bureaucrat out to get you, can do limited harm, but when the whole horde or peal is against you, watch out.
So that’s my attempt to shed a glimmer of hope on Shiraz’s darkness.
I worked in the UK Government for 20 years, dealing with the ivory tower bosses as well as the general public and their lawyers. At times my hands were tied but I never sat on a decision just because I could! Administratively my transition hasn't been a pain, maybe that's because I know how the documentation requirements work? I received a bundle of paperwork back today with a covering letter thanking 'Ms Shiraz' for the updated info. That had taken a week, including the postage time.
In this case the Gender Clinic wasn't at fault, although they could have fixed it. The issue sits very firmly with my GP. More on that when I have had a chance to speak to the complaints unit again.