Had an interesting thing happen

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So I had an interesting thing happen in March this is the first time I have thought about it since then

I was at a birthday party for my friends kid.

Her aunt started trying to tell me being trans goes against the bible.

I looked at her and told her that trans people have been around since before the pack of lies called religion and that we would be here long after then I quoted a bible verse of proverbs 4/7 talking about knowledge wisdom and UNDERSTANDING and got her to shut up


You can also tell her

There is nothing in the bible against people. Further more it doesn’t actually define what a man or a woman actually is.

The only thing in the bible is that a man shall not wear women’s clothes and a woman shall not wear men’s clothes. If someone complains about it then ask them why not all women are wearing dresses but men’s clothes all the time?

Then ask where it defines what a man is and what a woman is? Most will either start searching a bible or shut up.

Personally I always thought

Personally I always thought that bit about men and women not wearing each others close wasn't in the original writings, it had to be added later when someone with a stick up their but added it, at the time when it was supposedly written and for several years beyond men's and women's clothes were exactly the same. renditions of Joseph and Mary look the same for clothing except for the head scarf and the turban


I'm not a christian so I find whatever the Bible says irrelevant. Just as that woman most likely would find anything in the Quran or other non-christan texts irrelevant to her.


I am not a believer but I think I do know my scripture.
Jesus understood the existence of the intersexed and those who chose to leave the male gender.
Matthew 19:12, Jesus speaks of “eunuchs who were born as such, eunuchs who were made so by others, and eunuchs who choose to live as such for the kingdom of heaven”. Those who surrender maleness are welcome in heaven. That is the word of Christ
Lizzi, you are female, and you aunt needs to understand that.
The Christian faith does not reject people for choosing to discard a gender that does not belong.
Christians who do not understand scripture should not preach it.
I am looking to post another collection of my Christian Feminization stories - maybe next week?

Just a reply

What's sad is I came out to coworkers before I came out to family I know more of the bible than most ministers because in like them I have done my reaserch I believe that the church is the. People not a building god asks for 10% but he also understands that not all can give him 10% but all who worship him are welcome to give what they can

I love Deuteronomy

BarbieLee's picture

Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

First hint, it was to shame men who dressed as a woman to keep from going into battle. As the way it was written it was a sin against God. It sure ought to put the fear into those who wish to dodge the draft. Besides back then everyone wore skirts. Men wore mini skirts and women wore longer skirts. Around 600 BC men started wearing long split skirts for ridding to stop the chaffing and eventually the skirt changed to pants, two legs. Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for wearing pants. Gotta love Religion as it can be parsed to fit any idea or desire. Wars are fought, millions die, we can all justify hating each other as our Religion gives us that privilege.

Sadly a lot of the KJV of the bible is misinterpretations from the Jewish Torah and a whole lot of spin doctoring by King Constantine's scribes. It got butchered again as it was peace meal reinterpreted from bits and peaces of Latin into German and then again into English. Which gets even more doctored by the Holier than Thou crowd who never read the bible but had it spoon fed to them by the ministers and preachers who aren't preaching God's Word but their own words. Which was parsed by them to fit their own ideas and agenda.

If one wants to understand how badly this whole bible thing is messed up and wants to see if they can unravel the truth to what God and Jesus actually taught? Besides hate everyone who doesn't agree with you or look like you, maybe a primer?

Constantine ordered all the teachings and works of Yahshua (Jesus) confiscated or destroyed. If anyone wanted to know about God only a priest could lead the way. Coin certainly greased the way to Heaven. Over the years many of those who translated the Latin script back into English or German were burned at the stake as the Popes practiced brotherly love. People were leaving the Catholic church and that was eating into the Priest and Pope's money schemes. It cost money to get to Heaven or have their sins forgiven.

I digress. Much of the Jewish Torah was copied from what was left behind by the Samaritans. Again bits and pieces found it's way into the Catholic Latin Scripture along with bits and pieces of text from the teachings of Jesus. The KJV bible is missing nineteen books along with the forgotten books of Eden. Got too heavy reading all that interesting stuff so they left it out. Thus if one is to begin to understand they need to read what is left of the Samaritans, The Gnostic Gospels, The Nag Hammadi Library, The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Lost Books, the Vulgate and try to interpret the many interpretations of each word, each chapter, each book.

Let me toss in a little teaser here. In Jesus life women weren't subservient to men. Mary was one of Jesus' Disciples. When Constantine and his scribes pieced together their Vulgate, women were only good for serving men. Take that all you big brutes who love to smack women around because your religion allows it. Good thing they weren't living in Cleopatra's timeline. Cleopatra VII ruled Egypt for 21 years a generation before the birth of Christ. She lost her kingdom once; regained it; nearly lost it again; amassed an empire

I love Christians, Mormons, Jews, and most all others who practice a religion of one kind or another. Provided anyone is not telling anyone how and what to believe about Yahweh (God) and Yahshua. Especially how that person should live their life. They better be getting their understanding and knowledge from the Holy Ghost (God's Messenger). Because if they aren't, they are repeating man's concept of what is right and wrong, not God
Do they judge a child who is blind it is their fault, their sin? Cleft lip? Missing arms, legs? Trans didn't get a choice as it's a gift, a blessing. Children of a Lesser God? There is only one and we aren't mistakes.
Hugs Lizzi Marrie
When this life is returned to my Creator, I'll beg forgiveness. I've seen and tried and fell far short.
John 15:19

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Duet 22:5

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

When someone quotes or implies the meaning behind Duet. 22:5, I say. "You know, I'm a pretty good carpenter, would you like some help building the parapet on your roof?" When they give me the blank look that is sure to follow, I say, "You seem to think that all the regulations in Deuteronomy still apply, so since 22:8 says you should have a parapet (a railing) around the roof of your house and you don't, I thought you might need some help building one. Oh, and by the way, I notice you're not wearing tassels on you coat either. That's required in 22:12. I know a place where you can get some ready made tassels would you like directions?"

They usually end up flapping their jaw trying to say something, but not being able to rebut.

BTW, I am a Christian and read the Bible daily and do believe it's relevant for Christians today. However, much of the Pentateuch is aimed strictly at the Jews of the time and can only be applied in general terms, rather than specific applications. Also, I'm well aware that people who aren't Christians aren't under any obligation to pay any mind to what the Bible has to say.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Seriously intended question

Where in the bible does it state that matrimony shall be between one man and one woman?

I've come across instances in the old testament that clearly implies that polygamy is fine, even obligatory sometimes. When a man is already married and his married brother dies it is his duty to marry the widow. Can't remember chapter and verse though.

A personal favorite is otherwise the ban on clothes made out of mixed fibres (admittedly then specified as wool and linen).

Actually, most of the "laws" in the old testament made perfect sense for the society where they were formulated. However, things change.