The Voyage of the Visund -76-

Ursula makes a visit to the local market to obtain cloth, educating Zakaros in the process. Later, almost all the company travel to a nearby barracks to show off some of their fighting skills, but are hampered by afternoon storms. Graf Nuel puts in an unexpected appearance and is impressed by what he sees.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

76 - Cloth and Blades

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2023 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.

"I am both fascinated and disturbed, Mistress," Zakaros muttered as he pushed the hand-cart into the market place. "Faralan was a shock but we remained in the hostel, mostly, because of the uprising. In Pakmal I never even left the barge so this is the first land beyond Yod that I have seen in any detail."

"Oh?" Ursula was interested. "What do you think of it?"

"It is plain to me that we of Yod have been misled about conditions in other lands, Mistress. We were all told, aye, even such as myself who was a part of the Ascendancy, that most existed in miserable hovels and they waited anxiously for those of Yod to come and make their lives better."

He swung an arm around at the busy throng. "This gives the lie to that, Mistress. The buildings, the attire, the goods on sale, even the very substance of the streets is better than anything I could imagine. These folk are rich, Mistress, compared to many whom I administered in Yod. There are smiles on their faces, they go about their business with hope in their hearts."

"I did tell you, but telling is one thing and seeing is another. I can promise you that in every country the Visund visits, the architecture, the attire, the coins, everything is different than the last country, and the one before. It is the way of the Sirrel valley, I assume. Sometimes I find it bewildering myself. But what disturbs you, Zakaros?" She expertly cast her gaze around the market place. "I can see nothing here that would concern me."

"The attire, Mistress, especially that of the women. Since traveling with you and your companions I am no longer surprised nor outraged by what I see you wear, but the fact that every woman here wears garb that is just as strange, that is what disturbs me. The colours and the styles! I am not used to seeing so much leg exposed nor women with their heads uncowled."

"As far as I know Yod is the only land in the Sirrel valley which insists that its women keep their heads covered in that way," she told him. "I will add that it appears to be common for everyone, man or woman, to wear some kind of hat when the sun is so strong but that is just a sensible precaution, not a legal requirement."

"And I am glad of my own hat today," he agreed. "Knowing now what those who live in other lands may be like I am prepared to accept other differences, but it is difficult to change the expectations of my previous life."

"I must admit to a similar problem. Some of it is familiarity. One of the reasons we wear shorter skirts," she said as an aside, "is that it helps to keep us cool. A longer skirt will tend to trap the hot air beneath. When we met you in Yod and dressed as locals I noticed this. Of course, that does mean that our skirts have to be full to provide shade to the lower legs."

"As you say, Mistress. Never having worn such a garment I could not offer an opinion but what you say sounds reasonable. By the same token, then, a hat such as those you and I wear today are better than the cowls that the women of Yod must needs wear since the air may move more freely about a hat."

"That's right, Zakaros. It also helps keep the sun out of our eyes."

He stopped and turned towards her. "Why do you not wear those glass shades that were made for you in Faralan, Mistress? I can see that the bright sun causes you to squint despite your hat."

"If I did that we would be here another week," she explained. "Can you imagine the reaction I would get marching into here wearing those sunglasses? I would have to explain and Graf Nuel would probably want to begin production right away."

"And what is wrong with that, Mistress?"

I cannot tell Zakaros - especially not in public! - about the limitations on technology brought from Earth, especially since I do not properly know the rules myself.

"There are certain regulations concerning inventions which we would have to observe when entering any new country. We were forced to do that in Faralan with those sunglasses. Time is our main problem, Zakaros. According to Her Highness, we have to begin our return journey in a certain number of days time in order to be sure that we reach Palarand before the rainy season begins."

"I do not know the days," he said. "Do you?"

"It is difficult. Eriana and her crew come from a southern land which apparently does not experience these rains. I have never experienced them either for reasons you already know, and I am not yet familiar with your local calendar. From calculations which Lord Kalmenar has made Her Highness thinks that we have around a month, that is thirty-one days, until the rains begin. That means we can go upstream as far as we think is wise, then hope the current can take us downstream again quickly enough to avoid getting soaked. The problem, as Lord Kalmenar explained, is that downstream is the direction the rains will be coming from."

Zakaros nodded. "And it would be prudent to allow a certain margin since the rains do not begin on the same day every year, nor last the same number of days whenever they do begin."

"Agreed. Since it appears we already have business in Bibek it looks like that will be as far as we will be able to go."

"Excuse me, Mistress," a voice butted in.

They turned to see two men in yellow and black but with white neckerchiefs.


"You are blocking the roadway. If I may ask you and your people to move to one side, you are in the way of traffic."

"Of course. Our apologies. Zakaros, pull the cart over there, behind that stall will do."

The officers followed them over.

"If I may ask, by your attire you appear foreigners. I have not seen anything like those uniforms before."

Ursula explained, "We arrived on the ship Visund which carries Her Highness Princess Eriana of Palarand on a diplomatic mission."

"Visund? Ship? I heard talk of a strange vessel which arrived the day before yesterday. That was you?"

"It was. Yesterday we spent part of the day in an audience with His Grace, who was most interested in what we had to say to him."

The senior of the two bowed. "If you would excuse my interest, Mistress. It is only curiosity. We will leave you to go about your business. If you have need of assistance at our market, our office is just there." He pointed, bowed and then the two walked off.

Zakaros raised an eyebrow.

"We're all wearing unusual attire, Zakaros. Of course he was going to come over and be nosy. So. Decisions have to be made. Adin, is there anything you need to collect early before it goes off or is sold out?"

«Not this time, Mistress. Our excuse to get us out of the city in Pakmal means we have more than sufficient of the usual bulk items. Most of what we need ashore the hostel will supply. I will remain with you and only buy if something catches my eye.»

«As you will. Boys? Anything you need? Weapons, leather? Tools, sharpeners, anything like that?»

«Yah, Mistress,» Ragnar answered. «Lars asks to look out for more sharp-stones.» He grinned. «There are many of us, we go through stones rapidly.»

«And are probably wearing down your blades, if you do it too much.»

Another grin. «Yah, Mistress. But recent times mean we must keep our weapons sharp.»

«I cannot disagree, Ragnar.»

"Nethra? What about you? How are you feeling?"

"It is hot, there are too many people and there is so much noise and smell, Mistress! But I have been to this market before, this is familiar to me, nobody will bother with me while I am with all of you, there should be nothing for me to be concerned about."

"That is good, but you must tell me if you begin to become uncomfortable. I regret that, dressed as we are, we are going to attract a lot of attention, but none of it will be personal."

"And very glad I am that I am wearing a ship dress today, Mistress, in this weather, strange though it feels on me."

"It is one of those fashion things, isn't it?" Ursula gave Nethra a reassuring smile. "When you are wearing something different to almost everyone else then you are always going to attract attention. Let me see... first, I think we ought to see what materials are available. Let us go and find a fabric stall."

Karan pointed. "There, Mistress. Is that what you are looking for?"

"Well spotted, but keep a look out for others. We may need to visit several of them to find all we need."

At the stall the owner eyed them thoughtfully. "Your attire is unusual, Mistress."

That was the by now regular response to Ursula when she first visited any market. At least here in Zebrin folk were just curious, not attempting to kidnap her and force her into rags!

"As you say, Mistress. This is new lightweight attire created by the good seamstresses of Joth to help us keep cool as we travel the river."

The stall-holder nodded with appreciation. "It certainly looks cool! I wonder if those of Joth would permit us to make like garments, do you know?"

"It is almost certain that something similar will appear here in time once people like us are seen wearing these dresses," Ursula agreed.

"If I may ask you to turn... ah, so simple! They must be easy to make, then. There is so little to them, not even laces!"

"Easy enough, yes, but because of their shape care must be taken in the cutting," she warned. "Otherwise they do not hang properly."

"Ah, as you say, I would not have noticed that. And they hang softly, so that air circulates... do you mind having them so short? Is there some particular reason?"

"It lets us move about aboard our ship more easily," Ursula explained. "It is just about long enough for modesty and not quite wide enough to permit the wind to lift the hem. Of course we also wear special undergarments, since life on barges involves companionways and much could be seen from below as we climb down."

"As you say! Barges? I assumed that you came on that strange ship, your attire has a similar style to that of the men with you. I was told that is the attire of those from that craft."

"Theirs is also designed by those of Joth, Mistress. What we all wear is a kind of uniform, by chance, but we do have similar items that are not uniform. Yes, Her Highness's ship is accompanied by a barge since there are now too many in our company to all be comfortable on the ship."

"Ah, I see. Her Highness? There was talk..." The woman paused. "But I forget myself, Mistress. Here you all are, standing in the sun, and I am indulging in women's prattle. If I may help you?"

"Certainly, Mistress. My eye was drawn to your cloth there. Have you anything similar to what we are wearing? Our company has grown and we are running out of material to make more garments."

"Ah, of course. You require a cloth of about the same weight, I deem. If I may feel what you are wearing?"

"Yes, of course."

The stall-holder came out and bent, feeling the hem of Ursula's ship dress. "That is thin and so finely woven. Cloth of Joth, I deem?"

"Yes, but providing you can find something similar... The color does not have to match exactly either."

"Well I did have a bolt in the back somewhere which a merchant ordered to make summer bedding with, but he changed his mind because his wife did not like the color. If I may go and look."

She bustled into the back and reappeared, puffing, under the weight of a full bolt of cloth. Ragnar assisted her to put it down on the display at the front of the stall. The stall-holder snipped off a sliver from the corner of the cloth and came around to test it against Ursula's dress.

"To my mind," she said, "this is about the same weight as that of your dress, Mistress, but the color is different, slightly paler."

Ursula looked and frowned. "That could be to do with the weave. Could you turn that sample around?"

"Ah, I see what you mean. The color changes! How interesting." The stall-holder held a hand over the two materials, shading them. "And out of the sun there is no difference at all. What do you think?"

"Done, Mistress, and I will not even haggle over the price. Have you any more?"

The woman looked at Ursula carefully. "Are you clothing an entire army, Mistress? No, forget I asked that question, it is none of my business! I have no more of that shade but I do have a bolt of the same material, it is a mid green, if that would be any use to you?"

"Possibly. Ragnar, go with her and help to bring it out."

"Yah, Mistress."

The new material was darker than Ursula expected but not enough to reject it out of hand.

This could be useful for the marines. Depending on terrain, it would suit better than the light colors we are wearing now. Especially if we have more of that mangrove-type forest to go through.

And if Eriana or Lars do not want it, it can certainly be used for 'non-uniform' clothes for the others. I suspect that Toshi will need some garments like ours soon enough, especially if he intends to stay with the company all the way back to Palarand.

"Yes, I'll take that bolt as well."

There was a certain amount of haggling then, which included a discount for the large amount bought.

Ursula shook hands with the stall-holder to seal the deal and then smiled. "Now I'll need some other, even lighter, materials," she said. "If you care to join me in your changing booth, I will show you what we wear under our dresses!"

* * *

"You have bought a great deal this morning," Eriana remarked when the party returned to the hostel. "I hope you have not drained my treasury! What is all that material for?"

"Partly for all the extra people we seem to be collecting, Highness, and partly because I can see the need for clothes of a different color for the men for certain operations."


"Yes. This light pale gray-sand color we wear now is just right on the river for keeping the sun off, but I did notice that when the men went off in Bakhrad they could be seen through the trees. Oh, I know it does not make a lot of difference but that difference may be important in a future encounter."

"You speak of camouflage, I deem." Eriana considered before nodding. "Aye, I agree. But to be truly effective they may need long sleeves instead of tee shirts and trousers instead of shorts, that their bare skin should not show."

"I overlooked skin color, Highness. Fortunately most of your men have enough of a tan now that should not be a problem this summer. There was only one each of these two bolts available, I checked with the four different sellers in the market, but it should cover our needs until we get to Bibek."

"And this other bolt?"

"Lightweight underwear material, Highness, for us and for the extra men."

"Of course. I am glad that I could take that day dress off when we returned yesterday morning and put on a ship dress. It is so hot here!"

"It is the hottest day so far, Highness, but some in the market said that would bring thunderstorms later. Will that affect our plans for later this afternoon?"

"I do not mind the weather, at sea you learn to accept whatever the Gods throw at you. Here I am not sure what those of Zebrin will do. Of course, if it were a real fight then the weather is of lesser importance, I deem, but this afternoon is only to be a demonstration." A distant bell chimed. "Ah, it seems that lunch will soon be served, we have time to go and refresh ourselves first. Ursula?"

"Of course, Highness. Coming, Tyra?"

* * *

Almost the whole company climbed into the provided covered wagons after they had risen from their naps. Covered wagons because the heavens had opened and brought forth torrents, sufficient water that some roadways were ankle-deep and slow to drain. The thunderheads were in a long procession and promised to keep soaking the Great Valley for most of the afternoon.

Nethra, emboldened by her visit to the market, had decided to accompany the men so only Banest, Larys, Matta, Vellana and Kaldar remained at the hostel, along with Stine, who could not yet walk. With the new rolls of cloth now available, the women told Eriana that there would be sufficient to occupy them until the others returned.

Their destination today was the main barracks, a little way north of the Graf's palace. The procession of wagons - plus Eriana's carriage - stopped in front of a large building to one side of the brick-paved parade ground. Most of the company managed to gain the safety of the large exercise hall without getting too wet.

Inside they found a large open space punctuated by rows of brick columns which supported the roof, which was composed of a sawtooth ridge arrangement. The southern parts of this had many panels of leaded glass which allowed plenty of light to penetrate but kept the direct sun out. Over the far side of the hall a number of ranks and files of Zebrin troops stood at ease, their uniforms of two slightly differing colors and styles. Oznar was there with Marshal Norzo, the pair walked across to greet the visitors.

"Marshal, Kornal. An impressive building," she told Oznar on greeting him. "You have managed so large a hall and, despite the size of the roof, found a way to let in enough light."

"As you say, Highness... or should that be Admiral today? I see that you wear martial attire and that sword on your back looks fearsome."

She grinned. "Today the sword is for show, Kornal. It is a proper battle blade and, indeed, drew blood in our little difficulty in Faralan. I would not dare use it for training, it is too lethal. I wear it today merely to prove to doubters that I am more than just a fanciful Princess but someone who knows her craft."

"Highness... Admiral, I realized that yesterday when you and I spoke of battle. You proved to me then that you knew of what we discussed. I do understand that others may not believe that, if I may be blunt, maidens like yourselves and your armed companions can truly fight as men do."

Her grin became wider. "That is what we have come here to prove, Kornal. If you may find me a practice sword we will show you what we can do. My men will demonstrate other forms of warfare yet unknown to Zebrin. If there is time we may even attempt a melee, yours against mine."

Oznar shook his head in wonder. "I would be delighted to see a practice melee between your men and mine, Admiral, but the weather is unkind to us today. Will this hall suffice for your demonstrations?"

"Indeed, Kornal. What is that I see on the floor over there?"

"We of Zebrin do not possess the mats you described to us yesterday but, considering the matter, I can now see the utility of them and we shall have some made. However, one of my aides suggested this measure, which I trust will suffice. We have broken open a quantity of animal feed and laid a smooth layer on the floor, covering it with a tarpaulin. Of course our stables will collect and use the feed afterwards. If that will prove adequate, Admiral?"

"There is only one way to test the matter, Kornal. We can use the brick floor for blade work and the mat for unarmed combat. How do you desire to arrange this?"

"This is your demonstration, Admiral. If you may offer suggestions?"

Her smile became wicked. "Let us try some of your more vocal nay-sayers against my crew, Kornal. When they discover that they cannot prevail, we may move on to more interesting examples of combat."

"Ah! I like your way of thinking, Admiral. If I may go and select some suitable victims... ah, I mean opponents."

"Of course, Kornal... Have you practice blades we may borrow? We keep a certain small number with us, naturally, but space is limited aboard any vessel, as you know."

"We do, Admiral, of course. The barrels are over there." He pointed to one wall where a number of barrels stood, the hilts of weapons plainly visible. "Are you and your crew comfortable with unaccustomed weapons? I know some of my men struggle when another blade has a different balance."

"Aye, of course, Kornal! Anyone may lose a blade on the field of battle or, worse, have a cherished blade break against a foe, so we are all accustomed to wield at need whatever may be found lying about that field. Do you not have the custom of calling 'Switch' during a practice bout?"

Oznar was wary. "I do not know that word, Admiral, not as you describe."

"When the marshal calls 'Switch'," she explained, "all must briefly pause and toss or throw their weapon to their present opponent, simulating a loss upon the field of battle. Thus, every man is suddenly faced with a new and different blade to fight with. It is something that those of Palarand do but we have also used it in Joth. It is a simple way of simulating the chaos of battle, I deem."

"Do you tell me? Already I have learned something new. Admiral, if I may conduct you and your people to the barrels to select practice weapons."

Oznar took Eriana and her company over to the barrels and then headed for his troops to explain matters. Eriana examined the weapons, noting that beside swords there were spears, both blunted and headless, shields of various kinds, and a box of knives of various sizes and designs.

«Take your pick, boys and girls. Let us show these fine fellows what those of Palarand can do!»

Both Eriana and Bennet chose from the longer of the available blades, Bennet also selecting a counter-blade, while Semma, to Eriana's surprise, picked two of the shorter swords.

"You can use those, Semma?"

"Aye, Highness. Having seen Her Highness use two blades of similar size, Captain Merek understands the utility of such weapons for folk such as those of like size to her," The smaller guardswoman explained. "D'Kenik was kind enough to give me some basic tuition before he departed north with Her Highness."

"Ah. That was before you were selected to join our party, I deem?"

"As you say, Highness. I would not say that I am as proficient as Her Highness but, in truth, the technique is not difficult to learn." She smiled. "Of course, those of Zebrin may not know how these are used."

"Do not become over confident, Semma. Zebrin is nearer to the source of that art than Palarand is, they may yet have some experience of it."

"Understood, Highness."

Toshi approached Ursula, who had remained with the group as they moved towards the practice weapons.

"Mistress, if I may entrust my katana to you while we are here. You know that it is an heirloom, it may - inadvertently, perhaps - become mislaid should I stack it with the others."

"I would be honored, Toshi. You plan to join the fun?"

Toshi stared at Ursula. "Mistress, I do not understand you people. Among the folk of the islands warfare is a serious business. I would not call it fun."

Ursula thought. "I know what you mean, Toshi. When you are fighting for your life then it is never going to be fun. But no lives are at stake here today so the men see it as a chance to show off their abilities. That can be fun, especially when your opponent has no idea how you fight."

He nodded slowly. "I understand, Mistress. Yes, there is satisfaction when you do something your opponent does not expect because he has not been taught that way. As for fun, I will wait to see what happens here today."

"So what will you choose instead?"

"If I may, I will leave that choice until I can see what these others are capable of. I assume that you do not intend to fight?"

"I try not to become involved, Toshi. My job is to put people back together afterwards."

"And you have my respect for that duty, Mistress. Do you yet rely on your fellows to protect you when the battle comes your way?"

"Mostly, Toshi. They seem to have adopted me somehow." She paused, remembering. "There was an occasion, when we fought in the Shevesty field in Faralan, where I did strike back with a weapon, though."

"Oh? I cannot imagine you with a sword, Mistress."

"It was that big blade of Her Highness. She had been felled by a club and we all thought she was dead. We all went crazy when that happened."

"I can understand that. I would have done the same."

"Her sword came to my feet and I charged the two men who were nearest her. I do not really remember what happened then but I was told that I killed them both."

His eyebrows shot up. "You killed two men? With that big sword of hers? I could barely lift something that size!"

"I am not sure that I could, normally, but there is a kind of rage that affects people when somebody..." close to them, "... important falls in battle. We all felt it. I do not think we left any of the attackers alive."

"If you would tell me of this battle sometime, Mistress. If I am to travel with you and your people then I must needs know what they are capable of."

"I have no doubt that you will hear the story sometime, Toshi. Look, Her Highness is about to begin the demonstration."

The circle of watchers was big enough that two of the brick pillars were well inside it. Ursula and Toshi joined the audience to find Eriana facing a well-built Zebrin armsman, who had a sash indicating some kind of rank or specialty. They bowed to one another and then raised their swords.

Eriana then moved fast, twisting and angling forward to plant a strike on the Zebrin's chest! She immediately pulled back before he could respond. The bout then continued in a more or less conventional way for a while, both testing the other's strength and techniques. Then the Zebrin tried to trap Eriana's sword against the floor but she yanked it back, pivoted and stuck it in his ribs under his left arm. He immediately pulled back and raised his sword in salute.

Oznar stepped forwards into the circle. "Men! Let this be a lesson to you, it certainly has been to me! In the future you may, indeed, face women either on the field of battle or elsewhere. If they bear weapons then you must, must, treat them as you would any other enemy. Your very being might rebel against it but, consider, if you do not then she will prevail and it is you who will be dead."

He turned to Eriana. "Admiral, the man you face is Ironmaster Krif, the Graf's personal Master of Arms. I am sure that he now understands what I explained to him yesterday."

She nodded and then bowed to Krif. "Ironmaster, it was needful to show you the truth. Your men will not find many women bearing arms, that is not their nature, but there will be some and your men must needs be prepared when they face them."

He bowed in return. "Admiral, I did not believe that it was possible for any woman to bear arms. I would ask further instruction from you."

"That is why we are here, Ironmaster. If we may try another bout? I have an unusual size and strength for a woman, it is said, and you may choose one of my companions, who are of a size your men are more likely to encounter."

"As you say, Admiral. If that is true, I would match her against one of our own, perhaps of like abilities. Endir, stand forward!"

The man stepped into the ring to join Krif. Eriana turned and beckoned Bennet inside.

"Are you content, Bennet?"

Bennet looked unconcerned. "Aye, Admiral, of course."

Eriana and Krif moved back as Oznar said, "Begin."

By chance the two were evenly matched. Mindful of Eriana's first strike, Endir was more cautious and the match became one of endurance. It was soon apparent to all, however, that Bennet was much fitter than the Zebrin who was soon sweating with the effort. After Bennet managed two slight pokes on the Zebrin's chest Oznar called a halt.

"Enough. Armswoman, you have earned the respect of all present, I deem. You have fought at least as skilfully as any of His Grace's men. Shall you retire unbeaten?"

Bennet curtseyed to him, which caused a ripple of amusement among the Zebrins. "Thank you, Sir. It was a pleasure to test myself against one of your better men."

"If I may ask, have you always been a woman-at-arms?"

"Indeed not, Sir. Before Her Highness Princess Garia came to Palarand and showed us what it was possible for any woman to do, I worked in the palace kitchens."

That statement caused a murmur through the watchers.

"Do you tell me..?"

"After Her Highness showed the men of the Palace Guard that none could defeat her," Bennet explained, "Captain Merek was asked to take four of the palace servants as a trial, to see if it was possible for a woman to serve in the guard. The trial was successful and two of those four traveled to Boldan's Rock with Her Highness... Admiral Eriana. I am one of the second four to join, Semma there is another."

Oznar swiveled to observe Semma, noticing that she held two shorter swords. "Young lady, if you would show us what you can do."

Semma turned. "Admiral?"

"If you feel comfortable, Semma."

Semma stepped forward into the circle and Bennet and Endir rejoined the watchers, several of whom eyed Bennet with a fresh perspective. The smaller guardswoman temporarily shifted the two swords to her left hand so that she could give a chest-thump salute.

"You are small yet you are a guardswoman of King Robanar, I see," Oznar said. "Do not these large fellows intimidate you?"

"Sometimes, Sir," Semma admitted. "My smaller size does make me lighter, though, and I may be faster than a larger foe unless he spends much time practising with his sword. I do not expect to take part in many battles, Sir, my duties are more likely to be as escort to Her Majesty or crowd control at audiences of Their Majesties."

"Ah." Oznar nodded. "I take your point. It is a question of finding a suitable person for a particular task, I deem. You are content to try yourself today?"

"Aye, Sir."

"I see you use two swords. Is this normal for smaller armsmen of Palarand?"

"Sir, I usually use one sword just as Bennet does, but I have trained with two, since Her Highness Princess Garia showed the worth of such for shorter folk such as myself."

Oznar thought of asking another question and then changed his mind, instead searching the ring of troops surrounding the ring. "Hofer! Come forward."

He may have been shorter than most of his fellows but Hofer was still taller than Semma. He was wiry, reminding her a little of Wagonmaster Jaxen. Hofer held his sword with an easy grip and nodded to Semma.


The grip suddenly tightened and the blade snaked towards Semma. She immediately brought her blades up to form the defensive cross and, once Hofer's had met hers with a clash, she swung them down and to her left.

Behind her, Oznar nodded thoughtfully.

Hofer pulled back and tried a side cut, which allowed Semma to lever his blade down, pull her right-hand blade, swivel on her left foot and poke her opponent in the ribs before stepping smartly back. There was a collective gasp from the onlookers. It soon became apparent that Hofer could not touch Semma, despite his longer blade, while she could reach him almost anywhere.

"Enough. Stand easy, Hofer."

The armsman pulled back and raised his sword in salute before gingerly feeling his ribs with his free hand for the bruises.

Oznar said, "An impressive display indeed, Guardswoman! It appears that our defensive training is lacking somewhat. Tell me, could you keep this up for long? In other words, do you tire?"

"I would probably tire faster than my opponent would, Sir," Semma replied, "but the aim is always to end the contest before that happens. I did touch him five times. One of those might have struck something vital." She lowered her blades and shrugged. "Of course a blade may break or another may come to assist, such is the fortune of battle."

"As you say, Guardswoman. Thank you. You have my greatest respect for what you can do." He turned to Eriana. "What of your other women folk? Can all of them fight in a like manner? I notice that she carries a curious blade."

The she he pointed to was Ursula, who had overlooked that she was carrying Toshi's sword.

"Indeed not, Kornal!" Eriana replied with a smile. "Ursula, as you know, is the company's healer and her oath does not permit her generally to use such weapons except, mayhap, when her own life may be in danger. The sword she carries is merely kept safe for another."

"Ah, as you say, Admiral."

"Her assistant and companion Tyra is learning certain martial arts, it is true, but she does not yet have sufficient ability to join us in our practice today. She is of the water folk of Joth, she has other abilities which have proved more useful to us."

"As you say. I wondered at seeing one so young here. I notice another woman, your Kittrin and some other men who wear attire of a different color."

Eriana began, "Nethra is..." She paused. "Nethra, shall you be upset if the tale of Bakhrad is told?"

Ursula noticed that Nethra was holding Lars' hand fairly tightly. She replied, "Highness, we are safe enough now. The other women might not desire to hear that tale told but it might prove instructive for the Kornal's men. I will bear it, I deem."

"If you are sure? I do not wish to cause you further distress."

Oznar asked, "Is this about that place in Yod, Admiral?"

"Aye, Kornal, that place is Bakhrad. The telling would take some small part of the afternoon, but it may be useful for your men to hear."

"You did not tell all, I deem, when you spoke of it yesterday before His Grace, but I believe it will be instructive to our men to hear the tale." He turned to address the troops. "Men! You see here before you almost all those who came with Admiral Eriana aboard her ship Visund. She will tell you of an incident that occurred during their passage past Yod, requiring her men to use all their skills, and what they found in that land."

The room quietened down and Eriana began. "After some earlier adventures we departed Yod City and sailed upstream for most of that day. Seeking a place to rest our heads, we thought to stop at a small fishing village in an inlet called Bakhrad Creek. When we arrived -"

The whole room was silent as she described what had happened. The part with the guns was mentioned but not explained in any detail, since that would have suggested that Eriana, Bennet and Semma might still have been wearing Personal Pistols. Some time had to be devoted to explaining Thunder Pipes, but Eriana was privately sure that the Zebrins would not understand until having one fired in front of them - which she was not about to do.

The search of the villages was described, the attack on the lookout barn recounted and the night assault at the farm detailed. By the time she had finished there was an ugly murmur and many of her listeners looked furious.

"Men!" Oznar raised both arms. "Calm yourselves! The Admiral speaks of history, those involved have all been executed or given lengthy sentences. But she explains to you what might still be found along the wilder parts of the river's banks. Those were the actions of renegade soldiers of Yod, the like should not trouble Zebrin, but others of that inclination may require your attentions in future days."

He swung an arm and pointed. "Mistress Nethra there is one of those rescued women. She is the only one of the captive women who dares approach any man since that time. There are four others who cannot, their anguish is yet too great. Whether they will recover in time no-one yet knows. Such torments may cause greater scars to the mind than any which may disfigure a body.

"Near her the Admiral has pointed out the six men who were also imprisoned and forced to labor for the renegades. Their anguish is of a different kind. They are men, it is true, but they have still suffered the horrors of war, captivity and mistreatment. Scorn them not at your peril, for none of you knows what the future may hold for any man - or woman."

There was a mutter which gradually tapered away to silence, broken only by the sound of yet another downpour on the roof.

"Very well," Oznar said. "Admiral, after that I find I do not have the stomach for a melee. What say you?"

"With your men and ours thinking about what happened, probably not, Kornal. What say we move to your mat? There we may show you some other ideas which may be new to you and your men."

"Then we shall do so. Men! To the mat, if you would."

As everyone moved to surround the padded tarpaulin Eriana found herself walking next to Marshal Norzo.

"Marshal, you have been quiet today. Is there some problem? I do not understand the relationship between you and Kornal Oznar."

"Admiral, Oznar and I are not in the same chain of command, save that we both report directly to His Grace," the Marshal explained. "His position is particular in that he commands His Grace's personal troops, those you see here with the red flashes on their shoulders. My responsibility is that of His Grace's water troops, equivalent to those you named marines. The selection of men I brought this afternoon are those with gray shoulder flashes."

"Ah. I wondered at the significance, Marshal."

"Are all your men here then marines, Admiral? I am not familiar with your uniforms or rank markings."

"Hah, no indeed, Marshal. I regret that the number of water troops I have, as you describe them, is somewhat smaller than I find comfortable, for various historical reasons. Many of those you see here are my ship's crew, that is, sailors. All those are my countrymen and all are comfortable with weapons in their hands. For other historical reasons we also have a growing number of what those of Joth name civilians. As you have just heard some of those civilians are the barge folk, both men and women, and there are also various people who we have found good reason to include."

Norzo raised an eyebrow. "Even your Kittrin, Admiral? We know of him, of course, but he seemed a man out of place in Zebrin. Nobody here knew what to do with him."

Eriana smirked. "You should have introduced him to your Master of Arms, Marshal. I am told that Toshi has knowledge of fighting methods little known here in the east. Having learned of Palarand and what may be transpiring there, he desired to make his slow way there in due time, passing from land to land. When I learned of his desire I offered him passage since, like me and my countrymen, he is a man of the sea and can look after himself with a blade."

"Perhaps you have the right of it, Admiral. We of Zebrin have so concentrated on ourselves and our nearest neighbors that we often overlook the larger view. Listening to your description of the Sirrel Federation I was interested, but I know that His Grace will be very cautious until he sees how it will work. But -"

The conversation broke off as the assembled groups surrounded the makeshift mat.

Eriana called out, "Lars, show the Ironmaster what you can do."

The Master of Arms handed his sword and knife to a subordinate and stepped out onto the surface to face Lars, who gave him a respectful nod and then assumed a ready position. In size and build the two were evenly matched but Lars barely had time to draw a breath before Krif attacked. The result was inevitable, he sailed over the back of Lars to land with a thump on the tarpaulin.

Krif scrambled to his feet and turned to face Lars. "Interesting. I did not know that any in the east knew much of this style of combat. Sir, what is your rank? How should I name you?"

"My rank is Force-Admiral, Master of Iron, and I am named Lars. Lars will do fine."

"Then, Admiral Lars, if we may try that again, now that I know what to expect."

"Yah." Lars smiled. "Want a decent fight."

After Krif had been thrown four times Eriana became exasperated. "Oh, for Frigg's sake. Lars, hold! Ironmaster, it is no disgrace to admit that, while you know of this style of combat, you are not proficient in it. If we may give you a proper demonstration."

Krif was shaken. "It is as you say, Admiral. I must needs admit that I have no idea how he is doing what he does. Is this something new to the Great Valley, then?"

"It is possible, Ironmaster. Our Kittrin Toshi may know some of it, his people have similar traditions."

Krif bowed to Lars and then turned to bow to Eriana. "Admiral, instruct us."

«Eirik, on the mat, please. Both of you, keep it balanced. I do not want anyone assuming that Lars wins because of his greater build.»

«Yah, Princess.»

The two faced each other and then set off at speed. The audience was shocked to silence as the two grappled, were thrown, and then rolled to their feet to immediately counter-attack. Some of the attacks were successful, a hand-edge or a foot being brought to a halt just before it could cause serious damage to the opponent. Other times the two writhed, side-stepped or ducked to avoid the next attack and press their own. After what must have been only a minute or two Eriana again called a halt.

"Enough." She turned to Oznar. "That is what we can do, Kornal. It is time for the next variation. Semma, if you would."

The smaller guardswoman took off her sword and knife and handed them to Tyra, who happened to be standing next to her, before stepping into the ring. Most of those assumed that she would face the smaller opponent but she stood in front of Lars as Eriana herself faced Eirik!

The four bowed and then began two simultaneous matches. It showed to all that size was not as important as most assumed, that someone the size and weight of Semma could easily handle a larger opponent. There were many thoughtful expressions among the watching men when Eriana called a halt a few moments later, having demonstrated her point. The four bowed again and then stood back.

Ursula felt a nudge and turned as Toshi hissed at her, "I did not know that you people knew the way of wind and water! Where did you learn that?"

"I have no idea, Toshi. You remember that I have never been to Palarand? I assume they learned it there."

His expression was sullen. "The east is stranger than I knew. How is it possible that such knowledge has traveled from one side of this great land to the other? Yet you remain ignorant of so much else!"

"I suspect that they did not learn it from your empire, Toshi," she replied. "I am guessing the knowledge came to Palarand the same way I did."

He simmered. "Your own tale is madness. I do not know if I believe any of what I have been told."

She waved a hand. "Leave it for now, please. If you still intend to come downriver with us there may be proofs you can see for yourself. "

"If I must, Mistress. I do not call you a liar but the stories I have heard so far do not seem possible."

Oznar saw them talking and came over to them. "Mistress, Master. Now that I see you together, I can see that it is his sword that you carry, Mistress."

She replied, "That is so, Kornal. Toshi did not want to use it for the demonstration today."

Oznar switched to Toshi. "I would hope not! I have seen it drawn, no doubt it is as lethal a blade as that of the Admiral. But you bear no practice blade today, Master Toshi. Is it your intent to show us more of the unarmed combat?"

Toshi gave Oznar a look. "I was not sure what would happen today, Kornal. I can do much of what you have already seen though I was taught differently." He shrugged. "I can of course use a sword but so can everyone else. Nothing would be proved."

Oznar waved at the area where the barrels stood. "Then perhaps you could show us another skill, Kittrin. Axe, maybe? Knives? Though that may not be so simple in here with so many present. Spears, perhaps?"

Toshi looked thoughtfully at the distant weapons before giving an abrupt nod. "Hai. Not spears but spear poles. Does your Master at Arms know how to use those?"

By this time Eriana had wandered over. "What is this?"

"Your Kittrin desires to test our Master at Arms with spear poles, Admiral."

"Oh, you mean quarterstaffs? Aye, some of us know the art but others may be more skilled with them. My own men prefer more... direct methods. Toshi, if you desire to try them, I have no complaint."

He bowed. "As you wish, Admiral."

Oznar said, "If the fight is to be with poles, we should move back to the bare floor. Men! Over there."

As everyone moved back to the previous area of combat Toshi walked off and spent a little time selecting two similar poles. He returned with them, walked over to Krif and presented both to him.

"You choose one."

Krif made his choice, handed the other back to Toshi and the two faced off in the center of the ring. The murmuring from the watchers died away fairly rapidly. The two held their poles in a similar way, with both hands a body-width apart in the central part of their pole, and with the pole tilted down to their left.

There was a bang as the two began, each looking for an opening to exploit. Although both used similar moves it soon became apparent to Ursula that they been taught differently. Both moved on their feet but Krif slid his around cautiously as his body weight shifted while Toshi positively danced on the balls of his own feet.

Eriana muttered, "The Ironmaster uses his pole like a man with a double-ended sword, I deem."

Ursula looked and saw what she meant. She also saw what Toshi was doing.



"There is a way of practising called Kendo, but it is not for poles. I will explain later, or Toshi will."


Krif managed a poke at Toshi's chest before he could dance out of the way, but the Kittrin jumped a quarter way around the Ironmaster and poked him in the side in reply. Continuing his move, before the Ironmaster could even turn, Toshi had whacked him behind both knees, making them buckle before he could recover. He managed to spin in place to deflect the next strike, but Toshi twirled his pole into a blur, slid his grip to one end and brought the other down to rest against the Ironmaster's neck.


Krif immediately stepped back, swung his pole to the vertical and bowed. "Impressive, Master Toshi. Your Admiral was right about you."

There was movement among the men opposite as Graf Nuel pushed his way through.

Kornal saw him and called, "Company, respect for the Graf!"

As the men straightened themselves Nuel joined the two in the ring. Eriana and Oznar joined them.

"Admiral, I was sufficiently intrigued by your words yesterday that I thought to come and quietly observe your demonstration. I am glad that I did so, the display has been most impressive. I would petition you to remain in Zebrin longer, to teach some of these methods to my men, but I know that you must needs return to Palarand before the Rains begin.

"We of Zebrin have discovered our lack in methods of warfare known elsewhere along the river and we desire to remedy that lack. How can we best do that, Admiral? Think you that Palarand would permit a contingent of my men to travel there for instruction?"

Eriana, still catching her breath after her bout, had difficulty thinking. "Your Grace, if you would give me leave to consider the matter. I must needs consult my experts and, indeed, it may not be possible to make reply without reference to my King in Palarand."

"Indeed, such a decision should not be made hastily, I deem. I will await your word." He turned. "I must thank those of Palarand - and those others who travel with them - for their display here today. The weather has not been helpful but, despite that, you have made an impression on Zebrin we shall long remember."

Eriana gave him a brief bow. "Your Grace, Palarand thanks you for your kind words. Know that the welcome we have received here in Zebrin has been much more than any of us could have expected. I am hopeful that this is the start to a closer relationship between our two lands."

"As do I, Admiral. You have shown us that there is more happening along our great river than any in Zebrin knew. If I may ask, has your demonstration concluded, or have I interrupted you and your folk?"

Eriana looked up at the skylights. "By your leave, Your Grace, I believe that we have done enough for today. If we may return to our hostel while the weather yet relents."

"Of course. Shall we speak tomorrow? Now that I have seen what your men can do - I ask your pardon, your men and women, we may discuss certain matters in greater detail."

"At your convenience, Your Grace."

"And you intend to depart the following day, I deem."

"It is as you say, Your Grace. Our time along the Sirrel has become limited."

"Very well. Until tomorrow, then. Oznar, Norzo, with me, if you would."

Nuel swept out of the exercise hall followed by his subordinates. The troops parted to make way for them. Eriana wiped a hand across her brow and remarked to Lars, «That was unexpected! I did not know what we would find in Zebrin but this exceeds anything I could imagine.»

«Yah, Princess. That man is clever, he sees advantage for his land in becoming closer to us, but we must remember that may be all he sees.»

«Agreed, but all lands do that.» She turned to her company. "That ends the demonstration for today, I deem. Come, let us return to the hostel and clean ourselves up. Tomorrow, while I visit His Grace, we must needs prepare for yet another departure."

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