Rylee Update - June 13

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Hi Everyone!

We're getting very close to the end of Dear Rylee, and I while I realize that most of you are wondering if she survives the next chapter, I'll remind you that it's an autobiography, and I'm right here :P That being saiiiiiddd I want to thank everyone for sticking with the story in spite of typos, subpar writing, and literal mental breakdowns from me every thirty seconds. Though, admittedly, I've improved quite a bit since The Mockreet, and even more since my doctor prescribed Prozac(which is working well, by the way).

The E-Book is set to go live on Amazon about two weeks after the final chapter, at which point I'll remove the story from here, and the list price will be $0.99 and about $12 for the paperback. Honestly I would leave it up, but Amazon tends to get poopy when it crawls sites and finds what it percieves to be plagarized work or...whatever.

Work on 'Dear Ariel' is already underway with the first chapter being done and weighing in at about 10k words. I'm probably going to take a break for about a week, because hold fuck this has been a lot. Once again, thanks everyone, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story :)


Poor Rylee!

Emma Anne Tate's picture

Just like in the story, you keep having to tell people, “I’m right here!”

I was afraid, when I saw your blog post, that you were going to say you were taking a few weeks off. Given where you left our heroine at the end of the last chapter, that would have caused all of your fans to revolt!

Now . . . Last point. Your posts for this story have very few typos, and the writing is exceptional. So “Tori” clearly hasn’t broken you of the habit of beating up on yourself. Go back and read what you wrote about what she said! :D


it's an autobiography

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

When ever a protagonist who's also the narrator of the story gets into a life and death situation, I always remind myself that it's that person telling the story, so they have to survive.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann