Angry at My Bigoted Uncle

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My mom got into an argument with my uncle on Facebook the other day.

I'm not male and I never was, I was just mistakenly assigned as a male at birth. I never had functioning male parts. What everyone thought was a penis and a scrotum never were. They are actually an enlarged clitoris (about the size of a thumbnail) and fused labia. What is in there is tiny and non-functioning. I just got referred to a gynecologist who will get them biopsied for ovarian material. I was born with a vagina, a vaginal canal, and a cervix. I have monthly periods and have had them since my 20s. My doctors want me to lose 150 lbs and when I do I am going to have the surgery to open my vagina.

I never actually went through male puberty, but I did go through a female one. My voice never deepened. I sound just like my mom. I had to fake a deeper voice when I was in school. I have narrow shoulders and no Adam's apple. When I was fifteen, I started getting female curves so I gained weight to hide it. Luckily my weight is distributed evenly throughout my entire body. The boys at school already beat me on a daily basis and tried to kill me by lighting me on fire because of being girly. It would have been way worse if they saw that I went through female puberty.

I had a cyst on my pituitary gland that caused gigantism so that's why I grew to be 6 feet tall. I had it treated in my 20s, so now it is only a few nanometers, which doesn't cause growth issues thankfully.

I knew I was female since I was three and now the doctors back that up.

My mom tried to explain this to my uncle. She even told him I have a birth canal. He said I'm male because I was assigned as one at birth and "God doesn't make mistakes".

This makes no sense. He is against trans people, but he wants to force me to live as a trans man because of a doctor's mistake.


He is an ignorant idiot. You

leeanna19's picture

He is an ignorant idiot. You aren't trans. You are intersex. If you go back a bit further in time, the default for an intersex baby was to make it female. A micro penis, well he'll never be happy as a man, we'll call it a girl. "Easier to make a hole than a pole" etc.

You were unfortunately a victim of the opposite way of thinking. Some men are so insecure in their masculinity they fear it when a man wants to be a woman. I suspect he has a low opinion of women. You were never male. You were mistaken for one. I don't suppose he will listen to reason.

Tell him "God doesn't make mistakes" but doctors do, all the time.

Best of luck to you Jenni.


Thank You

Your uncle has been fed a steady diet of nonsense from a variety of sources.

Different people with dissimilar agendas have blended their demagoguery into a symphony of hate.

The NRA changed from a gun safety organization to a "protector of rights" in the 70's. At that same time, they started invoking God in their editorials claiming that the Constitution is a God-given document that memorializes the agreement between our government and heaven. That seemingly denies the fact that many of the main framers of the Constitution were Deists. This bit of trickery allows second amendment advocates to take things as a matter of faith without a shred of logic to back their positions. HEy!!!!! Look around!!!! No one is trying to take your guns. The vast majority of us just want enough reasonable measures taken so our kids can be safe in school.

Evangelical preachers stared out at their declining congregations in the eighties and decided they needed to do"something." That "something" became spewing animosity from their pulpits and has grown so foul that they actually go along with the charade that deems Trump a suitable leader -- despite his treacherous flaws. In college, I took several courses in the psychology of a group. one of the first steps in solidifying a group is focusing on a common enemy. We, the transpeople, have been selected as that "enemy." I assume we were picked because we are politically defenseless. Think Hitler and the Jews.

The pro-life people make a living selling the false proposition that if you aren't 100% against abortion you're not pro-life. The vast majority of the people in the U.S. believe abortion should be a "last" alternative. . .that is readily available to everyone. Only a small, small minority believe abortion is a "good" thing. Yet, the Catholic Church has thrown out all of its moral integrity to support an anti-abortion agenda. Of course, the Catholic Church had almost no integrity left after sheltering its pedophile priests. If you've aligned yourself with Papal direction on moral issues . . . WHY?

Finally . . . white males in the United States have had at least a thirty to forty percent leg up on everyone else simply because they have worked diligently to foster a regiment of lies. The big lie in this regimen is that there are two distinct genders . . . and, of course, the male gender is vastly superior gender. As the population in the U.S. has become blacker and browner, the white, male politicians are holding on to straws. Their bag of tricks includes repressing votes and screaming that there are two -- and only two genders. Of course, about twenty percent of us are bigoted assholes who have been waiting for someone like Trump to legitimize our excremental thinking. The same "good" tiki torch people who know that "Jews will not replace us" are waiting to start a trans pogrom.

Then there are the feckless politicians who have realized that the more bizarre they act, the faster their campaign fund coffers fill. Thus we have a governor claiming to have given her infant granddaughter a shotgun, the morons in Montana shooting their feet as fast as they've shot off their mouths, etc. In what line of work could Marjorie Taylor Greene make even one percent of what she pulls in in "Campaign Donations?"

All you have to remember is that this bullshit has absolutely nothing to do with you. You're a beautiful person who has some minor birth defects to correct. Here's the thing . . . absolutely everyone has birth defects. Unfortunately, we're finding that detective characters seem to be the most prevalent flaw.

Many of those who are pushing the "God doesn't make mistakes" crap -- are financially well off. Who do you think spent the nearly $20 billion that was plunked down last year for cosmetic surgery in this country? My guess is a lot of it was paid for by the tax cuts pushed through by Trump. It embarrasses me to think what I saved in taxes due to Trump's tax cuts. I owe that man a lot. It's just a minor inconvenience that he is destroying our democracy in the process. That asshole stated many times, in the years prior to him running for president, that he considered all the bathroom issues to be unfounded and he supported trans in the military.

A symphony of hate. Music to kill trannies by - for fun and profit.

All of these seemingly unrelated agendas have been neatly tied together by politicians who aren't addressing the real problems of our country. More than ten percent of our country lives in poverty. We have more than one mass murder -- a day. Homeless people are everywhere. Civility is waning. . .disappearing. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea . . . are becoming more dangerous every day. Pandemics seemingly will be more frequent and lethal. Our border policy is a quagmire that is killing many small businesses for a lack of workers.

All that to solve -- and we're spending our time making sure female swimmers aren't being cheated by transwomen.

It makes me want to rant . . . which I just did.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

God doesn't make mistakes?

Frank's picture

That imples God was in the room at the time of your birth and made the decision and not the doctor...which is just silly, if God were doing that it would be in the news!

It wouldn't appear he has an objective reasoned opinion of your anatomy and health issues. It's up to you how much emotional energy you want to spend on his opinion.



PM Your Uncle's Facebook

BarbieLee's picture

I love discussing transgender issues with bigots for a little while anyway. Maybe to really twist his panties into a knot, I will let it slip I'm one of those abominations. Maybe he would like to visit? The UPS Driver wouldn't get out of his van this afternoon. He was calling me on his phone. A dozen goats were curious and had him surrounded. I know for a fact they were going to demand toll in the way of dog biscuits or similar before he got to the house. Little did he know they are all "Lap Goats" big overgrown pets.What is better than a watch dog? A watch goat?
Your uncle is right though, God doesn't make mistakes, Doctors do. There is a reason and purpose for all of His creatures, including me. I'm having a hard time justifying your uncle but... Jenni if you're within a hundred miles I'd like to escort you shopping, to the park, or just out anywhere you wish to go. I think I've mentioned Elk City, Oklahoma enough times but I doubt anyone really paid any attention.
Hugs Jenni, live your life hon, don't let the bigots control it.
Life is a gift, don't waste it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

My uncle is ignoring me.

JenniBee's picture

He won't answer my messages, both on Facebook and by e-mail. Just as long as he stops harassing my mom about me, I guess that's OK. I don't really want a relationship with my uncle if he's going to go off on my mom about me like that.

I live in New York, but I'm aiming to visit all of the 50 states. I'm heading down with my mom to see my friends and family in North Carolina and Florida, and then over to Louisiana. The whole spat with my uncle started because my mom wanted to visit him in Alabama while we were near there.

I have family in New Orleans. They are OK with me, but we aren't close, so we probably won't visit. As a matter of fact, the only people who have any problem with me are my uncle and his wife. My other uncle and aunt are fantastic, and my cousins, including my bigoted uncle's son, are very accepting of me.

We'll be gone for a month, so I might be able to swing over to Oklahoma. Once I'm in Louisiana, I'll let you know if we'll have time to swing up to Oklahoma. I'll be glad to take you up on your kind offer.

Reminds me of a plaque my sister had

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

She had it on the wall in her bedroom. It said, "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up." I think if you poke around your uncle's house you may find one just like it. Or perhaps he has it tattooed on his chest.

I wouldn't debate with him about God making mistakes (who are we to claim we know what God intended in any situation). But what he should be reminded of is that people make mistakes. The people who looked at your malformed genitalia and tried to declare a round hole was a square peg made a mistake. One that has been verified, albeit a little late.

Doctors should have been looking at your blood work your when you were thirteen and had not entered puberty. About that time your estrogen levels certainly must have been way too high for a male and your testosterone levels way too low. An ultrasound would have revealed internals were female regardless of what the externals had been labelled.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Doctors in my area are terrible.

JenniBee's picture

In my town, health care for non-gender-conforming people is non-existent, even now. When I first started having a cycle in my 20s, I went to the emergency room and the doctor said it was impossible for me to have a period.

Growing up, the doctors would note that I had a micropenis and hypogonadism but wouldn't order any tests to find out why. When I told my doctor I never had erections or ejaculation, he said it didn't matter because I was transitioning to a woman.

I never got any help until two years ago through Planned Parenthood who referred me to a doctor in a more liberal city 45 minutes away. Last year I finally got an ultrasound done and that's when it was revealed I had a vaginal canal and a cervix.

It's crazy that doctors would be that uneducated about intersex conditions.

Doctors are human, too

Doctors are human, too, and humans are imperfect. They can hold the same prejudices and misconceptions as anyone else. The difference is that they rarely will admit it. Although that might not be such a difference. Many people are unable to admit that they are fallible.

My feelings exactly Ang.

This bigoted uncle has absolutely NO rights at all over her life or her choices. If he doesn't accept it then she can tell him to go to hell.


Period Pads

Next month just show him your pad and ask if, boys can do that

LOL, Cute

BarbieLee's picture

Actually some do.
Hugs Richie
When we know everything we finally realize we know nothing.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl