High School principal blocks transgender student's bid for Prom Queen

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I just don't understand why they just don't leave it up to the kids. I mean, what's the harm?

Prom Queen

luv to all, even narrow minded bigots




Zoe Taylor's picture

'You are a male and males can run for king, not queen,' " said Jon Dahlander, a school district spokesman.

And who the hell is he to decide? Does he have a doctorate in psychology and specialty in treating transgendered students? I very seriously doubt it.

Closed-minded bigots are keeping the wrong body part clenched tight. -_-


Edit: I'd like to say though, I was pleasantly surprised the author of the piece had the common human decency to use the correct gender pronouns.

It's a well-written and sympathetic work, and I hope that between this and the mention of the girl's situation being publicized, that the principal backs down.

I could see it, I really, really could see it, if she weren't genuinely transgendered, if she were doing this for attention or to disrupt school, but it implicitly states that she blends in like any other girl, so that's pretty obviously not the case.

ANYway. Getting down off my soapbox now :-)

The students don't care

From the article it doesn't seem that any of the students care. Here's a lovely girl trying to enjoy high school. Lord knows it's tough enough as it is without "adults" making it worse by their bigotry.



PS - sorry all, this one really pushes some buttons on me.

Well, it is Texas

Well, it is Texas. We in Oklahoma know many of them are not noted for their open mindedness, nor for their ability to reason. It was the Texas GOP who recently adopted the stupidly conservative platform that claimed gays and tg were unfit to be parents and should not be allowed to use bathrooms used by real people. Afriad of cooties, I guess. Dallas, a little different, just a bit more cosmopolitan. Houston, forget-about-it. Denton (NTSU) has gotten mean about differences. And we are still waiting on a judge in east Texas to decide if a widow, who is post op TS, is female so she can receive her firefighter husbands insurance benefit, or be stripped of everything because his mother and sister want the money and house. It's quite likely the widow will lose, since it is Texas. I have a friend who flies for an airline, and she has to "butch up" to have visitation with her son, who has now been prevailed upon by constant pressure from mom to tell her he doesn't want to see her when she comes to town for visitation. Judges routinely find against TS/TG folk in their decisions regarding divorce. It's TEXAS. What more needs be said?



Yep, it sure is Texas

As a former resident I can say prevailing attitudes in some areas is one reason why I moved on. My sister is a bigot and proud of it.
They could always add a second S to the end of Texas and spell it out for the uncertain?

"We in Oklahoma...."

You've got to be kidding. How's Oral doing this year?? Heard his student had a hard time with SCOTUS yesterday, huh?

I'll see your Inhofe and Coburn and raise a tenth of a Doggett. Even Perry trumps those two, though there are some huge clowns on this side of the river (and Perry may well lose!)

There is enough hate running around this part of the country, there is enough people that pay no attention to what is being said, that hate and fear and greed are going to win. Please, don't play this game. There are also sad creatures that think it makes no difference who you vote for. Just look at the programs of these parties. Just please, please look. The party that tried to get rid of DADT or the party of the creature that said, "All fagots must die" after they had stopped it's repel. It matters. For social justice reasons, for economic reasons, for humanity reasons.

The students treat me like any other girl. Why can't the administration?

Would that be said in Tulsa? It was a long time ago that I was in High School there, but I doubt it would be better there than in Dallas, or Houston, or Austin. I Doubt it would be anywhere close to as good. Stop with this and get out and work against the people that are spreading hate (and calling themselves "Christians" which makes me want to puke even though I'm not one I admire a great many from that religion.). It is real. It is dangerous. VOTE. and scream!

Then you should have no problem

Explaining State Rep. Sally Kerns. Such an open-minded, logical, reasoned person.

People who live in glass houses and all that.

. . . .

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

TV report

Just watched the attached video, and all the way through I was wanting to grab the reporter and strangle her with her own words. "According to gender", she's told you her gender, stupid!

I should be getting to work.

But I really, really just don't get it. I'll never get it. I went to a high-school where three years after I graduated a friend of mine's little brother wore a LBD to his prom with his girlfriend and the worst they got was people bitching that he looked too good in the dress. I really wish more people could just make this whole thing a non-issue.

Bailey Summers

No wonder


'that people like myself who live in other parts of the world find it hard to come to terms with the so called democracy
and 'Land of the free' that US politicians love to spout about.We have a lot of American tourists who come to our area
(to see the Barrier Reef) and I am more than surprised by their comments on how their country is changing.When I see what Connie has brought out here,I wonder,where is the freedom,where is the democracy? This is not a criticism of America per se, but what the hell is going on when such discrimination is allowed and to see the press reports of a church group targeting the funerals of your brave boys who have died in Afghanistan, under the guise of free speech? this is B*LL SH*T.


There ARE less....

There ARE less likely candidates that win...

My Sophomore (2nd) year at my University, a write-in candidate won the election as student body president... And the administration wouldn't let him run. They claimed that since he wasn't a matriculated student, he couldn't hold office. (He was there every day!) He was a Large friendly German Shepard named Rinky.


Back in the day

erin's picture

In 1966, my senior year in high school, one of the straight male students wore an earring to school. He was called up in front of the class and ridiculed while the vice principal was called to come and start the process where he would be expelled from school and refused graduation.

He was called names and told that he was a shameful example of a human being in front of all his classmates and he smiled and took it. And most of the class lost a LOT of respect for the school administration and all authority.

This happened in Civics class and we all got a big lesson in how power actually works in a democracy.

Later, the principal overruled the efforts to get the student expelled and allowed him to attend classes and graduate as long as he agreed not to wear the earring on school property. This is the same principal that refused to prosecute streakers, handing out one-day suspensions for missing classes and disrupting the school instead, even though the police wanted to make some arrests. So, there are people who are rational and even-handed in the system; what's bad is when you get someone who is a fool and is in charge.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


North Dallas High School shows a very nice-looking school building.... and Dinnah Escanilla is shown as Principal, and her email address as [email protected] .... Maybe we should drop her a note? I think maybe it wouldn't hurt to forward this article to some organizations too, maybe someone at LGBT Alliance or GLAAD might be able to bring some heat on this narrow-minded bigot, if nothing else.