A lovely surprise call this morning from my Doctor's office telling me that I had been issued with a new NHS number. That's because the gender marker has been changed and I'm officially female. That was supposed to take 3 weeks but was completed in just 11 days! I'm also, once again, able to order prescriptions online now that the national NHS database has been modified.
That prompted me to call HMRC - the UK's tax and social security monstrosity - where upon I was asked to call a specialist team (which answered the phone straight away!). I have now sent them a copy of my deed poll. That will have my tax records changed to female.
Meanwhile my pension provider was a pain - 50 minutes on hold! - and they need HMRC to supply the updated gender data.
Things are moving forward! It's only been 18 days since the Deed Poll was signed!
Good for you in making bureaucratic progress. The UK's HMRC can't possibly be as bad as the USA's IRS. Of course, tax collectors are thoroughly despised everywhere.
Horray for quick turn-a-rounds!
May the already initiated steps move as quickly!
- Leona
Congratulations young lady.
Congratulations young lady. Good for you Miss. Better get used to that madam.
I wish you al the best in your new official gender.
Congratulations and I'm Jealous
shiraz, I'm proud of you hon. It's a life affirming notice one has finally arrived among the bureaucracy where the individual knew they were all along. Life becomes easier despite everything you may or may not have heard. It has everything with you being the real you and not having to be someone you aren't.
It took me more than a year to grind through all the roadblocks put up by my own government, state and federal. Each work around took time. In the end was it worth it? Damn betchu Red Rider. I can finally tell the whole world who I was born as..., girl, female. I have a billfold full of government IDs along with individual private records. Talking to a lady yesterday and she said, "You're very pretty." I thanked her but it isn't true. She watched too many westerns and never saw a real cowgirl before. I'm forty years past shelf life. May you receive compliments as a woman.
shiraz, I'm proud of you girl. Way to go lady!
See if this song fits.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
For some of us, it goes pretty smoothly. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I made some ....
... silly squeaking noises when I saw this:

Marvelous news! Hooray!