Winter is coming

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Just coming up on the news feeds, dangerous winter weather rapidly chilling the USA, please all our sisters and brothers there heed the weather warnings and stay safe this next few days.


It's gonna get nasty!

Or so the weather people are saying. Here in Eastern Iowa the temp has been slowly dropping form mid 20F of yesterday down to 8F at 8am this morning. Snow began this morning also, which is supposed to accumulate (depending on what channel you watch) to anything between 4 to 8 inches.

Later today and tomorrow are supposed to be the worst with winds of 30-50mph causing blizzard conditions with blowing and drifting snow and wind chills of -30F or more.

What worries me the most is this is the first snow that has been heavy enough to accumulate on the roads this year. I can't understand how it happens with the amount of snow we get each year, but so many people seem to forget how to drive in snow and others that go out in it with wore out tires incapable of getting any traction.

I don't plan on going out in this weather but when I was younger, my best friend and I used to go out in our 4x4's and look for those needing help and pull their cars out of the ditches. I'm a bit to old (not to mention still recovering my near death fall last winter) to go out and do that any more, but I still keep a tow strap in my 4x4 truck if I do happen to be out and run across someone needing help.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.


I am in central Indiana. We are forecast a 50 degree change in temp from this noonish to overnight plus a wind-chill down into minus 30s farenheit. Our snow could be 6 inches to more plus blowing and drifting. Not the worst we've had in a 70 year memory, but bad enough to hunker down and pray the power doesn't go out for heat. Already have empty shelves in the stores. This one may be bad enough to rank up there with our blizzard of 1978.

winter storm

our storm alert expires in about half an hour. we got the massive cold wave and the wind chills, but snow.....not so much. the apt. complex keeps the grass manicured really short, and i can see the grass through the snow coverage. far cry from the six plus inches it could have been. harking back to snow falls in my youth, i am almost disappointed. we were geared up and mentally ready and blah, might have been nice to actually get white coverage. well i spoke too soon. its now 9:50 p.m. roughly 3 hours after the warning was due too expire, and it seems they have chosen to extend the warning until 7:00 a.m. on saturday. temps going down to -7F with wind chills down in -30sF again. stay warm people. play fireman. stay inside and go out only if the bell rings.

What do you mean coming?

We have huge piles of snow here and have had for a month now. And it’s cold!

One thing I can assure you is most people in Manitoba are thinking one thing…..What global warming?

You keep safe too

Maddy Bell's picture

they seem to be forecasting a big dump of white across the UK over Chrimbo.



Madeline Anafrid Bell

Crimbo Snow?

More like rain for the southern half of the country if the lunchtime forecast is to be believed.

The rain/snow boundary depends on where the warm front meets the cold front coming down from the north.

Yeah... well

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Here in balmy Oregon, specifically the northern foothills of the Coast Range, weather has been the topic of discussion on all of the social media. It's not to uncommon for us to have below freezing temps overnight; however, this year we've already had nearly a week of below freezing temps for a high in early November. To combat boredom and supplement my retirement income, I drive school bus. The nice thing about that job is that when the weather is make the road dangerous there's no school and I don't have to drive in it.

I leave the bus barn about 6:25. Our supervisor comes in early and warms up the buses for us. But no one warms up my car for me. I live about 5 minutes from the bus barn so my car doesn't really warm up by the time I get there. The result is that on those really cold days I have to deice my windshield to get to work and then after the morning run, I have to deice again to come home. Normally, I just get a can of Prestone Deicer every year and often have a little left over. This year, I'm already on my second can and winter's only a month old.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Sub freezing

You know that the rest of the country has to be quite cold when they are talking of sub freezing temperature in Florida, all the way to or below Tampa. It will be sad because many people will have frozen water pipes and plumbing bills to try to cope with.

Got Me

BarbieLee's picture

Electricity went off last night at two forty one and didn't come back on until after five thirty. With zero degree temps and forty mph plus winds it didn't take long to freeze the water lines. Half mile to the well house, took awhile for the ice to soften on the windshield before an ice scraper would even touch it. Too cold too hard to chip off. I'm layered in thermal clothes, ski mask, insulated boots, gloves, etc. I'd never make it walking to the well house to check. Thus the car and the drive. Didn't plug in the diesel PU and no way it would start. Flooded well house, lines frozen and busted. The submersible pump is one hundred sixty feet down in the well. No way it froze. When electricity came back on it still ran.

Turned it off. Not that many years back I would have fixed the pipes and everything right then. Or if necessary out fixing other people's water lines, getting the heaters in their homes working again, coming home around seven or eight and going back out the next day to do it all again. It was one of the several trades I carried a contractor's license. No more, I let all the licenses expire after I lost Jean to cancer. We were a team and I lost my soul mate, best friend, wife, and partner in life.

In four days it will warm up again and I'll replace the water lines then. It's only me in this old farm house. Things are no longer urgent or necessary at the moment. The thermometer has never got up past fifty in this house. Gotta love old farm houses.

Wish Podracer and Everyone a Merry Christmas. May you be blessed as much in life as I have been.
Barbie Jean Lee

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Thanks! Already 'splatting' my FB page with warnings ....

I greatly fear this storm will kill people, beyond the ones who needlessly (*) go out or die shoveling.

Chicago already at minus 1 F, headed to minus 6.

Fool me was gonna shovel, Went to car to retrieve gloves ... I am now inside for the duration.
(*) Everybody
Ain't nothing ya gotta do that's worth your life. And how do you do it if you die first?
Don't be like the man who ran the First Marathon. But he had a Reason, His Nation was stake,


We're already -23°c here and with windchill we're hitting -35 with expectations to get below -40... good times! Thankfully we're already stocked up for food ahead of time in case stuff is shut down next couple days.


Our blizzard warnings expired yesterday but most of the week has been below zero Fahrenheit for high temperatures with about a foot of snow, it's hard to tell because it moves around a lot. We're looking forward to getting close to freezing next week. To tell the truth I would almost prefer if it stayed a little colder it's easier on the roads.

Time is the longest distance to your destination.