Shroom Dungeon - First Delve (8/9)

Chapter 10

It was fascinating. The first glimpse of The Factory district was the ceiling lights they encountered. Tabby had never seen anything like them. Each light was connected with three transparent pipes. Two were full of fluorescent fluid. One in bright blue and the other in bright red. Upon closer examination - getting a lift by Sindor and Connie to reach the height - Tabby could see both fluids drip minuscule amounts into the lamp. There they mixed into a pale violet solution that emitted quite a lot of light. At one end, the resulting violet fluid that had spent its luminescence was separated and sucked out into the third pipe.

"Did you satisfy your curiosity?" Debbie was looking up at her with hands on her hips and her right foot tapping the floor impatiently.

"If anything, I am even more curious," Tabby admitted. "You can let me down again." Once placed on the floor, she couldn't hold her excitement. "I've seen alchemical reactions like this before. Small scale in the laboratory. Not like this. I wonder what fluids they used for their alchemical reaction."

"We would find out if you got a move on," Sindor pointed out.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's go." Sometimes it was very clear to Tabby that her companions were in the adventuring business for a very different reason than herself. Loot and glory. Mostly loot. And in Shroom Dungeon, pleasure too.

The path to The Factory was a winding tunnel that, for once, was brightly illuminated. As they came closer, they noticed patches of mushrooms growing on the wall. Each was quite distinctive.

"Never seen this type of mushroom before," Debbie said as she picked one up that looked misshapen and a mix of metal and glass.

It didn't look edible but Tabby doubted not for a second that one could eat it. All the shrooms in this Dungeon were. The only question was which effect they would have. Of course, Tabby had to try one. "Sweet. Like rock candy," she said after picking up one herself and biting into it. "The glass-looking parts anyway. The metal bits are more like bitter chocolate."

"You just gonna eat them without knowing what they do?" Connie asked.

Tabby shrugged. "How else are we gonna find out? You don't know. And what are the chances we run into someone who explains it to us? Even if we do, there might be a chance they omit or falsify facts. And knowing Shroom Dungeon so far, it will either result in something weird or pleasurable. Probably both."

"Well, you know the saying. Curiosity transformed the catgirl or something like that." As Sindor's joke fell a bit flat, he grabbed for one of the mushrooms that looked like a big screw with a hexagonal head. "I say Tabby has the right idea. So, I'll test these ones."

"From cat girl to guinea pig. I like it!" Debbie was quick to pluck more mushrooms off the wall and unload them into Tabby's arms. "Here. Eat up."

"That's the plan," Tabby agreed. Only to run into a problem. Someone overloaded her with mushrooms and she couldn't free even one arm. "Guess you have to feed me," she pointed out smugly.

"Alright. Alright."

Progress slowed down even more. Walking and being fed was rather awkward. Still, the group managed to advance at a snail's pace. The first changes were visible on Sindor. A metallic sheen crept out from under his tunic and slowly overtook his skin. Followed closely by a color change to a mix of copper and bronze. Small indents and bumps appeared. Making him look like assembled with metal plates that were riveted in place.

"You look like one of those Dwarven constructs," Connie remarked. "The ones we fought in the foundry of Smoke Mountain."

"Not quite," Sindor remarked. "I am twice as big and have no beard."

While slower, Tabby's transformation followed a similar route. However, she soon had to stop Debbie from feeding her more. "Hold on. I think my belt is getting a bit tight."

Debbie stopped to look down at Tabby and frowned. "I didn't feed you that many and yet-"

Wanting to get a better look, Tabby placed the many mushrooms on a small ledge close by. Finally, she could undo the whip she used as a belt. Now, she could see what had Debbie confused. Her own tunic convulsed outward with a small but noticeable bump. As if she had eaten the feast of her life or-

"Why, Tabby, how many months are you along?" Sindor asked, only to let out a grunt as Connie elbowed him in the stomach.

"Well, you wanted weird. You get weird," Connie pointed out. "Now, let's see the damage. And don't worry. This is Shroom Dungeon. If worse comes to worst, we find someone here who has a kink for mothers-to-be."

"I am not really getting a baby from a mushroom." However, doubt came quickly to Tabby. "Right? I mean, that is absurd. Then again, this is Shroom Dungeon. Okay. Here we go-"

No one of the four of them expected what Tabby revealed as she lifted her tunic. Her belly pushed outward rather proudly and still grew a bit as they looked. What had them really stunned was that it wasn't the fake metal skin like the rest that took her over. Her belly was transparent. She could look right through it. Thankfully, no organs could be seen. Rather, her whole belly had turned into a hollow dome of glass. It even sounded like it as Tabby gave it a tap.

"I say, it got weird," Tabby spoke up after a few seconds. "But what is this for? There has to be a purpose. A function."

Her friends only shrugged. Giving one of her own, Tabby picked up the discarded mushrooms and started eating again. As she saw the questioning looks, she felt the need to explain. "If we can't say why it is like it is, then maybe the transformation isn't done or not far enough along. Only one way to find out."

Not far off, they found the official entrance to The Factory. They emerged from one of the multiple tunnels that arrive at a large hall that had three entrances. "Fluidic Lab," Debbie read aloud from a sign at the left entrance. She looked back at Tabby. "Maybe that is where you now belong. Or those like you."

"The middle leads to The Assembly Line," Sindor remarked. "Right one leads to a showroom."

"The last one might give us a clue what we are in for," Connie pointed out.

"Let's go," Debbie shouted and was the first one through the door.

Tabby was the last. By now she had the girth of a woman six months pregnant. Thankfully, the belly was still hollow and not that heavy. Still, with her new circumference, Tabby started to waddle a bit. If she wanted to or not.

The showroom was even larger than The Curated Gallery. Dais of different heights lined the room. On each was a mannequin. None of them were quite the same. They didn't just wear different garments but appeared to be made out of different materials. Most of them were metal, some made of wood, and others of porcelain. None matched each other. A few had moving parts and Sindor jumped back as one mannequin close to him had a small metal bird jump out of a clock at her waist and twittered up a storm. Others simply had rotating cogs or spinning wheels with unknown practical functions.

As they walked from dais to dais, Debbie gave a running commentary for display. "Interesting. Wouldn't mind her in my bed. This one looks impractical. Hello, gorgeous. Meh, this one has a boring pose, and-"

"Why don't you do something about it?"

Debbie stumbled backward as the last mannequin spoke up. Tabby couldn't help but giggle. Despite her mouth stuffed full of mushrooms. This was Shroom Dungeon. Of course, the mannequins were alive. Probably adventurers and not even volunteers. After The Curated Gallery, Tabby decided to err on the side of lewd. If someone was into something strange, but kinky, it either is in Shroom Dungeon or someone is working to add it. Of that, she was convinced.

"What do you mean?" Debbie asked after recovering. "You want me to pose you?"

"Sure. You wouldn't be the first one," the living mannequin admitted. "Just don't give me a boring pose like the last person that played with
me. Visitors can be awfully judgy."

Debbie didn't have to be told twice. "Don't mind if I do."

Tabby was intrigued too. "Can only you be posed?"

"Oh, we all can move." To prove her point, the mannequin snatched Debbie's hand who was just moving the mannequin's arm to a new position. She was spun in a twirl as if they were dancing. But the mannequin was quick to return to a static pose. "It's just fun to be posed. To not decide how you will be perceived by the next visitor. If someone else will mind, they'll tell you. Go nuts. Pose as you want. Save for you. How many Shroomolembric did you eat?"

"These ones?" Tabby held one of the strange metal and glass-looking mushrooms up. "A lot."

"You might want to head to the Fluidic Lab before you are done transforming. The mini-game there is a lot of fun," the mannequin said with a wink. "The rest might need to catch up to join her. Or you take your time posing us. If both don't strike your fancy, you can go to The Assembly Line."

"Not sure if I like that vibe," Sindor said while gesturing to Tabby, whose belly was even more pronounced now. "And I know Debbie. She will pose all mannequins here - twice - and hiss at anyone daring to undo her work. So, I vote for The Assembly Line."

Connie looked at the small bracelet they got at The Impish Armory. "Well, we have plenty of time. Let's split up and meet back later. We can then decide where to go next. Sounds good?"

They all agreed. Save for Debbie who was finished giving her mannequin a lewd pose and jumped to the next to give it an even more sexualized stance.

Tabby waved Connie and Sindor farewell for now as they headed to The Assembly Line. A little bit excited, Tabby headed to her own destination. Her own transformation intrigued her and she was still changing. She got a good look at it as she found - to her surprise - a large mirror in the hallway to the lab. Taking a moment to exercise herself, she marveled at her reflection. From head to toe, she appeared to be out of bronze. Even her hair had the color and metallic sheen. It looked even more impressive when she combed through it with her fingers.

Of course, not everything was bronze. Her belly jutted out like that of a woman nine months pregnant. It was completely transparent and hollow. Thankfully, the backside was covered in bronze skin too. There was no view of her internal organs. That would've been disturbing and too much for Tabby. However, looking at her reflection, Tabby noticed something new. Her nipples stood erect and hard, despite not being aroused. And while she watched, they lost color too. Before her very eyes, they turned glass-like and transparent. Soon, the rest of her breasts followed. They too turned out to be hollow. Confusing and intriguing Tabby even more.

It was time to find out what all this was for. Resolute, she turned around and headed into the lab. What she saw had her stunned. As Tiberius, she had seen plenty of alchemical labs. Her parents' private one had been meticulously tidy. The ones at the university were less so, as countless students had introduced chaos. And the few she had seen in private residences had been controlled chaos. This was on a whole new level. Workbenches, crates, and jugs have been scattered around wherever they fit. Tools, beakers, and mushrooms were sprawled out everywhere without remembering or reason.

Frantic movement and muttered curses of "Where is it? It was somewhere around here." drew Tabby's focus to a girl rummaging through a heap of mushrooms. From what she could see, the girl had the same transformation as herself. Maybe further along.

"Hello?" Tabby tried. "What are you looking for?"

The girl stopped examining mushrooms in different shades of blue. Twirling around, the girl took a look at Tabby and grinned. "Another one! It was getting lonely here. Name is Charlissa. Come here. Let me see. You are not quite done yet."

That was an understatement as far as Tabby could tell. Charlissa had the same transparent hollow belly. Her breasts were further along too. What was odd - in her opinion even more so than the rest - was that Charlissa's nipples had turned downward and grown in length. Until they merged - as two long glass tubes - at the belly button. Within the belly, Tabby could see even more tubes. Most of them - as well as some parts of the belly and breasts - were filled with colored liquids. It all reminded Tabby of-

"Is that an alembic in your stomach?"

"Yeah, it is," Charlissa brimmed with excitement. "Welcome to the best mini-game Shroom Dungeon has to offer. At least in my opinion." She stepped forward to offer Tabby a hand, but her legs nearly buckled as she let out an involuntary moan. "Sorry. I took on too much liquid and- Oh, the feeling is divine." Within her, the fluid slushed around wildly. And even more moans escaped until Charlissa could subdue her involuntary bucking and come to a rest.

Tiberius might have been worried. Not so Tabby. She was intrigued. And whatever Charlissa was into, she wanted to be part of too. "So, how did you, you know, fill up?"

"Do you see the bulbous mushrooms colored wildly and scattered literally everywhere? They are very juicy and each adds fluid to your belly in their color." As Tabby picked up a bright orange one, Charlissa grabbed her hand and stopped her from eating it. However, Tabby had to wait a while as Charlissa's fluids were sloshing around again and had the girl moaning. "Don't just eat them. You need a plan. And for that, you need a goal. Come here."

A living alembic girl walked over to a dildo fixed on the floor. Tabby hadn't noticed it as the visual clutter in bright colors overshadowed it. But once aware, Tabby saw a few more. Either fixed to the floor or on a wall, but not directly. At the base of the dildo was always a small hatch.

Charlissa slowly crouched down. Taking extra care to not introduce too much momentum to the fluids within her. "These small hatches contain treasure. But they are locked. To unlock them, you have to ride them. Or, well, give them a blow Job. But it is not as easy as that." She pointed at the tip of the dildo that was bright teal in color. "To unlock it the fluid within your belly has to match closely to the top of the dildo. If you succeed, all the fluid of that color gets drained and it unlocks. But-" Her finger wandered downward and pointed at the base and balls of the dildo that was colored orange. "Fail, and you get a shot of fluid matching the color displayed on the lower shaft."

Carefully, Charlissa stood back up. "Of course, whatever fluids are in your belly mix together. So, plan the mushrooms you eat depending on what color you want to match. Pro tip, you can fail on specific dildos that have rare colors. But you never know how much they inject into you. It's a gamble, but it sometimes pays off. Those are the basics. You got that?"

Tabby nodded. It wasn't too complicated. A little color theory and a good eye for mixing colors were all that was needed. And the actual act might sound fun in itself too. But that didn't explain all the features Charlissa displayed or Tabby just now developed. "What's all this about?" she asked while pointing at her own breasts and nipples. She had to avoid a snort of amusement as the latter had grown longer and started to dip down to her belly. Yet, they still fell quite short of it.

"Ah, that is the advanced part," Charlissa admitted. "To be honest, I am still figuring it out myself. There is no manual. It has many functions. The easiest is to store some liquid separately and reintroduce it later. Good to save colors for when they are needed. But there are other functions. Most require you to apply heat in a specific way while doing certain- Stuff. People around here made notes. Trying to figure things out. But half the notes around here are wrong. I am sure of it. Maybe placed as decoys?"

"Sounds intriguing," Tabby said aloud. She liked puzzles. Even more so when things aren't as clear and straightforward as one thinks. This might prove more than just more naughty fun but actually challenge her too. "Let's get to it."

While Charlissa started again frantically looking around for the right mushrooms, Tabby started at a more serene pace. She selected one of the dildos that had a bright green tip and a dark blue base. If she got it wrong, she might get blue fluid inside her, but she reasoned she could always counteract with some yellow mushrooms to get back to green. While hunting, she glanced at the notes others left behind. Some were quite cryptic. Random thoughts were put into words. Others had sentences that might make sense later when she developed into a full alembic girl.

"Yes! Oh, yes!" The ecstatic shout that turned to moans belonged to Charlissa. Tabby saw her in the throws of passion while being impaled on a dildo. It was obvious that the fluid in her belly was draining. However, smaller quantities remained. Once calmed down, Charlissa opened the small hatch beneath the dildo and produced small thick cards. For Tabby, they reminded her of the costers her mother insisted they used for their drinks. Least they leave stains.

"What are those for?" Tabby asked while pointing at the strange loot.

"Tokens for The Assembly Line," Charlissa said. "But it's best if you find out the rest for yourself."

Now, Tabby was even more determined to cracker her chosen dildo and its color puzzle. Hunting a little more enthusiastically for the right green mushrooms. With each mushroom eaten, small dribbles of fluid filled her belly. She could actually feel them inside herself. Like a small tickling inside. Just a few mushrooms in, she had a small puddle contained within her. She started to get why Charlissa was so excited. Just swirling and sloshing around gave Tabby a pleasant feeling. Like the gentle caress of a feather used in foreplay. And with each mushroom eaten and tiny measure of fluid won, the feeling intensified.

At last, Tabby had a good approximation of the green she tried to match. Excited and more than a little aroused already, Tabby crouched down over her chosen dildo. Eagerly, she impaled herself. Each up and down not only stroked her inner sanctum. She could feel her fluids splashing and sloshing around. With both of these sensations combined, Tabby didn't last long. As her breathing returned to normal, she suddenly felt pressure beneath and the dildo twitching.

"What the-" Standing up quickly clued Tabby in on what went wrong. The soft caress her fluid had bestowed her inner belly had turned to a heavier sensation. Less feathery foreplay and more intense. Comparable to Connie's tongue exploring her insides. This could get distracting quite fast, Tabby reasoned.

"Your green was a little bit too light," Charlissa remarked. "Use the mirrors. And be reminded that your belly wall slightly discolors what you see too. I'll be off. My friends are waiting. Maybe we'll see each other on The Assembly Line or in the showroom. Until then."

Tabby waved her goodbye and immediately regretted it. The slight movement translated well down to her fluid. Once Charlissa was gone, Tabby walked to the closest of the mirrors that were scattered around. Her tubular nipples had dipped down further. Not much longer and they would connect to her belly. She could also see some tubes grow within. The lower third of her belly was taken up by a bluish-green liquid.

"Just a bit more yellow."

Tabby started hunting again. This time, she meticulously checked the mirror each time she consumed a mushroom. Of course, the amount added was little, and to mix it in properly, Tabby had to gyrate her belly a few times. Each instance only made her even more hot and bothered. At last, she tried again.

Dripping wet, just pushing down on the dildo made her cum. Even more satisfying was the drain she felt. Like a little maelstrom, the fluid rushed out of her. It was an experience unlike anything in her life before. And as a last reward, she heard a click.

It took her a moment to gather herself enough to actually check what she had won. Three of the coster-like cards were beneath the hatch in a small hollowed-out space. Each depicting a small strange item. The first was a cog located on the biceps, using the arm itself as a shaft. An impossible narrow-looking waist corset was drawn on the second card over the faint silhouette of a woman.

The third had her stumped. It looked like a thick solid cylinder, but the end looked like it featured a very lifelike vagina. Frowning, Tabby stared at it, until she noticed a small flat button was part of the card. Pressing it made her gasp. A light-based illusion appeared over the card. What some of her colleagues at her old university tried to rename to hologram. A stupid name if anyone asked Tabby. This light-based illusion showed the object on the card but in three dimensions. It rotated slowly and Tabby could make out more details now. The end opposite of the vagina was rounded. As the cylinder rotated further, Tabby let out a confused gasp. The other side was a cut away. Showing a fleshy tunnel behind and inside of the object. But not one natural, Tabby reasoned. All these little nobs and nipples inside looked to be too orderly to be placed by nature. And she knew enough to know she didn't have a hundred of them inside her. Nor any woman she had ever slept with. Including those, she had bedded as Tiberius.

The purpose of the cards was still a little unclear to Tabby. Were those items that were handed out? What was the tube for? Could someone really wear a corset this small? Even by Shroom Dungeon standards, it looked impossible. She could find out. Charlissa had said at The Assembly Line she would get an explanation. It was tempting, just to satisfy her curiosity. Still, the lab held more surprises. Tabby was sure of it. And just now, her tube-like nipples had reached the space towards her belly and fused to it. How can she leave now, before figuring the function of this part of her transformation out? Besides, was she satisfied with only having solved the probably easiest dildo to beat?

More light-footed - now that there was no fluid sloshing around in her - Tabby examined the lab again. Hunting for a new target. She found one that appeared to be easy. A yellow tip and shaft. She had seen plenty of yellow mushrooms. Gathering a few of them clued her in on the difficulty. The dildo was a lighter shade of yellow, while those mushrooms she gathered were all darker in comparison. She could eat them, but how would she get the fluid within her to lighten up to the right shade?

The question was bugging her until Tabby recalled one of the notes. A quick hunt got her a piece of paper with a summary of the basic functions of her alembic body she now possessed. The first details were basic enough. Stroking her tubes from belly to breasts would transfer some liquid to them up. The reverse would drain her breasts again. It was useful to know. Even more so, she could stroke her tube up and down while a breast already held a liquid inside. It would try draining more liquid of the same kind from her belly. Sort of mixing in reverse. At last, the note mentioned a bleaching process. Twisting the tube while stroking upward. That sounded promising.

However, the last two processes mentioned the addition of heat. How was she supposed to accomplish that? Tabby could see no fireplace or open flame in the lab. Besides, that struck her as a risky proposition. Her skin looked like bronze. It didn't mean that it actually was bronze. No, another form of heat might be what they were going with. They couldn't mean- Tabby nearly facepalmed herself, but a groan still escaped her. This was Shroom Dungeon. The heat was probably anything that got her hot and bothered.

Of course, by now Shroom Dungeon had eroded her sense of shame enough that she just had to try it. The yellow dildo was her logical choice. She already got yellow mushrooms ready. After mushing them away, a nice yellow puddle formed within her. Time for alchemy to do its magic. Hopefully, she was better at it than Tiberius had been at the university. He had been banned from practical experimentation after the third unintentional explosion.

Finding a nice comfy spot, Tabby sat down. She actually had to sit leaned back. Her belly was so big that sitting upright actually denied her access to her own carnal furnace between her legs. The very one she had to stroke a fire within. With her left hand, she started to twist her left tube-like nipple. Not that the tube itself turned, but her fingers rubbing over it was quite pleasant. Her right hand snaked down and started on the fire. Even leaning back she barely managed to reach her snatch.

Arousal rose within her and at the same time, the yellow liquid appeared to begin boiling. Yellow steam appeared and was promptly sucked into her left nipple-tube and deposited into her left breast, where it condensed back into liquid. Tabby knew that this was a very liberal interpretation of how an alembic worked, but she was too worked up to care. It felt amazing and that's what counted.

Soon, her left breast was half full and Tabby could tell that the inner glass wall of it was more sensitive than that of the belly. Just the little swirling around her maturation session incited was enough to add its own heat to her arousal. While she liked the feeling, Tabby reasoned filling her breast up completely might be the smart move. Then nothing could move around within.

Smart ideas had a tendency to backfire. As Tabby was reminded again. She managed to fill her left breast completely, but now it felt stuffed. Overpressurized. She might guess it was similar to the feeling of mounting a dildo nearly too big for oneself. Calming down now was harder than before. There still was liquid in her belly and the pressure in her left breast constantly added up to a nice low-key horniness. Still, she had to get up and take stock. The little walk to the nearest mirror was a little adventure in itself.

She had overdone it. That was plain to see. The liquid up in her chest was maybe half as yellow as the rest. But that was okay. A little downward stroking released some pressure in her breast and lightened up the liquid in her belly. Of course, she had to swirl it around to mix it well. In turn, fanning the flames of her arousal again. Then she went to compare the shade to that of the dildo. She had to rinse and repeat three times before she was confident it matched her chosen dildo.

Like last time, Tabby barely had mounted the dildo before she came. And this time, she got it right the first time. Breathing heavily, her eyes roamed the room before she even claimed her reward. There were many dildos in all kinds of colors still waiting for her. And she could hardly wait to solve them all.

Challenging the last one definitely had been a mistake. It was the only one left that Tabby hadn't solved. It was also the same that Charlissa had trouble with. And now, Tabby had messed up even worse. Her breasts were both full. And her belly was nearly so. She had maybe space for one or two more mushrooms. Once she was full Tabby reasoned there was only one course of action left. To change out of the human alembic form and into something else. Regardless if she solved it or not, she had to move on soon anyway. She didn't exactly recall how long she had spent in the lab. Her two little naps didn't help the cause either.

On the workbench she leaned against, five mushrooms were laid out. All in the shade of pink. She had been debating which one would help her to achieve her goal and solve the last puzzle. But thinking was hard. The pressure in her breasts had her in a constant excited state. Her belly was nearly there too. And each breath she took made the fluid within move just a tiny bit too much. Tabby had cum two times while leaning on the workbench just from breathing.

"This one," she decided. Tabby wasn't sure. But she had to end it. After chewing and swallowing, Tabby made her way over to the last dildo. Not even detouring to a mirror. Either it worked or it didn't.

Practically falling on the dildo, Tabby moaned in relief. Yes, she climaxed. Again. She couldn't even count how many times she had done so since arriving in the lab. She felt the fluid within drain away. That was a sweeter reward than having solved the actual puzzle or the accomplishment of knowing she had solved every last one of these riddles. Who knew a little play with colors could be this challenging.

It was time, Tabby reasoned. Who knew when the others wanted to move on and Tabby had so far only seen the lab and the showroom. Not that she even participated in the latter. She wanted to, at least, explore The Assembly Line a little bit. Before they rushed off to the next adventure. And as much as she liked exploring the lab, it was time to get rid of the pregnant-looking belly and her full breasts.

Stepping into the entrance to The Assembly Line exposed Tabby to the faint rhythm of working machinery not far off. She even could feel it through her feet. As tiny vibrations under her sole. Her first decision was another branching of the hallway. A small door led to a staff area. Apparently, they were recruiting as a big poster said as much. It promised loot as a reward.

Tabby walked instead through the larger door labeled "raw goods". She had enough loot for now. Tabby clutched a small pile of cards to her chest. She hoped the actual loot wouldn't be too cumbersome, as she didn't have a backpack.

"Welcome. Welcome," a man intoned as soon as Tabby entered. He was much the same bronze as Sindor had been. Plate and rivet look included. But he had a few additional features. Spinning cogs and screw sticking out in odd places. Tabby reasoned they were ornamental in nature. "My name is Ademsta and I oversee the intake of raw goods."

Ademsta stood behind a counter and Tabby walked over intrigued. "Tabby. What raw goods?"

"Why, you of course," he said as if she missed the most obvious point. "Here we apply processing cards to people who are in the Ferro-Golem form. I see you have been very successful in the lab. That's quite the hoard of processing cards."

"Thanks." Tabby couldn't suppress a blush as surely Ademsta would know what she had to go through to acquire that many processing cards. At the same time, she couldn't help but boast a little. "I solved all the puzzles. One twice. Because it was convenient."

"Impressive. Most have their fill after two or three of them." Grinning, Ademsta leaned forward on his counter. "But mostly utterly wasted if you don't the cards on the assembly line. Shall we proceed?"

"Sure." All the spoils in the world wouldn't do her good if Tabby didn't enjoy them. "What do I have to do?"

"First, unburden yourself." Ademsta stepped out from his counter to a wooden pallet suspended over some kind of rail system. Most of it was padded on top, but Tabby saw a few holes with threading for screws. There were also six indents that she guessed would fit the processing cards nicely. However, a new feature became apparent when Ademsta kicked his side of the pallet and a drawer slit open to Tabby's side. "Put everything in there except your processing cards. Yes, all your clothes too. We don't want them to get caught in anything or hinder the process, right?"

The Tabby first emerging in Shroom Dungeon would have refused. Now, she could hardly claim modesty anymore. Everything landed in the drawer. Even her circlet and whip.

"Do you see those indents?" Ademsta asked as Tabby was finished undressing. "These see your slots for your processing cards. Each run through The Assembly Line can process up to six cards. You want more? Simply return here and go for the ride again. If a new processing card interferes with a previously applied one, the older modification is removed and the new one is then applied. Got it?"

"I think so," Tabby said, though she wasn't exactly sure how this applying and modifying would turn out. At least, she could experiment aplenty. Dumping her little hoard of cards on the counter, she was ready to assemble her first set.

"Hold your horses there." Ademsta gave her another cheeky grin as he stepped behind the counter again. "Not everyone was as fortunate as you are in the lab. As such, I am allowed to provide up to three randomly drawn cards. Not for keeps, mind you. But you can use one or more of them if you like. Stretch your spoils out a little longer."

Tabby nodded. It made sense. Allowing visitors that go directly to The Assembly Line to participate. Tabby had enough cards to forgo the pull, but why should she? Maybe she wanted as many runs through the line as possible. She would only know once through.

"Alright," Tabby said while tapping the counter twice with her fingers. "Show me what Lady Fortuna has in store for me."

"Coming right up." With another grin, Ademsta pulled out a card from behind the counter with much flourish. The hard he placed in front of him showed a blond mane of hair. Long with many curls. Yet, upon closer inspection, Tabby revised her guess. It looked more like pure spun gold than blond. Or natural hair. Drawing the second card was as much of a show as the first one. Depicted on this one were shoes, much like Debbie had worn. Those with an impossibly high and narrow heel. But they weren't quite the same. Debbie's were open and going up to the knee, while these ones only reached to the ankle and were closed. The last one showed a metallic torso that had three large holes going all the way through from front to back.

"This one for sure," Tabby said while pointing at the golden hair. "I doubt I can stand on these." Part of her wanted to try the shoes with impossibly high heels, but falling on her face aplenty didn't sound like a good idea to Tabby. However, she had a similar card. It didn't take long to find. Placing it beside the card with the high-heeled shoes it proved to be nearly identical. Thankfully, the heel was only half as high and not as narrow. Tabby decided to try it. If it was too high for her, she still could slip them off.

Waist full of holes unsettled Tabby. Still, something for her waist might be nice. She had gotten a few cards that depicted a narrower waist. Probably corsets that matched the skin color. Tabby looked for one of the less severe when Ademsta spoke up.

"Be careful with these." He tapped on one of those cards that depicted a cylinder with a vagina on one side and strange innards. Tabby had gotten a few of them and their cut-away all revealed different designs. Before Tabby could ask, Ademsta explained. "I can't tell you what they do beforehand. Part of the experience, you see. But I can warn you. These are fun. If you use one or two. Don't go for three. It is possible but challenging."

Tabby picked up one of these cards. What exactly were they good for? She had no idea. And Ademsta said he wasn't allowed to tell. If she wanted to find out, she needed to pick one or more up. Her curiosity won and Tabby placed one aside. It left her with four cards chosen. The golden hair, followed by the not-quite-high-heels shoes and the strange vagina cylinder. And, at last, a corset for a narrower waist. She probably didn't need to choose a full set of six cards, but on a whim, she added one that showed gems placed on a chest as if they were part of an elaborate necklace.

"I think these five for the start."

"Good choice," Ademsta remarked. "Now, store the rest of your cards in the drawer of the pallet. Then hop onto it. You, as raw goods, will travel along The Assembly Line. There will be seven stations and each has a function. But you'll soon find out."

Taking a seat, Tabby was ready for whatever was in store for her. Yet Ademsta had a last few words. "The next part involves some bondage. Nothing strict or hurtful, but if it gets too much the safeword of today is 'pineapple'. If you happen to be unable to speak, there is this little button here."

He pressed a small red button in a corner of the pallet and a magicked voice spoke up. "I have safeworded. Please release me."

"Everything clear? Are you ready?" Ademsta asked again.

"I think so," Tabby replied a little nervously. Hoping Ademsta was right and she didn't even need to use the safeword.

"Then off you go." Ademsta pulled a tall lever built into the floor behind his counter.

Tabby felt the pallet drop below her a small distance. Caught now on the rails, it started to move. Taking Tabby with it. Their first destination was a tunnel hidden by a velvety curtain. It automatically opened as Tabby and her pallet came close. The tunnel she entered wasn't very large and nothing illuminated it except the opening to the next room that appeared to be a dozen meters away. At the snail's pace the pallet was traveling, it took her two minutes to reach her destination. She could have walked faster. Even waddling with her pseudo-pregnant belly and having to hunch low because of the low ceiling of the tunnel. But she guessed that would upset the volunteers who manned this district.

The next room wasn't very large. She might have been whisked away into the next tunnel within a half minute, but a small t-junction pulled her aside. The offshoot rails weren't very long and Tabby's pallet came to a rest before a workstation, manned by a female bronze golem with coppery red hair. Just as Tabby wanted to introduce herself, the pallet jerked and then slowly rose up, until it reached the same height as the workstation. The view beyond the golem filled Tabby with a little bit of dread. She saw shelves with all kinds of manacles, collars, and other utensils of restraint.

"Hi there." The cheerful greeting of the golem was a stark contrast to the display behind her. "I'm Evennine. First time? Thought so. I see you are a full alembic girl. Nice. Hope you had fun. But for what comes next, we need you in pure golem form. That's why you are here at the prep station. My job is to get you ready and nicely secured for what's to come. Don't want any limbs caught in a gear or such, right? Anyway. There are two ways to make you a pure golem. Either I hand-feed you Ferro-shroom - takes forever and is boring - or we go fast by giving you a slurry of the Ferro-shroom. The second one is better in my humble opinion if you ask."

Tabby waited for a second or two if Evennine would continue. That girl could talk without a break and taking a breath. She hadn't even found an opening to introduce herself. But now that the golem had shut up, Tabby finally could do so. "I guess I'll try the slurry. I'm Tabby by the way."

"Good choice. And what a nice name. Hi Tabby. I'm Evennine." Before Tabby could point out that Evennine had introduced herself twice, the golem continued in her fast-paced speech. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, I need to secure you. Place your right feet here."

A little bemused, Tabby followed directions. Her ankles were fixed with manacles to the corners of the pallet behind her. So that she rested on her shins. Next, she had to lower herself on her forearms and her wrists were secured to the corners before her. Tabby was tempted to call this all off, but her right hand was affixed right beside the red button. She could easily press it if needed. A little pacified by this safety measure, Tabby reasoned she could go through with it all.

"Now, open wide."

Tabby was about to ask why, when Evennine shoved something past her lips and teeth. That girl really was a bit overeager in Tabby's opinion. Whatever filled her mouth felt vaguely phallic to her tongue and was quickly fixed in place with leather straps that were buckled behind her head. Evennine walked away only to come back with a glass jar in her hands that had a flexible tube at the bottom. Said tube was connected to whatever held her mouth pried open. The jar itself appeared to be filled with liquid metal. Probably the mush of mushrooms Tabby had agreed to.

"Come on, girl," Evennine urged as Tabby failed to grasp what was expected of her in time. "Suck. How else do you expect to empty this?"

Tabby couldn't help but roll her eyes. Hesitant, she sucked on the phallic intruder and after a while, something of the liquid got into her mouth. As it filled her more, Tabby had to alternate between sucking and swallowing. It was humiliating in a way and Tabby nearly put an end to it. However, she refrained as she noticed that she actually was turned on a little bit. Calling it quits would make her feel like a hypocrite. Especially since she did kind of enjoy it. Even if it was humiliating.

"Well done," Evennine said as the last of the mush was slumped out of the jar. She waited until Tabby had sucked up most of what remained in the tube before disconnecting it. "Now we wait for you to turn golem. Don't worry. Won't take that long. Living alembics are part way there already."

Tabby would have commented, but her mouth was still full. Pointing that out was hard too. Her grunts were mistaken for moaning and Evennine was quick to misinterpret. "Yeah, isn't it nice?" She let her hands roam over Tabby's belly which visibly shrank with every second. Her tube-like nipples disconnected from her belly button and were fast receding to their normal length. Her parts once completely see-through now turned cloudy and slowly blended with the surrounding bronze skin.

"Ah, looks like one jar wasn't enough," Evennine remarked as Tabby's change stopped before her bulbous belly vanished completely. "Not to worry. I have more."

Bringing a new jar with mush, Tabby had to, once again, suck it up. Surely she didn't need to drink all of it to finish the transformation, but Evennine gave her no choice. Waiting until Tabby finished the next full jar.

"There, nice and flat," Evennine remarked and stroked Tabby's belly. "Let me get something to make you more comfortable."

She got a pipe and a board with padding on it from one of the shelves. Lifting Tabby up, she placed the board right under her and then screwed in the pipe in one of the holes the pallet had. When she affixed the board, Tabby could actually rest her torso comfortably on the padded board. Of course, she was still naked and all her naughty bits were exposed. With the board in place, she couldn't even wiggle much.

"And I think you are ready. Off you go on your journey. Have fun."

Tabby didn't even get more than a grunt out before Evennine pulled a lever and Tabby's pallet lowered itself onto the rail again. She was returned to the junction and was placed back on the main line. Just as she was about to enter the next tunnel, Tabby heard the opening of a door and Evennine vanishing through it. Then darkness enveloped her again.

This time the pallet moved at a faster pace. It was hard to judge, but Tabby reasoned the speed was of a brisk walk. Whoever designed The Factory district probably reasoned it was now safe to do so. Now that Tabby was restrained, she couldn't fall off her pallet or do other stupid things.

She passed through two more rooms that looked like copies of the prep station that started her whole ordeal. They looked identical, but Tabby didn't get a good look before she was whisked away again. In the next room, her pallet slowed down again. Once again, it was singled out at the junction and moved towards a workstation. As the pallet was risen up, Tabby saw a heavily breathing Evennine taking a seat behind it. However, she now wore a top hat and a fake mustache.

"Ah, what do we have here. Lovely. Lovely. New raw goods. My name is Halfennine. I'll be the one applying the first card." As Tabby's pallet stopped at the right height, Evennine frowned a little too much to count as natural. "Who left that gag in you? That is supposed to remain at the prep stations. Let me help you with that."

Tabby worked her jaw a few times after the gag was undone. Only then she addressed her captor. "Are the theatrics really necessary?"

"Ah, you meet my twin sister!" Halfennine exclaimed. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Such a ditz sometimes. No wonder the gag got misplaced. Sometimes I think she might lose her head if it wasn't attached. But what theatrics are you speaking about?"

Tabby didn't dignify the question with an answer. At least not a verbal one. She couldn't keep herself from rolling her eyes again.

"Now. Let's see what cards you got. Hmm. Pretty safe selection. And only one-" Halfennine trailed off as she twirled her fake mustache. However, she picked up the first card. "Ah, a golden mane of hair. Let's get you started."

After punching a number into a strange machine, Halfennine gathered Tabby's hair behind her head and secured it with a strange bubble of solid, but stretchy slime residue. Just in time as Tabby heard rattling above her and she couldn't help but look. Mounted to the ceiling was a rail she hadn't before. It was transporting a box that was then lowered to Halfennine's workstation. Her captor rushed to it at once and withdrew a wig of golden tresses. Not quite hair, Tabby noticed. The individual strands were composed of golden wires.

Surprisingly carefully and gently, Halfennine placed the wig on Tabby. She tucked it here and there until it sat perfectly. Once done, Halfennine waited. Just when Tabby was about to ask, she felt a warmth radiate from her scalp.

Halfennine must have figured that something had happened. She combed through the golden hair with her fingers and asked: "Can you feel it?"

To Tabby's surprise, she could. It reminded her of the hair she had gotten from Nessa. The roaming "monster girl" that had claimed Tiberius' manhood. Part of the hair had been not just feeling through them, but the ability to animate it slightly. Tabby wondered if this one could do the same. It took a few tries, but Tabby managed to make it move. With a little more practice, she might animate strands individually.

"Oh, we can't have that!" Halfennine said as she noticed Tabby's hair wriggling around. She gathered it into a ponytail and not only bound it together with a string of leather but tied it to Tabby's waist too. "There. Nice and tight. Believe me, you don't want to get your hair stuck in some of the cogs around here."

"Thanks, I guess?" Tabby wasn't yet sure if she liked The Assembly Line yet. The bondage aspect was strange. And she thoroughly misjudged what it was about. If all things were fused to her instead of simply worn, she might have chosen different cards.

"And that concludes my portion of the work," Halfennine said before pulling a lever. Sending Tabby once more unto the central rail. "Have fun."

The next tunnel Tabby went through made her glad to be strapped to a pallet and moving on rails. All around her were spinning cogs and shafts in various sizes. She couldn't even fathom what function this mess of machinery had. If it had one and wasn't just pure set dressing. Tabby just knew that the safety of bondage suddenly felt very warranted. She could easily imagine what happened if she put a hand somewhere between the cogs and wheels. The very thought made her cringe.

She was glad as she arrived at the next station. It promised even more distance from an ugly accident waiting to happen. Once again, her pallet was picked up from the main rail line and shifted to the side. As it was lifted up to the workstation Tabby half expected Evennine to show up in a new tacky disguise. Instead, a familiar face greeted her.


"Look what the line dragged in. A Tabby. Did you have fun in the lab?"

Tabby blushed. Hopefully, it wasn't too evident on the bronze skin she now possessed. "It was a unique experience and quite challenging at times."

"Nice. Haven't given it a try," Sindor admitted. "I am pretty much stuck here. Originally to earn cards for myself, but by now they all go to Debbie. I swear she is riding the line at least once an hour. If she isn't busy posing the poor mannequins in the showroom, that is."

Of course, Tabby knew that her three friends hadn't been to the lab. She had pretty much occupied it by herself the whole time. Now, Sindor - and supposedly Debbie - were accounted for. "And Connie? I haven't seen her around."

"She is- Around. Earning cards for Debbie too. Connie has a little more hands-on approach. You could say she has become part of the machinery."

Tabby frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Hard to explain," Sindor admitted and scratched his nose. "Just, keep a lookout. Maybe you'll catch a glimpse of her between the innards of the machine."

Tabby shrugged rather awkwardly. Bound down as she was, it was harder to give a proper shrug. "So, you'll be the one to add the next part to me?"

"Right! Totally forgot I have a job to do." He snatched up the next card that was affixed on Tabby's pallet. Then typed in a long number into a device next to him."High heels. Nice. Trying to give Debbie a run for her money? In that case, you should go higher."

"I hope I can manage even those," Tabby burst out. "If not, I have to ditch-" She fell silent as a thought occurred to her.

"You do know that these fuse to you, right?" Sindor asked. "Hard to slip them off when they are part of your feet."

Tabby blushed once more. "I didn't know that when I chose them."

"We didn't either," Sindor said to console her and patted her naked ass. Then a box arrived and Sindor withdrew a pair of shoes with heels out. "You know, I can always skip adding them. All you have to do is to ask. Well, beg. Come on. Ask nicely for your hero Sindor to rescue you."

"As if," Tabby spat. Then gave a grin. "Not giving you that satisfaction. Come on, factory worker. Do your job."

"As milady wishes," Sindor said, before giving her a mock bow. Tabby only rolled her eyes in reply.

Before he fastened the shoes to her feet, Sindor redid the shackles of her feet. Adding padding that propped up her shins slightly. Probably to accommodate her altered feet better once done. But it also made her stick out her naked butt more. Then, Sindor slipped over the shoes. Again, Tabby felt a warm sensation rush through her. This time, concentrated on her feet. It didn't last long.

"Can you feel this?" Sindor asked as he gingerly let a finger glide over her new sole.

"I can," Tabby confirmed. "As if it is part of me."

"The way I understand it, they are now," Sindor confirmed and changed to swipe at her heels.

"That too. Feels strange." Other changes were more natural to Tabby. Just exaggerations of natural features. The more extreme had been small parts that had been changed to mimic flora or fauna. However, a dorn like this was quite unnatural. "The shoes have fused really tightly. I can't even tell where my feet end and the shoes start. Not even able to wiggle my toes."

"Can you even feel them?" Sindor asked. "I would bet you don't even have them anymore. Some of the modifications here- Let's just say this isn't even the strangest I've seen."

Sindor was right. She couldn't. Which implied several strange facts Tabby would love to examine. But for that, she first had to be free again.

"As much as I'd love to stay and chat, this is starting to get uncomfortable," Tabby admitted. "Can you send me on?"

"Sure," Sindor said with a shrug. "We can chat more soon enough."

With the pull of a lever, Tabby was once again sent on to the next station. The brief interlude of the tunnel was once again terrifying with all those moving parts so close to her. And within the web of cogs and shafts, she could swear she had seen two figures - bronze golem like her - deep within the mess.

The next workstation was a carbon copy of Halfennine's and Sindor's. As her pallet was shifted to the side and lifted up, Tabby frowned. There was no one here. She briefly wondered how long she'd have to wait when a door opened and Sindor walked in.

"Ah, Tabby. Fancy meeting you here."

"Sindor?" Tabby smirked. "What? Not enough workers?"

"As a matter of fact, yes," Sindor confirmed. "I am currently manning two of the six stations."

Tabby shrugged. Or tried to. It was hard to do while being tied down. "At least you don't wear a fake mustache and pretend to be someone else."

Sindor chuckled. "Ah, yes. You met Evennine and Halfennine. Wait until you meet Curvennine. She mans stations four and five. Maybe six too, but you don't have a sixth card, so it doesn't matter anyways."

Facepalming herself was equally hard to do when strapped down. A rolling of her eyes had to suffice. Thankfully, Sindor was already moving on. Typing in the number of Tabby's third card.

"I like these," Sindor said while holding up the card with the fake vagina at the end of a cylinder. "I tried to get Debbie to fuse with three, but she wouldn't go for it."

"Ademsta warned me about that," Tabby remarked. "Not even sure why. What are they? And where do they get fused to?"

"These?" Sindor grabbed the strange object from the box that just arrived and held it under Tabby's nose. "Funny you don't recognize it. Why Tabby, this is a vagina. Also known as a cunt. Snatch. Pussy-"

"Smartass," Tabby exclaimed deadpan. "I mean it is an unusual design and I wondered just where they attach. Ademsta wasn't willing to share."

"Oh, that is easy enough to figure out," Sindor said nonchalantly. "They are meant to be stuffed in your holes."

Surely Sindor didn't mean- "That will never fit!" Tabby protested. "It is way too thick for that." Easily twice as thick as any dildo she had the pleasure of using since becoming a woman. As Tiberius, she had experimented with enlarging his penis with magic, it had been mostly for length and not to such a girth.

"Of course, it will fit. The golem body is made to be modified and to accommodate different attachments. Here. Let me demonstrate."

For a moment, Tabby feared Sindor would just ram it in. Instead, he gently placed the cylinder with its round side at Tabby's netherly lips.
They parted by themselves and Sindor gently pushed the object in. Tabby was flabbergasted. It fit. Not just barely. It was as if her body adjusted to it. And while she could barely see past the padding her body rested on, she could feel the thick shaft dent her skin outward. She felt pressure within her unlike anything before, but she was even more confused as the feeling started to fade away, while a familiar warmth radiated through her. Only seconds later, Tabby couldn't even tell that something was within her.

"And that is how you get new lips," Sindor said proudly. "Want to know how it feels?"

Tabby's mind raced. Did Sindor offer what she thinks he is offering? Sex with one of her teammates wasn't something Tiberius had ever considered before coming to Shroom Dungeon. Yet Tabby had already gotten naughty with Connie and she recalled a very naughty tail by Debbie exploring her thoroughly. And thinking back to The Barnyard, she already had the pleasure of being serviced by Sindor. She wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was very good at it.

"I think I can spare the time," Tabby said in hopes to overplay her nervousness.

"Ah. How generous of you." Sindor smirked. "I shall try to keep you entertained then, milady. Lest I waste your time."

Tabby was about to snap that he should drop the theatrics when she felt Sindors fingers start to tease her remade womanly blossom. Tabby had to hand it to him. He was an expert and had her grunting and moaning in no time. Briefly, she wondered where he had learned to give that much pleasure through fingers alone, but then remembered that Sindor is Sinea after all. Spending the majority of their life as a woman.

It was when Sindor pushed in a finger that things got wild for Tabby. She hadn't had a pussy for long, but by now she knew how it felt. This felt different. She could feel the many tiny nobs she had previously seen in the cutaway preview of the item. Felt them being rubbed by his finger and against each other. It was good, yet she needed more.

"Come on," she begged. "Stick it in already."

"Like this?"

Instead of his manhood, Tabby felt a second finger slip in. For a moment, she couldn't answer. Whatever Sindor was doing, his complex massaging of her inner walls had her moan as if she was in heat. But it still wasn't enough.

"Enough foreplay," Tabby snapped. Despite that, a part of her definitely wanted it to continue. "Man up already."

"Everybody's a critic," Sindor murmured, but a chuckle followed. Betraying how he really thought. "Alright."

Tabby braced herself. This wouldn't be special. While not a woman for long, she had impaled herself on many dildos by now. Having the real thing couldn't be that-

Sindor climbed up behind her and his erect member brushed over her inner thighs. Suddenly, her heart beat even faster. She could feel him lining up and then Sindor pushed in. For a split second, her brain turned to mush. Forgetting how to think or to breathe. It returned when Sindor pulled out halfway and then went for his second stroke. The first few pushes were slow. Maddeningly so. Gradually becoming fast and with them, Tabby's breathing quickened.

Unlike her times with dildos, this time Tabby had no control. Sindor dictated each push and pull. She couldn't even hump or wriggle, as she was strapped down tightly to the pallet and the padding. All she could do was moan out her delight and take what was given. And that was a lot. Sindor played her like a fiddle. He knew exactly how to push her buttons. When Tabby came, it was in perfect concert with Sindor's own.

Afterward, Tabby could only pant for a while. Despite doing anything really to contribute, she felt like she had run a marathon. It took longer than normal for her breathing to calm down.

"Neat, right?" Sindor asked casually. As if he hadn't just shattered her worldview a little of what was the norm for orgasm. "I still prefer the natural feel, but these altered love channels certainly bring some spice and excitement to it. Some variety. Don't you agree?"

"I don't really have a comparison," Tabby admitted. "How did you do that? I mean, yes I am new to being a woman, but this felt unlike anything I experienced so far."

"Well-" Sindor actually sounded a little bit embarrassed. "You know. Spent a few years in Shroom Dungeon. Had lots of sex. Learned a trick or two. The usual, really. Nothing special. "

Tabby didn't dignify this fake humbleness with a response. At least, she thought it was fake. However, she now didn't mind anymore to have sex with Sindor. In fact, she wouldn't mind doing it again.

"Well, I have won a few of these replacement vaginas. That really needs a better name. Maybe I should ride the assembly line a few more times. Let us find out how they differ in feeling."

"Uh, you should totally go for three at once," Sindor suggested. Clearly hyped by the idea. "Fewer rides and more ease. For testing, you know."

Three? Ademsta had warned her about it. Where would they even fit? Sindor mentioned it was for her holes. One of them, Tabby had experienced. The second was probably her ass. That struck her as strange, but also intriguing. And the third-

Tabby's eyes grew wide. The only other hole she could imagine would be her mouth. Surely, that couldn't be it, right? Yet, her imagination ran wild. How perverted would it be to run around with three sets of pussies? It felt like the very thought was the height of depravity. Whoever would go for it truly earned the nickname 'cunt'. Tabby's mind tried to wrap itself around the concept of being penetrated three times simultaneously. It had the potential for truly being mind-blowing. She was actually intrigued.

Then, reasoning returned to her. How would she eat? Or talk. She doubted pronunciation would be great. Or possible at all. Tabby doubted she could handle it.

"Sorry, Sindor. I might try two, but three sounds a bit extreme."

"Don't worry," Sindor waved her off. "I am sure one of the ladies coming through will go for it. One of them has to. Only a matter of time."

"Sure-" Tabby doubted it, but hesitated to shatter Sindor's dream. "Well, I guess I should move on?"

"What? Oh, yeah." Sindor walked over and pulled the next lever. Sending Tabby to the next station. "Remember, I'll man stations two and three. Probably for a little while more. I have too much fun modifying peeps. And helping them test things out. I had that one girl that-"

His voice trailed off as Tabby entered the next tunnel. Two more modifications awaited her. She doubted they would be as extreme as the ones before. The cards certainly hadn't looked like it. More on the cosmetic side.

Her musing came to an end when Tabby arrived at the next room. Even from afar, Tabby could spot Evennine with a new ridiculous getup. Some wide-brimmed hat with peacock feathers added at the side. She also wore a monocle.

"Welcome. I am Curvennine," she introduced herself as Tabby's pallet reached her workstation. "I'll be delighted to modify you further. Oh, I know that look. You think I am Evennine in disguise. Well, let me assure you that this is not the case. We are triplets, you know?"

"Sure. Let's go with that." Tabby doubted arguing would lead anywhere. And if Evennine wanted to play her games, who was Tabby to ruin her fun?"

"Oh!" Curvennine exclaimed and leaned forward to get a better look at Tabby's behind. "Someone had fun with Sindor."

How did she know? Then it dawned on Tabby. She was leaking. How much had he pumped into her?

"Oh, no need to blush, dear," Curvennine assured her with a dismissive wave. "He is a looker and I myself have 'sampled the wares' as they say. Quite skillful too. Makes me believe the rumors are true that he had volunteered here for some time."

"It's true," Tabby confirmed. "I came with him and I heard the whole story of how he and Debbie met while Sindor had volunteered here."

"Ah, Debbie. Such a rascal." Curvennine beamed at the mention. "You just missed her. By now she had been through half a dozen times. Gets bolder and bolder with each round. Provided she gets the right cards from the random pull."

"She is also siphoning off Sindor and Connie." A thought occurred to Tabby and she had to voice it out loud. "She'll not be getting mine."

"Speaking of- Let's see what I can do for you. Ah, the corset card. Fun. Maybe next time you find one of the stricter ones. The one you got has barely any punch to it."

"Let's see how I can handle this one," Tabby said and wondered if she could even breathe in it. It might be the tamest of those cards, but it still looked like it might squeeze her lungs well.

"Pretty sure you can." A ding alerted Curvennine that a box had arrived. She pulled out a bronze-colored corset.

Tabby thought they must have gotten the wrong one. There were no strings or laces to tighten the corset, but this wasn't what gave Tabby pause. The corset was way too large.

"Let's just get this under you and-"

Curvennine shimmied the corset between Tabby and the padding her stomach was resting on. She heard a click as Curvennine closed it behind her and Tabby thought she was right. Even closed it was nowhere tight. But then she noticed the corset pulling together to her skin. It was shrinking. And the moment it touched all of her skin, the familiar warmth of fusion flooded her.

When the warmth stopped, Tabby's waist was noticeably narrower. She could feel the area where the corset had fused to her. It was hard not to notice the roaming fingers of Curvennine who explored her altered figure. She also couldn't feel the padding anymore right below her belly button. Clueing her in just how narrow her waist had become.

"I think you are handling this one just fine," Curvennine purred.

Tabby had to agree. There was no trouble breathing at all. She always heard that corsets restricted breathing, but she didn't even feel the corset anymore. Let alone any restriction by it.

"Just one more card for you," Curvennine pointed out. "See you at the next station."

Tabby was tempted to point out that she might as well do it here in one go, but it probably wouldn't matter. Going from station to station appeared to be part of the intended flare for this district. Going step by step. Methodical all the way.

Curvennine hit the lever and Tabby was once again sent on the main rail. This time, the tunnel was a bit longer and curved around. Innards of a complex machine worked all around Tabby. And in between, Tabby spotted a familiar figure. Connie was strapped into a strange contraption. The warrior was cranking a wheel so large, she had to squat and lift it to turn it. With each push-up, a dildo on a piston was pushed to her hilt down her throat, and going further up pushed the piston up. Two more dildos with a similar setup were below and teased Connie's snatch and butthole with each squat.

Connie recognized her too and stopped to wave. Most of the machinery around them stopped moving. Even Tabby's pallet came to a stop on the rails. Connie gave her a shrug and then started to move the wheel again. Wheels, cogs, and belts started to turn again. As Tabby moved past Connie she could clearly see the Warrior had fun. Glistening with sweat while being impaled in three offices. Tabby wondered how long Connie had been at it.

Tabby arrived at the next station and had to wait a whole minute before Curvennine arrived. The worker actually had to turn her head as her wide-brimmed hat wouldn't fit through the door otherwise.

"Sorry, my dear," Curvennine said as she sat down behind the workstation. "Some parts of The Assembly Line are like a maze. Now, let's see what is in store for you next. Ah, yes. Gemstones. Time to get creative."

"Creative?" Tabby asked as Curvennine inputted the number to summon the next box full of modifications.

"Well, some parts have fixed places. Others are- Less defined. Oh, right. I should adjust." Curvennine unchained Tabby's arms. Only to move them behind her back and lock them there. It made Tabby thrust out her chest and arch her back. "Better. Now you make the perfect canvas."

The next box arrived and Curvennine emptied it into a tray. Gemstones in all kinds of colors could be seen. Some were quite small. The size of a pea maybe. Others larger. Two rubies were as wide as the tip of her thumbs. A few were elongated like rice, but most were round or oval. One detail they all shared. Clearly, an expert jeweler had given these gems facets.

"You know, the rules say that gems provided by this card go around your neck and collarbone. Like a necklace," Curvennine explained while dragging a stool over. Taking a seat right before Tabby and pulled the tray over. Taking tweezers she hovered over the tray and eventually decided on a bluish sapphire of medium size and oval shape. While holding it close to Tabby, she continued her lecture. "And rules are important. One shouldn't break them. But if you are creative, one can bend them a little."

It was for Tabby to decide. Curvennine was clearly waiting for an answer. A normal pattern probably would have her fused with gems that mimicked a necklace. Kind of nice, Tabby guessed. In fact, she recalled two of the mannequins in the showroom who had displayed gems just like that. Tabby bit her lip. She felt playful. And normal was boring anyways.

"Go for it."

"Glad you agree." Curvennine gave her a grin before leaning in. Tabby felt the gem touch her throat. Right above the collarbone. A little bit of spreading warmth and it was fused. Putting away the tweezers for the moment, Curvennine caressed the sapphire with her thumb. "Can you feel this?"

Tabby's breath caught in her lungs the first time she tried to answer. The feeling through the fused gem was sensual. Erotic even. Not like getting pounded or doing the pounding. More like a gentle caress of her breasts or inner thighs. Just a little more focused.

"Oh, yes," Tabby said with a bit of a breezy voice. "Do more."

Curvennine gave her a grin. "Of course. That's the plan all along."

More gems joined Tabby's throat. All the way up right under her chin. Then Curvennine widened the chain. Giving Tabby's whole throat and part of her neck an elaborate design. For Tabby, it came as quite a surprise.

She had expected that the gems would purely be aesthetic. But each clearing of her throat or swallowing flexed her muscles and made them glide beneath the gems. It was slightly addicting and turned her on. She wondered what swallowing food would feel like. And, for the first time since becoming a woman, she could imagine giving some man, maybe even Sindor, a blowjob. That would stretch her throat nicely and rub her muscles against the gems even more.

"All done."

"Not quite," Tabby said and pointed with a nod at the tray. "You missed two."

Curvennine gave a mischievous grin. "Oh, yeah. How about that." She picked up the two rubies. The largest of the gems. "I wonder where these go."

Placing them at the same time on Tabby's nipples enticed a cute moan out of her. The rubies started to fuse and it was the most delectable feeling yet. As they had sunk half into Tabby's areola, Curvennine stopped. To Tabby's amazement, she could still see her nipples. Caught in the rubies like in prisons of sheer red ice.

Curvennine gave them a flick and a twist and both made Tabby moan out loud. It was a delectable feeling. Even more sensitive than her nipples before, they begged to be played with. And Tabby nearly did so by voicing it out loud.

"Nice, right?" Curvennine asked as she stepped back and put the stool away. "Maybe I will come by later. See how you do in the showroom. Or, my dear, you run a line a few more times. These-" She flicked the rubies again and elicited another deep moan from Tabby. "Aren't the only tricks I got in my bag. But for now, time to get you ready for transport again."

Tabby's arms were freed, but not for long. Again, they were secured to the forward corners of the pallet and Tabby stood upright on all fours. "Aww, not fair!" she exclaimed a moment after Curvennine had pulled the next lever. "You can't leave a girl like this. Getting me hot and bothered. Finish what you started."

But Tabby's taunting fell on deaf ears. Curvennine only gave her a wave and a grin as she was transported away. Once more, Tabby traveled through a tunnel. This time, she urged the pallet on. She needed relief. Desperately. Yet strapped down like she was, there was nothing she could do. Thankfully, the pallet bypassed the next station as Tabby hadn't chosen a sixth card. One more tunnel and Tabby feverishly awaited its end.

A grinning Ademsta waited at the end of the line. "Had fun?"

Tabby was too far gone for big talk or rhetoric. "Unstrap me right now and I will make it worth your while!"

Ademsta's grin only grew wilder. "Gods, I love my job."

A half-hour later, Ademsta was escorting Tabby to the showroom. He even was nice enough to carry her stuff. It left Tabby to the task of balancing on her new feet. The heels, now a semi-permanent part of her, certainly were a challenge. Thankfully she hadn't used a card with heels as high as Debbie's were.

"Why don't you take this dais?" Ademsta suggested. Pointing to an empty one with his chin. "I'll put these away for you?"

As Tabby climbed upon it, Ademsta opened a compartment at the bottom of the dais to store her stuff. Keeping it all safe until she was leaving. Only then, he joined her on the dais.

"Let's get you into a nice pose."

Tabby was about to protest that she could pose herself when the thought tethered off. The way Ademsta grabbed her legs and positioned them new was kind of intriguing. What pose would he choose for her? Could she hold it? The thought was surprisingly erotic. To not determine herself. Be a plaything of someone else. Give in to the whim of others. For now, she decided to follow this new direction. She could always pose herself differently later if she didn't like Ademsta's vision.

Ademsta posed her with her legs spread apart. Her hands propped on her narrow waist that didn't show a corset. Only bronze skin. Her back was slightly arched. Pushing out her breasts, and gem-encapsulated nipples, for all to see. Her head was tilted slightly upward, so the elaborate mosaic on her throat was on full display. As Tabby stood very still, she didn't even have a problem balancing on her new heels. A definite plus in her book.

"There," Ademsta said, after walking around her twice to inspect his work. "This should highlight all your modifications nicely."

"Thanks," Tabby pressed out through barely moving lips. She didn't want to ruin Ademsta's work by losing the pose by accident.

Ademsta gave her a deep bow. "You see welcome. Enjoy your time here on display, but don't hesitate to come for a new ride along the line. You've still got plenty of loot cards in your stash."

As he walked away, Tabby wondered how long she could hold this specific pose. So far, she didn't have trouble at all. Just like a mannequin should. Now she was part of the half a dozen others that posed on their dais.

Not long after, one of the mannequins started to move. Giggling, she came closer. Tabby didn't recognize her by her looks alone. The bronze golem had an elaborate mask fused to her skin and so many armor plates all over her body that she might count as living armor. But the moment she spoke, Tabby knew she might be in trouble.

"What do we have here? Oh, Ademsta. Always choosing such boring poses?"

Tabby nearly smirked. But that might ruin the pose. Instead, she went for a little callback. "Then, why don't you do something about it."

"Tabby!" Debbie exclaimed. Throwing her arms around Tabby and hugging her so fiercely that both landed on their butt. Definitely ruining the pose. "I didn't recognize you at first." A lecherous grin came moments before the smarmy remark. "Your rubies held my attention."

"They are quite neat," Tabby said before frowning. "Now you ruined my pose."

"I'll give you a better one," Debbie promised. "That's what I do around here. Posing or posing - get it? - or riding the line for new mods. Did I hear right? You got a big stash?"

"My stash. My cards," Tabby made immediately clear. "You ain't smooching off me like Sindor and Connie."

"Aww. That just earned you a spanking. Yes, it did. Speaking of- Have you seen them?"

"I spotted Connie deep within the bowls of whatever machinery they got there and Sindor- He helped fuse some parts to me."

"Ahh, I know that blush," Debbie said and pointed at Tabby with glee. "He helped test them too, didn't he."

Tabby looked aside. "No comment."

"Oh, that devil," Debbie exclaimed while slapping her own leg. "Can't fault you for it. He's good, right?" Tabby's blush only deepened. That was all the answer Debbie needed. "Come on," she said while standing up and offering Tabby a hand. "I promised you a new pose. And a spanking. Let's get to it."

Tabby rolled her eyes but complied. First, Debbie had her face the wall with her legs closed together. Then slowly lean forward until her butt pushed outward and her ruby-nipples pointed at the floor.

"Now you twist your torso so that you look backward," Debbie directed. "And now your right arm here and your left one-"

The final pose had Tabby place her right hand on her right butt cheek as if she just had spanked herself. Her left arm was close to her torso and her left pointer finger was seductively between her lips. It gave the impression of Tabby being caught in a naughty act but trying to entice whoever had found her to take advantage of it.

"See you in a few," Debbie promised and skipped back to her own dais. Taking up an even more seductive pose.

Tabby was amazed. Not by the pose itself. A bit too naughty for her, but she chose to try keeping it for a while. Just to pacify Debbie. What amazed her was how easily she could hold the pose. Walking on high heels had her shake like a newborn foal. Now, posed, she held her balance perfectly. She wondered for how long she could do so. Judging by the other mannequins, she might be here a while.

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