Shroom Dungeon - First Delve (2/9)

Chapter 2

It was a half-hour later, that the group made ready to head deeper into the dungeon. The bunny girl had excused herself. Heaving a large sack on her back and heading out. To stock empty chests, as Conway explained.

"It's so cute, Debbie," Sinea gushed. Swatting at Debbie's tail.

Tiberius still had trouble acknowledging the part. He had thought the bunny girl had been satisfied making Debtar into Debbie, but right at the end, she had used a little more magic to give the feminized rogue a bunny tail. Just like her own.

"I know, right?" Debbie agreed. Shaking her bum and tail for all to see. "What do you think, Tiber? Cute or rather sexy?"

Blushing, Tiberius looked away. But the rogue was in a mischievous mood. Sauntering over, she placed an arm around the mage's shoulder. "Hey, Tiber. We are friends, right? So, I am willing to help a fellow out. How about it? Wanna lose your virginity to me?"

"What? No fair!" Sinea stormed over. "I wanted to do the honors."

"I am not a virgin!" Tiberius shouted out and pushed to get free of the two girls.

"Tiber, you don't have to pretend that- "

"I am not pretending." Tiberius cut Debbie off. "There was this girl at the academy. We were lab partners in 'intermediate alchemy' and-"

"You two experimented on the side," Sinea concluded. "Nice!"

Tiberius pointedly ignored the offered high-five of the huntress and turned around. Wringing the red silken robe in his hand. As he had no backpack like Sinea, he had to carry it by hand and it was a good thing he did. The spectacle of the last hour would haunt his wet dreams to come. But for now, he didn't want his teammates to see just how much he was turned on and tempted. And to hide his stiffness, the balled-up robe was good enough.

"Kids, leave Tiberius alone." Conway waved at them like a mother having caught their children sneaking into the kitchen to steal a piece of a pie. "Go find us some treasure."

As a reply, Tiberius only heard giggling. Sinea was first to rush ahead. Carrying her large, but still mostly empty backpack on her back. Then Debbie shot past. Essentially naked, she only wore the belt that held the sheath of the dildo-dagger. Tiberius started to walk as Conway caught up and fell in step with him.

"I am still getting used to Sinea being all rowdy," Tiberius admitted. "And now we have two of her."

"Don't worry. They'll calm down soon. It is just pent-up frustration. I told you Debtar is bisexual, remember?" As Tiberius nodded, Conway continued. "When I first met Debtar he was very different. A real ladies charmer."

"He still is," Tiberius interrupted. "Flirts in every tavern we stay."

"True. But how many times did he actually bed someone? You see, now it is mostly for having a good time. Back then, he was serious. As if possessed or if he had to prove something. To be honest, I didn't like the Debtar from back then. He was a new addition to the group I ran with back then. Cocky and too sure of himself. It also led to tension in the group."

"So, what changed?"

"This!" Conway gestured to the dungeon around them while walking down the hallway. "The women in our group decided to teach him a lesson. They convinced our group leader to come to Shroom Dungeon. It was my second time, so I knew what to expect. But it was Debtar's first time."

"You knew that he would become Debbie," Tiberius concluded. "Walk in the shoes of a woman for a while. Smarten up. Built character."

"That was the plan. You should have seen her face when Debbie first came to be. Hilarious. Grumpy for the first two days, you wouldn't believe it. A real downer."

"But something must have happened. Now he - well, she - loves Shroom Dungeon."

"Not what. Who." Conway gave him a wicked grin that looked so wrong on the warrior's face. "On the third day, she had enough. Telling us she would head out of the dungeon and wait there for us. As Debtar. Honestly, we were glad. And between us, the group debated kicking Debtar out. The experiment had failed. But on her way out, Debbie ran into Sindor. All male. Muscular and handsome. A volunteer who played roaming monster. And here the magic happened. You see, without us around, for the first time, Debbie felt secure enough to experiment. To actually have sex with a man."

"And she liked it?"

"She loved it," Conway corrected. "We stumbled a day later over her amidst an orgy that put all our exploits before shame. It was there that Debbie - and Debtar - acknowledged he was bisexual. Before, he had denied it even to himself that it was a possibility. Apparently, his upbringing was very uptight on the subject of same-sex love. He still is rather muted expressing it outside of Shroom Dungeon. Coming here is-"

"I think I get it," Tiberius picked up as Conway was searching for the right words. "A lot of pent-up stress and now it is all unloading at once."

Before Conway could reply, Debbie and Sinea came back out of a smaller passage they had explored ahead of them. "Look, Tiber. I have dressed up all for you. Now I am all modest."

As the newly made girl posed for him, Tiberius thought better than to speak his first impulse. For Shroom Dungeon, the outfit might be modest for all he knew. But chances were slim. Debbie wore a dark red brassiere that covered next to nothing. Her breasts were on full display save for the barest hint of cups on the underside. Further down was a garter belt of the same color that held stockings of black lace. To make the ensemble even more absurd, Debbie wore something around her arms and shoulders. Something like a snake, just made out of feathers. It was pastel pink.

Tiberius swallowed hard. Only when he was sure to have his voice under control, he replied in the driest way possible. "It appears the volunteer stocking the treasure chest you've found forgot to put panties in it."

"You mean these ones?" Sinea asked as she pulled out a thong that matched the dark red of Debbie's lingerie. "If you wanna make a woman in Shroom Dungeon wear panties, you'll have to put them on yourself."

With those words, Sinea snipped the panties at Tiberius. It sailed in a perfect arc to land on his head. Partially obscuring his view.

"You are welcome to try," Debbie challenged. Turning around and slapping her own butt. But before Tiberius could answer, both women took off in a sprint. Like naughty children trying to escape punishment.

"Well," Tiberius finally said as he pulled the pantie from his head. "That's a professional huntress to you. Hits bullseye even with undergarments."

Conway chuckled before starting to walk again. "Don't let them hear it or more will come your way."

"Maybe it is the other way around? Who knows what else they are willing to do if I tease them enough."

This one got roaring laughter out of Conway, who gave a good slap on Tiberius' shoulder. For a minute, they walked in silence. But something was on the young mage's mind. "These here-" He held up the balled-up silk robe and lacy pantie. "They aren't for a woman I meet here, right? More not-so-subtle hints I'll be joining Debbie in womanhood soon."

"Yes," Conway confirmed. The mirth had vanished from his voice. "Well, maybe. You remember what I told you about consent in Shroom Dungeon? That counts for everything. If you don't want the change, just tell it beforehand. Everyone will understand. Heck, I know people who have not once transformed here. Just come for the sex and nothing more."

"But that's not the point of coming here, right? Just for sex," Tiberius mused aloud. "Just like with Debtar. To broaden your horizon and understanding."

Conway nodded. Staying silent for a while as they walked through the dungeon. "You'd be surprised," he suddenly spoke up. Startling Tiberius, who thought their talk had ended. "I've been coming here now for well over a decade. And still, I learn things. Not just how things are as a woman. As revealing as this dungeon is, it will always only offer a slice of what it truly means to be female. No, whenever I come here, I learn things about me."

"I don't understand," Tiberius admitted.

"You are a mage. Part of your education is based on experimentation and drawing conclusions, right? Well, some things outside of a laboratory can be examined in different ways with different conclusions. All depending on the point of view of the observer."

As Conway fell silent again, Tiberius mulled the words over. If he was honest, he was surprised. The tone of the warrior reminded Tiberius of the days at the academy. There the teachers had similar wisdom to bestow. But it was never easy and rarely straightforward. One had to think and gleam the meaning of it by rationalization.

"In that case, one has to shift perspective multiple times," Tiberius concluded out loud. "Then compare the results and see what overlaps. Only then one gets a true picture."

"Well said." The warrior stopped as giggling could be heard ahead. Tiberius expected Debbie and Sinea to jump out from somewhere again, but that didn't happen. When it was clear they still had time alone, Conway continued. "I know what I am as a man. Know my good and my bad sides. But coming here, I see my personality shift when I am a woman. Comparing both experiences I can glimpse what is truly me. The core of my being."

Just as Tiberius was about to comment, the words died on his lips. He could spy Debbie and Sinea ahead. Standing with their backs towards the two men and at the entrance of another large room. Something must have caught their attention.

A little worried, Tiberius hurried to catch up. Only to feel foolish. The room was occupied by another group. But they weren't alone. They had run into a random encounter. A woman, unlike anything Tiberius had ever seen. She was see-through. Made just out of a jelly-like substance with a viscosity of honey. Her clear white form showed no sign of internal organs. The emptiness highlighted the two foreign objects invading her. Two men from the other group took the monster girl from both sides. Their dicks could clearly be seen pushing and out deep into her.

"What is she?" The question slipped past Tiberius' tongue. Voicing his confusion and fascination too.

"Do you remember the gelatinous cubes from Asarek's cellar of madness?" Sinea asked without taking her eyes off the spectacle.

An involuntary shudder ran through Tiberius. Gelatinous cubes were surprisingly tough enemies. Animated slime that consumed anything with a basic animalistic instinct. Their name came from the fact that they usually grew to fit wherever they lived. Typically the hallways of dungeons. Hence their roughly cubic form. They weren't very fast predators, but if one didn't see them their near glass-like clarity made them easy to overlook. There are always fresh new tales of adventurers who walked by accident into a gelatinous cube. It was not a pretty death, as Tiberius knew firsthand. The gelatinous cube there had the dubious honor of killing the young mage. Thankfully fairies and their resurrection magic existed.

"Well, that's a gelatinous girl," Debbie added without looking away at the spectacle. "Never seen a complete one. The Jellyshroom isn't new, but rumor has it, it is hard to cultivate. She must have worked a while to make a complete transformation."

On cue, both men came inside the gelatinous girl. Tiberius could make out their cum as it shot inside the transparent body, but not for long. It was consumed into the jelly. Both penises started to shrink. At first, Tiberius thought it was the typical post-coitus fatigue but soon was reminded of where exactly he was. As the dicks vanished, the men became women as their rugged lines gave way to female curves.

The gelatinous girl was already looking for her next victim. She found it in the one remaining men from the other group.

"Show is over," Conway announced. "Unless you want to join in, Tiber?"

As the young mage shook his head no, the warrior shepherded his own group on. It wasn't far when the opulence of the 'harem's sprawl' gave way again to the mushroom-covered caves. It appeared they were close to their destiny. Making everyone giddy with excitement. Sinea and Debbie even ignored side passages that led to chests and rather moved onward. Eager to reach the district that would be new to all of them.

They all stumbled and blinked as the half-darkness of the shroom dungeon gave way to bright light. For a moment, Tiberius thought they had left the dungeon and were out in an open field. But as soon as his eyes adjusted to the brightness, he saw through the illusion. They had entered a huge cavern. The whole ceiling was taken up by just one type of bio-luminescent fungus that shone a bright blue light down. Mimicking the sky of a summer day. Crouching down, Tiberius noted that even the grass field was an illusion. Thousands of long, but slim green mushrooms acted as a grass substitute. Just like the name 'Flower Garden' suggested, there were flowers of every color and size everywhere. But those too were mushrooms imitating the real thing. Some were more faithful, while others boasted with unnatural sizes or with rare colors.

"Pretty," Sinea gushed as she rushed onto the field. Twirling there to take it all in. "Reminds me of The Barnyard."

"But where are all the encounters?" Debbie asked. "I can't see anyone besides us."

"My guess is they are preparing an ambush."

The group looked around from where the new voice came from but drew zilch. Until one of the flower beds started to tremble. The largest flower started to rise from the ground and a head appeared. Then a very voluptuous female body. The woman emerging reminded Tiberius of succulent plants. Her skin was green and slightly translucent. Fake leaves dotted her skin and here and there mushrooms imitating flowers decorated her body. No, Tiberius had to revise his first impression. The flowers appeared to be part of the alluring creature before him. Even the large blossom on her head was part of her. Replacing normal hair.

"Oh, I am quite smitten with you," Sinea purred. Letting her gaze roam the green-skinned woman. "But one woman is no ambush."

"How about two?" a new woman asked as another figure emerged from a different flower bed.

"Or three?"

A fourth one rose from behind them. "I think we got you surrounded well."

That earned the flower dryads roaring laughter from Debbie. But it was aimed at Sinea. "Someone had been too cocky. What'cha gonna do?"

Sinea placed her hands on her hips. "Surrounded? Us? No way. We have an ace up our sleeve." With more flare than necessary, she turned around and pointed at Conway. "I choose you, knight. Defend this maidens honor."

If Conway was surprised, then not for long. Falling to one knee before Sinea. "Yes, my lady. You can count on me." Raising to his feet, Conway let his muscles play. Flexing them to show his bulk. Even without his enchanted armor, the fighter was an impressive sight. Especially if he chooses to show off.

Tiberius never had seen his group leader go for theatrics, but now he rose to the occasion. "Villainous foes. I, Conway, will best you all. For the honor of my lady, I'll wrestle you to the ground. You've already lost. I'll just have to convince you of the truth."

"Challenge accepted," the first flower dryad replied. "Girls, get him!"

Giggling, the four green-skinned women rushed Conway. Jumping and grappling him. But to their surprise, Conway still stood tall. His countermove surprised Tiberius even more. Tickling the exposed sides of two until they fell to the ground laughing. An opportunity Conway used to pin them down. What followed started as wrestling and ended in an orgy. One that lasted so long, that Debbie, Sinea, and Tiberius looked for a spot to sit down and watch.

By the time Conway shifted into his female self, two flower dryads had extracted themselves and lay exhausted aside. Still, the warrior kept going. Not even slowing down when she didn't have a dick anymore. Tiberius could only describe it as being unconventional and creative.

"Damn, she is going at it."

All three spectators jumped up in shock. Right behind them, a head poked out of the flower patch. Another dryad had lain there in ambush.

"Well, that's Connie for you," Sinea said as the group sat down again. "Legendary stamina."

"Connie?" Tiberius asked.

Debbie leaned over and in a conspiratorial voice clued the young mage in. "Conway, while drunk, once admitted he tried to get his old group to call him - while being female - Constance. But his old group was having none of it and butchered it down to Connie. Since then, the name stuck."

"Well, looks like my friends need help taking that behemoth of a woman down," the dryad said as she stood up. "Time to give them reinforcement."

As she walked by, Tiberius blushed and looked aside. Just for a moment, he had witnessed that the flower dryad walking past was already producing 'nectar' from her most important blossom.

Even with help, the dryads were fighting a losing battle. All too soon, only the lone flower dryad joining last remained. As Connie was eating her out, the girl had enough. "A third? That's too much for me. I yield! Surrender! Mercy."

"Once again I am undefeated!" Connie shouted out as she stood up. Giving them all a good look at how far the transformation had gone. Despite being the target for the magic of five dryads, Connie didn't turn out as a delicate flower. She still had nearly the same bulk Conway called his own. Her muscles glistened with spent sweat. Her skin had taken on a green tinge. Showing everyone that she was well on her way to becoming a dryad herself. But more pronounced was her hair. Or the replacement that took its place. Mid-orgy, Conway's hair had grown long. By the time she had become Connie, it had reached the small of her back and turned dark green. Now, it resembled more vines than actual hair. It even was decorated as dozens of flowers blossomed within the tangles.

"Now, for my price. What do I get?" Connie kneed down to heave the last dryad on her shoulders. "You? A fine trophy indeed."

The flower dryad wasn't upset. But it took her a moment to protest as she was giggling madly. "I can't. Sorry. The Flower Garden is still new and there aren't enough dryads to spare even one. But there are chests in each of our flower beds."

Just as Connie let the dryad down, she was besieged by two new girls. "Connie!" Sinea and Debbie squealed together. The latter added: "We missed you."

"I missed you too. You two are safe from stuffy old Conway for a while." Then a loud moan escaped her throat. "Careful, those are sensitive."

"Really?" Sinea asked who had one of Connie's flowers in her hand. Still attached to the vine-like hair. With a mischievous smirk, she leaned forward and started to make out with the blossom. She was rewarded with more moans and a Connie that fell to her knees. "The giantess brought low by me! Now, who is the champion here?"

"That's neat," Debbie exclaimed. "I want one too."

Making puppy eyes at the dryad worked. The flower girl leaned over and touched Debbie just above her left ear. Tiberius witnessed the sharp and focused transfer of mana. As result, an orchid-like flower blossomed. Complimenting Debbie's own beauty nicely.

"You too?" the dryad asked Sinea.

"Can't," the huntress admitted. "I haven't gotten through my change yet. Same with him."

Sinea's words and pointing toward him made Tiberius sigh and give them a weary smile. To her, it was a foregone conclusion that he too would soon be a woman.

"Alright. Time for loot" Sinea decreed instead.

"Yes. Yes. My lady," Debbie said as she passed the huntress and grabbed Tiberius by the shoulder. Dragging him along. When looking for the first treasure chest, she whispered to him. "Always so pushy in here. Mark my words, it will only get worse." Then she flashed him a cheeky grin. "Not that I really mind."

Together they looked through the prizes won. There were a lot of mushrooms in all kinds of shapes. Some even looked more like succulent flowers. Tiberius guessed those would be for the flower dryad transformation. At last, they found a brassiere shaped to resemble myriads of small leaves clinging together.

"Let me guess," Tiberius remarked in a resigned voice. "The bra is for me, right? For when I meet that special woman."

"Don't be egoistic," Debbie said while elbowing the mage in the side. "That's for Connie to decide. Or Sinea. Connie often passes on the responsibility. At least here, in Shroom Dungeon."

The next chest contained sandals and more mushrooms. Yet Tiberius had never seen sandals like these. Yes, the leather strips holding it together would wind up the leg up to the calf and resembled vines were uncommon. But it was the sole that confused the young mage. It vaguely resembled those of riding boots as in it had a separated heel for finding purchase in a saddle's stir-ups. But these heels couldn't fulfill the same purpose. For one they were too narrow and dainty. Making Tiberius think they would break off easily. Then there was the length of the heel. It was so high that it pushed the sole upward. Whoever would wear these would rest mostly their body weight on the toes. But before Tiberius could study them further, Debbie grasped them from him.

"Sinea, look!" the feminized rogue exclaimed while holding the sandals over her head. "High heels! And this early. Can I have them?"

Sinea was quick to shoot Debbie's enthusiasm down. "Well decide once we have all the loot in a pile."

Confused, Tiberius made his way to the next chest. Why would Debbie even want these? It must be all but impossible to walk in these so-called high heels. It would require a lot of dexterity to pull that off. Maybe that was why. A matter of pride and showing off. If anyone had the grace and dexterity to pull it off, it must be Debbie. As Debtar, Tiberius had witnessed several highly acrobatic moves by the rogue.

The next loot pile not only yielded more mushrooms but a length of rolled-up vine. Only picking it up, Tiberius grasped what it really was. A whip. "I thought hurtful weapons aren't allowed in the Shroom Dungeon."

"They aren't," the last dryad assured him. "May I demonstrate?"

A little weary, Tiberius looked at Conway. Instead, his eyes found Connie. The silent nod was all the former, but the mischievous grin was new. With a small sigh, Tiberius handed the whip to the dryad.

Uncurling it, the flower dryad took a few practice swings. The crack of air when she snapped the weapon back, made him flinch every time. Then, before he could react, the dryad turned around and let the weapon loose on him. He felt a length of whip coil around him, but to his amazement, no pain. Instead, it felt more like a tickle. Looking down, he saw the whip had sunken into his flesh. As if both occupied the same space. Then, like a piece of wood pushed under water, the whip popped out of his skin and laid on top. Still, with two coils of it around Tiberius' body, he was unable to resist. Both of his arms had been pinned to his side.

"See?" The dryad asked. "You aren't hurt, are you? But the whip can do more."

The coils around him started to move, and as Tiberius looked down, he saw that the length of the whip started to extend. Slithering around his torso like a snake. Tiberius gulped as the dryad came closer with a hungry look on her face. Was this it? Would she pull him into a session of lovemaking that would rob him of his manhood? After all, he gave her his consent in a roundabout way.

"Looks like you are utterly defeated, little mage," the dryad purred. "Now what should I do with-"

The dryad was suddenly yanked away. She let go of the whip and it started to unravel around him, but Tiberius hardly noticed. Instead, he was baffled by the display before him. Connie was lifting the dryad up with one arm and tickling her with another.

"Look who's still in the mood for fighting!" The warrior shouted out. "I thought I tired you out. Let me remedy that."

At last - a few minutes later - the group gathered around a pile of loot. Most of it was mushrooms. The fourth flower bed hadn't contained anything special, while the fifth had contained a silver circlet that had flowers of gemstone embedded in the delicate metalwork.

"I expected better loot," Sinea said with a big pout at the end. Then she turned to the only flower dryad still awake. "You sure you aren't holding out on us. Squirreled away some stuff."

"Of course, we have more loot," the dryad admitted. Then quickly raised her hand to cut off protests by Sinea and her group. "Sorry, but the Flower Garden is very new as a district. There are only ten volunteers and we barely can keep up. It is surprisingly popular and we have to stretch the loot we have to offer something to all visitors. In time, I guess more items are made for the Flower Garden and get into circulation."

"Circulation?" Tiberius pipped up before the others could complain. "We can't keep the items."

"Tiber. Tiber. Tiber," Debbie said as she leaned over and placed her arm around his shoulder. He was very aware that the rogue's breasts pushed against his arm. But he wasn't distracted enough to hear her explain. "Of course, we give them back. No matter how solid these items look, they are all made of mushrooms. Yes, the residents here learned even to mimic a vast array of metals and gemstones. But remember, whatever is made of mushroom turns to dust if exposed to sun- or moonlight."

Tiberius picked up the circlet. Was it really only mushrooms he was holding? It felt like metal and had weight. The gemstones, he guessed, were rubies, topaz, and emeralds. They looked a little more cloudy than those he was used to.

"Well, while you are holding that, you can start identifying it," Sinea suggested. "Time to split the loot."

With a sigh, Tiberius did as told. Blending out the world as he focused all his magical senses on the circlet in his hand. At once, Tiberius had to stifle a gasp of surprise. The item was bursting with the strange magic of the mushrooms. Flowing as if alive in a confusing tangle of strands and knots. Hardly he had seen an item this overloaded with enchantments before.

"I can make out a reservoir for mana," Tiberius started. That was the easiest enchantment to decipher. "As well as an aid for mana replenishment. Wait, is that-"

Tiberius fell silent in astonishment. It must have been evident on his face, as Sinea was quick to urge him on. "What? Come on. Don't leave us hanging."

"It's a focus," the young mage revealed. Most users of magical powers used one. Be it staff, scepter, wand, or orb. Tiberius himself used a shortened staff. Though now, it rested in the safe of the Impish Armory. "But there is more. I think it has spells woven into it. Accessible like a magic tome."

Debbie snatched the circlet out of his hand and then placed it on Tiberius' head. "Mage stuff. Boring. What's next? The high heels? Please tell me they're for rogues."

Ignoring the circlet wasn't easy. He could feel the power radiating from it through his skull. Teasing him with power laid bare before him. Never had he heard of an item worn on the head as a focus before. The implications fascinated him. Still. He relented as Debbie grew restless beside him.

Grabbing the so-called high heels had him shake his head slightly. Having them in his hand made them somehow seem even more absurd. Pushing his bemusement aside, Tiberius concentrated on them. At once, he knew they were highly enchanted too. Though less than the circlet. Half was taken up by a dexterity enchantment. Though the name was slightly misleading. The enchantment monitored and helped coordinate the muscles that were in range. Facilitating it through a feedback loop to the wearer through the subconsciousness. It resulted in finer and more precise movement. But most didn't care for the details and simply called it a dexterity enchantment. But there was more. An unfamiliar enchantment. He could make out some components and guess what they did.

"Well, it has a muscle-coordination enchantment," Tiberius started. As he saw confused faces, he let out a small sigh. "A dexterity enchantment." That got a burst of happy shouts out of Debbie. "However, there is another enchantment that I have trouble pinpointing. Something about magically anchoring and a link to a person's mind."

"That's a Sure Step enchantment," Sinea broke in and waved off any further explanation. "Pretty standard for high heels in these parts. The wearer can use the magic of the shoes to find a grip on any surface. Even smooth stuff like ice."

"That's rogue stuff!" Debbie decreed. Still, she looked pleadingly toward Sinea. "Right?"

"Of course," the huntress agreed. "I wouldn't miss you strutting your stuff in front of me."

At once, Debbie snatched the high heels out of Tiberius' grasp and proceeded to put them on. It was apparent she had worn shoes like these before. Standing up, she moved around like she was born wearing high heels. Strutting, as Sinea had called it, was a fitting term. Debbie made a show of walking around. Maybe Tiberius imagined it, but he could swear Debbie swayed her hips more than necessary. If that was on purpose or due to the shoes, he couldn't tell.

"Halfway done," Sinea said as she tossed Tiberius the leaf bra to the young mage.

As Tiberius was very distracted, the garment found a temporary place on his head. Giving Sinea a short annoyed look, he pulled the bra down and gave it his attention. This time it was easy to make out the enchantment. "This one changes size to fit its wearer. A good thing as it also enhances specific attributes."

"What attributes?" Connie asked innocently enough.

"Well, you know." Tiberius mimed with his hands having breasts and them expanding.

"I didn't get that," Sinea said with a smirk that spoke volumes. That Connie showed a small smirk too, clued everyone in that her question hadn't been that naive either. "We wanna hear it."

"Breasts," Tiberius pushed out with mock annoyance. "It enhances your breasts. Makes them grow bigger. Happy now."

"Very," Sinea replied sweetly. Then tossing the enchanted bra to Connie who immediately started putting it on.

Of all the girls here, Tiberius thought Connie needed the bra the least. While proportionally a normal size, due to her massive stature her breasts were equally massive. Well, Tiberius was used to it. Not that he would admit it aloud. People always assumed mages of the academy were virgins and prude nerds. Far from it. He reasoned every student had a phase of exploration when exactly those same magical effects had been taught in the fifth semester. Tiberius himself needed less than a half day to determine that to be hung like a horse was less than practical.

"That leaves the whip," Tiberius concluded. The enchantment and its function intrigued him. To temporarily occupy the same space as a person and then spring out of it was fascinating. "If you don't mind, I'd like to have it for study."

To his surprise, everyone else wanted the weapon too. As none usually used a whip, Tiberius could only conclude that the others wanted it for nefarious or lewd reasons. Probably both at the same time.

"I'll take it," Sinea said with authority and hastily added to it as the others were about to protest. "For safekeeping. It remains in my backpack until we find a proper die to roll it out. Let luck determine who takes it."

With the normal loot split, Sinea filled the backpack with the small mountain of mushrooms. As Debbie explained, they could not only be eaten but were used for bartering as well. The very thought of currency that was grown and consumed was amusing to Tiberius.

At last, Sinea lifted her backpack. At least, she tried. It took a while to actually heave it onto her back. Tiberius expected Connie to step up and offer to carry the backpack, but she remained quiet. Sinea didn't appear to mind that she was stuck with backpack duty. After all, she had taken it upon herself from the start. Yet, she couldn't help but voice out loud: "That's it. The next duel to lose will be mine."

A little confused, Tiberius followed as his group made their way out of the Flower Garden. Now, Sinea wasn't running ahead. Overloaded as she was. Instead, it was Debbie who played guide to them all. Walking ahead, it was no wonder the other three stayed behind and enjoyed the view. For Debbie's butt swayed back and forth was almost hypnotic.

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