Kaitlyn Jenner on Fox News……

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I just read an article on Fox News - and yes, I know, it’s Fox. Don’t kill me for reading Fox, but the only way to be truly informed is to read multiple news from multiple sites and from multiple perspectives. Yes, I am a Republican - but I am also not a Trumper (God, how I hate that man and his ilk!), and do not vote the party line. I am a fiscal conservative, and became a Republican because I believed in small government and what the REAL Republican Party stood for decades ago. So please don’t get on me for reading something that Fox posted as I also read MSNBC, CNN, the BBC, etc. - even Al Jazeera.

Anyway, I am soooooo tired of places like Fox using that ignorant bitch Jenner as an example of transgender women. She is so far from the norm that it is ridiculous to use her as an example. I know that I am not exactly a good example either, as I have had a much easier and gentler path than many of my sisters - but no one is running around putting me or my opinions on the news, lol.

Jenner is quoted as “blaming Washington’s wokeness” for the fact that a transgender woman is being allowed to compete as a woman runner in the state of Washington. Personally, I would cheer the state on for their actions, but not Jenner! No, she feels it’s unfair that “a genetic male” is allowed to compete against women.

Does she have any idea how much she sets back trans rights every time she opens her mouth? The same woman who has had so much surgery she looks like she was carved out of plastic is running around trying to pretend she can relate to the average trans woman! What a joke she is!

Please just shut your mouth and disappear from public view Kaitlyn.

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