I just read an article on Fox News - and yes, I know, it’s Fox. Don’t kill me for reading Fox, but the only way to be truly informed is to read multiple news from multiple sites and from multiple perspectives. Yes, I am a Republican - but I am also not a Trumper (God, how I hate that man and his ilk!), and do not vote the party line. I am a fiscal conservative, and became a Republican because I believed in small government and what the REAL Republican Party stood for decades ago. So please don’t get on me for reading something that Fox posted as I also read MSNBC, CNN, the BBC, etc. - even Al Jazeera.
Anyway, I am soooooo tired of places like Fox using that ignorant bitch Jenner as an example of transgender women. She is so far from the norm that it is ridiculous to use her as an example. I know that I am not exactly a good example either, as I have had a much easier and gentler path than many of my sisters - but no one is running around putting me or my opinions on the news, lol.
Jenner is quoted as “blaming Washington’s wokeness” for the fact that a transgender woman is being allowed to compete as a woman runner in the state of Washington. Personally, I would cheer the state on for their actions, but not Jenner! No, she feels it’s unfair that “a genetic male” is allowed to compete against women.
Does she have any idea how much she sets back trans rights every time she opens her mouth? The same woman who has had so much surgery she looks like she was carved out of plastic is running around trying to pretend she can relate to the average trans woman! What a joke she is!
Please just shut your mouth and disappear from public view Kaitlyn.
Small government
Myth. It is all about what size government is needed, there is only the right sized government to protect the rights of those who can't protect themselves and (call it socialism if you want) for the citizenry to reap the benefits of what they give to corporations that allow them to make their profits (be it through tax breaks, bail outs, subsidies, you know, corporate welfare).
Of course, the wealthy pretend they earned it all by themselves without any help from anybody so 'why tax little ol' me when I only make a measly billion dollars in profits?'.
Don't forget, the last administration with a balanced budget was a Democrat, good o' Bill Clinton.
Republicans have been chewing on that myth for years as the last big gift to corporations has only increased the budget deficit even pre-covid. I wonder how much of an increase in the budget deficits Bush's invasion of Iraq caused? Do they own those actions also? Funny how they want to distance themselves from him nowadays.
That said.
Turncoats like Jenner are par for the course of conservative trans who would vote Prairie Dogs for Coyotes like Andrea Lena has said previously. I wonder if Jenny Boylan regrets the hand holding support she had given Jenner?
The Iraq was trillions in deficits. Republicans only howl about the deficit when a Democrat is in the White House, they run it through the roof when they are in charge.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Brains and money
Jenner has more money than brains like the rest of that clan. Commonsense is something Republicans now a days lack and so do some democrats as well. They get elected into office and forget the reason they are there.
As for Jenner, I agree, someone needs to put a gag in her mouth, because she doesn't know what the average transgirl or transmale go through. She doesn't know what most of us have to suffer through or if we have the money available to pay for the doctor appointments and drugs we need, or do we put it towards food and a place to stay?
That's not mentioning how certain jobs treat us as well. She should just keep her mouth shut.
That's not counting the fact that some of us, might not be able to get surgery due to certain medical conditions or age. as for banning trans people from girl sports, I think that's wrong. We allow girls on boy sports. I know its not the same, but come on. If the team doesn't mind having them, then let them play.
If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison
Is not a news outlet it is a propaganda channel. They blatantly lie, distort the truth and misleadingly edit everything they put out.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Fox is a terrorist network
stochastic terrorism
[ stuh-kas-tik ter-uh-riz-uhm ]SHOW IPA
the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted:
The lone-wolf attack was apparently influenced by the rhetoric of stochastic terrorism.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
I agree with your desire to have smaller government. A good place to start would be curbing what is spent on elections. One estimate had the total for the mid-terms to be about $17 billion..
I'm still starstruck by Bruce Jenner -- who won the decathlon. That person was amazing and deserved a Wheaties' box cover. Caitlyn has spent too much time in the vacuous K-world. She has her faults and her merits, just like the rest of us.
The primary motivation for most children to play sports is to have fun. The outstanding trans-athlete swimmers didn't get up one day and say: 1.) I think I'll cheat my way to the top in swimming, 2.) I'll win by faking trans, and 3.) It'll be fun!
I'm firmly behind the NCAA on this one, who is looking at this on a sport-by-sport basis.
Michale Phelps was a great swimmer in part because: his arms were out of proportion (longer than normal for someone his height.), his chest is hyperjointed, and his ankles bend fifteen percent more than his rivals allowing him to use his size fifteen feet as flippers. Couple that with scientists stating that there is no single biological factor that determines gender -- making the whole argument specious.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Cost of US Elections
I wish I could find the reference but I can't.
However, I read somewhere in 2020 that the cost of the US 2020 election (Federal, State and Local) exceeded the GDP of over 40% of the worlds nations. All that money spent or rather flushed down the sewer.
GG Have no Rights?
Anyone is allowed to have an opinion as long as it's the same as theirs? All the socialist, liberals, are demanding every advertiser abandon Twitter because it is no longer an echo chamber for their own agenda. Pushing transgender rights on everyone is okay because we are the smallest minority. We have the highest percentage of suicide rates among any class of people. In fact percentage wise we out number them all even when their numbers are all added together. Thus the rest of society should be made to give me instead of allowed the chance to have their own opinion if I'm acceptable or not. Interesting statistic, women almost never shoot themselves in the head. It messes up their facial features. Transgender follow this same line of reasoning whether FtM or MtF. I guess the female is more dominant no matter the path a transgender takes.
I'm ashamed not because I'm trans, that's God's gift to me, but because of the demands my like sisters and brothers demand they be treated better than anyone else. Laws passed giving us special rights. Allow us to compete against genetic women because we're not only the smallest minority but we deserve it because we aren't a natural born genetic female. I belong to the most open minded, tolerant class of people in the world..., as long as everyone thinks like me and believes everything i believe.
My world has descended into woke terrorism. Give me, bless me, allow me and if you don't, I;'ll destroy you. I thank God I'm one of you. I get to experience life as a male and a female. I've never blamed God nor anyone else for this life although I have begged, pleaded, prayed, tried to bargain with Her. If she would make me a real female for simply a year, I'd do anything promise anything. It took years for me to understand I am a real female, a special kind of female. And like any female there are things I can do the same as any man and or any woman. And there are things men shouldn't do women can always do better. And there are things women shouldn't do, men can always do better.
Like it or not, I have an opinion, lots of them in fact. Whether they call themselves men or transgender, they don't belong in women's sports. Girls, women who have trained, dreamed of competing in one sport or another have those things destroyed by trans competing in their sports. The ribbons, the medallions, the endorsement from the manufacturers of sporting attire, the scholarships, stolen because testosterone wasn't surging through their bodies before the teen years and beyond.
Kaitlyn has ideas of what her life as transgender is or isn't. What they are doesn't really affect my life one way or another. Whether I agree with her or don't agree certainly isn't going to make a difference in her life. Would I have any idea what is going on between Kaitlyn's ears if D. Eden hadn't brought it up?
Nope, I glad she did but truly does it matter? I have washing to do, a bed to make, house to clean, cats to feed, and it's raining outside. The goats are sheltered and safe. That for the moment is my whole world.
Everyone who wishes to burn me in Hell for my views, try the PM message boards instead of getting this conversation shut down by Erin. I'm always looking for new words to expand my vocabulary. Sorry, no star if I read one I haven't already heard or read.
Hugs People John 15:18
"I don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't DIE"
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl