It's as if the Colorado Springs killer, and all the haters he represents, were trying to send us a message by committing his atrocity on TDoR. Some of his victims were trans, some probably weren't, but it didn't matter, we were all "[expletive deleted] Queers." It may not be a coincidence that Colorado Springs is also home to "Focus On Family," a well-funded hate group that targets LGBT+ people, among other things. From what I've read, a number of elected officials came out in support of the killer. The haters are well-organized, well-funded, and supported by many powerful people and groups. They all want us dead, and they want murdering us to be socially acceptable. I've had people deny that, but I think they've got their heads in the sand.
And they also want us erased. They want us to never have existed, they want to erase the very possibility of people like us existing from the thought processes of every human being. (Well, of all the people they haven't killed, at least.)
And "us" is going to be an ever-expanding group. The same folks hate uppity non-whites, and even the non-uppity ones. And women. And Jews and Muslims. And, and, and. It's terrorism, plain and simple. So don't think that you're safe if you're not trans, HRC [=Human Rights Campaign]
None of us, no group of us, is an island. When someone massacres African-Americans, or women (cf. the École Polytechnique massacre), or gay people, or whever, they're also killing you and me. And vice versa. As they say, "ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee."
Is it OK to copy this ...
... minus your name, of course, to my FB page?
I'm at
But what about...?
Cue the deniers, the minimizers,
the "It's not just conservatives doing this",
the "How do we know this wasn't just a lover's spat?"
the "Well what about ANTIFAs burning down our cities?"
the "Why doesn't the press report all the millions of murders in CHICAGO?!"
(a notorious Democrat stronghold where all the BLACK people live!)
The say anything to avoid calling this campaign against us what it is
or address who's deliberately fomenting fear + hate against us.
People have a right to their opinions but this denial
that pops up even here really mystifies me.
Cue the whattabout-whattabout-whattabouts in 5, 4, 3...
~hugs, Veronica
And just for shits and giggles
here's my boy Beau talking about how the GOP
spent FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS trying to demonize trans kids:
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
This is VIRAL. have a very anti-trans extended family member who lives in Colorado. And a brother who feels the same way. It is heart-breaking to know that someone I care about is sadly deceived.
Love, Andrea Lena
Beau of the Fifth Column
He talks a lot of sense. I regularly watch his channel from this side of the pond.
Some commentators are calling for the likes of Tuckums and Lauren B to be indicted for various crimes relating to their actions before this disaster. That would send a clear message to the far right. This sort of event has to stop NOW.
Rethuglicans motivate their voters by stoking fear, anger, hate and conspiracy theories. Currently they are running with LGBT people are groomers. They always target minorities using anti-lgbt rhetoric they should be treated as the terrorists they are.
Especially Faux News which is registered as an entertainment channel not a news one.
stochastic terrorism
[ stuh-kas-tik ter-uh-riz-uhm ]SHOW IPA
the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted:
The lone-wolf attack was apparently influenced by the rhetoric of stochastic terrorism.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Exhibit A
Here is exhibit A
Here is exhibit B
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
They are saying the violence is justified.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Without Disputing Your Point...
There's no such thing that I'm aware of called "register(ing) as an entertainment channel" here in the U.S..
The Fox News cable channel's commentators like Tucker Carlson (and those of other cable networks, though less assertively) aren't part of their news organizations. In that sense, they're "entertainment" and can misstate facts all they want. They can be subject to damage suits for slander if the victim can prove "actual malice": that the commentator isn't telling the truth, that he knows it, and that the victim suffers harm from the statement. It's difficult; if Carlson were to tell his audience that the world is flat, in effect you have to prove somehow that he doesn't really believe that. And if he says that Kyrie Irving says the world is flat, Carlson's telling the truth; Irving did say that. (Of course, with that particular example, you'd probably have trouble proving that their saying that causes you harm.)
Anyway, the network's actual news reports are treated as such. Like any news editors, they can decide what news they want to cover, and what outside sources they want to interview, but they can't knowingly misstate facts.
Over-the-air stations, including (of course) Fox affiliates, have FCC restrictions that cable stations don't, since they're using public airwaves. But the Fairness Doctrine is long gone; Wikipedia says it hasn't been in effect since 1987. In any case, those don't carry Carlson & Company, afaik. (The national television networks have third-party-owned affiliates in most markets rather than actual ownership, which is why they have different channel numbers in different cities. The affiliates don't have to pick up every show, though I think these days that usually involves pre-empts for local sports events rather than politics or community standards.)
Classic tactic
They love to use what-aboutism to try to obscure their hate crimes.
The hypocrisy of conservative trans for still supporting this ideology is mind boggling.
I attended this year's Fantasia Fair and there are conservative trans from WV mindlessly spouting all sorts of the usual conservative talking points. Of course they would NOT dare try to even walk around crossdressed in that state yet they hypocritically enjoyed the benefits of being in a welcoming town where they can do so in a carefree manner.
Up th**rs!
Prairie Dogs for Coyotes, 2024
Love, Andrea Lena
The ability to do evil exists in all of us…..
As does the ability to do good. Quite often the difference in how people act comes down to either how they were brought up by parents and family (to include friends and community), or to some single act or moment in their lives. That is not an excuse, simply a statement of fact.
I have seen more evil than most, in some of the shittiest places on this planet. You know, join the Navy and see the world, lol. Yeah…… I saw it, and I saw the evil that exists. Hence why I lost my faith.
As Edmund Burke is often attributed with saying, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” It is actually more likely drawn from a speech by John Stuart Mill, who said, “Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”
Bottom line, we must ALL stand up for the rights of our brothers and sisters - without care to race, gender, religion, sexuality, or any other trait. For surely, in the words of Benjamin Franklin, “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Shooter is non-binary
According to a piece on The Hill today the shooter's defence lawyer says that the shooter identifies "non-binary". Another item a couple of days ago says that the grandfather is a California Republican politician.
Something very strange going on psychologically here I think.
He’s not
He’s not he’s just homophobic everyone that knows him has said so he is just trying to use that as a legal defense against the hate crimes charges.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Thank you
That is far more credible than the claim of being non-binary.
I have zero knowledge of the attack or people involved beyond what has been published and was just drawing attention to the claim being made. However, without wanting to detract from the horror of the attack, it's a (slight) relief to find that it has not come from inside the LGBT world. I'd hate to think that it had, as that would have given the haters one more reason to victim blame.
Will all this hatred ever end? I've been to the US several times over the last 40 years, both pre and post transition, and I am sad to say that I'm afraid to go again any time soon.