For whom the bell tolls
It's as if the Colorado Springs killer, and all the haters he represents, were trying to send us a message by committing his atrocity on TDoR. Some of his victims were trans, some probably weren't, but it didn't matter, we were all "[expletive deleted] Queers." It may not be a coincidence that Colorado Springs is also home to "Focus On Family," a well-funded hate group that targets LGBT+ people, among other things. From what I've read, a number of elected officials came out in support of the killer. The haters are well-organized, well-funded, and supported by many powerful people and groups. They all want us dead, and they want murdering us to be socially acceptable. I've had people deny that, but I think they've got their heads in the sand.
And they also want us erased. They want us to never have existed, they want to erase the very possibility of people like us existing from the thought processes of every human being. (Well, of all the people they haven't killed, at least.)
And "us" is going to be an ever-expanding group. The same folks hate uppity non-whites, and even the non-uppity ones. And women. And Jews and Muslims. And, and, and. It's terrorism, plain and simple. So don't think that you're safe if you're not trans, HRC [=Human Rights Campaign]
None of us, no group of us, is an island. When someone massacres African-Americans, or women (cf. the École Polytechnique massacre), or gay people, or whever, they're also killing you and me. And vice versa. As they say, "ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee."