The Resourceful Little Slave Girl - Chapter 14

Previously: It has been seven years since Zhou Yu was first transformed into a woman and brought to An. In order to solidify the peace between Thamud and Talos, her four year old son has been betrothed to the daughter of Princess Sabine of Talos. Sabine has since been exiled to Thamud following the deaths of a number of persons in the Talosian line of succession. In conversation with Zhou Yu, Sabine has hinted at the unfortunate fate of her brother, the Crown Prince.

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Chapter 14 Case Closed – The Mysterious Disappearance of Prince Alaric (Lurid Tales No. 136)

[Scribe's Note: An extract from a fictionalized account of the last days of Alaric, the Second Prince of Talos. The pamphlet was rumored to have been authorized and widely distributed by the Crown Princess Sabine herself a year after his disappearance.]

Everyone by now has heard of the mysterious disappearance of Alaric, the former Crown Prince of Talos. Many are the theories which surround this gaping enigma at the heart of Talosian political life. Most assume that the prince is dead but this author has it on good word that Alaric still lives. Through arduous investigation and lengthy interviews with those closest to the Prince (including the Captain of the Guard who served Alaric), his real fate can now be revealed for the first time.

With his brother, the original crown prince (since deceased, may his soul be blessed by the Seven) ailing in bed due to causes unknown, Alaric was ripe to ascend to the second highest seat in Talos. Many have suspected foul play directed against the elder brother; and what better suspect than this Second Prince of Talos who hungered for the throne and for pleasures hitherto withheld from him.

Alaric was not sufficiently satisfied with the readily accessible delights of wine, women, and song. No, his dark appetites ran much deeper - and when he yielded to temptation, those vices swallowed him whole.

With his installation as the crown prince, his father had presented him with new responsibilities including the key to that vault which only those with the greatest of expectations could hope to access. And, thus, one night, a shadowy figure was found entering the sanctum sanctorum of the Royal Treasury, That figure was finely dressed in the robes of the nobility and held in his hand the simple shift of a servant girl,

A prince had entered the treasury at the witching hour; the much slighter figure of the servant girl, Annalise, emerged alone an hour later.

Annalise was slim, with gracile arms and legs. She had petite breasts which naturally fit her build and she held them full in the palms of her hands, perhaps wondering if they could have been any larger. Her hair was disheveled as if she had been in the throes of passion and her dress soaked with her sweat.

When the guards first caught sight of Annalise, she was walking daintily down the corridor, a small messenger bag containing a selection of sera on her left shoulder; quite unaware she was being spied upon, her fingers at her lips as if she was licking honey off them. The name Annalise had been entered into the household register as Alaric's personal serving maid two weeks prior to the assumption of her new duties – but no one had ever seen her. Everyone assumed that she was the Prince's personal plaything, such was his licentiousness

We would all pity Alaric if he had not been so careless, so utterly foolish, and so possessed of such a perfidious nature as to toy with a serum reserved hitherto for the punishment of malcontents.

Alaric-Annalise was, of course, immediately seized by the guards. He dared not reveal his true name if only because of the utter shame this would have caused. Yet he promised in his heart that he would have the guards' heads once he returned to his original form the following day.
Back at the guard room, the Prince was tossed around like a rag doll from man to man – he felt one man pull him into a tight embrace, another grab his bosom with both hands; and another youth reach down and press firmly on his crotch through his skirt. All of a sudden they stopped and he was left sitting on the ground in a daze.

“What are you lot doing?” someone behind him growled.

It was the Captain of the Guard, a tall imposing man who few dared challenge. The other guards quickly apologized and left his presence as fast as their legs could carry them.

“Come on, get up and head back to the servant's quarters where you belong. Don't let me catch you here again, you hear?” the Captain said kindly.

The Prince nodded his head and acted as if to go, but his gaze was leveled steadily at the man's crotch as if mesmerized by what he saw. He felt his chin lifted up by the large man who stood before him.

“What's wrong with you?” the Captain asked.

“Thank you,” replied the Prince; instinctively he hugged the man's leg and pressed his face against his thigh. He remained that way for a few moments like a naive girl hugging a bolster. With growing fascination, he observed the Captain's manhood stiffening and lengthening down a trouser leg. It was at that moment that the Prince noticed a strange heat rising through his body - first in his cunt and then in his nipples. Soon his face was completely flush with desire. By now, the Captain could feel the servant girl's nipples scraping firmly against his thigh, like a bitch against her master's legs. There was only so much he could endure.

“You may touch it if you wish,” the Captain offered.

Alaric looked up for reassurance at the Captain and then reached out to touch his manhood through the linen pants. He watched it grow and strain against the thin cloth and made to rub it further making the man let out a soft sigh. The he looked up again as if for permission to undress him. Then the Prince opened the ties which held up the Captain's trousers and pulled them down with a sharp movement, causing the fleshy shaft to jump out erect, hitting him full on the chin.

The Prince immediately stuck out his tongue to taste it. Then he was kissing and sucking it recalling all the girls who had pleased him in the past and their erotic strategies.

“Have you done this before, girl?” asked the Captain. “You seemed as nervous as a mouse just moments ago but now look at you.”

Prince Alaric knew that the body he had chosen was that of an ordinary girl of Talos, blessed with the physique of a court dancer and a sweet face, but of commonplace libido. Anything which he felt now for this man was purely from the depths of his heart.

He spread his long delicately muscled thighs to show his Captain that he wanted him now - using two fingers, he spread his inner lips to indicate that he was both wet and ready. The Captain glanced down and saw the narrow untried entrance of Alaric's vagina and wondered for a moment whether it would be uncomfortable for the young girl. But only for a moment.

By the time the Captain was done with the little servant girl, Alaric had come three times. The Captain took care not to inseminate her and instead sprayed his seed over her face to mark her as his own. The Prince supped on this with abandon.

The Captain soon fell asleep and the Prince picked up his small messenger bag and returned to his chamber where he reluctantly pulled out an injector and returned to his original male form.

Alaric-Annalise would return to the Captain's quarters regularly from that day forth. The guards knew better than to interrupt her passage.

When Alaric was not masquerading as a woman, he could be seen acting in strangely more intimate ways with the Captain – who, I should add, had no idea that Annalise was a serum girl. The Crown Prince was seen touching the Captain of the Guard's hand as he did his morning rounds of the palace. His head would lean transiently on the Captain's arm for support during long sessions in the audience chamber where he met the nobility of Talos. It was all highly suspicious.

But it was not only the members of the court who whispered; there was also his wife, now left to her own devices for a number of weeks. Alaric's recently bereaved spouse (she had just lost her five year old son) had expected the prince's company on most nights of the week, especially in this time of mourning.

Almost inevitably, Annalise was caught sneaking into Alaric's bedroom on just one of those nights. Alaric nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard his wife's voice behind him.

“Are you the little minx who has been keeping my husband busy these past weeks?” she said with a quiet snarl.

Alaric-Annalise was at a loss for words and before he knew it, his wife has pushed him hard against the wall and had her hand at his tiny neck.

“What does he see in you? You're just a tiny bit of nothing. Thin as a rake; no breasts and no hips; a sweet face I suppose but there's nothing there.”

“Please, mistress,” Alaric-Annalise finally managed, “I am not sleeping with your husband, the Prince. Please...”

Alaric was stopped mid-sentence by a short sharp slap across his face. He held his cheek in shock and pain, and felt hot tears rolling down his eyes.

“Don't lie to me you disgusting little vixen. I saw where you were heading and you smell of fornication.”

“I would never...” Alaric-Annalise felt another much harder slap across his face and shielded himself with his arms. “Stop!” he pleaded.

“You would never what? Never open your legs like a whore to my husband?”

With that, the Princess, pulled down Alaric's skirt. She swatted his desperate hands away and told him to be quiet or she would whip him right there. Then she stuffed two fingers into Alaric's vagina and after some scooping motions brought the fingers up to his face, smearing whatever leftover semen remained on to the poor servants girl's face.

“What a loathsome little whore, you are. To think you would be so selfish as to take him from me. Me - a grieving mother.”

Alaric-Annalise was dragged across various corridors to a place he was intimately familiar with – his wife's bedchamber.

There he was put to the sword in a manner of speaking. The Princess put on a pair of gloves and proceeded to spank him. When his buttocks were finally sufficiently red and swollen, she took hold of a particularly nasty slave device made of polished wood and slowly inserted it into his anus – this he would wear for the entire duration of his punishment. The Princess kept Alaric-Annalise in her bedroom for an entire day and night. He was made to act like a bitch and led by a leash on her hands and knee through the apartments, and fed from porcelain bowls reserved for the Princess' toy dog.

The Princess finally relented when she saw Annalise crying bitterly in the corner of her room. The Princess had finally come to her senses – if her husband didn't want any more children with her, then she would wash her hands of the entire matter. What choice did a poor servant girl have if the lord of the house wanted her – she was punishing the girl out of pure spite.

She asked one of her maids to bring a wash basin and some soap and instructed Annalise to wash and clean herself. Then the Princess combed the servant girl's hair and gave her one of her old dresses; she said she was sorry while averting her eyes in shame, and pressed a gold coin into her hand as if in compensation.

With that Alaric-Annalise's ordeal was over and he was released

And thus, Annalise-Alaric being forewarned and chastised, kept away from the guard's quarter for nearly two weeks.

Then one night, as if feverish with need and anticipation, the servant girl, Annalise, was seen again in the halls of the palace, with an envelope in her hands. The girl presented the Captain of the Guard with this letter. It was from the Prince himself – offering her to him as a gift in thanks for his loyalty and service.

“He said that you should take me as your wife,” the girl said with her head bowed.

The Captain was not one to listen to the whims and fancies of lowly female servants. He knew that he had to discipline her or she would be difficult to manage in the future. He first broiled her thoroughly without giving her permission to come, then handed her to four of his men to be used as they saw fit. This was the first time Alaric-Annalise had been handled by such a large group of men. He struggled to keep up with all their demands, for they insisted on using every one of his orifices. Suffice to say that his screams of pleasure filled the guard's quarter for several hours that night.

The other servants were of course not well pleased by this turn of events. It was fine for a servant girl to enjoy herself once in a while - it was the way of this world, But she was a complete wanton and was unrestrained in her licentiousness. She would be seen playing cards with the guards and stripping off pieces of her servant's dress with each loss. The Prince was not particularly skilled with cards.

Early each morning, Alaric-Annalise would emerge from the guard's card room covered with their emissions, which he barely bothered to wipe off his person. He reeked of cum and clearly wanted the odor of the men to linger longer on himself.

As for the Captain, the original object of his infatuation, Alaric-Annalise would kiss his toes and lick his feet pleading with him to keep her as instructed by the Prince (that is, himself). The Captain was finally moved by her mewling and wheedling, and gave her what she wanted. He told her to prepare herself for the next night where they would be bonded in private.

Alaric dreamed of this the whole of the next day - of being brought to the Captain's lodgings as his fiancee; there to be married to him in a small ceremony. That night, he was brought to the artisans' quarter in secret. There, in a neat but stark little hut, the Captain bound Alaric-Annalise tightly to a wooden bench so that his legs were spread, and his breasts and belly pressed flush against the wooden furniture. When the Captain expertly pulled off his nether clothes, the Prince anticipated that he about to be well taken like a she-hound on this his honeymoon.

Then from a small alcove the Captain brought forth a brazier with branding irons. Alaric-Annalise screamed in panic but his open mouth merely invited the insertion of his own slave thong into it. The Captain bound the girl even more tightly and then pressed his mark firmly into Alaric-Annalise's right rear end.

Alaric-Annalise's muffled screams and wails could barely be heard through his gagged mouth. But like the true slave that he was becoming – he felt some hidden pleasure mixed with that torment. Finally, when he had finally calmed down, the rag in his mouth, now soaked with his own saliva, was removed, As he gasped and swore with words no virtuous woman should ever let near her lips, he told him,

“I am the Prince Alaric! Release me at once,” he cried. “I promise that no one will hear of this once I return to my original form. There will be no retribution I assure you,”

There was little confidence or authority in his voice. Instead the Captain only heard the pleading high pitched voice of a new slave girl. The girl was clearly deranged, the Captain thought, and even if she wasn't, he found it quite amusing to image the Crown Prince as a helpless female on his knees servicing him. Thus, he brought his hand near the freshly seared brand to discipline her. Alaric-Annalise screamed in pain as the man's finger crept near her new brand

“Please...” he begged, “Have mercy.”

Then the Captain switched to fondling the girl's pussy, massaging her lower lips and clitoris before inserting a finger into her soaking wet vagina.

Alaric-Annalise was beginning to pant desperately – there was no hiding the slut that resided within his soul. The Prince came spasmodically mere moments after the Captain started working the lovely ribbed area in his cunt.

“You do not seem like a man to me,” the Captain observed, plunging his fingers back into the slave girl.

Alaric-Annalise let out a loud gasp and was, once again, breathless with need. He felt the man's thumb move within her and then suddenly stop just as she approached the edge.

“If you are in fact the Prince and a man as you insist, I should probably stop,” the Captain explained. “What say you? Are you a man or a woman?”

Alaric-Annalise knew that the Captain was simply toying with her and there was no way he would desist from using her whatever she answered. If anything, there was every chance that he would be disciplined if he continued to pretend to be a man. It seemed far wiser to play along, enjoy himself as a woman, and return to the Palace and his old life when he was released.

“I am a woman,” he answered greedily, “I am your woman.”

The Captain demanded that the girl say her new name and recognize him as her master.

“What is your name?” he asked firmly.

“I am Amanda, Master,” the Prince said nonchalantly.


“I am Amanda, your slave girl, Master. Please.” The Prince adopted a more feminine and docile posture.

“Again but as sweetly as you did not so many nights ago.”

“I am Amanda, your loving slave girl, and I beg to please you, Master,” Alaric-Amanda finally answered.

Finally satisfied, the Captain unshackled Alaric-Amanda and placed her gently on the ground. He then sat down, removed his boots and crossed his legs. Then pointing downwards he said, “You may begin with my feet.”

The person who began licking the Captain's toes was still Prince Alaric at least in part. By the time the girl was allowed to lick her master's thighs, Alaric was no more. She had become Amanda the newly branded slave girl in both body and soul. All thoughts of her past life as a Prince of Talos were cast to one side. It would be hard to find a more depraved woman than this Amanda.

Let no one think that such rampant promiscuity has a happy ending. There were no songbirds sweetly chirping or gold-tinged sunsets for this former prince. Some months later, the Captain grew weary of her and brought her to a merchant who subsequently sold her to a slave tavern as a lowly red silk girl. She was lithe and flexible but not particularly buxom – not ideal material for a pleasure slave but good enough.

This author would be happy to report that this was the ultimate fate for this wretched wench. Yet the Gods smiled on this former prince once more, and she came under the care and tutelage of the renowned first girl of that establishment, Aisha; who saw in that lost look a frightened lamb that she felt compelled to take care of.

Aisha taught her the discipline and the techniques which she was bereft of from her “conception.” Coupled with Amanda's instincts which were those of a tramp, she soon became a favorite among many of the patrons of that establishment. You would be hard pressed to find another tavern girl who is so courteous, or whose speech is so rich with the aphorisms of the literati.

[Scribe's note: Another bald lie among innumerable bald lies, since Aisha was nowhere to be found at The Eudaimon by this point. Of interest because Princess Sabine had hidden financial interests in the fortunes of many slave taverns.]

If one visits The Eudaimon today, it is possible that you will see her there smiling as she works the tables. Or perhaps she has been reclaimed by her beloved Captain to be his love slave forever. The male of the species is nothing if not base and capricious .

Available in two weeks - Lurid Tales No. 137: The Harlot Queen of Thamud. Bawdy tales from the life of Queen Zhou Yu of Thamud.

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