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Chapter 5
When Tiberius woke up, he was alone. Around him were the cold hard walls of a cave and none of his group were present.
His shout echoed away. Unanswered. But there was a light sparking up at the end of a passageway. Naked and confused, Tiberius made for it. The closer he came, the more convinced he was that someone was there. Walking towards him. They would reach each other just at the lonely two torches that barely lit up the cave.
There was a ripple in the air. Just between the torches was a distortion. As if someone had put the surface of a pond sideways. And beyond stood the other figure. It was Tiberius. Naked. Confused. A mirror image.
The fluid mirror rippled again and Tiberius could see his mirror image change. Gradually shifting into a woman. Even stranger, he could feel the same changes in himself. In seconds, he was nearly a complete woman, but something was missing.
"What type of catgirl are you?"
Tiberius spun around to suddenly find himself in a room with wooden walls. An inn? Standing there was Sinea, but not the one he was used to. She had cat ears and a tail, but her most striking feature was her chest. Instead of breasts, she had two balls of yarn stuck to them.
"A catgirl can't run around with a flat chest like you," Sinea continued. She grabbed her balls of yarn and popped them loose. Holding them out for Tiberius. "Take them. They will look good on you."
"No, take mine." Suddenly Debbie - as a catgirl - was there too. Offering her own balls of yarn. "I wanna make Tabby complete."
Who was Tabby? Then Tiberius remembered. He was. At least, he should be. All he had was to decide. Who's balls would he take?
"Those are too small."
Tiberius turned around to see Connie standing there. Towering three heads taller than him. She too popped her balls of yarn loose and held them out. Just inches away from Tiberius' chest. While they looked right on Connie's chest, they would be massive on him.
"Take them," Connie urged him. "Become our Tabby."
"I can't," Tiberius said as he stumbled back. "They are too large Connie. Too large!"
Tabby shot up from her daybed. Momentarily confused. She wasn't in the room anymore. Instead, she saw the familiar walls of the Harem's Sprawl around her. Along with softly padded benches and beds all around. Sindor, Debbie and Connie were there too. Right in the middle of getting dressed in the few meager articles of clothing they had.
It had been a dream. Nothing more. Tabby slumped down in relief.
"Too large?" Connie grabbed her own breasts. Normal ones that were made out of flesh. "I don't think so."
"If anything they're too small." Debbie gave her warrior a mischievous grin. "But that can be helped."
"Well, Tabby, now that you are awake, get dressed." Sindor threw a ball of red toward Tabby who barely managed to catch it. It was the red silky robe Tiberius had carried with him through half the dungeon. "Provided you are still into such things. The barnyard awaits."
Blushing, Tabby became aware that she was nude. Ever since Nessa - their nightly encounter - had ripped those paper-like clothes off them. Tabby even had slept like that. More than a little embarrassed, Tabby slipped her arms into the silken robe. Only to stop halfway. It was so smooth on her skin that a shiver of surprise ran through her. It only lasted for a second, but Tabby was thoroughly off-guard as she finished donning the robe. She had never worn anything of this quality.
But the robe was not finished with its surprises. In vain Tabby looked for any means to close it. No buttons or belt left the front open. Threatening to tease anyone looking too close.
Looking around, Tabby spotted the panties Debbie had gifted her. If one counted flinging them towards Tiberius as gifting. They fit pretty well and snuggly.
There was only one last piece of equipment to don. Before Tabby could even look for it, Debbie presented it to her. "Your tiara, princess."
"It's a circlet, nya," Tabby said automatically. And she could help but add: "And I am not a princess."
"If you say so, your highness." As Tabby was too peeved to take the circlet, Debbie took charge. With a "allow me", she placed the delicate headband on Tabby's head. Which was easier said than done, as Tabby's cat ears high on her head proved difficult for a moment to get past.
"Let's get moving," Sindor said to urge them on. "You can play princess and maid on the move."
"Yes, my lord Sindor," Debbie said while performing a flawless bow toward him.
Arriving at The Barnyard was equally confusing as The Flower Garden had been. The cave walls fell away and sky-blue light shone down on them. A massive cavern stretched out before them with the best illusion possible to make it appear as if they were outside. Tabby could swear there even was wind here that gently played with her hair.
A vast pasture stretched out before them. Filled with the same longish green mushrooms that mimicked grass. But crouching down, Tabby could spot thin white stripes running along the stem. She wondered why those were different.
Here and there, they spotted other adventurers. Some were in groups, while others were alone. Most of them sat somewhere and were busy chewing on the fake grass. A sentiment Debbie seemed to share.
Pulling out a bundle of mushroom grass, she presented it to Connie. "Time to pay up. Or eat up? Get chewing."
"You know that I will get my revenge right?" Connie asked. Despite her words, she started to eat the offered mushrooms.
"That's a problem for future Debbie," the rogue waved the concern off. Then fetched more grass.
Bemused, Tabby followed the exchange. To lighten her confusion, she stepped to Sindor. "Nya, what's with them?"
"An old feud. Or competition." Sindor was walking towards the end of the cavern where one could see farm buildings. But he had to stop plenty as Debbie and Connie were slow to catch up. With the rogue gathering mushroom grass and the warrior busy munching on it. "They're at it each year. Taking turns. Don't let their bantering fool you. They're both into it."
"Into what, nya?" Tabby grabbed a handful of mushroom grass too. "What do these do?"
"Eat them and find out," Sindor simply said before heading his own advice. Picking up bundles of fake grass and eating it.
Shrugging, Tabby did the same. The first bite surprised her. It didn't taste like mushrooms. More like milk mixed in with herbs. It wasn't as much as unpleasant as it was unexpected. Tabby didn't mind it but concluded it was one of those foods that were an acquired taste.
Coming closer to the farm, they passed a few grazing groups and individuals. Now Tabby could make out details. It made her spit out the fake grass she was chewing on. "It's turning us into cows?"
Sindor looked at the young mage in surprise and then bellowed out in laughter. "No. No. That would be the Mooshroom cultivated in the southern cavern. You see, The Barnyard district has four caverns or pastures. West and east are for grazing. To the south and north, they grow large quantities of specialized mushrooms. A part of it is used to stock up the surrounding dungeon with loot."
Tabby looked down at her half-eaten bundle of mushroom grass. "So these won't transform me, nya?"
"Not directly," Sindor said to calm her down. "Some mushrooms transform. Others are bred to enhance or give added functionality. This one has a fun little twist."
"Which, nya, is?"
"Only one way to find out," Sindor said with a wink before resuming eating.
As they neared the farm, Sindor steered them off the path and onto the pasture. To a nice spot, no one else had used or chewed up yet. While Connie and Debbie were slow to catch up, someone from the farm sprinted over. It was a bunny girl carrying a large basket. She looked similar to the one that had made Debtar into Debbie but was a redhead. And Tabby guessed technically the bunny girl was a red-tail too.
"Welcome to The Barnyard. I am Oline," the bunny girl said as she placed the basket in front of them. From the top of it, Oline pulled out a big blanket and spread it out on the grass. "There you go. Are you new to The Barnyard? There are a few services proved."
"Tabby here is new," Sindor volunteered. Then continued with a chuckle. "But I rather teach her myself. For now, I'd like to barter for forty Mooshrooms."
Tabby quickly lost the overview of the ensuing negotiation. Different mushrooms had different values. Apparently, those that grew farther away had a higher value than those close by. By the end, they had traded away thirty-one mushrooms. Shrinking their remaining provisions to barely a dozen left.
"Do you still offer dice?" Sindor asked.
"Of course!" The very notion that The Barnyard would do so made Oline sound offended. "How many faces? Oh, six-sided might be out. I'd have to check to be sure."
Sindor scratched his chin. That drew Tabby's attention. Was he growing a beard? She could spot stubble. It should be logical but still threw Tabby off.
"We'll take a ten-sided one," Sindor finally said after making his decision.
The payment was seven more shrooms. They all were put into Oline's basket. "I'll be right back," the bunny girl said with a bow. Then hurried off.
"Why the nya do we need a die?" Tabby wanted to know.
"You'll see in a moment," Sindor said before looking around. "Provided Connie and Debbie make it here."
Still far off, it was Oline who arrived first. This time without a basket, but carrying a large ten-sided die. "There you go. Have fun." Another bow and she was gone again.
The die immediately confused Tabby who picked it up. It was slightly bigger than a head. Hence it had some good weight to it. But it was too light for its appearance as Tabby would have guessed obsidian as material. Strangest of all, each of the ten sides was empty. No numbers or dots marking a value.
"Looks like those two will still need a moment. Give me the dice and I'll show you how to set it up." As Sindor took the die from Tabby, he placed a hand on one of the sides. A small magical light emerged and shot up. It came to a hover just before Sindor's face. As he withdrew his hand, there was a small flash and the light was gone.
Sindor showed Tabby the die who marveled at the outcome. The die was the same save for the one side Sindor had used. There a realistic portrait of Sindor was painted onto it. Sindor repeated the process with another side and then handed the magical object over to Tabby. "Pick two empty sides and repeat what I did."
Shrugging, Tabby did as told. The first attempt wasn't to her liking. Thankfully sides could be overwritten and Tabby got to do as many do-overs as she wanted. It also was the first time Tabby saw her own face -aside from a very bizarre dream - and took a moment to appreciate it. She was cute with those cat ears. Beautiful too. Something she could be proud of.
"You got a die," Debbie said as she finally arrived. "Good thinking."
It was only logical that the other members would register on it too, so Tabby handed it to Debbie. Or tried, as it fell out of her hands as she spotted Connie. Still a few feet away, the warrior was munching on grass mushrooms while walking over. What shocked Tabby and made her speechless was the warrior's chest. Her breasts had been big before, but now they were enormous.
"That's nothing yet," Debbie said as she gently pushed Tabby's mouth shut. "You'd really be floored if you see her in a few hours. A ten-sided die this time?"
Sindor shrugged. "We are four now and they usually run out of six-sided ones. My thinking was two sides for each of us. We can either leave two blank or someone daring claims one or two."
"I think I'll take one of those. Three total," Debbie said before registering on the die. Instead of looking for a good or cute picture, the rogue made a different grimace each time.
"For what do we need a die anyway?" Tabby asked. "What exactly did I agree upon when I registered myself."
"It's our tiebreaker in Shroom Dungeon. For example, if everyone wants a certain whip-" Sindor pulled out the vine-like weapon from the backpack. "- we roll for it. But don't be too quick to claim an additional side in hopes of luck. We also role for dares and punishment. For example, the pile of Mooshrooms I got us."
Tabby gulped nervously. Indeed she hoped to get her fingers on that whip. Its unique magical function and inner workings intrigued her. But being the focus of a random transformation might not be so good. She was pretty sure those Mooshrooms were responsible for the cowgirl transformations around them. Sindor pretty much eluded to that. With her luck, Tabby would probably end up half catgirl and half cowgirl. Not to mention that the Mooshroom could add weird ticks to her speech. How silly would it sound if she had to say 'nya' and 'moo' in each sentence? Tabby hoped she wouldn't find out.
When Connie finally - officially - arrived, she plopped down on the blanket. Still munching on grass mushroom she motioned for Debbie to hand the die over. Catching in barely - she did have to let her snack fall down - Connie registered her two sides. That left one side unclaimed.
"What happens when we roll the blank face of the die, nya?" Tabby wanted to know.
"Either we roll again or keep the prize until the next role. Making the stakes higher." Sindor motioned for Connie to throw the die over. "Time to find out who gets the whip."
Tabby wasn't sure if it was on purpose or not, but Connie launched the die right at Sindor's head. But an elegant side-step avoided injury. Instead, the die rolled away and Debbie sprinted after it. Not far, the throwable object came to a halt and the rogue picked it up.
"Looks like beginner's luck," Debbie said as she picked the die up and showed which side landed up. They all saw Tabby's face. "Guess the whip is yours after all.
With the pomp of someone bestowing a scepter to a king or a blacksmith handing their masterwork to a hero, Sindor offered the vine-whip with both hands to Tabby. The young mage grinned as she took it. Whips weren't her forte. Any melee weapon really. But this one intrigued her. Not just from the magical aspect. The unique enchantments it carried. Yes, she wanted to study it. But her fingers itched to use the whip as well. Not that she would admit to it openly.
"Now, let's see if your beginners' luck holds or if it turns against you." Sindor gave her a mischievous wink. "We have forty Mooshrooms who need a home in someone's belly. The next roll will show the face that will have to stuff itself with shrooms. Debbie, if you would do the honors?"
The rogue didn't have to be asked twice. A quick glance towards Connie and Debbie gleefully threw the dice. Something was wrong. Mischief was afoot and Tabby acted. After all, she needed an excuse to use her new toy. Despite no experience with it, she managed to catch Debbie with the whip's grasp and prevented her to run after the die. No cheating will be done by her.
"Sindor, I think Debbie might be inclined to favor a certain outcome," Tabby said aloud. Ignoring the big -way overdone - pout from the rogue. "Would you be so nya to check the result?"
"Certainly, my princess." With a cavalier's bow, Sindor turned to go after the die.
The catgirl blushed. "Not you too, nya!"
"You can't have it both ways," Debbie said as she walked closer. Giving the whip slack in return. "Either claim authority or don't. Speaking off, will you finish what you started?" On cue, the rogue used her prehensile tail to wrap it around Tabby and pulled her close.
"I- " Tabby broke off, blushing. Even letting the whip slack further and roll off. Then happily looked away as Sindor came back. "And? Who won?"
"I am afraid I have bad news," Sindor said as he showed Connie her own face on the die.
"Ha! See?" Debbie gestured at the die. "Even the gods are on board with my plan and sealed Connie's fate."
"Hacks! Cheats!" Connie cried out. But despite her words, she didn't really look upset. "Just hand over those damned shrooms so I can go back to eating grass."
For a moment, Tabby considered advocating for a do-over. Maybe Sindor was in on it. After all, he had purchased the Mooshrooms. Was he enabling Debbie? But then she thought better of it. After all, in a fair roll, there was a one in five chance she would have to eat those.
So, Tabby stayed silent as Debbie let go of her and practically hopped with glee over to Connie. To feed her the Mooshrooms one by one. And as Tabby witnessed it, she couldn't help but note the magical effects that altered the warrior further.
Since the district Hive Life, Connie had small horns. She had probably eaten there some Mooshrooms too. As she now ate more, those horns grew. Until they pushed out half a hand span from her skull.
After twenty, Connie repositioned herself to give a newly grown cow-tail freedom to move. By thirty, her skin looked strange. Her tan faded in places and got stronger in others. The young mage was confused until it was clear that this was the Mooshroom's version of a cow-print.
But as strange as that change was, Tabby had mostly eyes for one detail. Well, two. Connie's breasts, already massive, grew even further. Just how big would they get? Tabby had the dreadful premonition that she would find out, but not anytime soon.
Tabby couldn't help herself. She stepped closer. "Those got awful big. Are you okay, Connie?"
"Was that-" Tabby inspected the warrior who was now busy again munching on the fake grass. "A yes or a no?"
The mage's eyes grew wide. Connie must suffer from a magical speech impediment. Just like Tabby, but worse. "Is that all she can say?"
Her reaction made the others break out in laughter. Even Connie stopped shortly until Debbie handed her more grass. "Don't worry," Sindor said after a few seconds passed. "She's just messing with you. Mooshrooms don't limit speech. At least the breed I know. Maybe they made a new one? Anyway. Cowgirls saying moo is like an inside joke that somehow hasn't gotten stale even after centuries."
"Spoilsport," Connie said with a full mouth while chewing. Making her hard to understand. Quickly followed by: "Ups. I mean: moo!"
Grumbling to herself, Tabby took a seat on the blanket just after Sindor did. With Connie taking up half of it alone, there wasn't much space for Debbie anymore. Not that the rogue even tried. She was busy harvesting grass and carrying it over. Keeping the three of them well-fed. Well, mostly Connie. For each handful of grass Sindor or Tabby ate, she consumed four.
It wasn't hard to guess what those mushrooms mimicking grass did. Not with the evidence so clear on Connie's chest. Tabby could feel it too. Even with her robe tied off - now with the whip instead of a magicked vine - she started to spill out. Flashing everyone. The silk had a harder and harder time keeping Tabby decent.
"So, the grass makes us women grow big, nya," Tabby said as a means to stop eating without being declared a spoilsport too. "But what does it do for you, Sindor?"
"Explaining it would ruin the fun. I'll show you later. Promise." As Tabby didn't continue to eat, Sindor was smart enough to figure out what was wrong. "Come on. Let's go for a small walk."
"I don't know how much Conway told you while heading inside," Sindor said once they had walked a few steps away. "And since Connie is busy eating I guess it falls to me to answer your questions. Look, you know that Shroom Dungeon is kind of a place for adventurers to have a vacation, right? Well, over time it got a little sex-heavy."
"What? I haven't noticed." Tabby's dripping sarcasm was spoiled as she couldn't help but at a "nya" at the end.
"Well. It does. And people are onto some kinky things." Sindor paused to scratch his day-old beard. "Different strokes for different folks, you know? So, each district in Shroom Dungeon started to attract like-minded people for certain fetishes. The Barnyard is no exception."
"Yeah, I am not really into big boobs," Tabby admitted. "Sorry, but I don't see the appeal. Especially having them myself."
"I get that," Sindor said with a nod. "To be honest, I think for Debbie and Connie it is less the breast thing and more the aspects of curiosity and rendering someone helpless. Look, The Barnyard is more than just cowgirls and big breasts. Have a stroll around. Look if you can find something that speaks to you. We ain't going anywhere today. So you have time."
Tabby spared a glance towards Connie. "Well, certainly Connie isn't going anywhere. I doubt she can stand up for more than a few seconds now. Those udders got to be heavy."
"Yeah," Sindor slowly agreed. "Do me a favor and find a farmhand while you explore. We need to get Connie inside while it is still possible. Oh, and if you want to get rid of your extra size, head to the barn over there. The red one."
"Will do," Tabby promised. And while she intended to look around like Sindor suggested, her feet carried her towards the red barn. Time to get these jugs from her chest. She would have said they were large. Huge even. But now that she had witnessed what Connie could achieve her sense of size was thrown out of the window.
While walking over, she spotted a bunny girl in a skimpy coverall pushing a loaded wheelbarrow through the central plaza of The Barnyard. She reasoned that must be one of the farmhands Sindor had mentioned.
"Excuse me."
The bunny girl came to an abrupt stop. "Sorry, these mushrooms are not for sale yet. That's not what you want? Oh. What then?"
"My friends, nya, need help to get someone inside." Now that Tabby said it out loud, she knew she sounded silly. To make her point, Tabby pointed out to the pasture. Connie was so big that even from afar her mighty bosom could be spotted.
The bunny-girls eyes grew wide. "Are those Connie and Debbie? Fuck! My back still hurts from the last time they were here. I've got to get the troop together. Maybe that one visitor with the levitation magic is still around."
Tabby seemingly forgotten, the bunny-girl hurried off. No doubt to gather help. Not that Tabby minded. She was a little dumbfounded too. Sindor had said that Connie and Debbie are at it every visit, but somehow Tabby hadn't realized what that implicated. They were infamous.
At last, Tabby shook her head. That wasn't her problem anymore. At least for now. She had her own "chest-melons" to worry about. Try as she might she couldn't stretch her silk robe enough to cover them up. Not even just her nipples. It made her feel so lewd, she had to do something about it. Resolute, she continued her walk towards the red barn.
Tabby steeled herself for any weirdness, but as she stepped in, she was still left stunned and speechless. There were rows of strange contraptions and in them were women strapped in. They didn't look in distress. That was at least something. Judging by the sound of it, quite a few found it actually quite pleasurable.
"Your first time?"
Tabby turned to see another bunny girl leaning beside the barn door. Her hair, long ears, and tail were a spotty mix of black, white, and light brown.
Not trusting her own voice, Tabby gave a nod.
"And I guess your group didn't prepare you thoroughly for The Barnyard. You ate a bunch of the grass, right? Well, their magic gathers inside your chest. The only way to get rid of it is to get milked."
Tabby's eyes once again grew wide. In what exact mess had her group landed her this time? Still, she had to ask. "Like cows, nya?"
The bunny-girl shrugged. "Well, yes. Unless you wanna milk yourself. But most find this more pleasurable and relaxed. The machines are free, but for the right price some farmhands are willing to help you up close and private."
Tabby looked from the bunny girl to the contraptions and bit her lip in concentration. Carefully weighing her options. Not that there were many. Mushrooms were the currency in the dungeon and she didn't have any on her. The few they had were squirreled away in Sindor's backpack. Waiting for her group to help was a bad idea. They'd be busy for a while. That left milking herself or trying one of those contraptions. Both would be embarrassing, but the latter option at least promised to be efficient.
"I guess I'll try one of those," Tabby eventually said out loud. "How do I get into them?"
"That's why I am here," the bunny girl said while gently taking Tabby by her shoulders and leading her deeper into the barn. "The proper fitting is important. Now, lay down belly first on this bench."
The proper position wasn't hard to figure out. Tabby only had to look at the other women around her. Slipping out of her robe, she hung her stuff on nearby hooks. Then carefully laid down on the padded bench. It was rather high and short. Supporting her upper body, but left her legs dangling down on the sides. There were cutouts for her breasts and face. Though most of the other women preferred to prop their heads up with their hands.
As Tabby settled in, she noticed a long half-pipe running the length between the contraptions. Easily within her reach. In it was water, but it was slightly cloudy. It reminded Tabby of her thirst. When had she last quenched it? It must have been more than a day ago. Most of the shrooms she had eaten were surprisingly juicy, but now she was reminded just how parched she was. There was a cup nearby and Tabby reached for it, but her hand was swatted away.
"In a moment, dear," the farmhand promised. "First we need you to get properly fitted on the milking machine."
Tabby gave a nod but waited impatiently for the bunny girl to do her work. Belts were worked over her body. Strapping her down on the bench so she couldn't shift or fall down. Then a flexible harness was fitted on each breast.
"Now for the fun part." The bunny-girl grabbed two metal cylinders hanging nearby. They had tubing that went up into the rafters. "Most need a moment to get used to them, but it is worth it. Believe me."
The lip of the first cylinder touched Tabby's left breast. With a small plop, it suctioned itself over her nipple. She had to suppress a moan as the device varied its suctioning strength in pulses. And to her embarrassment, it did feel good as Tabby felt milk being squeezed out of her breast. Despite hiding her face in the padded hole of the bench made for it, she was eager for her right breast to be milked too. But the bunny-girl took her time fastening the contraption to the harness.
Then the second cylinder found its place. Doubling up the pleasure Tabby experienced. It couldn't be normal, a small part of her reasoned. It was too much. The euphoria was out of bounds. It must be the mushroom, Tabby reasoned. Making it more pleasurable than what was provided by nature.
But her thoughts soon were focused on keeping the moans in check. Despite the company, she didn't want to sound like a lewd slut. Even though others didn't have that problem. Arousal ran through her body and without thinking, Tabby shifted one of her hands down. To take care of the one hotspot of need the milkers didn't care for. Only to let out a grunt of frustration. She couldn't reach it. Strapped down as she was, Tabby couldn't even get a finger between her and the bench.
"Don't forget to drink, dear."
Tabby looked up and hunted for the person talking to her. Just past the half-pipe with fluid was another bench and a cowgirl strapped down on it. And she earned that name. Not just by her large breasts, but she had fitting horns, ears, and tail.
Being reminded brought the thirst back. It was a surprisingly welcome distraction from the arousal and pleasure brought forth by the milkers. She grabbed the provided cup and filled it. But before she put the cup to her lips, Tabby's suspicion returned. "What is in it, nya?"
"Mostly water." The cowgirl shrugged. Or tried to. She was strapped down as well as Tabby was. "Well, a bit of squeezed grass and milk."
"Milk?" The one word cut through Tabby's haze. She eyed the cup wearily. "Our milk?"
"In general terms, yes. But probably from the shift before us. What do you think they do with it? There is only so much cheese and butter to make."
"Has it the same effect as the grass? Will it keep me here without ever running my breasts dry?"
The cow-girl chuckled which turned into a moan. She too was enjoying herself. "Yes, but it is diluted enough that you eventually run out of steam. So, you might want to chuck down some your throat or you'll be gone before a volunteer makes their round."
"Volunteer?" The word slipped out of Tabby half in fear and half in longing.
"Of course. Most of us can't orgasm by being milked alone." The cowgirl gave her a knowing grin. "I saw your attempt at pleasuring yourself. Didn't work out so much, right?"
Not trusting her voice, Tabby simply shook her head and then looked at the cup of milky water. It put her before a hard choice. She couldn't drink and might be released before someone showed up to take care of her needs. Being left horny and wanting.
Or she could chuck down the liquid as much as she could. Just like the cowgirl before her suggested. In the hopes to produce longer milk herself and earning the attention she craved.
Normally, Tabby was logical and reasonable. But right now, she was horny. And horny Tabby knew what to do. The cup found its way to her lips and she drank greedily. Once empty, she refilled it. Again and again.
It might have been her tenth cup when the barn door opened. The unmistakable deep voice of a man boomed from there. "I heard there are women in need of my services."
Happy "moo's" echoed back. But Tabby didn't pitch in. Instead, a cold shudder ran through her. She knew that voice. Even though she heard it first less than a day ago. It was Sindor.
She had known that the volunteer most likely would be a man. Even made her peace with it. As Conway had said, they were here to experiment. To be open to new experiences. But she hadn't even entertained the thought that Sindor might be the one. Was the timing coincidental? Or did he show up now on purpose? When he knew Tabby would be helpless. More so from her arousal than the belts that held her.
It was a small mercy that Sindor didn't start at Tabby's row. Instead, on the row opposite of her. Instead, she got a good view as Sindor lazily rested his dick on the butt-cheeks of the first girl strapped down in a milker. Had he been always this endowed? Tabby wasn't sure anymore. Maybe it was her own arousal making her see things.
"Well, my little cowgirl," Sindor said while patting his prey. "Do you want me to attend you?"
An enthusiastic "Moo!" came back and made Sindor chuckle. "I'll take that as a yes."
A second later everyone could hear as he pushed into the cowgirl. Every thrust was accompanied by a sound half "moo" and half moan. The rhythm increased. The girl was getting close. And as she exploded into an orgasm, the whole barn could hear it.
Tabby saw a splash of white gunk hit the floor as Sindor pulled out. Even more continued to dribble out of the girl and grew the white puddle beneath. That wasn't normal, Tabby thought. No man can come that much.
Just to spite her knowledge of male anatomy even more, Sindor walked to the next girl. Offered his services again. No refractory time was needed. He was immediately ready for another round.
This display of male prowess was repeated time and time again. With each cowgirl satisfied, another unholy amount of cum splattered the ground. Maybe the worst was when Sindor fucked the cowgirl in front of her. She not only had a woman screaming her heart out in pleasure right in front of her. No, Tabby caught the wink Sindor gave her. He knew she was still here. Strapped down. Waiting.
By the time Sindor started on Tabby's row, she had drunken who knows how many cups of spiked water. It did its work. The milkers still had work to do on her. But she could feel it wasn't much anymore. Maybe she should have eaten more grass before coming here. But all thoughts about hindsight eluded her as a thick and wet dick came to rest on her buttocks.
"Honestly, I'd thought you'd be gone by the time I made my entrance here," Sindor admitted. "But maybe you want me to pound you too? What shall it be, Tabby?"
There were a lot of thoughts in the back of Tabby's mind. Among them that if she led this happen Sinea would tease Tiberius about the fact that "she" topped "him" for the rest of their lives. Not to mention that it would shift the dynamic of their relationship irrevocably.
But Tabby didn't voice any of her concerns. Because she was dripping wet. Had been for quite a while. And she didn't care about any of that. Not right now.
"Just shut up and fuck me already!"
"As you wish, my princess."
He was thicker than Tabby expected. Despite having witnessed a dozen girls fucked by him already. His girth was bigger than the strap-on Nessa had used on her. But still, she was slick with arousal, and Sindor slipped in without a problem.
With the first thrusts of his hips, Tabby tried to suppress her moans. Not for long. It was too much. The sucking of her nips. The pounding of her pussy. Tabby was in trance. Riding a wave of pleasure and arousal that left her body acting on instinct. She grew louder in voice, as Tabby inched closer to the sweet release and shouted her throat raw as she came.
At the same time, she could feel Sindor come too. As her pussy clenched down on his dick, his cum poured out in torrents. Pushing back against her flesh and spouting out of her netherly confines.
Tabby was happy but exhausted as Sindor slipped out of her. She didn't even mind that the nice warmth of his cock left her. She was thoroughly satisfied.
"Did that satisfy you, my princess?" Sindor asked while tracing her backside with his big and rough hands.
A spike of annoyance flashed through her. Now Sindor was starting with that princess crap too. Fine, if they wanted a princess, Tabby could be one.
Lazily, she kicked out with her right leg and actually managed to hit Sindor. Pushing him on. "You did well enough, knave. Now go on and fuck the next. Let me enjoy my afterglow in peace."
He left her with a "yes, princess" and Tabby was left alone to enjoy the warm feeling inside her. And by that, she didn't mean the excess cum still dripping out of her. She was pretty sure she now knew what that milk grass did for men. Sindor had indeed shown it to her.
Her calm enjoyment was a misnomer too. Around her was a cacophony of "moos". Most of them were voluntary and on purpose. The humor of cowgirls she guessed. But one stood always out. Was louder than the rest. The one that was serviced by Sindor. So every few minutes the main singer in a chorus of moo's changed tone.
She didn't even notice the farmhand returning until the first milker was removed. Tabby was glad. With the milk gone, and her original size returned, the suction became uncomfortable on her breasts. Tabby had to wait patiently until the second milker, breast harnesses, and the many belts had been loosened before she could finally stand up and stretch.
It was a good feeling. At least until she felt more cum run down the inside of her legs. Just how much had Sindor pumped inside her. Judging by the puddle at her feet, all had been drippled out already. More than that. She couldn't believe all that had been once inside her.
"Thank you," Tabby said as the bunny girl handed her a clean cloth. Now she could at least wipe away most of the mess. But no matter how often she swiped her still sensitive pussy, more dripped out.
The bunny-girl was busy wiping down the bench, but when she noticed Tabby's plight, she spoke up. "Oh, don't worry about that dear. It's the cum enhanced by the grass. Something about the properties that make the men cum buckets without inflating their balls. Not sure why, but the spunk still inside you keeps multiplying until the magic runs out."
"Great!" Tabby exclaimed and shot Sindor an angry glare. Not that he noticed. He was balls deep in a cowgirl. Literally. Tabby also noticed that he had started his second round. Just how much stamina-boosting was that mushroom grass? Tabby wasn't sure she wanted to find out.
Instead, she grabbed the robe and whip of the nearby hook and got dressed. Then, she reached for the red pantie Debbie had "gifted" her but stopped. What was the point? It would be soiled in seconds anyway. Not to mention that no one else bothered with them. So, why should she?
Just as Tabby adjusted her circlet - or tiara as her group insisted - the farmhand was done mopping up the puddle of cum. At least most of it. The few stains that remained already started gowing again. Not to mention that Tabby still produced her own new puddle where she stood. Still, the bunny girl waved to a nearby woman with very large breasts ready to be milked.
"In here please," she told the woman and then addressed Tabby. "Sorry, hun. If you want another ride you best get eating grass again."
"Maybe this time stock up a little more," the cow-girl that had been opposite of Tabby shouted.
Tabby gave a non-committal smile and took her leave. It had been an experience, alright. But she wasn't sure if she was ready to repeat it so soon. Her legs still felt a little weak.
Slipping out of the barn, Tabby wondered what to do next. Maybe it would be best to check on Debbie and Connie. But peeking at the pasture revealed their group's spot deserted. Right. They wanted to bring Connie in. But where? The farm of The Barnyard consisted of more than a dozen buildings.
She could ask one of the many bunny girls that seemed to man the farm and hurried around, but Tabby thought that might be the easy and boring way out. After all, didn't her group say time and time again that she should explore new stuff?
Looking around, Tabby could hardly determine what each building did aside from the barns. Tiberius had grown up in the inner city. Having seen his first farm only when he joined the adventurer group. Before, he had led a sheltered life. That left Tabby hardly with any clue about where to go next.
There was one big farmhouse, but it appeared to be busy. Lots of bunny girls and even more adventurers visiting. Instead, Tabby steered towards a large building that looked like a chicken coop. Just way overblown. There was a certain curiosity on her part. No doubt there would be chicken girls in there. Tabby couldn't deny, she wanted to find out what these human-animal hybrids would look like.
The sight that greeted her left Tabby speechless. There were many rods and beams for chicken girls to be sitting on. But none were in sight. Instead, Tabby came face to face with the facsimiles of a monster-girl type she had only read about: harpies.
According to the books, the creature should have plumages in colors brown, grey, and black. Yet those perched before Tabby boasted vibrant colors. She could spot pink, blue, green, violet, red, and yellow. Even mixtures and gradients of those. It was fascinating.
As she studied the harpies, Tabby noticed details. Most obvious was that they looked like women that had wings instead of arms and bird-like legs. But on closer examination Tabby saw that the hair on their heads had been changed to feathers too.
"Hey, you!
Tabby's attention was drawn to a harpy that had a dark blue plumage that faded to a light teal. She too was perched upon a beam as thick as Tabby's own biceps. The harpy didn't even attempt to use her large wings to cover her own nudity.
"Don't just stand and gape there," the harpy continued. "Grab a basket and come closer. Of the two attendants for us, one is busy, and the other left because of an emergency."
Unsure what else to do, Tabby grabbed one of those wickered baskets and stepped closer. Up close, she could see that the harpy was even more beautiful. She also noticed that the feathers had a metallic sheen to them. As if they had been made with metal. It fascinated her.
"Gawk later," the harpy said before letting out a moan that was half a grunt. "Hold the basket up. Right between my legs."
Tabby did as told and stepped even closer. As she lifted the basket up, she got an intimate view up close of the harpy's privates. She was highly aroused too. Her nipples were perky and her netherly lips were wet.
"Do you want me to-"
"Just hold it there," the harpy interrupted her. Then broke out in more moans. She started to move her wings in excitement as more and more moans escaped her.
"Don't let any drop," was the only warning Tabby got as the harpy let out an animalistic grunt and tensed her body.
Tabby's eyes grew wide as saucers as something pushed the harpy's vaginal lips apart. It was white and quite big with blue sprinkles. With a sudden plop, it dislodged and landed in the basket. It had the size of an ostrich's egg.
She was about to withdraw the basket when a new crescendo of moans erupted from the harpy. Clearly, it was quite enjoyable to her as another egg made its way out and fell into the basket too. Four more eggs fell into the basket and Tabby was sure the harpy had orgasmed more than once.
"Thanks," the harpy said. She sounded tired. "I'd hate to just drop them and them going to waste."
"You are welcome," Tabby said in reply and looked down at the basket. With six eggs in total, it had grown heavy. "What do I do with them?"
But the harpy didn't reply. Her eyes were closed and her chest was barely heaving with each breath. Even in her sleep, she had a serene and satisfied smile on her face."
Just then a bunny girl appeared from deeper within the harpy coop. Carrying two baskets at once. Both were overloaded with harpy eggs. "Hey, you aren't supposed to be here. Only volunteers. Wait, did you help out with Cindella here?"
"Is that her name?" Tabby asked. "I only wanted to take a peek inside, but she recruited me to catch these. Where do you want me to put them."
"Normally, by the wall." The bunny-girl paused in thought. "Well, given that you helped out, why don't I reward you with a little more work. Bring your basket over to the kitchen in the farmhouse. They'll take it off you. And while you are there, let them make an omelet for you. Cindella would like that."
"Alright." Tabby was about to turn towards the door when one more thought popped into her mind. "These aren't- You know. Fertilized?"
"Gods no," the bunny girl assured her. "Pure magical construct by the mushroom magic. Still, very delicious."
Breathing a sigh of relief, Tabby hurried out of the coop with her basket. But taking one last glance at the harpies before closing the door. They really were beautiful with their colorful and metallic plumages. But as mesmerizing as they were, Tabby didn't want to join them. With the magic around here that was certainly a possibility. But she'd miss the use of her arms and quite frankly the thought of laying eggs bemused her.
The farmhouse was a hub of activity and coming close, Tabby even saw a waiting line outside. As she pushed past them, she heard protests and felt slightly guilty. Despite being on a mission.
Another bunny girl, this one sand-colored, stopped her at the door. "Sorry, sweetie. No cutting the line."
"I don't." Tabby cut her explanation short and rather showed the basket. "I was asked to bring these to the kitchen."
"You don't look like a farmhand. Are you a new volunteer?"
"Nya. I mean, no. Just helping out this time."
Instead of just taking the basket from Tabby, the bunny girl looked behind her. The inside very much resembled a tavern. Packed full with over sixty visitors. Only three bunny girls hurried to and fro as wrenches.
"You know what?" the bunny girl asked. "See that dark brown door over there? That leads to the kitchen. Just walk right through."
With a nod, Tabby slipped past. Leaving renewed protests of waiting guests behind. She wasn't really cutting the line, Tabby reminded herself. Just running a small errand.
The inside was lively and many adventurers were eating or drinking. Did they brew ale or other alcoholic beverages out of mushrooms? Tabby didn't want to find out. With her luck, she probably would get an enchantment for permanent drunkenness.
But the most distracting were those engaged in sex. Tabby had to shake her head. Some had sex right on the table. But then she saw a few naked people on tables loaded with food. As if they were living trays. Maybe both activities were connected. Tabby didn't stick around to find out for sure.
Eventually, she avoided humping patrons and a small food fight enough to make her way to the door. It was one without a knob and Tabby used her shoulder to push in.
She was greeted by a bull of a man. Even larger than Sindor. The man was behind a large stove with dozens of pots and pans within his reach. The horns he sported barely avoided scratching the ceiling - though a few scratches could still be seen - and a cow-tail flicked behind him. But the most impressive features were the six arms that restlessly stirred meals, flipped pancakes, and cut things that needed it.
"What the- Wait. Are those harpy eggs?" His voice boomed over Tabby. "We nearly ran out of those."
"Freshly laid," Tabby replied. "I was asked to bring them here."
A squeak of a voice nearly made Tabby jump. "I'll take those." Turning around there was this mouse girl. A good head smaller than Tabby. She had not just the ears and tails of a mouse, but also the whiskers.
"Blue and teal sprinkles," the mouse girl noted as she took the basket. "Are those Cindella's eggs? Anyway. Why are you here instead of one of the attendants?"
"There was only one," Tabby said to pacify the small woman. "She said the other one left because of an emergency."
"What's going on?" the cook asked in annoyance. Throwing two of his six arms in the air to underline the question. "Half our waitresses are gone too. No one tells us anything. The last time we were this understaffed, the terrible trio was here."
"Shush you," the mouse girl piped up. "Don't you mention them! That brings bad luck."
"Well, actually, they are now the quartet of dread." Tabby slowly admitted. "At least, if you are talking about Debbie, Con-"
"Don't speak their names!" The mouse girl twirled three times in panic. Or maybe superstition. "And a fourth one like them. Poor us if they ever come here again."
"It's too late. They are here."
"How do you know?" the bull-man asked. "Did they announce themselves?"
"I arrived with them," Tabby sheepishly admitted. "Apparently I am the fourth one you so fear."
"You?" the mouse girl put the basket aside so she could walk around Tabby. Inspecting every inch in search of something. Then, with a clear surprise on her face, she stepped back. "You neither look as lewd nor evil as those three. Are you sure?"
"Quite," Tabby said with a sigh. "I admit they can be lewd. And teasing. And sometimes downright vexing. Not to mention pushy. But evil?"
"How long have you known them for?" the mouse girl inquired.
Tabby shrugged. "A little over a year ago."
"Well, maybe outside they behave themselves," the small woman admitted. "But last time they had been here they left the Barnyard a swamp for days."
"Hard to not get wet feet when walking from building to building," the cook added.
Tabby wasn't sure if they were serious or not, but maybe it was best if Tabby found out. "I guess I'll better check in them."
"Wait." The mouse girl shook her head. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you off. And if they are here we are doomed anyway. You brought some of Cindella's eggs. At least let Bewey here make you an omelet as thanks."
"It will be good," the cook, now known to Tabby as Bewey, promised.
"Alright. The attendant said I should try one. I am Tabby by the way."
"Denia," the mouse girl said while giving a slight bow. Then she pointed to a stack of crates in the corner of the kitchen. "Make yourself at home. The omelet won't be taking long. And it is nice to meet you. Despite the company you keep."
Doing as told, Tabby took a seat. From here she had an excellent view of the stove Bewey used and a prepping station. It was there Denia hurried. Placing the harpy eggs at a place the cook could reach, she reached for some vegetables to cut. Though Tabby suspected most of them were actually mushrooms in disguise. Maybe even all of them.
"So," Denia said while pausing her chopping for just a minute. "What kind of mushrooms do you want to be sprinkled into your omelet?"
That got Tabby thinking. Obviously whatever she chose would transform her further. Her potential options were rather limited though. She hardly could remember the names of the mushrooms she had encountered. Maybe she should have paid more attention. Maybe she should go for more cat-girl? Tabby was kind of curious about what a tail would feel like. Not to mention the steps she had taken towards being a cat-girl had been because of her new name. It kind of felt right to make her first full transformation into being one.
"Nyashroom, please."
"Nyashroom?" Dewey spoke up. "Why? That's the modified Meowshroom with that added speech tick, right? Why not go for the normal?"
The question caught Tabby off-guard. Why had she chosen this one? Come to think of it, the last few hours she had hardly said "nya" at all. Maybe the mushrooms she had eaten since this morning had diluted the effect? Was she missing it? In the end, she chose to voice out the only reason she got. Even if it was a weak one.
"I started out on Nyashroom. And by now, my group expects me to say 'nya' every so often. Even if I go for Meowshroom they would tease me until I do it. Might as well make it natural."
Denia gave her a pregnant look. "Are you sure that is the company to keep?"
"They're not that bad," Tabby said in defense of her group. But couldn't help to add: "Well, outside of Shroom Dungeon. Inside, it's like they are whole new people."
"Well, that's what we all have in common here," Denia said sagely. "Alright. One serving of chopped Nyashroom coming up."
True to her words, the mouse girl had the shroom diced in seconds. Meanwhile, Dewey cracked one of Cindella's eggs. Tabby had to look twice as the egg's size wasn't the only difference from a normal egg. Instead of yellow egg yolk, it was dark blue with smaller blotches of teal. A moment later everything turned to a light blue as Dewey started to whisk it up.
Meanwhile a bunny girl - one of the waitresses - rushed in, deposited a few dirty plates and utensils on an already towering pile of dirty dishes, and grabbed a few new plates Denia had prepared. All within a span of Dewey beating up the egg and adding the diced mushroom. The mix landed with a sizzle in a hot pan.
The final omelet reminded Tabby of a bright summer day. It was sky-blue with white fluffy pieces of mushroom instead of clouds. As the main room of the farmhouse was still packed, Denia motioned for Tabby to remain seated and eat in the corner. At least it was quiet here, Tabby reasoned. And she had a full view of two professionals at work. Bull-man and mouse-girl were a perfect team and worked in harmony. Despite the waitresses snowing in and out at an increasingly rushed pace.
While distracted, Tabby couldn't help but notice that the omelet was extraordinary. It was soft and filled her mouth with new flavors. She would have enjoyed it more if there hadn't been that itch on her scalp. It was distracting. All too soon it was gone.
Tabby was about to ask if she could have a second one when her lower backside started to itch. Right above her tailbone. And just as Tabby looked said bone became aptly named as a long furry tail sprang forth. Tabby could feel it and with a little concentration, she even could move it. Else it would react on instinct.
But examining it, Tabby had one pressing issue. "Why is it blue fading into teal? Because of the egg?"
Denia snickered. "That isn't the only thing blue about you." Eliciting a snicker from Dewey too.
Tabby's hand shot up and caught a strand of her hair. It was longer than she remembered and had stopped 'waving in the wind'. Probably because the magic responsible had faded or had been overridden. For example by the harpy egg. It had made Tabby's hair dark blue at the root and faded to a light teal at the end. That, along with a slight metallic sheen, Tabby had expected. Not that her hair had become thicker. The strand she held might have contained a thousand individual hairs before, but now only held about a hundred thicker ones. She wondered if that was a precursor to growing feathers. Maybe a second omelet wasn't such a good idea.
"If you want, you can check yourself out in our volunteer restroom," Denia said and pulled Tabby out of her inner reflection. "It's through that door and then the second on the left."
"I think I will," Tabby said before standing up and hurrying to the indicated door. Beyond was a small hallway that led to the rest of the farmhouse. Tabby suspected that this was an area usually reserved for the volunteers. Finding the bathroom wasn't hard. However, inside she had to stop and stare as her eyes caught her own reflection in a mirror.
She was an odd mix of vibrant colors. Her blue and teal hair fell over her deep red robe and contrasted with the pale skin beneath. Growing up, Tiberius had mostly stayed inside. Always studying. It was a family trait. Mother, father, and sister shared his pale disposition. Even a year of adventuring hadn't given Tiberius much of a tan. Not when half the time he was in some dungeon or cave. Tabby now had inherited the pale skin from Tiberius.
A sudden thought made her snicker. Maybe there was a mushroom in here that gave someone a tan. Surely they must have, or all the volunteers would end up long-term with an even fairer skin than Tabby. The amusement made her tail swish excitedly and her cat ears twitch. They had grown, Tabby noticed. Not by much, but they now stood out more from her head. Hopefully, they wouldn't grow much more.
Once done checking herself out, Tabby's eyes fell on the toilet. A rather luxurious feature. It had taken Tiberius a while to just 'simply go into the woods' or 'use a quiet corner' in a dungeon or cave. No one ever talked about the icky side of the adventuring business.
Now that she saw it, Tabby was reminded of how much she had drunk in the red barn. Thankfully she could figure out how to do her business with toilet paper and other modern conveniences.
Having herself freshened up, Tabby returned to the kitchen but stopped in the doorway. Denia was busy filling the serving trays of two waitresses with plates. The little mouse girl was like a dervish. Spinning through the small kitchen in hectic movement.
"I better be going," Tabby hear herself say out loud. Then, realizing what she had said, she continued the sentiment. "It looks like you are busy and don't need me standing in the way."
"It was nice meeting you," Dewey said while pausing at his stove. "Swing by again if you happen to stumble upon more harpy eggs."
"I would give you a hug, but-" Denia shrugged despite heaving two full plates. "Well, Dewey was right. It was nice meeting you. Maybe swing by in the evening?"
"Maybe," Tabby said noncommittally. "I better go check on my group. If they haven't caused too much trouble, I might do so."
Dewey gave her instructions on how to get outside without walking through the packed dining room. A few moments later, Tabby breathed in the fresh air. As fresh as an underground cavern mimicking open pastures could be. For what it was worth, Tabby could smell the grass and other typical farm smells.
Stepping out of the farmhouse, Tabby was nearly run through by a cowgirl pushing a wheelbarrow full of freshly cut Milkweed. The apology was so hasty muttered that Tabby understood a word as the cowgirl hurried on. Something about an emergency. She decided to investigate.
Following the track of the wheelbarrow, Tabby found the cowgirl standing in front of a yellow barn. She wasn't the only one. Two more bunny girls had their own wheelbarrows and there was a hybrid of woman and horse that was reared in before a small cart. They all carried Milkweed.
The barn's door opened up for a moment. A cowgirl with an empty wheelbarrow hurried out - back towards one of the pastures - and one of the bunny girls pushed hers in. For a moment, Tabby could have sworn she heard Debbie. Recalling Denia's warnings, Tabby's curiosity was replaced by concern. It was time to investigate.
"You can't go in th-"
Tabby ignored the warning of one bunny girl and pulled open the yellow barn door. The sight that unfolded left her stunned. But not long. It was replaced by anger.
There was a giant breast in the way. Easily as tall and wide as Tabby. To the side was an equally impressive twin. Barely noticeable at first was the comparatively tiny head of Connie. Busy eating Milkweed and chugging white liquid from a large mug. Tabby had no doubt it was freshly milked from cow-girls of this farm. Maybe even her own.
"Look, Tabby, look!" Debbie danced between the young mage and the enormous Connie with glee. "She's already this big. Just one or two hours more and she will break my record."
"Have you lost your mind, nya?" Tabby asked as she finally trusted her voice again to convey her fury. "What is this? This has to stop!"
Debbie waved her off nonchalantly. "Don't be a spoilsport. This is just harmless fun."
"Harmless-" Tabby's anger flared up again and cut off her words. This was far from harmless. To her, Connie was alight with magic. She had never seen a person with that much magic concentrated in them. This was more than reckless. It was dangerous. Tabby knew she had to act.
"Everyone stop!" Tabby bellowed in a voice that she hadn't known she possessed. It was time to end this madness. As the many attendants froze mid-movement, Tabby unfurled her whip. Before Debbie could protest, the young mage ensnared her with the whip. Just to be sure, she used the magic of the circlet to grow roots and vines. Trapping the rogue even more until she could barely move anymore.
"Oh, come on. Don't be a spoiled princess." As that comment by Debbie made Tabby only glare more at her, she switched tactics. "I know this isn't your fetish, but-"
"No! You listen to me!" Tabby pointed to Connie who looked confused now that no Milkweed was handed to her. "Yes, that's not my kink. Certainly, I don't find that sexy. But this is different. It's dangerous."
"I was bigger than that last year and I was fi-"
"Lucky!" Tabby said to cut off the rogue. "And from now on I forbid you to engage in this dangerous endeavor ever again."
"You aren't really a princess, you know?" Debbie asked in a light humorous tone. Deciding that a switch in approach was in order.
But Tabby was having none of it. "You can't have it both ways. Either I am your princess or I am not. What am I even saying? That shouldn't even factor in. Debbie, why did you, Sinea, and Conway recruit me?"
"Well, you used to be not as arrogant as other mages."
Tabby let out a sigh. It was like speaking to a little child throwing a tantrum. "Not me personally, nya. Why get a mage in the first place?"
That actually got Debbie thinking. "Well," she said after a good minute. "Someone to identify items is useful. And they do good damage. Now and then we run into wild magic and a mage can determine if it is benign or dangerous. Oh! You are saying this is dangerous?"
"Oh, indeed, nya," Tabby said bitterly. Finally, she had gotten through. "It is dangerous. Freaking nya-ing dangerous. So dangerous that I am surprised none of you two exploded. And I mean in the literal sense. Blood, gore, nya, and entrails everywhere."
"Can that really happen?" one of the cowgirls asked. "How big is still safe?"
That was a good question. Tabby needed a moment to think. Certainly, the mushroom's magic proved to be more stable in condensed form than other forms of magic. But still, there had to be limits.
"Tits the size of buckets should be nya. I mean fine." Tabby pinched her nose. Fearing a migraine coming up. It was like talking to a bunch of children. Had no one a shred of common sense? "The size of melons or pumpkins. Or a wheel of cheese. If you need a nya-ing wheelbarrow to lug your flesh around then you are too nya-ing big. Got it?"
As the cowgirl nodded, Tabby noticed the other attendants in the barn. Most of them were now suspiciously close to the barn door. "And where the nya are you all going? You might bitch around what chaos these two caused every year, but we all know the truth, nya. You have been enabling them. Instead of saying no, you helped them each time. Carting loads of milkweed to them. You are just as nya-ing curious about how big they can get as they are. You share the blame."
When no one moved, Tabby lost her last shred of patience. "That means to get the nya milking! We need to get that magic out of Connie as soon as possible. And those responsible should do it right now. So get moving!"
There was a moment of hesitation and Tabby feared her orders would be ignored. Then the first farmhands moved towards Connie. Spurring on the rest. However, milking Connie proved to be a difficult venture. Her nipples were so big that no milking machine had even the chance to fit.
Thankfully there were veterans of last year's milking present who coordinated the task. Soon, three women were working on each tit. Two trying to stimulate the nipple in front of them while one was laying on top of all that breast flesh and messaging what was beneath. It might have been humorous if Tabby hadn't been so angry and disappointed.
"I could help," Debbie suggested from her prison of roots. "If you free me."
"I wish I could trust you right nya-ow," Tabby said without daring to look at the rogue. Fearing she would falter if she looked at her friend. No, she needed to stay strong. Be strict. "You'll stay put until this is over."
It didn't take long for Connie to start lactating. She was ready to burst with milk and the first of her white liquid sprayed deep into the room. Some of it managed to hit Tabby, which grew her anger and annoyance.
"Nya! Watch out where you aim that thing. Don't hit anyone and especially not Debbie or Connie."
Soon, Connie's mill was flowing freely. Like faucets or little fountains. Making Tabby wonder how it was physically possible that the warrior could produce that much. But Tabby had more than a hint of what was going on. It was all the magic. In the red barn, she had learned that the cum enhanced by it was to a degree self-replicating. And now that she thought of it, she was sure that she too produced more milk than was normal when she had been milked. Tabby's biggest fear was that this self-replication was already happening within the mammary tissue. If so, Connie still had a good chance to explode.
A good half hour later, Connie's breasts had barely lost volume. Instead, Tabby had to seek high ground. The barn's ground had been slick with milk at first, but now thick white milk reached the farmhands up to the ankle. Soon, it would spill out of the barn and indeed flood the whole district. It turned out Denia and Dewey hadn't joked about that swamp. Tabby highly suspected it was too late to prevent it from happening again.
When Sindor finally showed up, he did so happily. Splashing milk everywhere with each step. Taking in the sight before him, he asked: "You already started the milking? Looks like I missed it." Then he noticed that Tabby was present. Sitting on a high chair made up of conjured roots and vines. It more than resembled a throne. "Ah, princess. Sitting in the front row for a good view?"
Whatever Tabby wanted to say over a smoldering glare was cut off by Debbie, who tried to warn Sindor: "She's gone power-mad. Save yourself! It's too late for me."
"What the-" Sindor only now noticed Debbie in her tight prison of roots. The moment of hesitation cost him as plants snaked up his own legs.
"I am not power-hungry," Tabby growled towards Debbie. Then she turned her glare towards Sindor again. "But someone has to take responsibility and stop this nonsense. It is mad and dangerous. Your little tradition stops here for good."
Sindor raised his arms to placate his group member. "That's Debbie's and Connie's little-"
"Don't give me that bullshit, nya!" Tabby leaned forward threateningly. "You enabled them. And don't tell me you bought those forty Mooshrooms without some ulterior motives. Looking back, I am pretty sure that that nya-ing dice throw who gets to eat them was fixed too. So don't give me that nya about you being innocent."
Leaning back, Tabby felt good. Getting all that off her chest was liberating. Just then, she heard a whispered exchange behind her back.
"She's so scary."
"But the good kind of scary."
The little exchange flattered Tabby. Raising her ego a little. She was far from arrogant as Debbie made her out to be, but deep within she had to admit that she wasn't the same anymore. That the Tiberius who will walk out of this dungeon won't be the same that entered. But that was a few days off and she will remain Tabby for a while longer. She asked herself how much more she will change before then. But for now, she had other concerns.
Having calmed down a little, she addressed Sindor again. "The situation is direr than you know. Connie is ripe with magic on a level of concentration that might be unhealthy. Or even fatal. You have the choice. Either you help or you watch like Debbie. But there is no running from it."
At least Sindor was faster at picking up the seriousness of the situation. Or less stubborn. "How can I help?"
"You will like this one," Tabby said and gave him a humorless smile. Then she released the roots holding Sindor down. "I am not sure, but chances are milking Connie goes faster if she is aroused or even having an orgasm. You seemed to have some stamina. So, get to it. Fuck her silly."
"If you are sure?" Sindor looked doubtful. "If so then I need Milkweed."
"No more Milkweed. It might be too big a temptation for someone to continue feeding Connie." But after a moment Tabby relented. After all, Sindor would need to last a while. And for that, he needed the magic. Thankfully, there was another source. "But you can drink milk. We have plenty."
Indeed, the room was full of it and a steady stream flowed out. Shrugging, Sindor waded through the milk and vanished behind one massive boob of Connie. Some words were exchanged that Tabby couldn't make out. Then Connie shouted an enthusiastic "Moo!" followed by a soon steady pace of quieter ones. It appeared the warrior was quite willing to be pounded for the night.
With this detail settled, Tabby prepared herself. This would be a long and exhausting night.
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Shroom dungeon
Just what will be the effect of all this magic on a mage. Or what can a mage do even if the magic is restricted to the caverns. I can't wait to find out.
Time is the longest distance to your destination.
Poor Tabby-Cat. How ironic that she is having to "Deal With Children" (i.e. Herding Cats) with her group of friends. ;-)
- Leona