The Mockreet - Chapter 35

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“I appreciate the…offer,” Jen shifted uncomfortably in front of Sheena’s desk. “But…First Girl I…I don’t think this is the job for me.”

“I disagree, Jenise”, Sheena said, placing emphasis on the last quarter of Jen’s name. She grinned inwardly as Jen grimaced at the use of her full name. “You have shown great proficiency in your position, and to put it all forward, my dear, you cannot spend the entirety of your service career scrubbing…shit. ‘Tis a new word I learned. Shit. Does it suit me?”

“You just now learned the word ‘shit’?” Jen gawked at her. “Are you not three and twenty?”

“Focus!” Sheena suddenly slapped her palm on the surface of the mahogany desk. “You will do well in your position and I will hear no more of it! You will report to the kitchens on the morrow, and you will speak to Marcella to begin your training!”

“Yes, First Girl,” Jen sighed and rose from her chair. “Am I dismissed?” 

“Yes, go,” Sheena waved her off and she watched the girl leave the room rather dejected, considering she had just received a promotion. Sheena smiled a little and scratched some notation in her ledger. 

“Might you ever bring some light into this place?” Aayla asked from her position near the bookshelf. Sheena shook her head and shot a grin at her childhood friend who had been sat on the chaise lounge, a thin book in her hands, and her golden locks loose about her shoulders. 

“A bad notion,” Sheena lectured her. “Tis best to keep you hidden, do you know what manner of shit I would catch if it were discovered I’d been letting my best friend in here on a regular basis?”

“Your attempts at acclimating yourself to swearing are admirable, Sheena,” Aayla said, rising form the lounge. “But I daresay you should quit as you lead.”

Sheena rolled her eyes and motioned for Aayla to take a seat near the desk. Aayla moved closer and gracefully took the seat in such a manner that made Sheena cringe as she recalled trying to teach Lyra to sit - an endeavor that had never worked.

“How does it fare, with your new sister?” Aayla asked.

“The girl can be difficult,” Sheena admitted. “But she does have a certain charm about her. A sort of adorable disobedience if you will.”

“It would take one such as you to find disobedience adorable,” Aayla grinned. Sheena laughed in response.

“I am taking to the notion that Lyra is an individual,” Sheena explained. “It has been…difficult, however, if you accept her faults and work with them, to the best of your ability, she can be quite sweet.”

“Accepting faults,” Aalya mused. “Aren’t you a revolutionary, my dear friend?”

“Have I not always been?” Sheena cocked her head. “Was it not I that convinced you to stow away on that train with me, when we were but sixteen?” 

“If by stow away, you mean run alongside it and dive into the open car like a pair of hooligans, I do indeed remember. I do hope you have not been ‘stowing away’ with Lyra.”

“Certainly not,” Sheena smiled. “Lyra will be brought up in the Rossi way.”

“On that note-”

“Yes, yes, the ballare, I haven’t forgotten,” Sheena rolled her eyes. “You know how I hate those things, Aayla.”

“Lord Radon will be there,” She suggested. “Might you-”

“I should say that Lord Radon has eyes for my sister,” Sheena interrupted. “He is far too tall for me, in any case.”

“Your sister?” Aayla raised an eyebrow. “Tell you speak not of Lyra, the girl is seventeen and has a penis.”


“Yes, yes, I’m sorry. I have seen the girl many times and I have seen her physical changes as well. She is a girl, through and through, but does the Lord Radon enjoy sausage?”

“With mustard. Now, on the subject of the ballare, your suggestion is then that I finally involve her? Would there even be time to train her?”

“Train her?” Aayla gawked. “Dear Sheena, you had her removed from service how long ago? Has she not been taught any formal dances?”

“Truth be told,” Sheena admitted. “I deemed her unready for such social situations. The pressure is enormous, even for one that was raised in this type of environment. I think I should not expose her to such things before she is ready.”

“Nonsense,” Aayla waved her hand. “You do know that our family adopted a young orphan girl directly from service who has proved quite efficient at representing the Barrach family at social events.

“I think that is hardly fair,” Sheena objected. “Sage was-”

“Not a socialite before-”

“A quick learner then,” Sheena said firmly. “I would not describe Lyra as a quick learner. Regardless, you do have a point, she should began to fulfill her functions as a Rossi. Perhaps I have been too light on her.”

“Aye and you’re just now coming to realize it!” Aayla laughed. “Lucky for us your realization did not come too late!” 

“Aayla, I have business to attend to,” Sheena rose from the desk, closing her ledger and straightening the pile of parchment as she did so. “Another time, perhaps?”

“The ballare is in a week’s time, perhaps you could speak with Mistress Hale regarding etiquette instruction?” 

“I will not subject Lyra to the tortures of Mistress Hale!” Sheena said firmly as she stepped around the desk. “I daresay Lyra has been exposed to enough tortures for a lifetime.”

“The rod is most effective,” Aayla laughed as she followed Sheena from the office. 

Sheena left Aayla behind and entered the corridor toward the Octagon. As she reached it, she pause in the center near the pillar, then , making up her mind, she stepped to the side and entered a small door, revealing a spiral staircase made from smoky black wrought iron within a turret of stained yellow brick. She ascended the steps until she came to the second level of the Octagon, where the only working talky box in the building was inset into the wall. She popped the cover and flipped a few switches.

“Environmental dispatch,” The voice on the other end said. 

“This is First Girl, Sheena Rossi. Please fetch my sister and have her meet me in the first floor greenhouse, Vice Quadrant.”

“Yes First girl,” The girl on the other end said. Sheena could hear the panic in the girls’ voice as she realized who she was speaking to. She must have been new, perhaps. “Vice Quadrant, V-226G.”

“Correct,” Sheena said, recognizing the room designation for the Vice Greenhouse, though it didn’t truly need to be said. She close the talky box and sighed. It would take them an hour or more to find Lyra; while the girl seemed to have few interests, she did have a tendency to wander.

As she walked, she paused for moment and then returned to the talky box. She opened the cover again and snatched up the handset. With a simple flick of a switch, she opened a line to Dispatch.

“Dispatch, this is Sheena Rossi, confirm, please?”

“Sheena Rossi, confirmed, over.”

“Send Henrick to the Vice Greenouse. Please.” 

“To V-226G?” 

“Is there, another”?” Sheena asked with irritation tainting the edge of her tone. 

“No, sorry, dammit. Over.”

Sheena rolled her eyes; the operator on the other end was with Dispatch and was therefore not required to refer to her as First Girl, but somehow she became very agitated when her position was disregarded. She slammed the box shut again and stormed off, down the hallway. From the second level of the Octagon it took her a full ten minutes to walk to the entrance of the Greenhouse which was, in truth, a multi-level atrium. The glass double doors led her into an airlock positioned on the second level, the second door leading to a glass catwalk that ran the perimeter of the dome. Plants of all varieties could be seen in hanging baskets and planters affixed to the railing as she passed beneath patches of bright sunlight poking through the day’s overhead clouds. On a bright day, this greenhouse was resplendent, with prismatic, multicolored reflections and warmth, but today, it felt cold, and that was just as well. Down on the first level, the trickle of water could be heard, running into the faux waterfall that led to the first floor koi pond which took up a vast majority of the area; Sheena poked her head over the railing and she could see him there, standing on the stone walkway nearest the pool, nearly hidden by a small tree at the foot of the water. She let out a sigh and continued her walk toward the nearest stair; an unnerving construction with glass treads, tempered, she supposed. He heard her descending and did a half turn to glance at her as she approached on the path between two bushes that rugged at her knees before she emerged by the pool. She stood for a moment and observed the koi beneath the crystal clear waters; fish of all different color, shapes and sizes. 

“First Girl,” Henrick said, quietly. Sheena took her attention from the pool and focused on Henrick. He was perhaps two years her junior, past the age of majority but still wet behind the ears, so to speak. His hair was a deep brown, a bit longer than the other serving boys, but he hid it well by keeping it greased. His skin, an odd mixture of the Zlitian white and the pale orange of Oniodale. He shifted nervously and bit his lower lip as she approached; he was always so intimidated by her. He regarded him indifferently as she held her hand out and accepted the gray folder from him. Opening the cover, she began to read the extensive report; it was split into sections, each section separated by date with some that were longer than others. 

“She went to room 218 today,” Sheena observed. “Alone?”

“No First Girl,” Henrick said, shifting and wringing his hands. “She was with someone I didn’t recognize.”

“So she made a friend,” Sheena nodded. “And you are endeavoring to learn the identity of this friend?”

“Yes, First Girl,” Henrick nodded. “It is difficult because-”

“Because you cannot simply walk up and ask her, yes, I appreciate your candor and your discretion, please understand that.”

“Yes, First Girl,” Henrick blushed. “First Girl I-”

“Yes, Henrick?” She looked up from the report and studied his face. Something was on his mind. 

“I think…I think. um…” The boy shifted again, his knuckles white from the wringing and his face beginning to pale. If he staggered any more, he was likely to fall into the koi pond. 

“Henrick,” Sheena pressed. “Out with it, what is it you wish to say? Do you have news of my sister?” 

“No,” Henrick said quickly. “I…I think I’m ready. For that which we spoke of.”


“No, no, I’m sorry,” Henrick said suddenly, taking a stumbling step backward. “I shouldn’t bother you with this, I’m sorry-”

“Henrick,” Sheena said in a commanding voice. “You will never presume to know what it is in my mind. Stop your stammering and walk with me, that is a command from your First Girl.”

“Yes, First Girl,” Henrick stiffened but somehow managed to fall in step beside Sheena as they walked alongside the pond.

“Lyra was a test case,” She explained. “A test case that perhaps shouldn’t have worked. It worked because she behaved as a girl from the first day. Because she was humble, and partially because she was afraid. I will tell you this, Henrick, if we go through with this, then your position will be far lower than it is now. Any seniority you had will be stripped, your life will begin a new and you will listen to what you are told, are you with me, Henrick?”

“Yes, First Girl.”

“Furthermore, Henrick, Lyra is not your mentor. You will not seek advice from her, because she has none for you. She is a girl troubled and one that must learn herself. Are you still with me?”

“Yes, First Girl.”

“Finally, there are many rules to your new life, but the most important, is that if you make this decision, you will not back out. I will not have people moving back and forth on a whim. You will be what you are, is that clear?”

“Yes, First Girl. I…I am prepared for the consequences.”

“Then, Henrick, I must ask you a pressing question,” Sheena stopped walking and turned to Henrick, blocking the path as she folded her arms. Between the cadence of her statements, only the sound of the trickling water could be heard as Henrick regarded her, nearly breathless as his heart pounded within his chest. “Are you afraid?”

“…First Girl?” He said, at almost a whisper.

“You find yourself in a perilous situation and while it is not unique to you, the uncertainty can be overwhelming, so answer me this. Are you afraid, Henrick?”

“I…” Henrick stopped, a frown on his face as he contemplated the meaning of that question. His features began to soften and Sheen could see a wetness begin to form at the edge of his eyes as he nodded slowly.

“Then,” Sheena said. “it is my duty, as the first among the servants of the House of Jenwise, that you needn’t be. Your fear is justified but unfounded. The days ahead of you will be difficult, and the need to prove you worth will be ever present, but for so long as you perform your duty, my protection extends to you, as it does to the other girls in the service of the High Lady. Do you understand what I am saying?”

“I do,” He nodded, a single tear rolling down his cheek. 

“Follow,” She motioned for him to join her on the path. He fell in step just slightly behind her as they made their way to the doors of the atrium. She wondered about Lyra for a moment and then shrugged. Her sister would find her. “What do you do now, Henrick?”

“I…I work the motor pool, First Girl,” He said quickly. “The…cars.”

“I see,” Sheena said, quickening her pace as they moved toward the Octagon. Somehow, Henrick managed to keep up. “I have removed my girl, Jenise from sanitation. You will take her place once your training is complete.”

“Sanitation…” Henrick stopped walking, freezing as Sheena continued her walk down the hall. She stopped and turned to eye him. “First Girl…you mean, cleaning latrines? I work in the motor pool, First Gir-”

“Is there a problem, Henrick?” Sheena demanded. “This is what you asked for, and now you will play by the rules, is that understood?”

“Yes, First Girl,” Henrick relented and managed to stumble over to her as she continued walking. Sheena rolled her eyes and gestured toward the door that began the walk to the servant’s quarters. “First…girl…this is…”

“Yes, the female servant’s quarters,” Sheena said quickly. “You do understand what you’re signing up for?”

“I have…things, in the other quarters, first girl,” He said hurriedly as she rushed him through the doors. 

“Such as?”

“Well my clothes, and a few books-”

“Funny,” Sheena snorted as they walked down the narrow hall, past the steady arc lamplight until they reached the end, which opened into a small lunch room with two tables, a basin, and a counter lining the wall. At one of the tables, a girl, Nicola sat reading a book. “Nicola, Henrick has made his…or should I say her decision.” Henrick blushed immediately at the pronoun usage but voiced no objection. 

“Fantastic,” Nicola said, not even bothering to look up. “Henrick, dear, I have a chapter to finish, sit at the other table, please.”

“This is where we part, Henrick,” Sheena gestured to the other table where Henrick nervously took a seat, still wringing his hands and now looking down at his feet rather than daring to meet the eyes of either women. 

“Sheena,” Nicola said, turning a page. “They want you on the talky.” 

“Tell them I’m meeting my sister, I’ll be with them soon,” Sheena told her.

“It’s about your sister,” Nicola informed her. 

Sheena frowned and turned to the wall, yanking the box and pulling out the handset. 

“Dispatch, this is Sheena Rossi?”

“Sheena, this is Dispatch, there’s a girl to see you, at Entrance H-AB2, we put her in the interview room.”

“Interview room?” Sheena raised an eyebrow. “The one that locks?”

“She put up a fuss when we wouldn’t tell her where you were.”

“I’ll be right over.”

The walk to the H-ABT 2 entrance, like most other transit within the campus truly did not take long. It differed in that the path involved crossing a long footbridge overlooking a transit hub. The noise from the crowd below filled her ears as a crippling anxiety began to overtake her. Who was here to see her? What could they possibly want? What did they know about Lyra? The walk across the bridge could not have gone any slower; she pushed past people, bumped into the railing, and tried to speed her walk as much as possible while the feelings of anxiety rose in her chest. Lyra. What was happening with Lyra? The birdge ended and she finally found herself in H-ABT 2, which was commonly known as ‘The Crow’ for its deep black walls and brief staircase that led to the aviary. Well, not quite to the Aviary, but a good starting point. 

“Sheena,” A man named Keen greeted her. The security guard for the Crow. “This girl…she came to see you, ranting about your sister. I have her in this room, over here. Been in there for an hour give or take. Probably give.”

“Thank you, Keen,” Sheena nodded. “Show me.”

The girl was far smaller than Sheena, perhaps Lyra’s size, maybe a little bigger. She was Zlitian, like Jenise, but but far darker hair and the typical deep red yes. She was dressed simply, in a white chemise with a laced blue overdress that looked as if it had seen better days. The stains on her sleeves did not escape Sheena’s visual assessment, nor did the disheveled state of her hair. As she entered, the girl lookeed up to her, wide eyed from her position at the small metal table.

“Sheena Rossi,” She gasped, paling as much as she possibly could. “I-”

“You said you were here about my sister,” Sheena said, an air of hostility to her voice that could not be overlooked. “Speak words, girl. My patience is thin as is.”

“I…I misunderstood,” The girl said. “I thought we were…I thought that she liked me.”

“Liked you? As in you were together?”

“Yes,” She nodded. “I’m sorry you weren’t informed but-”

“Where is Lyra?”

Calliope told the story with Sheena becoming more agitated with every passing moment. Finally, as the last of the story was told, Sheena pursed her lips and then gritted her teeth. 

“And you saw them take her?” Sheena demanded. “And what did you do to stop them?”

“Nothing, I…I didn’t know what to do. Just ran.”

“How long ago was this?” Sheena leaned forward, placing her palms on the table and moved her face closer to Calliope’s. “How long ago did you let them take my sister?”

“It was…half past eleven, Miss Rossi.”

“And it is three and thirty now. More than hour hours. And you just now decided to come here?”

“I’m sorry, I was afraid,” She shook her head, the tears beginning to flow. “I thought-”

“Ah, you ought be afraid,” Sheena growled. “And when I’m done with you-”

“Please,” Calliope begged. “I’ll do what I must, I submit myself to your service, Sheena Rossi. I’ll do what it takes to-”

“We’ll get that in writing-” Sheena pointed at her as she backed up, toward the talky box, opening it up and pulling the handset from the wall. “Dispatch, this is Sheena Rossi. Inform the High Lady that Lyra Rossi, Daughter of Martin and Collen Rossi has been abucted. Send everyone.”

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