American Girl - Chapter 3

American Girl Edited.jpg

Chapter Three – She’s My Spy!

DuPont Circle neighbourhood, Washington D.C. March 1985

Wendy Meakins leaned against the bar at the Pink Parrot nightclub. It was close to 1am but that was early at the Parrot which had a twenty-four hour liquor licence and usually didn’t close the door until 4am.

Wesley had finished his day job at 5pm and pottered around window shopping until six before heading home for a very light dinner in front of the television. The news that night was boring, the lead story being that Mikhail Gorbachev had become General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party and de facto leader of the Soviet Union which interested Wesley not at all.

Wesley was in the bedroom transforming into Wendy when a late-breaking story announced that a U.S. Army military intelligence officer named Arthur D. Nicholson had been shot by Soviet army sergeant Aleksandr Ryabtsev at a Soviet military base in Ludwigslust, East Germany.

In her sixties and still battling her weight Wendy was still a fetching woman and made the most of her curves and swerves. She was wearing a black sequined evening gown, the waist cinched to give her an hourglass figure and to push up her breasts which were ample enough that she had no need to use breastforms. Her shapely legs were clad in gossamer flesh-toned pantyhose over which she wore full-cut body-shaper panties. Her pretty face was framed by a big blonde bouffant.

Wendy had just finished a set on stage and was nursing a gin and tonic when she was approached by handsome man in his thirties.

“What’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this,” he grinned at her.

“Does that line ever work?” she smiled back at him.

“Never,” the man laughed and Wendy couldn’t help but laugh along with him.

Wendy was pragmatic. Most of the girls in the club were far younger, a lot slimmer and some were prettier than her and she seldom hooked up with handsome young gentlemen like the one talking to her now. She fully expected that he would engage in some light banter and move onto one of the other queens.

She was a little surprised when the man, who introduced himself as Liam Dresser, invited her to join him in a booth for drinks. When not performing, the queens at the Pink Parrot were expected to wait tables and entertain the clientele, encouraging them to spend big on drinks. If any of the girls hooked up that was fine by management but there was to be no sex on the premises although many a customer had been blown in the unisex toilets either for fun or profit.

Wendy was at first wary of Liam suspecting that he was a ‘chubby chaser’ or just talking to her to loosen up before he went after one of the younger queens but he seemed genuinely taken with her. He was complimentary without being mawkish and was genuinely interested in what she had to say.

She told him most of her life story: how she had always known that she was gay and had been drawn to the theatre to express her feminine side, although she had no ambition to transition she loved presenting herself as Wendy and performing and entertaining.

By now Liam had his hand on Wendy’s thigh and was softly stroking it and had stolen a kiss or two. His hand slid further up her thigh and he kissed her passionately using his tongue quite proficiently. They drank some more and Wendy performed her last set which Liam complemented her on and then looked at his watch. It was getting on for 3am but as it was Saturday and Wendy didn’t have to work her day job.

“Do you have somewhere?” Liam asked her.

“What about your hotel?” Wendy countered.

“Well I don’t mind at all but I thought you might not want to do the walk of shame when you walk through the hotel lobby later this afternoon still dressed in your evening gown and high heels,” Liam smiled at her cheekily.

“Why would I be leaving your hotel so late?” Wendy teased.

“Because once I get you into bed I don’t intend to let you go until I’m done with you and I have a very veracious appetite,” Liam’s hand slipped inside Wendy’s dress and across the front of her panties.

Ever pragmatic Wendy was in fact only teasing Liam. The logistics of it all made sense that she take him to her place.

“We can go to my place,” Wendy leaned in and kissed him.

“But only if you behave yourself,” she giggled after they broke their kiss.

“Absolutely not,” Liam squeezed her thigh and kissed her again.

They hailed a late running taxi to Wendy’s apartment and Liam paid and he had also settled their tab at the Pink Parrot. Although they were enjoying each other’s company, Liam seemed intent on implying that it was a business transaction and Wendy had no quarrel with that. She would have gladly taken Liam home for nothing but if he insisted on paying she was not going to refuse the extra income.

She settled Liam down for a drink and excused herself. She went into her bedroom and removed her dress and foundation garments and then went to her ensuite bathroom where she douched and freshened her makeup and perfume. She left her cincher, full-cut body-shaper, panties and pantyhose on the bedroom floor and stepped into sheer flesh-toned hold-up stockings and transparent white panties. She didn’t bother tucking because she was dressing for sex not for aesthetics.

She threw on a gauzy black negligee trimmed with red lace and slipped into her black strappy fuck-me-pumps. She gave herself the onceover in her full-length mirror and patted her little pot belly and once again promised to start dieting but agreed with herself that she was still not too shabby for an old broad.

Liam took the opportunity to wander around Wendy’s flat. He flicked through some mail left on the hallstand and saw that it was mostly addressed to Wesley Meakins except for a couple of advertising fliers.

There were framed photographs of Wesley, one of him very much younger dressed in a navy Petty Officer’s uniform and other more recent holiday snaps. He saw no pictures of family but there were a few of Wesley presenting as Wendy. One was a professional glamour shot of her for promotional purposes he presumed and another of Wendy with the girls from the Pink Parrot. There was also a framed picture of Wendy with a taller, younger, strikingly attractive woman with creamy white skin, long legs sporting a blonde updo that could only be a wig. Dressed in a spangled evening dress with heavy makeup she had to be another Pink Parrot girl.

Scrawled at the bottom of the frame was Crystal and Wendy best friends forever with a bright red lipstick kiss beside the inscription.

Liam noticed that the guest bathroom was in use and had male toiletries and grooming aids. He guessed correctly that ‘Wendy’ used the master bedroom ensuite and ‘Wesley’ used the guest bathroom to separate his two personas.

Liam smiled beatifically at Wendy when she came out of her bedroom and stood up to greet her. Wendy walked straight into his arms and they dispensed with the small talk and began to kiss and fondle each other. Liam particularly liked squeezing her ample buttocks through those sexy panties. Wendy was braless and Liam was able to caress her breasts which were a healthy B-cup. Her nipples hardened to his touch and she gasped into his open mouth when he tweaked them.

Liam walked her backwards into the bedroom and allowed Wendy to undress him. She took her time, teasing him, leaving his underpants until last, stroking his bulging manhood through his cotton Jockeys before removing them.

Wendy dropped to her knees and enveloped Liam’s erect penis in her mouth. A very experienced fellatrix; she worked her lips up and down the sleek veiny shaft and used her tongue on his glans and fraenulum.

“Oh, so good,” Liam sighed.

The feel of Wendy’s warm, wet mouth on his penis was very satisfying and as Wendy licked, sucked and slurped his cock Liam felt his scrotum contract in preparation for ejaculation. He didn’t want to come too soon and although they had all morning to enjoy each other he wanted to come the first time while he was fucking her.

Liam lifted Wendy to her feet and she was a little disappointed to be taken away from his magnificent manhood but when he kissed her and drove his tongue into her mouth and began to stroke her cock through her gauzy panties she forgave him. She relished the feel of his fingers stroking and squeezing her through her gossamer panties and began to dribble pre-ejaculate into them.

She reached for Liam’s cock and reciprocated, stroking him back to full tumescence. They were content to kiss and fondle one and another for a while as their smouldering passion began to build to burning lust. Liam finally pushed Wendy onto the bed and lay on top her ample body and she obligingly wrapped her arms around his shoulders and her stocking-sheathed legs around his torso to hold him close as they kissed and rubbed their cocks together.

The feel of his cock rubbing on Wendy’s phallus through her slinky drawers was delightfully lewd and decadent. Liam didn’t consider himself gay but he had a penchant for transvestites and transgender women which he kept a closely guarded secret.

The taste of Wendy’s sweet breath and her lipstick in his mouth and the pungent smell of her perfume added to her femininity and he was not one bit turned off by her size; he liked his women to have some meat on their bones. In fact he opened Wendy’s negligee and explored her breasts with his mouth, suckling her teats and nibbling her nipples which caused ringlets of pleasure to radiate from Wendy’s bosom. She coddled his head while he nursed her breasts moving from one to the other to keep her satisfied.

While he sucked on her tits his cock was still rubbing on Wendy’s hard stubby appendage and Wendy’s panties were saturated with precum from the two hard phalluses. She was nearly overcome with the pleasure radiating from her cock and her tits and was well and truly ready to be fucked and Liam was well and truly ready to fuck her.

There was an awkward break in formalities while Wendy scrambled around the bedside table feeling for the KY-Jelly but applying the slick salve to Liam’s cock soon brought it back to full tumescence and he gazed down upon the lovely mature woman and smiled at her lovingly as he eased aside the gusset of her panties and nestled his glans in her puckered bud. Wendy pushed two pillows under her ample buttocks and lifted her legs to make things easier and more comfortable and she whimpered with pleasure as Liam slowly impaled her on his hard cock.

Liam cupped Wendy’s bountiful buttocks and felt his cock slide easily into her tight anus and he sighed as he pushed it all the way in to the hilt and leaned down and kissed her after watching her pretty face light up with desire and longing. He drove his tongue into her mouth and she wriggled it in time with his thrusts. He squeezed her ass and she mewed with pleasure.

Wendy wrapped her legs around Liam’s waist and rose up to meet him as he fucked her, Liam's passion was building as he fucked her harder and harder.

Wendy raked her nails down his back and dug her high heels into his flanks encouraging Liam to fuck her harder and he obliged. She could feel his cock swelling inside her as the intensity of their fucking became frenetic. Liam could feel Wendy’s anus clinging to his pulsing dick as he rammed it in and out of her tight hole; it felt like his cock was being squeezed by gentle fingers in a satin glove.

He could contain himself no longer and he pushed Wendy down on the bed and drove his cock all the way inside her and ejaculated, squeezing her bottom to encourage her to milk him. Wendy came with him, her anus spasming to express his seed from his cock as her own cock quivered and filled her panties with steaming ejaculate. She felt Liam's cock juddering inside her and the steady pulsing of his shaft as he planted his load deep inside her.

They kissed passionately and held onto each other as they used each other’s bodies to satiate their wanton lust.

Liam stopped thrusting but left his cock buried in Wendy’s anus and kneaded her fat ass as his kisses became tender and his orgasm subsided. Wendy lay beneath him basking in the afterglow of their climax and she lovingly ran her fingers through his hair and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“No, thank you. That was wonderful,” Liam kissed the tip of her nose.

They lay in each other’s arms in post coital bliss until the practicalities of their lovemaking needed to be attended to if Liam was to stay the night. He carefully disengaged and padded down to the guest bathroom where here used a warm soapy facecloth to wipe Wendy's semen off his belly and his own secretions off his now flaccid penis.

Wendy squatted on the toilet to expel most but not all of Liam’s semen from her anus and wiped and dried herself before stepping into a pair of fresh nylon panties. She fixed her makeup again, bushed her hair and put on more perfume.

“I took the liberty if you don’t mind,” Liam came into the bedroom still naked carrying a tray with gin and tonics, cigarettes and an ashtray.

Wendy was lying on the bed waiting for him, having rearranged the covers and pillows.

“Take all the liberties you like, especially with me,” Wendy batted her eyelashes at him dramatically and they both laughed.

It had been some time since Wendy had been treated so respectfully by a man as young as Liam. If she was ever lucky enough to trap a nice piece of young trade he usually could hardly wait to get out of her flat once he had fucked her, likely overcome with post coital regret over shagging a fat old queen like her. Or worse, the john might actually feign interest in post coital cuddling and chit-chat whilst all the while checking his watch.

Liam seemed genuinely taken with her and Wendy appreciated it.

They drank and smoked whilst sitting up in bed playing footsies under the covers and stopping now and then to kiss. Liam asked Wendy about the photographs in the living room and Wendy confirmed what Liam had suspected.

“So who is Crystal and why is she your best friend forever?” Liam asked and Wendy was pleased that Liam was showing more than a passing interest in her pictures.

“Everybody fancies Crystal. We met at the Pink Parrot and have been best friends from the get-go despite our age difference,” Wendy explained.

“But you only know each other as Wendy and Crystal?” Liam chuckled.

“Out of drag I’m Wesley Meakins a gay man who performs drag and doesn't mind the odd romp in the hay whilst enfemme. Crystal is a little more complicated. She would like to transition but for reasons she has never fully explained, but I’m guessing it has to do with family, never has. Crystal is not just playing dressup when she presents enfemme, it fully transforms her personality and her psyche,” Wendy said earnestly.

“But I’m telling tales out of school and most likely boring you,” Wendy shrugged.

Wendy was uncomfortable answering questions about Crystal to a man she had just met as it was none of his business and to be honest she was also a little jealous that Liam appeared to be taken with her. Crystal was a private person who had few friends other that Wendy and she saw no need to share confidences about her.

Unlike Crystal, Wesley was a gay man who worked as a drag queen because he liked show business and the extra income. He’d readily have sex in drag if a customer at the Parrot was willing to pay but as he climbed into his sixties those opportunities were becoming scarcer.

For a period Wesley had been forced to live full-time as a woman, entertaining a small group of men in the small mining town of Villawood Montana. At the time he was a prisoner at Fort Leavenworth Correctional Facility and was participating in a military experiment which went haywire. The stronger men forced two of the weaker ones to present as women and used them for sex. Although Wendy didn’t mind being fucked by the hunky young men in Villawood, it was still a form of forced prostitution and she never talked about it. Wesley’s release from prison had been conditional on him keeping it secret.

Wesley had on occasion gone back to Villawood to visit Samantha Steele who was married to William Brody, the town sheriff. Sam had legally changed her identity from male to female and lived out her years in wedded bliss with Bill and over the years she had undertaken many surgeries to transform her body although she had confided to Wesley that she hadn't altered her genitalia.

“Nonsense; I find the world of drag and gender bending fascinating and of course my penchant for crossdressed women is obvious,” Liam actually blushed.

Liam was an easy listener and Wendy told him most of her life story and how she came to be living where she was and about her friendship with Crystal and the other girls at the Pink Parrot.

“Crystal is away for a few weeks working in a show in Las Vegas. I’m so envious of her,” Wendy gushed.

After two more vigorous lovemaking sessions Liam said his goodbyes around midday and generously left Wendy one hundred and fifty dollars despite her protests.

“You don’t need to pay me, I loved having you here,” she said as she escorted him to the door.

“Nonsense. You are a beautiful woman and a delight and I enjoyed every second I spent with you,” Liam kissed her goodbye and pushed the notes into her hand.

As Wendy retired for the afternoon, her anus still secreting Liam’s last load into her sticky panties, she realised that she had told Liam her life story and almost everything that she knew about Crystal but he had told her hardly anything about himself. But that was typical of johns, they seldom spoke the truth about themselves and most of them were married.


J. Edgar Hoover Building, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. 1985

Liam Dresser was the FBI counterintelligence agent who had warned Bronson Bateman that the man who had hired him to lobby Senator Palmer to vote against a bill approving the appropriation of more Stinger missiles for the Afghan Mujahedeen rebels was a KGB stooge.

Liam was not convinced that Bateman had killed himself in a drug induced fugue where he had also accidentally or otherwise strangled a hooker. To him the crime scene was too contrived but the Medical Examiner had made his determination accordingly and was unwilling to change his findings based on Liam’s unsubstantiated claims.

The only contrary evidence Liam had uncovered was that of an attendant at the Park n’ Go Garage on Massachusetts Avenue who had seen Bronson Bateman’s car enter the facility and noticed that he was in the company of an attractive young red-headed woman not the blonde hooker whose body was found at the murder/suicide scene at Rock Creek Park. As the parking facility used prepaid vouchers the attendant had only checked the car pass on the way in. The exit, located on the other side of the building, was unmanned and fitted with an automatic boom.

There was only one security camera covering each floor of the parking structure but Liam had been lucky and was able to find footage of Bronson Bateman’s white Cadillac Eldorado driving past the second floor security camera before he parked in his allotted space behind an air-conditioning unit, screened from the rest of the lot. Liam had been able to capture a still-frame picture of the girl in the passenger seat from the camera’s VHS tape but it was fuzzy and in black and white and of little use.

The KGB stooge who had hired Bronson had disappeared without a trace and Liam was both livid and frustrated but almost ready to give up on the case for lack of evidence. Then a friend of his working in the FBI Counterespionage Section told Liam of an interesting but unrelated story. A United States Air Force officer had committed suicide and left a note admitting that he was being blackmailed to provide intelligence to someone he believed was a Soviet intelligence agent.

The man’s name was Colonel William Spooner and it turned out that he had been caught in a honey trap. A search of Spooner’s office safe at the Pentagon had produced an envelope containing pictures of Colonel Spooner caught flagrante delicto with a pretty young transwoman. Also inside the envelope was a matchbook from a nightclub located in DuPont Circle called the Pink Parrot.

Over coffee the two agents discussed how the Soviets were upping their game when it came to clandestine operations and counterintelligence. Liam was able to look at the pictures of Spooner and the girl. It was almost unthinkable that the Soviets would use a transgender woman as an operative but that would make her a perfect sleeper agent because nobody would ever suspect her. Something niggled him about the pictures of the girl and it wasn't just because he found himself attracted to her.

Then it came to him. Liam noted the similarity between the woman in the pictures found in Spooner's office and the fuzzy picture he had from the Park n’ Go. It was impossible to match the two women but there were similarities. When he took his suspicions to his SAC he was told that there was no correlation between the two cases and that the pictures were inconclusive and his hypothesis was ridiculous and to drop his investigation and move on but Liam Dresser was not easily dissuaded.

The case intrigued him not only because he believed there could be a transwoman Soviet operative which was unheard of, but also because Liam was secretly fascinated with transvestites and transsexuals.

Liam had taken a considerable risk taking one of the photographs of the girl out of evidence and copying it. He enlarged it and cut around the girl’s face, removing her lingerie-clad body and that of Colonel Spooner from the picture. It wasn’t a brilliant picture but it was better than the fuzzy VHS still from the Park n’ Go.

He wrote down the address from the matchbook and went to the Pink Parrot with the headshot of the pretty young woman and had shown it to the bar staff but they weren’t prepared to talk to someone who looked like a straight stiff. For a fifty dollar bribe he was able to ply out of one of the bouncers that the older chubby drag queen sitting at the bar would know who the person in the photograph was.

Liam knew that showing the picture to the drag queen would shut her down so Liam had run his pickup line on Wendy Meakins and had taken her home and shagged her and gained as much information as he could without tipping his hand that he was an FBI agent.

Now he had a name: Crystal Greystone.

The FBI’s computers at this time were not linked to all the State and Federal databases but using meticulous investigation techniques and cashing in some favours with associates from other state and federal government agencies Liam found Crystal Greystone. She had a Social Security number, a driver’s licence and even a passport. The address on these documents proved to be false as did the address she had given at the Pink Parrot nightclub which Liam had broken into illegally on Monday morning. He found a post office box in her name where her mail was directed.

But Crystal Greystone had died at birth in Colorado in 1964. She had then somehow reincarnated and applied for a Social Security number in 1983 and then acquired other identity documents all using a false birth certificate. Crystal Greystone was a ghost.

Liam Dresser knew at this time he should take everything he had back to his SAC. He believed that he had enough evidence to support his hypothesis but he knew that he would have a hard time explaining how he had milked Wendy Meakins for information and when she was brought in for questioning she would likely disclose their sexual liaison which would end his career, as would the illegal break-in and search of the Pink Parrot’s employment documentation.

There was also the fact the more he investigated Crystal Greystone, the more he became infatuated with her. At the Pink Parrot he had taken a handbill with a picture of Crystal dressed in a sequined evening gown singing into a microphone. The emotion on her beautiful face, her perfect figure and those long legs peeking out of the split in her gown beguiled him. He had become fascinated with her.

Liam knew it was irrational but he didn’t want to share her.

Yes, she was most likely a Soviet sleeper agent and was directly responsible for at least one death and complicit in Colonel Spooner’s suicide and had committed who knew how many illegal intelligence gathering offences but she was his spy! He would find her and he would bring her to justice. But he would do it his way.

When he exposed and arrested her he would become a legend in the Bureau and his unorthodox investigative methods would be forgiven and concealed for security purposes. The fallout would be a black eye and embarrassment for the KGB as well as a strategic and a propaganda disaster. The Soviets had a new General Secretary, they were embarrassed by the publicity regarding the shooting of the American officer in East Germany, they were losing the arms race and their economy was declining. Exposing a transgender Soviet operative would be another nail in their coffin.

Special Agent Dresser convinced himself of all this when he took short-notice annual leave and purchased a ticket to Las Vegas.

Liam Dresser had gone rogue.


Ambassador Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas Nevada, March 1985

Crystal Greystone attended the morning rehearsal and performed the matinée at the Envoy Cabaret and had a hard time blowing off Michelle Dupree who wanted them both to get a late lunch. She made her excuses and went up into her room and changed into a skirt, blouse, nylons and heels and tuned down her makeup. The ‘message waiting’ lamp on her phone was blinking and she lifted the handset and played the message.

It was from her rezidentura colleague who had been sent to Las Vegas to support her, he was keeping an eye on Brett Beaumont and his security tail and he advised Crystal that Brett was gambling on the Stardust casino floor and his security detail was sitting at a nickel slot keeping an eye on him.

Crystal took a car to the Stardust and entered the casino and saw Brett playing blackjack with a young woman standing beside him who looked the very caricature of a Las Vegas hooker: big hair, big tits, long legs and big ass all on display.

Crystal went into the hotel and took the elevator up to the VIP floor using the keycard she had copied the previous evening. Checking that the corridor was clear she strode down to Brett Beaumont’s room and let herself in.

The room had been recently serviced and was clean, although a lingering smell of cigarette smoke and stale booze was undercurrent to the household deodorant that the housemaid had used.

Crystal went straight to the room-safe and put a device the size and shape of a cigarette packet against the digital dial and pressed the button on the side. The four-figure combination lit up on the dial and Crystal punched it in. The cheap hotel safe was no match for Soviet technology. Crystal found a plain manila folder marked Cottage. Inside the envelope were five pages of scientific dribble that meant nothing to Crystal but she photographed every page using her Minox miniature camera.

She returned the envelope, closed the safe and made her way back to the lobby and was about to exit the hotel when a voice called out her name.

‘Fuck! He’s seen me!’ Crystal thought but she plastered a smile to her face and turned around.

It wasn’t Brett Beaumont who had called her name, it was the concierge.

Crystal smiled at him and followed him into his little office.

“Did Professor Beaumont come and see your show with the tickets you comped him?” the ferret-faced little man asked.

“Sure he did,” Crystal smiled but she was eager to be on her way.

“The tickets I arranged to have sent up to his room,” the ferret smiled with crooked little teeth.

“Yes and I paid you fifty dollars to do so,” Crystal countered.

“And you promised me a blowjob if he went to your show and I know he did and I know that you went up to his room afterwards so I’m guessing you did pretty well out of the deal,” the ferret’s grin widened.

Crystal had two options. She could blow him or kill him and it was far too difficult to dispose of the body.

She reached behind her and clicked over the tumbler on the doorlock and dropped to her knees.

She wondered how many other hookers, grifters, showgirls and cocktail waitresses had been forced to perform the same act in the concierge's shabby little office.

As it turned out the task was not that difficult or revolting, the concierge had quite a nice un-ferret-like penis which was clean and quite appealing. Crystal took him in her mouth and dutifully looked up into the ferret’s face while she performed her task. She knew that men loved eye contact during fellatio and she sucked and slavered on the long thin cock, leaving traces of her lipstick on the shaft.

It didn’t take the little concierge long to climax and he deposited a healthy load into Crystal’s mouth which she had no difficulty swallowing. Having performed her service she got to her feet, picked up her handbag and left the office while the ferret-faced concierge zipped his flies. She also snatched up a plain envelope from a pile on the concierge’s desk before she left.

It was easier to take the path of least resistance than to jeopardise the mission. Crystal knew that her virtue was a tradable commodity; it had been programmed into her from an early age.

Crystal went back to the Ambassador and to up her room where she brushed her teeth and gargled with mouthwash and then she removed the little film cassette from the Minox and put it in the envelope which she left at a pre-arranged dead-drop that afternoon. There was a message for her at the dead-drop and she took it back to the hotel and used a one-time pad to decode it.

Colonel William Spooner had committed suicide. She was directed to call Stephan Boriliski as soon as possible.

Crystal took a walk down the Strip and found a phone booth in an Arby’s and called Steven speaking only English.

“Am I compromised?” she asked breathlessly.

“Don’t panic, you are trained for this,” Steven said coldly.

“We are assessing the damage. We know the FBI has pictures of you with Spooner. The photographs I used to blackmail him were found in the safe in his office but at this stage military intelligence and the FBI have no idea who you are. Our FBI informant advises that they think an operative hired you to compromise Spooner; they suspect you are a hooker not an operative,” Steven explained.

“The rezidentura assess that your identity is safe for now and you are to continue your current mission. We need the data that Brett Beaumont will have with him after the Cottage test,” Steven went on.

“There is to be no variation to the plan. Act like everything is normal,” Steven said calmly.

“Yes, of course,” Crystal said.

Her heart rate had increased but only slightly. She was a highly trained operative and she and Steven had practiced such scenarios and she trusted his judgement and that of the rezidentura.

“Michelle Dupree. The other transwoman in your revue. She may be of use to us. Continue to foster your relationship with her. Get her close. You know what I mean,” Steven said levelly.

Crystal knew what he meant.

“The military are doing their best to keep a lid on Spooner’s transgressions because if the media got wind of them it would be a scandal. The FBI are chasing their tails and haven’t linked Spooner’s death to Project Excalibur because the military are refusing to divulge which projects Spooner was currently working on. The American bureaucracy is doing what it always does, which only works in our favour,” Steven explained, hoping that Crystal would remain calm.

“Ok Stephan, I will continue to do what I do and I will get close to Michelle Dupree,” Crystal said with little emotion.

“Also, I’m coming to Las Vegas. Continue to work with your rezidentura assistant; I’m not coming to support the operation, I’m coming just in case we need to extract you at short notice. Kyle Gordon’s identity is safe; we would never compromise that,” Steven said and broke the connection.

Crystal sat in a booth at the Arby’s and ordered coffee and thought things through.

Brett Beaumont was of no further to use to her until after the Cottage test but she needed to keep him hooked. She called him in his room at the Stardust and asked him to come see her after the late show at the Envoy Cabaret. It turned out Brett was busy with his new hooker girlfriend and couldn’t make it but he promised to meet up with Crystal when he came back from the test site because he was looking forward to fucking her.

Brett was pragmatic. He knew Crystal wasn’t going anywhere and he knew where to find her, and find her would, but for now his big-titted blonde floozy was slaking his thirst.

“Well, you know where to find me,” Crystal said into the telephone and broke the connection.

Crystal kept up her routine of three shows a day, meet-and-greets, rehearsals and had not much else to do but to develop her friendship with Michelle Dupree and she invited Michelle out for a late dinner after the review.

Crystal dressed in her little black cocktail dress and Michelle was similarly dressed but in blue when they met in the Ambassador Grille for dinner. It was a convenient place to eat as they were both staying at the hotel and it operated twenty-four hours a day, no reservations needed. When they arrived it was nearly eleven and the restaurant was nowhere near full. They sat in a booth and ordered cocktails while they perused the menus.

“I’m gonna order a big steak with the trimmings and take tomorrow night off,” Michelle sighed as she decided on her side dishes.

“What do you mean take tomorrow night off?” Crystal asked; a little alarmed.

She was sure Fred Winebrow would not be happy that one his showgirls would be missing a show.

“Not from the review silly. I mean from selling my ass on the side,” Michelle giggled.

“I told you that I’m here to make as much money as possible so I can get my bottom surgery done,” Michelle switched over to the wine menu.

“I didn’t realise you were hooking on the side,” Crystal lied.

The walls between the adjoining rooms were thin enough that she heard almost very sound Michelle made and was often kept awake by the sound of the headboard banging against the wall.

“I know that you went with that Beaumont fellow who rudely interrupted us at the opening night,” Michelle sounded a little peeved.

“Yes but that wasn’t for money. I just found him attractive and pleasant company,” Crystal tried to deflect but Michelle plowed on.

“Anyway, I’m over being fed like a bird. I’m having oysters to start, a big steak and dessert if I can fit it in,” Michelle grinned.

“That’s a lot,” Crystal commented.

“Well like I said, I aint fuckin’ anyone tomorrow,” Michelle picked out a red wine to go with dinner.

“When you poop outa the same hole you’re fuckin in, it kinds limits your menu selections; another reason I can’t wait to get my designer vagina!” Michelle blurted out and Crystal nearly choked on her drink.

“Jesus Michelle!” Crystal laughed.

“You know what I’m talking about girl,” Michelle slipped her hand under the table and up Crystal’s dress and squeezed her thigh.

“Now you’re taking liberties,” Crystal whispered.

The waitress approached and Michelle ordered her big meal and a bottle of good Shiraz. Michelle kept her hand under Crystal’s dress and softly stroked her thigh and Crystal found herself becoming uncomfortably tumescent. As the meal progressed Michelle became bolder and started to stroke the front of Crystal’s panties and Crystal had to slap Michelle’s hand away before her tuck failed and she tented her dress.

The two women kissed each other passionately in the elevator on the way up to Michelle’s room much to the amusement and titillation of two mid-west businessmen. Michelle opened the door to her room and guided Crystal to her bed.

“I haven’t been with another transgender woman for so long that I can’t remember that last time,” Michelle sighed between kisses.

The two beautiful women were standing next to the bed in Michelle’s room, neither of them in a hurry to undress.

“I’m not sure how transgender I am. I have no tits and I haven’t even started hormones yet,” Crystal confessed.

“You look more like a woman than most of the showgirls in this town and besides, most of it is in your head. You told me yourself that you intended to transition and live as a woman so as far as I’m concerned you are a woman,” Michelle stroked Crystal's upper arm comfortingly.

“Yes that is true,” Crystal sighed, her lips brushed Michelle’s.

Michelle could taste Crystal’s lipstick and she pulled Crystal in closer. Crystal was as tall as Michelle and the two women stood face to face. Although the two women were of similar age for some reason Crystal felt that she was the younger of the two and was taking on the submissive role.

“I’ve wanted to do this since we first met,” Michelle whispered, putting her arms around Crystal.

“I’ve wanted it too but worried that we are too close professionally to have a personal relationship,” Crystal lied easily and welcomed the embrace and kissed Michelle.

All evening Michelle had been fondling Crystal under the table and the lust simmering between the two women ignited and they kissed passionately, their mouths locked together and their tongues entwined. They fell on the bed and rubbed their bodies together, locking their arms and legs around each other and holding each other tight as they kissed.

They stripped each other of their cocktail dresses and Crystal dumped her breastforms. They were left dressed in their slips panties and nylons, their heels and dresses interlaced on the floor as they were interlaced on the bed.

They were both wearing sheer pantyhose which whispered as they rubbed their legs together. They intertwined their limbs and delicious slivers of delight ran up their legs.

Michelle’s full ripe bosom pressed against Crystal’s tiny breasts and their satin slips slinked against their bodies and their nipples hardened. Michelle clung to Crystal holding her close, kissing her, stroking her and igniting her lust.

Crystal allowed herself to be submissive as she had never been with another transgender woman and she relished the feel of being cuddled and cosseted by this beautiful transwoman. Both women had become untucked and their penises pressed against each other through layers of satin panties and slips.

Michelle reached down and squeezed Crystal’s erect penis through the slinky layers of fabric causing Crystal to gasp. Crystal reciprocated and found Michelle’s cock tenting her panties and she began to stroke it. They kissed passionately as they stroked each other’s cocks through their panties, neither of them in a rush to extract their throbbing members.

Michelle climbed on top of Crystal, their slips hissing as the silky satin slid against their bodies, their cocks aligned, their lips crushed together and their tongues entwined. The sensuality of their bodies rubbing against each other, their cocks pressed together through layers of satin and nylon, their mouths joined, was overpowering. They held each other tight, pantyhosed legs scissoring as they humped and ground against each other.

“I’m going to come, I can’t stop it,” Crystal gasped.

“I’ll come with you darling,” Michelle gasped.

Simultaneously both women filled their panties with hot semen as they ground against each other, grinding, rubbing and chafing their bodies and limbs. Their cocks quivered and pressed together through their panties and satin slips as their semen co-mingled. They kissed and caressed and whispered sweet talk as their orgasms washed over them.

Michelle remained tumescent and concupiscent and she rolled Crystal onto her back.

She pinned Crystal to the bed and snaked her hand under Crystal’s slip and inside her panties and viciously ripped out the crotch of Crystal's pantyhose. Michelle smeared her erect penis with Crystal's semen and slid her cock into Crystal's anus.

Crystal gasped and wrapped her legs around Michelle and held her close.

“Do it! Fuck me!” Crystal raised her buttocks and encouraged Michelle to fuck her.

Michelle complied and moved her cock slowly in out of Crystal, drawing it all the way out and then driving it all the way in, ensuring she pushed her glans against Crystal's prostate so that she received full pleasure.

The two gorgeous transgender women fucked each other, Michelle put her hands under Crystal's shoulders so she could drive her erect penis deep and hard into Crystal and Crystal wrapped her legs tighter around Michelle, pulling her lover closer as they kissed passionately.

Michelle felt her climax approaching again and she gripped Crystal's ankles and lifted her legs up over her shoulders so that she gained maximum penetration. Crystal assisted by lifting her bottom up off the bed and sliding two pillows under her ass and wrapped her arms around the lover who loomed over her.

They kissed and writhed and wriggled against each other; their passion building.

"Oh Yes!" Michelle screamed and ground her groin into Crystal's buttocks.

Michelle's phallus erupted deep in Crystal's ass, her semen spewed forth flooding Crystal's anus. Crystal sighed as she felt her bowels fill with Michelle’s seed. Crystal clung to Michelle as her cock pushed against her prostate and her silken-shrouded belly rubbed on Crystal's penis.

Crystal orgasmed. Her satin slip became soaked with her seed. The intensity of this orgasm was even stronger than the first. Crystal pushed up against Michelle and drove her tongue into her mouth and raked her fingernails along Michelle's back, so extreme was her release.

The two lovers kissed and caressed as their climaxes slowly subsided. Michelle unlocked Crystal's calves from around her neck but kept her semi-tumescent penis inside her anus.

“You were wonderful,” Crystal smiled up at Michelle.

“You were pretty amazing yourself,” Michelle leaned down and kissed Crystal on the tip of her nose.

Michelle put her weight on her palms so she could disengage from Crystal but Crystal kept her legs locked around Michelle’s waist and her arms clasped around her neck.

“Where do you think you’re going sister?” Crystal giggled.

They fell asleep in each other’s arms, their bellies full of food and good liquor and Crystal’s ass filled with Michelle’s spunk.

Crystal awoke in the early hours and tiptoed through the interconnecting door to her room. She put her semen-stained slip and panties in the laundry hamper and ditched her laddered nylons in the trash. She crawled into bed, sated and exhausted.

It had been a good night.

McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas Nevada, March 1985

Liam Dresser arrived in Las Vegas just as Crystal was leaving Michelle’s hotel room. Normally his first stop would be the FBI field office but as he was acting outside the remit of the FBI he did no such thing. He checked himself into one of the cheaper hotels on the Strip and got to work. It took him hardly any time at all to find that Crystal was performing in the Boys Will Be Girls Spectacular review at the Ambassador Hotel and Casino.

He picked up a couple of flyers and pinned them to his hotel room wall along with the flyer he had from the Pink Parrot, the black and white still from the Park n’ Go Garage and the head-shot he had copied illegally at the FBI Counterespionage Section. He built himself a ‘crime wall’ adding Crystal’s employment card from the Pink Parrot and the meagre evidence he had linking her to Bronson Bateman’s death and Colonel Spooner’s entrapment and suicide. He checked the notes he had made in his notebook and transcribed the salient points onto white index cards which he also pinned to his crime wall.

Liam wished he had made some copies of the pictures of Crystal flagrante delicto with Colonel Spooner. The ones he had seen of her riding Spooner’s cock dressed in her pantyhose and high heels, her evening gown hiked up to expose her ass and those long legs. She had been looking discreetly at the hidden camera in one of the shots: her head thrown back in the throes of passion. He started to become erect at the memory of it.

He freshened up, changed his clothes and made his way down to the Ambassador Hotel and Casino and bought tickets for the matinée. Liam didn’t want to bring attention to himself so he took a table near the front of the Envoy Cabaret but off to one side where he had a clear view of the stage but not in the eyeline of the performers.

He became transfixed when Crystal Greystone came out on stage in her red satin evening gown, split to the waist and the spotlight hit her. She began to sing Anyone Who Knows What Love Is and his heart rose with the sentiment of the song. He realised that the flyers did not do her justice: Crystal Greystone was stunningly beautiful, tall and long-legged, her limbs sheathed in sheer flesh-toned nylons, she was wide hipped and slim waisted, her shoulders narrow. Her skin was flawless and milky white, her arms and shoulders had a light scattering of freckles.

Already infatuated with Crystal Greystone, Liam Dresser fell instantly and crazily in love with her, knowing full well that the feelings he felt were irrational, sociopathic and obsessive. It’s not like he hadn't met beautiful women before or even beautiful transgender women but there was something about Crystal Greystone that captivated him. Yes it was certainly her youth and beauty, yes it was certainly because she was a transwoman but it was also the danger associated with her.

She was the enemy and most likely a killer.

Liam had purchased a Konica Pop point-and-shoot camera that was small enough to be unobtrusive and he concealed it in his jacket pocket. He took it out and surreptitiously took a whole roll of thirty-six colour exposures of Crystal performing solo and in the chorus line. He was also taken by another solo artist who was a nearly as beautiful as Crystal with pixie-cut cherry-red hair with copper highlights and swept bangs. She was tall but feminine shaped, with narrow shoulders and wide hips and long shapely legs. Her silver lame mini-dress clung to her long frame and sparkled under the spotlight. He looked at the programme and saw that her name was Michelle Dupree.

As tempted as he was to stick around for the meet-and-greet Liam did not want to press his luck so instead he took his camera to an instant-photo shop and had all thirty-six exposures printed, accepting their generous two-for-one offer. Back at the hotel he sifted through the pictures he had taken and found most of them were poorly exposed but he had six good pictures of Crystal Greystone and a couple of Michelle Dupree. He pinned the pictures of Crystal to his crime wall and studied it.

His next task was to find out exactly what Crystal was doing in Las Vegas. It was the perfect town to set a honey trap with its excesses of booze, gambling and other vices but who would be a suitable mark, someone who would make it worthwhile for Crystal to leave Washington and take a short-term contract in a Las Vegas casino?

Without the resources of a field office to help him Liam would have to investigate the old fashioned way, working as a gumshoe. The first thing he needed to do was set up surveillance on Crystal Greystone but if she was a Soviet operative, as he suspected she was, he would have to be very careful. He was one man and she would undoubtedly have the support of the rezidentura. Who knew how many other operatives were supporting her?

Liam set himself a routine. He rose and had an early breakfast and made his way to the Ambassador Hotel and Casino and picked up Crystal as she entered the Envoy Cabaret for morning rehearsals followed by the matinée show. It was unlikely that she would get up to anything of consequence during this time but she may be approached by another operative, however Liam saw nothing suspicious.

He noted that Crystal seemed close with Michelle Dupree and they would have coffee together after the matinée meet-and–greet. There were little tells, a lingering touch, a quick kiss on the lips, a hand on a thigh under the table, that signalled to him that Crystal and Michelle were more than just friends. This was confirmed when Crystal went into Michelle’s room after the late show and he listened to them making love through the door.

This didn’t happen every night however. Michelle regularly picked up johns after the final show and took them up to her room, sometimes servicing up to three men in one night. Crystal wasn’t hooking and that didn’t surprise Liam. She was here for something far more important than prostitution. She would be looking for a specific mark.

Other than the occasional dalliance with Michelle Dupree, Crystal Greystone kept to herself and didn’t show any signs that she was operating covertly for a foreign agency. Liam was beginning to doubt himself and then something changed quite dramatically.

Liam Dresser was almost ready to give up his surveillance on Crystal Greystone. He decided he would wait for her to return to Washington and pick her up at the Pink Parrot where she would undoubtedly return to her business of entrapping Americans of strategic value to the KGB: military types, politicians, industrial moguls were prime targets and they all haunted the corridors of power in the Capital and some of them would have weaknesses that women like Crystal could exploit.

Maybe she really was just undertaking a short-term contract in the review to earn money. Until Liam found out more about Crystal, her lifestyle outside of being a showgirl was a mystery to him.

Then it happened. He was waiting in the lobby of the Ambassador when the elevator door opened and Crystal walked out dressed in a blue satin and lace dress that was low-cut and short-skirted. She was not wearing breastforms and was flat-chested but the aesthetic only made the dress more fashionable. She carried a spacious Hermès Birkin 30 trapeze-shaped handbag made from Togo leather in France-blue to match her dress. It was a knock-off of course as the original was worth thousands but it was a good quality knock-off.

Heads turned in her direction as she strode confidently across the lobby on legs that seemed to go on forever, swathed in shimmery-sheer flesh-toned nylon. Her makeup was dramatic and perfect and her shag-bob styled with burgundy highlights had been recently coiffed.

Liam put down his newspaper and watched her climb into a town car then he bolted for the entrance and dived into the back of a waiting taxi, offering the driver double the fare to follow the town car. The town car pulled into the Stardust Resort and Liam had the driver drop him a hundred yards from the entrance.

This was the delicate and dangerous part of being a gumshoe. Liam needed to be close enough to his mark to see what she was doing but not close enough that she would become suspicious.

He followed her into the lobby and watched her use the house phone while he pretended to be interested in some pamphlets advertising shows on the Strip. Crystal waited patiently near the concierge’s desk studying her red-lacquered nails brushing off the advances of the ferret-faced concierge who acted like he knew Crystal personally.

Her face lit up when a tall, handsome, well-dressed man strode confidently across the lobby and took Crystal in his arms and kissed her unashamedly in the crowded lobby. The two only had eyes for each other and Liam burned with jealousy.

Liam knew that Crystal was having illicit encounters with Michelle Dupree but that didn’t matter to him. However seeing her obvious affection for this young, tall, confident, handsome man infuriated him. The man took Crystal for drinks in the Starlight Lounge and Liam’s anger consumed him and his jealousy seared as he watched them. Their little affectations rankled him: they sat close together touching each other almost lovingly, they kissed like teenagers on a date and the man stroked Crystal’s legs almost constantly.

Liam curbed his jealousy-fuelled anger long enough to palm his Konica Pop point-and-shoot camera and take some shots of the couple, trying to focus in on the tall handsome man until they left the Starlight Lounge and went back to the lobby elevators. By then Liam’s anger was at boiling point. They were obviously going up to the man’s room and he knew what they were going to do up there. The man was going to fuck Crystal! He was going to fuck the woman that Liam thought belonged to him, even though he had never even spoken to her.

Liam cleared his mind of visions of Crystal lying on her back with those magnificent legs wide open, the man lying between them, rutting her and kissing her. He scrutinised the ferret-faced concierge and the front desk staff. To him they all looked like self-important assholes who would not divulge information about the hotel guests easily. If he flashed his badge at them they would cooperate but he didn’t want to do that because everyone gossiped and it was likely that the tall man, or even worse Crystal Greystone, would find out that the FBI was interested in them.

Despite his anger, Liam had noted that the man had a minder or some sort of security detail. The minder looked like a law enforcement type but possibly retired or close to it; a little pudgy in the middle with a flat-top haircut and a cheap suit. The security detail made no attempt to disguise what he was doing. He kept a discreet distance from the man he was protecting but he was openly tailing him; sending a message that the man should be left alone by anyone whose intentions were dubious.

If Crystal was a soviet operative, she had the perfect means of bypassing the man's security perimeter.

Liam eyed a bellhop. The man was older than the other bellhops and displayed an attitude. He was pleasant enough with the hotel and casino patrons but he seemed fractious and churlish with the other hotel staff. Liam approached the bellhop and it was obvious that the bellhop sensed that he was law enforcement.

“What you want cop?” the bellhop spoke out the side of his mouth and looked over Liam’s shoulder rather than looking him in the eyes.

“I’m not a cop,” Liam replied reaching for his wallet.

“You’re a cop. I can tell. If you’re reaching for your wallet to offer me a bribe then you’re either doing something illegal, something you should get a warrant for, or you’re working off the clock,” the bellhop said sardonically.

Liam produced a twenty and the bellhop sneered so Liam put the twenty back in his wallet and produced a fifty which the bellhop expertly palmed.

“You saw the tall man; good looking guy in the expensive suit with the tall woman in the blue satin and lace minidress? They went into the elevator,” Liam nodded at the bank of hotel elevators.

“Yeah the tall dude with the tranny,” the bellhop said a little sarcastically.

Liam winced when the bellhop used the word tranny and the bellhop caught it.

“Most wouldn’t clock her but I can tell. I’ve been working in Vegas too long,” the bellhop sighed.

“I want to know who the man is and what room he’s in,” Liam ignored the sleight.

“Well I can tell you that he’s in one of our VIP suites and that he’s a regular patron of this establishment. If you take a seat over there and wait about thirty minutes or so I’ll give you everything the hotel knows about him,” he pointed to the lobby lounge with his chin.

Liam went over and sat in an armchair, wrote up his notes and tried to read a newspaper and drink coffee trying hard not to imagine what was happening to Crystal up the VIP suite.


VIP Suite 2, Stardust Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas Nevada, March 1985

Brett led Crystal over to the giant bed as soon as they entered the room, stripping himself of his clothing along the way. He pushed Crystal down on the bed and gazed down at her.

She looked delightful; her dress had hiked up revealing the tops of hold-up stockings. She gazed up at him innocently with her emerald-green eyes, enhanced by black mascara and eyeliner and put a finger in her mouth like she was a virginal schoolgirl but there was hidden lust smouldering in her gaze.

“I’m going to fuck you now Crystal,” Brett said breathlessly.

He had been dreaming of this the whole time that he had been stuck out in the desert at the nuclear test site.

“Are you?” Crystal teased.

Brett’s cock stood proud and erect and Crystal reached for it but Brett slapped her hand away.

He jumped on the bed and rolled Crystal over on her stomach and she kicked out at him in protest. He rucked up her dress and beheld her transparent white panties through which he could see the perfect globes of her ass. The tell-tale glimmer of lubricant between her cheeks indicated to him that Crystal knew full well that Brett was going to fuck her as soon as he got her in the room.

Crystal pretended to struggle as Brett pawed at her panties, eventually yanking them down to her knees. He put an arm under her belly and lifted her to her knees so that her buttocks were level with his groin.

“Wait!” Crystal cried out, but it was too late.

Brett pushed his glans past Crystal’s tight puckered sphincter and she was thankful that she had pre-lubricated herself in anticipation of Brett’s impatience. The bell-end of his cock opened her entrance like a bud bursting into flower. Crystal gritted her teeth while Brett looked down and saw the first inch of his long thick cock buried in Crystal’s anus.

“Ow! That hurts,” Crystal kicked her heels in protest but secretly she was enjoying the roleplay.

“Well what about this?” Brett slowly pushed all of his cock inside Crystal's tight anus.

Watching his cock slide into Crystal’s ass was almost as wonderful as the feel of her flesh clinging to his rock hard penis as he pushed it further and deeper inside her. Crystal gasped and her cock was instantly hard and broke free of the tape holding it along her perineum. Her testes descended into her scrotal sac. She began to dribble pre-ejaculate onto the satin comforter.

“You cheeky bitch!” Brett saw Crystal leaking precum and he grinned.

He was making this gorgeous tranny sexually excited. Brett reached under Crystal and gathered a string of glittering precum and smoothed it along Crystal’s quivering penis. He heard her gasp as he squeezed it and slowly began to fuck her. He loved the feel of her tight anus wrapped around his tumescent phallus, her sphincter stretching open like a pink velvety cleft as his cock slid in and out of her. Waves of pleasure radiated from his groin as he smashed his belly into her soft pliant buttocks as he fucked her harder and faster.

Crystal was wriggling like a trapped minx impaled on a fleshy sword. Being on her knees, Brett's cock was able to penetrate deep inside her bowels, pushing on her prostate, massaging her sphincter. Her anus was lit up with sparklets of intense pleasure amplified by the rings of delight coming from her quivering cock as Brett stroked her in time with his thrusts which were becoming faster and harder.

“If you keep that up I’m going to cum!” Crystal gasped.

“It’s too late!” Brett cried out and slammed his cock into Crystal's ass so hard that she collapsed and fell down prone on the bed with Brett lying on top of her, pressing his cock deep inside her.

She felt his organ quivering and the warm gush of his spunk as he ejaculated; his cock throbbed against her prostate igniting her own orgasm. Her cock pulsated and erupted, squirting her hot spend into Brett's fingers and dribbling onto the comforter.

Crystal writhed and kicked and thrashed as the most wonderful sensations lit up her pleasure centres. Brett clung to her, his body pressing her into the mattress, driving in his cock deeper inside her. He felt her scalding issue on his fingers and that ignited another mini-orgasm and Crystal felt Brett’s cock tremble again and her ass was flooded with warm, musky semen.

Brett hammered away at Crystal's ass as she sighed and cried and wriggled and writhed beneath him. It was the most intense fucking she had ever endured and she loved it.

She squirmed beneath him and was able to roll over so that they were face to face and she kicked off her panties and locked her legs around him and kissed him passionately and Brett returned her kisses in full and pressed his body against her warm and tender flesh, delighting in the feel of her stockings rubbing on his flanks.

When their lust was sated Crystal stripped off her clothes and Brett carried her to the shower where he pinned her to the glass wall and fucked her again which Crystal thought an impossibility given that he had orgasmed twice already but she certainly didn’t complain, feeling his body pressed against her and his cock buried in her anus whilst the warm water cascaded over their bodies.

They had dinner in the suite. Crystal had negotiated a rare night off from the review with Fred Winebrow, her spot in the review taken by a ‘filler queen’. It had cost her the indignity of being ass-fucked by Fred Winebrow in his office but it was worth it.

They lingered over dinner and had more to drink and fucked a fourth and final time, this time it was less frenetic and more romantic with Crystal lying on her back and Brett between her legs kissing her and whispering endearing terms into her ear.

Brett insisted that they shower together again and Crystal was becoming frustrated. The sex was fantastic but she was here on a mission. Her Hermès handbag held the card reader, the safe code cracker and her Minox camera and she was waiting for Brett to either fall asleep so she could open the safe and photograph the contents or take his keycard and put it through the card reader so she could come back later but he wouldn’t leave her alone even for an instant.

Through with fucking Crystal and emboldened by champagne he bragged about how successful the Cottage test had been claiming the brightness of the laser beam produced during the test had been increased six orders of magnitude from the previous experiment, which he equated to between one and ten million times, a huge advance that would pave the way for an actual space-based laser weapons system.

Crystal realised how important the documents in Brett Beaumont’s safe would be to the USSR and was determined to get her hands on them but Brett was making it impossible. She could drug him or even kill him and take what she wanted but that would alert the Americans and that the Soviets had infiltrated Project Excalibur and also her cover as Crystal Greystone would be blown for ever.

Brett told her he had two more days left in La Vegas before he had to return to California and he wanted to spend them with her. He asked Crystal to accompany him down to the gaming floor so she fixed her makeup and joined him; all the time seething with frustration because she wanted what was in Brett Beaumont’s safe but one thing that had been drilled into her during her training was patience. She still had two days.


The Lobby, Stardust Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas Nevada, March 1985

The bellhop returned a little over forty minutes after Liam had tipped him the bribe and dropped an envelope on the table next to Liam Dresser’s coffee cup. Liam snatched up the envelope and decided to walk back to his cheap hotel. He stopped at the instant-photo shop and once again took advantage of their generous two-for-one offer.

In his hotel room he poured himself a large scotch whiskey and perused the pictures he had taken of Crystal and her beau. He tore up the pictures that were under or over exposed and those that were poorly framed and was left with eight clear shots of the man who he now knew to be Professor Brett Beaumont.

That was the name on the card that the bellhop had left in the envelope as well as the room number which was VIP suite two on the Executive floor of the hotel. Also on the card was an address provided by Beaumont which was the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in California. Brett couldn’t help but big-note himself even when filling in the hotel registration card he used his title as ‘Professor’ and gave the ‘Laboratory’ as his mailing address.

Liam tacked two of the pictures of Brett to the wall next to the pictures of Crystal and studied them. The very title Professor rang alarm bells. Brett Beaumont was very likely the mark that Crystal had been sent to exploit in some way but Liam needed to know more about him.

Liam took a risk and ventured down to the FBI field office on Lake Mead Boulevard and flashed his badge and asked to speak to Special Agent Nigel Harris who Liam knew from his days at the Academy in Quantico. He fed Nigel a line that he was on vacation but had just been provided with a tip regarding a case he was working on and could he use the facilities of the field office for an hour or two?

Agent Harris was leaving for the day but he signed Liam in and led him to his office and left him to it.

Liam worked the FBI’s computer system, one of the best of its type in 1985, and found out as much as he could about Brett Beaumont but even the FBI couldn’t access the United States Department of Energy or the Defense Department systems. But he learned enough to confirm that Brett Beaumont was the mark.

He discovered that Brett Beaumont was an expert in X-ray laser technology and digging deeper he discovered that X-ray lasers were produced during nuclear explosions. More research uncovered that the DoE had just conducted a test at their Nevada test site which explained Beaumont’s presence in Las Vegas. A confidential document in the FBI’s Risk Mitigation database stated that Beaumont was a frequent abuser of alcohol, a compulsive gambler, played loosely with the law and was a womaniser. Beaumont was considered a medium level security risk and was to be provided with a security detail whenever he was travelling.

Everything was starting to fall into place!

But Brett Beaumont was not susceptible to blackmail. His reputation as a lothario was well known; he was not married and played loose with the rules so a honey trap wouldn’t work on him. Crystal must be trying to pry confidential information out him directly. Beaumont’s reputation for big-noting himself was well known, although so far he was not suspected of leaking classified information. But that was so far!

Liam printed out some of the information he had gathered and wrote contemporaneous notes in his notebook then he went back to the Stardust and waited patiently in the lobby, drinking coffee and reading newspapers, his mind racing with images of what he suspected was taking place in VIP suite two upstairs. When Brett Beaumont and Crystal Greystone reappeared, emerging from the elevator that serviced the Executive levels of the hotel, Liam spotted them immediately.

Crystal looked fresh-faced and Beaumont looked as handsome as ever, dressed in an expensive suit but his gait suggested that although he was a man who could hold his liquor he had imbibed more than his fair share. Liam’s jealousy instantly returned. He thought that Crystal had a ‘just-fucked’ look about her but there was nothing in her outward appearance for a reasonable person to assume so.

Brett Beaumont’s security detail picked the couple up and followed them into the Casino where Brett went straight to the high-rollers blackjack tables and his bodyguard settled in a few tables away and proceeded to lose at the one dollar table betting erratically whilst keeping an eye on Brett Beaumont.

Crystal was hoping that she could get Brett drunk enough so that she could take him up to his room where he’d pass out so that she could complete her mission but Brett’s constitution prevailed and they drank and gambled into the wee hours when Brett was finally ready to go to bed. Lady luck was on his side and he won two thousand dollars and change.

“Doll, I’m way too drunk to perform and I think you’ve drained everything out of me anyway. I’ll come and see you at the show tomorrow, take a car home and buy yourself a nice dress and some sexy lingerie,” Brett said, stuffing notes down the front of Crystal’s dress which she found quite distasteful.

The security guy left his table and came over to Brett, supporting his drunken bulk and looking at Crystal like she was some kind of prostitute. He had undoubtedly checked her out and knew that she worked at the Boys Will Be Girls Review at the Ambassador and assumed that she was hooking. It would do Crystal no good to let him assume otherwise so she left Brett in the hands of his minder and took a town car back to her hotel.

To be continued

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