The Black Sword. chapter- 10

The Black Sword.

Down through history there has been many stories of heroes and the weapons of power. Thor with his Warhammer Mjölnir, the sword of Aries and Mars, Attila the Hun’s sword, and King Author’s Excalibur. These are but a few legends. Yet for every one of these legends there are two legendary weapons lost to time. Among those lost weapons are the few whose power comes with a cost. They are the cursed weapons of power. Each curse is unique to the weapon. The Black sword is but one such weapon of great power. This is the story of the weapon and its newest welder.

Chapter 10
Deranged Dove Tavern, Avalon city, Avalon Island

Kathrine, and Dave Pendragon along with Dale Grant sat at the back of the tavern listening to the sounds of the patrons. All three had a drink before them. They had come here for a reason tonight. To talk without worrying about their ever present Gray Wolf knight watchdogs overhearing them.

“When do you think Silver will even show up?” Dale asked Kathrine.

“She gave me her word Dale. She’ll be here.” Kathrine told him as she looked towards the door. “As soon as she can give her guards the slip. I swear the Gray Wolf order has a tighter watch on her than they do over us.”

“Not surprising really. They see as a possible spy for the Aos Sídhe. She did spend a few centuries in their care after all.” David told her bluntly.

“True. Not much we can do about the Order anyway. Not right now that is.” Kathrine sighed. “At least not while Dame Eleanor is Grand Marshall.”

“That’s the truth. What I want to know. Is how do we get her out of the way?” Dale asked her and David bluntly. “We all know that the bitch has to go. She is just way too hungry for conquest and glory.”

“Dale you have a way of summing things up nicely. If Morgan was here we could have her challenge the woman to personal combat. With command of the Gray Wolf Order going to the winner. But she and the boys aren’t here. Taking that option off the table.” David said before taking a drink of his beer. As he sit his tankard down David sighed. “Damn. I what I won’t give for some tobacco and my pipe right now.”

“I was wondering how long it would take.” Kathrine chuckled as she reached into a bag next her that she was using for a purse. With a smile she pulled out a dark blue velvet bag with a draw string closer that was 18” long. “Here you go love. I worked a little personal magic before coming out these evening.”

“What in the world are you up to Kathy?” David asked her with a thoughtful frown. Opening the bag, he pulled out a long steam wizard’s pipe followed by a gold foil pouch. “The last time I checked love. Merlin didn’t smoke a pipe.”

“Depends on whose texts to read David. I know of at least three texts that tell of Merlin breathing in the smoke form a mix of dream weed, rosemary, sage, and thyme. From the sounds of it old Merlin was a real pothead.” Dale chuckled as he pulled out a bag similar the one Kathrine had given him. “Silver hooked up me two days ago. I had to explain what tobacco was, but she knew about pipes and smoking.”

“Is this my favorite blend love?” David asked her as he packed the bowl of the pipe. After lighting the tobacco and taking a few puffs David smiled. “It’s close but not quite right. I think I should name this blend something befitting.”

“How about Merlin Blue?” David said as he pointed to the blue smoke rising from the bowl of the pipe. He drew a deep drag off his own pipe then blew out the smoke. “Silver named this blend Black Forest Gray. Because of the smoke’s color.”

“I agree with her. The smoke is a rather dark gray.” Kathrine told him with a chuckle of her own. She took a sip of her wine then looked towards the front of the tavern. “Looks like a group of musicians are getting ready to play.”

“Excuse me, good sirs. Might I know what you’re smoking in those pipes?” A young soldier asked them from the next table over.

“It’s called tobacco lad. The leaves of the plant are cured then ground into small pieces. There are several types of tobacco plant, and they all have individual tastes. Pipe tobacco is normally made from a mix.” Dale explained for the young man. “There are whole farms that grow nothing but tobacco back home.”

“Here lad. Empty that bowl and pack it with some of this. I think you’ll like it.” David told the young soldier has he handed him his pouch.

“Thank you sir, but I shouldn’t smoke the herbs of a wizards.” The soldier told him and left the table. Only when he had moved did the three Professors spot Silver sitting at the table next to them.

“Good evening Lords and Lady. How are you enjoying your time at the Deranged Dove?” She asked them with a light chuckle as she waved her own pipe. “Thank you for offering your tobacco to Markus Lord David. I’ve come to enjoy the taste of this tobacco over the herbs I have been using. I was still gest of the Fay when I became addicted to smoking dreaming herbs.”

“Care to join us?” Kathrine asked her with a friendly.

“I think I will.” Silver answered as she picked up her wine glass, mask, and moved to sit next to Dale. “Thank you for choosing a table near the back. Tobin keeps this part of the tavern poorly lite for those of us who practice the mystic arts. It helps keep up the myth that we are made of shadows.”

“It also helps to hide those of us with disfigurements from the rest of his patrons.” A knight of the Red Dragon Order said as she pulled up a chair next to her at the end of the table. As the woman removed her own mask Kathrine had to stifle a gasp. The left side of the woman’s face was a maze of scares, and the eye was missing. “Sorry Lady Kathrine. I know that I’m not proper company for the court.”

“Lady Kathrine allow me to introduce Dame Helga the Just. She’s the current Knight Commander of the City Watch.” Silver explained as she placed her hand on the woman’s left shoulder. “She is also the current Chairman for the City Council.”

“I see that Silver failed to warn you of me attending this little gathering.” Helga snorted as she glared at Silver before taking a drag off her pipe. After a few puffs Helga handed the pipe back to Helga. “Damn that’s good shit. Have you heard from your Champion and her companions Lady Kathrine?”

“No. I really wish that cellphones worked here.” Kathrine sighed.

“Have you been unable to scry their location then?” Helga asked as she took a drink from her tankard. At the blank look on Kathrine’s face, she turned to Silver. “Have you not tried your own magics Mistress Silver?”

“If you’re talking about a locator spell Dame Helga forget it. They’re basically useless right now.” David told her then waved for her to lean in close. “Morgan, and the boys have gone beyond the Mist to the north end of the island.”

“Bloody hell. Why in the name of Gods would they attempt such foolishness?” She demanded of the three educators.

“They went to find a member of our party that failed to appear near the castle.” Kathrine told her honestly. “If everything has gone to plan. They should have reached the far shore by now.”

“Are you even sure that this friend came to Avalon?” Helga asked them.

“The magic that brought us here was more than powerful enough to bring her as well.” David told the knight bluntly.

“Did you say ‘her’?” Helga asked with real worry in her voice.

“They did. I believe that is why Dame Morgan and her companions have left the city.” Silver told Helga as she took a puff off her pipe. As she exhaled the smoke Silver looked towards the north. “Which is why I have asked all of you here Helga.”

“Exactly why did you ask us here Mistress Silver?” Dale asked before taking a drink of his beer. “Couldn’t we have met in the library?”

“The Tower of Sagas has to many ears now days, Master Dale. I have not lived this long without learning a thing or two about Avalon politics.” Silver told him honestly as she scanned the room. “Thankfully Tobin tries to keep certain members of the Gary Wolves and Bears out of his tavern.”

“You make it sound like we’re in danger Mistress Silver.” Kathrine said as she waved her hand setting several magical wards in place. “We can speak freely now. No one will hear what is said now.”

“It has come to my attention that Grand Marshal Dame Eleanor is planning on forcing you to take the Emerald throne. With your Champion along with her three companions now missing. She and her followers are now in position to force the issue. I have asked you plus Dame Helga here to devise a plan for getting you out of the city.” Silver explained for the three outsiders.

“Excuse me Mistress Silver. Why would Morgan and the boys missing matter? I can still refuse to take the throne.” Kathrine told her. “By Succession law no one can be forced to take the throne.”

“I hate to say this Kathrine, but you’re wrong.” Dale Helga corrected her. “There is more than a few cases in history where a puppet king or queen was placed on a throne. A good example of this Tiberius Claudius Caesar. He was placed on the throne of the Roman Empire by the Praetorian Guard. Another Roman Caesar force onto the throne by the Legions is Aulus Vitellius Germanicus who was proclaimed emperor by the Rhine legions in opposition to Galba and Otho. Then there is the child king of England Æthelred the Unready. Not to mention the French kings, Louis the third and Carloman the second. They were both nothing more than figure heads for France. The real power was with the Cardinals of the time.”

“Dale’s right honey. There are far too many historical examples for us to ignore the threat that Dame Elenore and her supporters represent. Though I don’t see how having Morgan here could change matters?” David said.

“Dame Elenore can force the matter by issuing a challenge. She can set the conditions of the challenge. She simply has to state that Lady Kathrine must take the throne for the good of the people. Without a knight or Champion to defend her choice to not accept the Crown. She’ll be forced to accept or face the hangman. Lady Kathrine’s hands will be tied in the matter.” Dame Helga told him.

“What I don’t understand is her motives for pushing me onto the throne.” Kathrine sighed before taking a drink of her wine. “Even if I accepted the Crown willingly. I would never allow her to wage the war she wants.”

“Without Morgan to enforce your orders it won’t matter.” Dale told her as he suddenly realized the danger they were in. “Shit. Without Lee, Mike, and Tony here to act as our shields. David and I can be used as hostages.”

“Now you see why I must get the three of you out of Avalon. At least until they can return.” Silver told the three of them. “Will you help Helga?”

“To stick a knife in the back of that bitch, gladly.” Helga snarled. Then looked over to where Tobin and Bruno were stopping a group of Gray Wolf Knights from entering. “Looks like either Dame Mylisant or Dame Bridgette realized you were missing from your quarters at the Tower of Sagas.”

“Damn. I had hoped we would have more time.” Silver snarled as she looked to the commotion. “Let me handle this my Lords and Lady.”

“What are you going to do?” Kathrine asked as she started to weave a spell under the table. If nothing else she wasn’t going to be taken without a fight. She wasn’t the only one getting ready for a fight. David and Dale reached down to their hips and loosened their swords. While both men were intellectuals and teachers they were still Masters of Historical European martial arts, ringen, and jousting. Both were very comfortable with using violence to solve a problem.

“Please let Silver and myself handle the problem for now my Lords and Lady.” Helga asked them politely. She had seen the movements by the two men and guessed what Kathrine was up to. “She still holds a position of power in Avalon. One that Bridgette and Mylisant dare not challenge for now. While I am the Knight Commander for the Watch can order them out of the tavern.”

“Fine. We’ll let you handle the matter.” Kathrine sighed and dispelled the magical attack she had been working. “But if you think we’ll give up without a fight.”

“Far from it Lady Kathrine. I believe that you, your husband, and Master Dale will leave a trail of bodies should they attempt to arrest you.” Helga told him honestly. “Though I doubt they’ll attempt something here. Sir Bertilak has no problem with put the youngsters in their place.”

“Aye, the Green Knight loves to put upstarts down. Especially when they get too full of themselves.” Helga snorted then laughed as the legendary Champion stood up. “Looks like he is about to handle our problem before it becomes one.”

“Is that the legendary battle axe Braindead?” Dale asked in surprise.

“It is. Why?” Helga asked him.

“Because that means Kathrine doesn’t have to worry about Dame Elenore getting out of hand.” David chuckled evilly. “Dame Helga once the Green Knight finishes with the trouble at the door be so kind to invite him over for a drink.”

“Are you MAD?” Silver gasped in surprise. “No one in the right mind asks a favor of the Green Knight.”

“Who said anything about asking a favor from him. I’ll merely point out his sworn obligation as a Champion to the Royal Family.” David chuckled.

“What obligation?” Helga asked him in confusion.

“Sir Bertilak de Hautdesert the Green Knight was cursed by Queen Guinevere to be the Judge and Tester of King Author’s Round Table Knights. He was also charged with testing Morgana Le Fay’s Gray Wolf Order.” Kathrine answered with an evil giggle as understanding of David plan dawned upon her. “As her ‘reincarnation’ he would naturally act as my defender should my Champion be indisposed.”

“Bloody hell. No wonder Dame Morgan wasn’t worried when she left. She knew that Sir Bertilak would stand in her stead.” Silver gasped. The thought of not one but two Mystical Champions protecting Kathrine sent chills down her back.

The sounds of metal clashing on metal drew their attention to the door. Bertilak stood over the prone form of a knight. He dropped the massive battleax over his shoulders. “Tobin has told you lot to leave. I suggest that you take your comrade and go. Before I decide to test each of you.”

“That is my cue.” Helga said as she stood up. “I’ll be right back Ladies and Lords.”

“Excuse me Miss, but could you bring a round of drinks for our table?” Dale asked a passing barmaid. “And a bowl for ash.”

“At once sir. Though please remember to keep your Wizard’s smoke to this area.” The barmaid told him as she headed for the bar.

“How the hell are we to do that?” Dale asked in confusion. Only to watch Silver weave a warding spell around them with a soft chuckle. “I got to start learning some of those more useful spells.”

“It’s but a simple cantrip Master Dale. Though for you it would be of no use. Lord David is a powerful War Wizard much like Merlin. You sir are one of the few Metal Crafter Sagas. Unlike Lord David or Lady Kathrine, you are a very special and rare type of magician. Metal Crafter Mages are unlike any other elemental magic user. They can use Earth, Fire, and Water all at the same time.” Silver told him kindly.

“Your drinks Lords and Ladies.” The barmaid said as she returned. She placed a tankard of beer in front of David and Dale. Then goblets of wine before Kathrine and Silver. The last thing she did was to place two tankards at the end of the table. “For Dame Helga and Sir Bertilak. It’s their Bavarian dark.”

“Thank you Terra. For your trouble.” Silver told her as she handed the girl three piece of gold. “The extra is to cover the clear up. Make sure Tobin gets his share.”

“At once Mistress Silver.” Terra told her as she slipped the gold into her apron. Leaning down so that only the four would hear her. “Do not leave by the back door. The Wolves have a squad of ten squires and two knights posted there.”

Silver slipped her another gold piece. “That’s for you.”

Kathrine, David, and Dale watched the whole byplay with the detachment of a long term Professors. Once they were alone Dale took a drag off his pipe. “Kathrine, David, I hate to say this, but things could become complicated in a hurry. We need to figure out a way to contact the boys and Morgan.”

“I’ve been working on something, Dale. The problem is that wall of magical mist. No matter what spell I’ve attempted. That wall blocks it.” Kathrine sighed before taking a drink of her wine. “What I won’t give for two working cellphones.”

“I would sell a kidney for two working cellphones.” Dale grumbled. “We should have figured out a way for the kids to keep in touch. Before they left.”

“It’s better this way.” David told them both. “If we can talk with them. Then Dame Elenore can use them against us.”

“Your husband speaks truth Lady Kathrine.” The Green Knight said as he and Dame Helga joined them. Bertilak set his battleax down next the table then picked up his tankard of beer. “Where is your Champion my Queen?”

“She, along with my son, and their two friends have gone in search of a young woman who was in trust to my care. Dame Morgan mathematically worked out where the young woman first arrived in this world. They would have returned already. Except the young woman was captured by dark elves. Morgan and the boys have gone after her. That was the last we’ve heard from them.” Dale explained for the Knight.

“I see. The Eternal Champion is on a personal quest of honor for the Emerald Queen and her Advisors.” Bertilak sighed then took another drink of his beer. “This could not have happened at a worse time my Queen.”

“What have your spies heard Sir Bertilak?” Silver asked him bluntly.

“The Grand Marshal and her supporters are marshalling their personal forces. She has the sword and armor smiths turning out weapons and armor for an invasion of the North. But she can’t start her war until we have a Queen on the throne. She will do whatever it takes to place Lady Kathrine on the throne.” Bertilak told her. “That includes using her husband as a hostage. Without her Champion to keep Eleanor in check there is no one to stand in her way.”

“That’s funny. I thought that was the Champion of Justice’s duty.” Kathrine told him with a smile that she quickly hide behind the rim of her goblet. After taking a drink Kathrine looked up him. “If I’m not mistaken didn’t Queen Guinevere charge you to be the Judge and Tester of King Author’s Round Table Knights. You were also charged with testing Morgana Le Fay’s Gray Wolf Order.”

“That I was Lady Kathrine. Though we have not had a Queen for some time now. Only the Queen can hand out the challenge of her knights.” Bertilak informed Kathrine.

“What about the reincarnation of Morgana Le Fay?” David asked him.

“If the Lady in question can prove that she is Morgana Le Fay reincarnated. Then I would be forced to answer her challenge.” Bertilak answered honestly. “No one has yet to prove their worth as the Emerald Queen’s heir.”

“How are they tested?” David asked him.

“Recover the Staff of Morgana from the Crystal Chamber of Knowledge beneath the South Tower of the castle keep. You can see the entrance from the Tower of Sagas.” Silver answered him as she looked over at Kathrine. “Many have entered. None have returned. The last woman to enter the Crystal Chamber was two hundred year ago.”

“What happened to them?” Kathrine asked the oldest living human in Avalon.

“No one knows. The women went in and were never heard from again.” Silver told her. Then took a drag off her pipe. Then she saw the look in Kathrine’s eye. “Lady Kathrine entering the Crystal Chamber is a fool’s quest. Too many have tried and died. The Staff of Morgana is not worth your life.”

“There have been three-hundred-sixty-four attempts to recover Morgana’s staff, Lady Kathrine. Each time has ended in failure. Unlike Mistress I know exactly what happened to those maidens.” Bertilak told her honestly. “There is a test. It is one of knowledge and honor. The price for failure is to become a crystal statue. Waiting for all time until the true Emerald Queen returns.”

“That sounds like the Crystal Guardian’s Curse.” David said as he realized what Bertilak just described. At the blank looks from the others, he quickly explained. “According to the legend, Death of Merlin. His tomb is protected by a curse that turns all who enter into crystal. There are two other legends concerning the same curse. The problem is I have never heard of the curse only activating after a test.”

“Sir Bertilak do you know what this test is?” Kathrine asked him.

“It’s a question. Though I have never seen the person who ask.” He told her.

“Do you know who asks the question?” She asked him.

“No. There is only a voice, and the question has never been the same.” Bertilak answered her before taking a drink of his beer.

“That sounds familiar to me for some reason.” David said as he puffed his pipe. “It sounds like you’re defending your doctoral thesis.”

“That’s it David. It’s not the Crystal Guardian but the Test of the True Heir.” Kathrine gasped. “I know how to retrieve Morgana’s Staff.”

“What’s the answer Lady Kathrine?” Silver asked her in surprise.

“Merlin’s Charm of Making.” Kathrine told her with a chuckle as the Knights, David, and Dale spit beer across the table. David was the first to recover.

“Are you out of your god damned mind Kathrine?!” He hissed. “That spell has been lost to time and for once. I’m glade.”

“I agree with your husband, Lady Kathrine. That spell brings nothing but death.” Silver told her with a shiver.

“It’s a cursed spell. As powerful as Queen Morgana was she only dared to use that spell thrice in her lifetime.” Bertilak growled. “She paid dearly each time she used it. I believe that it led to her death.”

“The Charm of Making is not to be taken lightly. Nor is the using of it a joking matter. I may have never seen the spell used, but I know the results. The Mystic Mist that divides our island from the rest of the world was created by that spell.” Helga snorted before taking a heavy drink from her beer.

“The Charm of Making is the answer. I know it is.” Kathrine insisted as she thought back to her first day in Avalon and her conversation with the dragon.

“Kathrine why are you so positive that spell is the answer?” David asked.

“It is not a spell of fabrication. It is a spell of summoning.” Kathrine explained.

“That doesn’t answer my question Kathrine. I want the truth.” David snarled as he set down both his pipe and tankard. “How do you it is the answer?”

“I have used once already.” Kathrine answered with a heavy sigh knowing that David would want to know when. “I used it shortly after arriving at the castle.”

“You’ve used the Charm of Making?!” Silver sputtered in shock. “Where?”

“Morgan and I were kept in the castle garden when we first arrived. That was when and where I first ever used magic. The only spell I knew was the Charm of Making from that old Excalibur movie. I didn’t really expect it to work but I summoned the Dragon of Avalon. He is Morgana Le Fay’s true Master in the magical arts, not that fool Merlin.” Kathrine told her honestly as she stood up. “He is my true Master.”

“Kathrine what the hell are you up to now?” David asked as she moved to stand in the corner of the room. When she didn’t answer David looked over at Dale, Helga, and finally Bertilak. “Get ready for a fight people. I got a feeling that we’ll need to buy my wife time.”

Kathrine held her arms above her head. She took a deep breath and began to chant. “Anáil nathrach, ortha bháis is beatha, do chéal déanaimh.”

“Oh shit. She’s really doing this.” Dale said as he set down his beer and pipe. Like David he stood up drawing the rapier and gauche at his waist. Bertilak and Helga looked at each other before taking up their positions in the defensive line. Only Silver did not move. She knew that any magic used by her would effect Kathrine’s use of the Charm of Making. Kathrine’s use of magic had drawn the attention of everyone in the tavern. It had also gathered the attention of the Town Watch’s wizard. By the time Kathrine was on her fourth repetition of the spell the Town Watch had dispatched two full contingents of soldiers.

The more magic Kathrine poured into the spell the more attention she drew. As the first wisps of mist formed, the first members of the City Watch entered the tavern. Seeing the forming mist Tobin started ushering his customers out the back door. Tobin didn’t know what spell the Lady Kathrine was working and didn’t care. He only cared about protecting his customers just then. What he did know about the spell. It was a summoning spell and powerful. More powerful than any summoning spell than he had ever seen or hear of in his life.

With each repetition of the words spoken by Kathrine more mist formed in the middle of the tavern floor. Slowly it grew until the head of a dragon appeared. The booming chuckle that escaped the dragon’s mouth sent the City Watch running for the streets. The dragon head filled the center of the main room. Only Kathrine, David, Dale, Silver, Helga and Bertilak remained. The dragon’s moved slowly forward until its snout was just inches from Kathrine.

“Welcome back my apprentice. I see that you have finally accepted the truth.” The dragon rumbled. “Or do you still believe that you and Morgana are separate people?”

“I’ve been forced to accept that I might be the reincarnation of Morgana ancient one.” Kathrine sighed. “I have need of your guidance Master.”

“Ask you question young apprentice.” The dragon chuckled as Kathrine cringed at being called young apprentice.

“How do I retrieve the Staff of Morgana?” Kathrine asked him.

“So, you seek what is rightfully yours, my apprentice. Are you willing to accept all that comes with the power of Morgana Le Fay’s Rune-Forged Emerald spirit staff?” The dragon asked her.

“I am, ancient one. I know that to deny what is the truth. Is to deny my destiny.” Kathrine sighed. “Besides it is the only way to stop an unjust war.”

“Then call forth your staff my apprentice, and free your true power.” The dragon rumbled with sounded like joy.

Taking a deep breath Kathrine raised her arms above her head and called out. “Staff of Spirits crafted by Lugh’s own hand in his eternal forge. Emerald tear of knowledge I call to thee. Hear the words of your rightful Mistress. By the ancient oath of binding, I command thee. Forsake all others and appear before me.”

When she finished there was a clap of thunder, and a flash of purest green. As David blinked to clear the spots from his eyes he turned to his wife. Floating two feet in front of her was a staff. He could tell that it was no ordinary staff. The shaft was made from the purple heartwood of a Dragons Blood tree. Down the of the shaft were intricately carved runes. Each rune was filled with either moon sliver or blood steel. The emerald that sat atop of one end had been carved into the shape of a swirling flame. The whole staff was surrounded by a mystical green flame. In David’s mind the damn thing screamed power.

“David is that what I think it is?” Dale asked him in fear.

“I don’t what do you think it is Dale? All I can see is trouble.” David told.

“It’s the Key for Morgana Le Fay’s true power.” Silver whispered just loud enough for the two men to hear. When Katherine finally grasped the staff, and nothing happened to her Silver called out. “Our Queen has returned! Long Live the Queen!”

“I kneel before our rightful Queen and bear witness to her return.” Bertilak shouted before kneeing in front of Kathrine. “I swear fealty to the Emerald Queen.”

“My blade is yours to command my Queen.” Helga shouted as she knelt before Kathrine.

The last person to kneel before Kathrine was Tobin. “Onto you my true Queen I swear my fealty and my life. To the end of your line.”

Dale looked over at his friend and fellow outsider David Pendragon. “Yup! Trouble!”

While everyone’s attention was on Queen Kathrine. Mistress Silver Labyrinth slipped from the tavern. Unlike everyone else in the room Kathrine’s actions had upset more than Dame Eleanor’s plans. They had also put a kink in Silver’s plans.

Tower of the Gray Wolf, Avalon Castle

Dame Eleanor of the Light walked the corridors of her Order’s tower with air of a Conquering Warlord. She knew that before the night was over she would finally have undisputed control over Avalon Castle, and Avalon city. Once she had control over the city’s militia she would have control over all of Avalon Island. With that upstart child of a Champion out of her way. Before this night was over the key for all the power of Avalon would soon be in her hands.

Eleanor had sent her two most loyal knights to capture Kathrine Pendragon and her husband. Once she had David Pendragon and Dale Grant in her dungeon Kathrine Pendragon would do as she was ordered. With Kathrine on the throne as her puppet. She would rule from the shadows until she had conquered all of Avalon. She knew that is was her destiny to enslave or kill the all the nonhumans on this island. In Eleanor’s mind elves, dwarfs, halflings, and orcs were made to serve humans. They were not created equally in the eyes of god to humans. Once she had fulfilled her destiny Eleanor would personally separate Kathrine’s head from her shoulders.

Nothing must stand in the way of her destiny. Not even that foolish prophecy concerning the return of the Emerald Queen. Unlike her fellow knights in the Gary Wolf Order Eleanor knew the truth. By all rights her family should been the ones placed on the throne when Morgana Le Fay disappeared. Instead, they had been forced to stand on the sidelines while a committee of fools governed. A committee formed members for the Order of the Bear. Intellectuals, dreamers, and mystics, people who did not live in the real world as far Eleanor was concerned.

Stopping at a window that overlooked the training yard for her order. The sight before eyes brought a smile to her face. “Soon, very soon. I shall lead you into glorious battle and conquest my faithful knights.”

The sounds of booted feet pounding the stone floor of the corridor drew her attention from the window. As she turned towards the sound Eleanor was greeted by the sight of a Squire from Dame Mylisant’s personal squad. She could tell that young woman was highly agitated for some reason. As the girl dropped to her knees before Eleanor the Grand Marshal knew that something had gone wrong.

“What news do you have squire?” Eleanor demanded.

“My Liege, the Lady Kathrine has used the great Spell of Making. She summoned the Eternal Dragon Spirit. She conversed with the Dragon Spirit at some length. She addressed the Spirit as Master and ancient one. Shortly thereafter Lady Kathrine called for and claimed the Emerald Queen’s Staff of Power.” Eleanor could tell that the squire didn’t want to give the rest of her report. “Sir Bertilak de Hautdesert the Green Knight has sworn fealty to Lady Kathrine as his Queen. Mistress Silver of the Bear has also sworn her fealty and declared Lady Kathrine to be our Queen.”

“NO!” Eleanor screamed at the top of her lungs. “Where were Dames Mylisant and Bridget? How could they let this happen? Why didn’t they stop her?”

“My Liege the Deranged Dove is neutral grounds my Liege. Only the City Watch is allowed to enter in force. Even then only to restore the peace. If we had dared to force our way in Tobin’s customers would have retaliated. We would have been totally outnumbered by five to one.” The squire answered honestly.

Eleanor knew that what the squire said was true. She also knew that if Mylisant and Bridget had forced the issue within the walls of that tavern there would have been deaths. Death that she could ill afford among her knights. She knew that with Sir Bertilak backing Tobin none of the soldiers she had sent to capture Lady Kathrine would have survived. She along with every other knight within Avalon knew that the Green Knight was immortal. Cursed to walk the earth until a Champion could claim his head in honorable combat. “Did the Green Knight proclaim himself her Champion?”

“He did my Liege. He also a challenge to all Knights of Avalon. He would face any and all to honorable combat for the Queen Kathrine.” The squire told her honestly.

“Damnation! Why would he betray me in such a manner!” Eleanor snarled. “Has he no sense of loyalty to the Order that has feed and housed him for centuries?”

“My Liege I must also inform you that Dame Helga and all of the City Watch has also sworn their fealty to Lady Kathrine.” The squire told her only to shrink back in fear from the now enraged Grand Mashal.

“THAT WHORE DID WHAT?!” Eleanor screamed. She knew that without Dame Helga to command the City Watch there was no way for her to control the civilian population. This second blow to her plans was one that could derail all of her plans. As much as it galled her. Eleanor knew she must put her plans for conquest on hold. First she must deal with the threat that Lady Kathrine and her Champions presented.

“Where are they now?” Eleanor asked the squire with a snarl.

“Lady Kathrine and her companions are on their way to the Tower of Sagas, ma’am.” The squire told her honestly.

“Return to Dame Mylisant at once. Her orders are to arrest the Lady Kathrine and her husband. She is to kill the rest.” Eleanor ordered the square who looked up at her shock. Eleanor knew that the squire would carry her orders to Dame Mylisant. She also knew that the squire would not live to see the dawn.

“As you command my Liege.” Said from where she knelt before standing and running from the tower. Little did she know that she carried her own Death Warrant.

“I am so close now. I can still control the situation. I just need to capture her husband.” Once she was alone Eleanor turned to look down once more on the training field. Only to have a new thought cross her mind. “Or her child.”

With a plan quickly forming in her mind Eleanor strode from the window. It did not take her long to find the one person she knew would follow her orders without question. The knight was the most fanatical of her followers and personal guards.

“Dame Atheena I have need of you and your Hunters.” Eleanor said without preamble.

“What is your command Dame Eleanor?” Atheena asked her calmly.

“Take fifteen of your finest Hunters and head north through the Mountains of Mist. Find Lady Kathrine’s child. You are to capture her and bring her back here in chains.” Eleanor ordered Atheena coldly.

“What of her companions?” Atheena asked.

“Her and only her, Dame Atheena. If her companions should get in the way. Kill them. We have enough worthless males within our walls.” Eleanor snarled.

“What of her sword, Dame Eleanor?” Atheena asked.

“Leave that cursed blade in the north. I would prefer to never lay eyes upon it again. If she will not come willingly.” Eleanor snarled as she turned to walk away. “Bring back her head on a pike.”

“As you command my Liege.” Atheena answered with a bow to Eleanor’s disappearing back. With smile of unmatched arrogance, she turned to her squires. “Return to our barracks my Hunters. Eat, drink, and make marry. In the morning light we leave Avalon. Starting tomorrow we hunt the deadliest of pray. We hunt the witch’s child. We hunt the Eternal Champion of Balance.”

“Which of us shall join you on this quest Dame Atheena?” One of the squires asked. Before Atheena could answer her squire that sounds of magical battle filled the air over Avalon. One thought crossed the minds of all those who heard the battle. They didn’t know who was fighting, but they didn’t want to get between them.

The Tower of Sagas.

Grand Master Grahone once of Frost Holm sat in the most secluded reading room of the Tower of Sagas studying ancient text after ancient text. He knew that somewhere in the endless pages was the answer he needed most. He knew that no matter what happened Dame Eleanor must not be allowed to wage her war. He what to find a way to force Lady Kathrine to assume her rightful place upon the Emerald.

“Why would anyone refuse to be Royalty?” Grahone grumbled in confusion. “Does the woman not realize the danger she has place our Kingdom by refusing?”

“Excuse me sir. Did you ask something?” His scribe asked him.

“No, Jacob. I was just wondering out load to myself.” Grahone said as he looked up at the young man. “Are those the texts of Igexeor the Wise?”

“Yes Master. I must say that Lady Kathrine’s card catalog was of great help in finding them.” Jacob told him honestly. “I also brought you, The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter along with two others.”

“Wasn’t she a witch?” Grahone asked the young man in surprise.

“She was a prophetess Master. She was unjustly accused of being a Witch.” Jacob told Grahone then sighed at the look his Master gave him. “She was burned at the stack by the Witchfinder Adulty Pulsifer.”

“What other texts did you find?” Grahone asked his young scribe.

“The Prophecies of Ovae the Seer, and the Dark Predictions of Igorim the Ice Wizard. I figured that between the three of them that one of them had to predict the Queen’s Return.” Jacob told him as he set each book before him. As he set down the last the door to the reading room was thrown open.

“MASTER GRAHONE! ARE YOU HERE?!” A page shouted as he rushed into the room.

“Over here boy!” Grahone snapped. When the boy dropped to his knee before Grahone grunted. “Why have you disrupted my studies?”

“I bring great news Master Grahone. The Lady Kathrine has retrieved Queen Morgana Le Fay’s Rune-Forged Emerald spirit staff and claimed her rightful place as Avalon’s true Queen.” The pages news could not have gotten a faster reaction out of Grahone had he set off a fireball in the room.

“What mage proclaimed the Queen’s return? Who bore witness to her claiming the Emerald Staff? Did any knights swear fealty? Were any of the gentry there as witness? Did any commers kneel before her? Quickly boy! Tell me all that you know.” Grahone demanded as he grabbed the scared boy by his tunic.

“Calm yourself Master. Give the boy a chance to answer your questions.” Jacob told Grahone as he pried the boy free from his hands. “Now Timothy. Tell us what you know. Please answer Master Grahone’s questions starting with who proclaimed Lady Kathrine our new Queen?”

“It was Mistress Silver of the Labyrinth who made the proclamation sir.”

“Good. Now who bore witness to Queen Kathrine recovering the Emerald Staff and where did this happen?” Jacob asked the boy slowly.

“The green Knight Sir Bertilak, Dame Helga the Just, Tobin the Troll Slayer, Lord David Pendragon, Master Dale Grant, and several commoners.” The page told him with some fear. “It happened in the great room of the Deranged Dove tavern, sir.

“Did the Mistress Silver swear fealty to Queen Kathrine?” Grahone asked of the page. Hoping and against hope that she hadn’t.

“No Master Grahone. After she proclaimed Lady Kathrine as our Queen she vanished. No one has seen since her proclamation.” The page answered. At the flash of anger in Grahone’s eyes the young boy shrank back in fear.

“Do not worry Timothy. We are not angry with you.” Grahone kindly told the frighten boy. He did not want the boy or Jacob to know why he was enraged. “Did any of the knights swear fealty to the new Emerald Queen?”

“Yes Master Grahone. Both Sir Bertilak and Dame Helga. Also, Tobin the Troll Slayer swore his fealty. Each gave their oaths before witnesses.” Timothy told him.

“And what of the gentry Timothy? Did any of them swear fealty or bear witness?” Jacob asked the boy.

“Lord David Pendragon and Master Dale Grant bore witness, Master. But I do not know if they count Master?” Timothy told him only to hear both men groan.

“They count Timothy. It doesn’t matter that both men are either a friend or husband to Queen Kathrine. Because Lord David is the Queen’s husband his oath of fealty is a foregone conclusion. The same could be said for Master David.” Grahone sighed. “Thankfully Dame Morgan wasn’t here to witness her mother’s ascension. It would have matters far worse than they already are.”

“Why do you say that Master Grahone?” The page asked in confusion.

“Voice of the World bind this mortal tongue! Strike him mute for the rest of his days!” Grahone snarled as he sent a ray of light into the pages throat.

As the curse took hold the boy crocked out his last word. “WHY?!”

“Be thankful you still live, boy. You shall continue to live so long as no ones learns of what you have heard in this room. Now begone from our Tower.” Grahone ordered the now voiceless boy. As the boy ran from his sight he turned to Jacob. “This is your only warning Jacob. Choose wisely. You can follow the Queen, or you can follow the Council of Elders. Will you choose the path of ignorance or the path of enlightenment?” Grahone asked Jacob bluntly. Before Jacob could answer his Master and mentor the room was rocked by the sounds of thunder. “By the gods! What now?”

Both men rushed to the nearest window that looked out onto the city. Grahone looked towards the outer curtain wall. While Jacob looked towards the city itself. The flash of light from the city square drew both of their attention. Both men realized there were very few persons in all of Avalon who could weld that much power. If they were fighting within the city. Then more than the city itself was in danger. All of Avalon was in danger of being destroyed.

Jacob summed up the two men’s thoughts with just four words. “Oh shit! Not good!”

“Worry not Jacob. Mistress Silver is more than a match for whoever she is battling. She is strongest our Sorceress. No one can match her power. Even those of us on the Council pale in comparison to her. Only the Emerald Queen and Merlin held more mystic power than Silver.” Grahone chuckled as a pillar of flame slammed down on the far end of the square. “You see. She has already ended the battle. Silver might have been a little excessive in her use of force, but it will remind all the citizens of Avalon. That we are their true protectors not the Gray Wolves.”

When the pillar of fire suddenly turned into a rolling cloud of cooling steam Grahone gasped. “That is impossible!”

“I’m sorry Master Grahone, but that did happen. There is someone out there that is more powerful than Mistress Silver. I fear that our worse fears have come true. Merlin and Morgana have returned.” Jacob told Grahone bluntly as he pointed towards the city square. “Whatever designs you and the Council have for controlling the Emerald Queen, Master. I suggest that you abandon them now. Because I have the feeling that the person who is battling Mistress Silver is most likely one of her Majesty’s greatest supporters. One who is so powerful that they can destroy us all with a simple command spell. I doubt that with all the combined might of the Council of Elders that we’ll be able to stop them.”


PS. To everyone out there that sent me their copies of my stories a great big Thank you. I was able to rebuild my database for 90% of my stories. To insure this never happens again. I have 2 additional backups 1 cloud-based and 1 hard-copy on top of my new Home sever.

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