The Tactical Bra

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In my experience (and I took

In my experience (and I took several women to get fitted properly, AND paid for it), the ones that complain about them not fitting, painful, and/or not lasting - don't have a bra that fits correctly.

For one example, the woman was wearing a 44D bra. She ended up with a 40DDD bra, which lasted two years, instead of the 6 months she would get out of them previously - and with no discomfort.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Surprised it took this long

Uniforms have been around forever and women soldiers for decades, what was the delay in special bras?

>>> Kay

Not new

I remember a blog thread on BC about the same subject, oh, a long time ago, probably ~10 years or so.

Having said that I doubt that many current members will know about it.

As usual, the military is a long way behind Real Life and this article just shows how long they take to actually do anything!

I believe those were ones

I believe those were ones made with kevlar and similar, plus the ability to hold some sort of defense items. This one appears to simply be made to match the uniforms better, possibly with materials better suited for the environments.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Behind schedule

Still waiting for the Strategic, Assault and Stealth versions.


Daphne Xu's picture

You beat me to it.

-- Daphne Xu

Holdups are generally garters

Holdups are generally garters. Bras would be hold _outs_.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Good luck to them

I saw a similar story about 15 or 20 years ago announcing that the Canadian Army was going to develop and issue a bra to suit the needs of female soldiers. The idea was that the army issues all of the other clothes that both male and female soldiers wear while on duty, but this one item was excluded for no apparent reason.

A year or so after I saw the initial story I saw a follow-up that the attempt to design a Canadian Army bra failed because one style of garment doesn't suit all women for all duty situations.

Instead of issuing custom made army bras to female soldiers, they decided to issue a clothing allowance instead, and to allow each woman soldier to buy and wear whatever bra suited them best.

Now the US Army is much larger than the Canadian Army, so it may be possible (and economically feasible) to design, stock, and issue a number of basic types of "army bras" in all the required size variations, giving each individual soldier a choice of approved styles to choose from. Or, the US Army can always decide that providing a clothing allowance to female soldiers is simpler and easier.

May differ from one country to another but

I never wore any army issue underwear under my uniforms.
(Actually, if I felt cold at night I wore a civilian sweater too. Admittedly, I was in a locked room at those hours.)

Quite obviously this issue is not a big problem. Otherwise action would have been taken earlier.

Reminds me of the old...

Russian comedy gag about shaving robot...
- But everyone have a different shape of the face!?
- It is until the first use of the robot!

Army girdles

erin's picture

Women in the US Army in the 40s-to-early-60s were required to wear girdles under their Class A uniforms. Class As are the "everyday" dress uniform, not the full dress, going-to-the-embassy-ball uniform. :) Dress uniform is green or khaki, depending on season and station. Full Dress is/was blue, white or black. There used to be a brown semi-dress uniform, but it was replaced by the green and khaki.

I don't think it was a regulation, it's just that commanding officers made it so. I just missed that era of Army life. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

A male Army veteran friend said ...

he never wore white underwear 'over there'. Made a too-excellent target at night or in the jungles of Vietnam ...

And never USA soaps, cigarettes, ... and learned to use chopsticks. The less one 'stands out', the less chance of getting shot ...

If you're stuck, you do your

If you're stuck, you do your best to eat the same foods, even if you have MRE's. That makes you smell similar to the natives. Humans may not pay much attention to the sense like they do sight, but they DO recognize changes in odour.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

That's why Russians never smile :-)

White teeth also is quite a good target at night ;-)
BTW, military issue summer underpants in Russian army are close to "olive drab" colour. But winter issue underthings are mostly white, as dark olive on snow will be detectable from the very big distances :-)

May I suggest a modification?

Personally I'd tentatively change that to Russian soldiers. Lots of smiles and laughter among the Russian students I've met.
Those in uniform I've bumped into (not literally of course) were more than serious. Admittedly that was in the CCCP.

It is actually from a meme before memes.

How to detect Russians on a busy American street from a distance? Russians never smile.
PS: Russians do smile, but if you smile for no apparent reason - everybody around will think that you are crazy. (it started to change lately with the introduction of "airpods" so now some people assume that you are listening to something funny :-) )

99% of things you see about N. Korea...

... are lies plain and simple. Remember when Kim "personally executed" one of his relatives by use of fighter airplane cannon? And that same relative was seen in the USA couple of months later? (I could be wrong in some details, it was some years ago. But one thing I remember - "brutally executed" person was seen later in a meeting with some politicians somewhere very far from Korea)

Laserbra 2000

SammyC's picture

Michael O'Donoghue, the evil genius behind National Lampoon and the early years of SNL, produced a comedy special in 1979 that NBC refused to air, "Mr. Mike's Mondo Video." He bought it back from NBC and released it as a theatrical feature. A segment in that crazed movie featured a report on a secret military project -- the Laserbra 2000.

Laserbra 2000_0.jpg

Brian McConnachie once showed me one of the "props" from that segment. He kept it in his home office desk drawer. LOL.

