Summer Tutor

Summer Tutor

Nikkie Silk

Her train crawled through drab, rain-soaked London suburbs until it broke free from the city and burst into open countryside. The sun burnt through the clouds to lift her spirits while they raced past wheat fields, apple orchards, woodlands, and villages. She smiled when the train reached the coast and ran for a while beside the sea, sunlight flicking off the waves. The sea always made her feel better, although this blue water was nothing like the cold grey North Sea beside which she had been born and grew up. Although she loved the Norfolk coast with its endless skies, mewing seagulls, long sandy beaches, wind farms and oil rigs, frigid waters, and the ghosts of long-drowned fishermen, she sighed and crossed her fingers, hoping this was to be a new beginning.


One day, when Jay was ten years old, his father had left their house and never returned. His mother did her best to bring him up on her own, but her health had always been poor and two years later, she died. He went to live with his Grandparents, who were kind and gave him a home, but they were too old to take an interest in him. Feeling lost and abandoned, he withdrew into a world of his own.

At school, Jay was an outsider. He didn’t mix with the other boys and was uninterested in the things they liked. It didn’t help that he was small and slender and hated football and rugby. He despised the way they constantly fought with each other, and their lies about what they had done. The girls he found much more interesting. He thought them gentle and kind, and he liked the way they teased the boys and laughed at their clumsy attempts to impress them. He envied the girls’ their long hair, so much so that he refused all attempts to have his cut short. His grandmother had been a hairdresser, and she kept it trimmed until it rested on his shoulders. He got teased by the boys for it, but he didn’t care, and he loved the way it flicked when he moved his head. He would have even joined in the girls’ games if they would only let him. But he knew it would only bring even more taunting and abuse from the boys. He found solace by writing, using his imagination to ease his loneliness and confusion.

One of Jay’s teachers encouraged him to enter a short story in a competition, and to his surprise, he won. From then on, he would spend every moment reading or writing, often in the dunes on the beach under the overarching Norfolk sky. He hunted through second-hand bookshops, searching for books because he couldn’t afford new ones. One day he picked up a paperback of Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, simply because he liked the author’s name. Once he started reading, however, he could not stop. Orlando’s time-travelling adventures and sex change both thrilled and disturbed Jay in a way he could not explain. He reread it so many times that the book eventually fell to pieces.

He knew it was a fantasy, but to him, that someone could even imagine changing gender was both terrifying and exciting. It left Jay confused, and not a little frightened, about his feelings. Because there was nobody he could talk to, he retreated into what he loved best – his books, and resigned himself to his solitary life and his confusion.

There was one bright spot in Jay’s life, the school’s French Assistante. Chloé was a recent graduate from Paris who helped the students study French. Jay was smitten, and spent as much time as he could with her. She embodied everything Jay liked about girls. She was clever and friendly, funny and cool and, in his eyes, unbelievably beautiful. Chloé knew he had a crush on her, and it amused her to have such attention. But she saw something in Jay he had not yet seen in himself.

Her elder brother had come out two years earlier, and Jay reminded Chloé of how Francois had struggled to come to terms with his identity. She took Jay under her wing and often remarked to him how his long hair made him look ‘jolie’. Jay knew it meant pretty, and it thrilled him to hear her say it.

The class was studying Moliere’s Tartuffe and Chloé made him read the part of Dorine, the streetwise maid of Mariane in the play. Jay revelled in the part, and Chloé smiled to herself while she watched Jay discover something unsuspected in himself.

She gave all her students a list of French films to watch to improve their language skills and to learn something about French culture, including Cyrano De Bergerac, Amélie, Intouchables, Asterix and so on. Chloé handed out the list of films to everyone, but when she came to Jay, she scribbled something on the bottom of the list, folded over the paper, and handed it to him with a smile. He waited until he was alone before reading what she had written.

‘Ma Vie En Rose. C’est une filme pour toi seulement, Jay.’

Jay had never heard of the film, but reading about it on the internet shocked him. It is a film about a boy who struggles to have his desire to identify and dress as a girl accepted by his family and those around him. Was that what Chloé thought about him? Was it true?

Jay cried as he watched the boy in the film struggle to be who he wanted. From then on, Jay’s path was set. He finally knew who he was and what he wanted to be. Chloé left at the end of the school term, but when Jay said goodbye, he shyly thanked her for opening his eyes. She kissed him on the cheek and told him all she had done was to show him what was already there. The rest was up to him.


It was at university that Jay emerged from his isolation and revelled in the freedom university life offered. Jay joined the LGBTQ society and for the first time in his life, he did not feel out of place. People accepted him for who he was, and nobody cared very much about how he looked or acted.

Jay knew the time was coming when he would have to find out where his sexual preferences lay. Not that he deliberately set out to do it, but one Saturday night, Jay met Gregg in a gay pub, and after a few drinks, they went back to Jay’s flat. Jay told him it was his first time with anyone, and so Gregg was gentle, taking time to give Jay as much pleasure as possible before Jay lay back on his bed, spread his legs, and asked Gregg to fuck him. Of course, it was painful the first time, but the pain turned to pleasure and Jay knew he would do this again and again.

Jay had kept his hair long, and it now fell below his shoulders when he let it out of his usual ponytail. He had always been small and slender, and when he let his hair down, it made him look androgynous. Jay felt more and more uncomfortable in his male clothes and identity. Gradually, he dressed in a more and more flamboyant and feminine style, until one day he took the plunge and appeared at a lecture in a dress. He told everyone he now identified as female and he changed his name to Jaye. The only question his friends asked was why it had taken so long.

So, Jay became Jaye, and she thought life would be perfect. Except, of course, it wasn’t. Even today, it is difficult to make such a change, and Jaye suffered from the haters who can only see a binary world. Despite this, she did not waver from her path. She had friends who supported her, and with their help, she stuck it out.

Jaye had more one-night stands, and a few guys hung around for a while, but they always moved on. She couldn’t seem to keep a relationship and eventually, tired of the rejection, did what she had always done and retreated to her books. Jaye was studying English and spent any spare time working in one of the gay bars or writing her novel. She had gone through a dozen drafts which had ended up in the wastepaper bin before she had to put it to one side to knuckle down for her finals.


Jaye graduated with a 2:1 degree but didn’t have a clue about what to do next. She liked the idea of travelling, but had little money and had never fancied backpacking. She came across an advertisement for a job teaching English in Thailand, and two weeks later landed in Bangkok in the middle of a thunderstorm. From the moment she arrived, she hated Bangkok; the smells, the squalor, the noise, and the traffic jams were an unwelcome assault on her senses. Spooked by her first reaction to Thailand, she stayed only two days in Bangkok before catching a train north to Chang Mai where she would teach, hoping things would improve.

Stepping off the train, Jaye fell in love with Chang Mai. With its long, leafy boulevards, it was a complete contrast to traffic-choked Bangkok. The air was clean and mercifully cooler than the south. Jaye loved to explore the old town with the golden spires of its temples and the night market. A scooter ride outside the town led to a dense rainforest interspersed with sparkling waterfalls and an elephant sanctuary. The teaching didn’t take up too much of her time, and she even found a few private clients to teach, which brought in some welcome extra cash. She was only a little older than the students she was teaching, so they took her with them to their favourite cafes and food stalls and hangouts. She had time to learn to cook the fiery local food, as well as a Thai massage course at the school in the Old Medicine Hospital. One night, she also got a tattoo after drinking too much Tiger beer with her students.

Although nothing like the red-light districts in Bangkok and Pattaya, Lol Khro road is the centre of nightlife in Chang Mai, with cafes, massage parlours, restaurants and bars. A month after she arrived in Chang Mai, she ventured along Lol Khro road, telling herself she would have a look. It was what she expected; a crowded, noisy, neon-lit stretch of road with bars and restaurants along both sides. Many of the places had bar girls outside shouting and calling to men to come inside. They didn’t bother with Jaye too much. After all, a western girl tourist on her own would not make them much money. She reached the end of the street and was going to turn round when she saw a bar with a couple of girls outside, who seemed to be tall for Thais. With a start, she realised they must be Kathoey. Jaye had read about Kathoeys, or ladyboys, in Thailand, and while she stood in front of the bar, one of them looked her up and down and whispered something to the other. They grinned at each other and waved to Jaye.

“Hey sister, you come inside. Cheap drink, good time.”

Jaye hesitated for a moment, but curiosity overcame her reluctance, and she entered the bar. It was a typical Thai place. The bar ran along one wall in front of which a couple of bored-looking bar girls sat on stools and stared at Jaye. There were two televisions on the wall, one showing a football match and the other what looked like the Thai version of the X-Factor. A stage complete with a pole took up the back of the bar, in front of which there were two pool tables.

“Where you from? Buy me a drink?” One of the bar girls had come across and sat down next to Jaye.

“Oh. OK.”

The girl signalled to the bar and the other girl brought two beers, uncapped one and handed it to Jaye.

“Me Tip. Where you from?”


“What you do here?”

“I’m a teacher,”

“No, what you do here?” Tip gestured to the bar.

“Oh. I’m curious.”

Tip narrowed her eyes and took a hard look at Jaye. “You not girl, you got cock.”

Jaye reddened, and Tip leaned over. “I not mind, I got cock too.” She grabbed Jaye’s hand and pushed it into her groin, where Jaye felt a large bulge. She pulled her hand back in shock. Tip laughed and said. “What’s your name?”


“OK, Jaye. You like pussy or cock? Only cock in this bar. You want to fuck? You want to suck my cock?”

Jaye shook her head, unable to keep up with the questions. Her eyes slid to the pool table and Tip followed her gaze.

“You wanna play?”

Jaye nodded, and Tip screeched. “I play you. I win, you suck my cock.”

Surely, she couldn’t be serious, but some mischievous imp made Jaye ask, “If I win?”

Tip laughed. “You no win.”

“Maybe, but if I did win?”

“Mmm. OK, if you win, you fuck me.”

Jaye couldn’t believe she was doing this but said, “OK, let’s go.”

Tip walked to the pool table, grabbed a cue, and handed one to Jaye. Tip won the lag, but before she could break, Jaye picked up her cue and laid it across the table.

“Give me a chance, best of three, OK?”

Tip grinned. “OK, but that means you suck my cock twice when you lose twice.”

Tip pocketed a colour from the break, then rapidly potted the rest of the colours before leering at Jaye as she lined up the 8 ball. She may have been overconfident, because she snatched the shot and the ball rattled the jaws of the pocket and failed to drop, leaving it poised on the lip. Tip said something to the other bar girls who had wandered over to watch, and they laughed. Jaye ignored them, chalked her cue and lined up her first ball. She missed by a mile, and the girls all screamed with laughter. Tip looked across at Jaye and stuck her finger between her lips and made loud sucking noises. Tip sank the 8 ball with ease and raised the cue above her head.

“Too easy, white girl.”

Jaye regretted many things about her time at university, but not the hours she had spent in the local pool halls. She discovered she had a talent for the game and had become a skilled player. Pool became a way of escaping everything else, and she had even learnt to hustle, winning money from cocky lads who thought she would be a pushover. Jaye could see Tip was good, but not that good.

It was Jaye’s turn to break, and she dropped a striped ball. The balls had broken kindly, and she lined up the first ball, a tricky combination shot, to a chorus of catcalls from the watchers. She potted it with ease and was rewarded with a gasp from the girls. She looked at Tip, who snorted, “Luck.”

Jaye put away the rest of her stripes to an increasing level of laughter and giggles from the audience, which had now swelled to include some customers attracted by the commotion. Jaye stopped and grinned at Tip, who had gone silent before she rolled the 8 ball slowly into the middle pocket. The catcalls turned to cheers, and Tip was looking furious. She angrily racked the balls for the third game, and shouted at Jaye, “I will cum in your mouth.”

Jaye knew an angry player is a poor player, and although Tip potted a colour, she missed an easy second one, leaving the table at Jaye’s mercy. She took her time clearing the balls, and the noise level went up each time Jaye potted a ball until only the 8 ball remained. She locked eyes with Tip, pointed the cue at her, and said, “Don’t try to hustle a hustler,” before smacking the ball into a pocket. The bar erupted with noise, and Tip threw her cue at Jaye before stalking out into the street.

Jaye made a lot of new friends that evening and returned to the bar many times to drink and play pool, but mostly to enjoy the company of people like her. Even Tip became friendly, until on one never to be forgotten night, she settled her bet with Jaye. Sometimes, when Jaye felt horny, she went into the back rooms with one of the girls, and even occasionally, a customer from the bar. The night before Jaye had to return to England, they held a big party and Jaye ended up in a drunken threesome with Tip and a well-endowed Australian.

Everyone cried when she finally left.


Returning from Thailand, Jaye moved to London, refreshed and eager to live as she wanted, hoping to finish the novel she had begun while a student. She found a flatshare and a job copywriting for a small advertising agency. It wasn’t exactly fulfilling, but she thought if Salman Rushdie had once been a copywriter, then so could she. She was living full time as a woman and had even taken a loan to pay for breast implants, telling the lender it was for a car because she didn’t think they would loan her the money if they knew what it was actually for. Jaye had flown to Thailand and had it done there for half the price it would have been in London.

It all came crashing down one day when the owner of the agency announced the company had folded and was closing with immediate effect. She tried freelancing, but the work dried up during the recession, and she worked as a masseuse for a while, using the skills she had learnt in Chang Mai.

At her lowest point, to make ends meet, she even did some escort work. She hated it, but the money helped her through a bad patch, and as soon as she could, she stopped. A couple of failed relationships, one with another trans girl and one with a man who turned out to be married, left her disillusioned and lonely, and after three years of struggle and disappointment, London had sucked her dry. A succession of dreary temporary and tutoring jobs had crushed her spirit, and she hadn’t managed to finish her novel.

She was on the point of giving up and applying for a teaching post outside London when the tutoring agency called her with an offer for the summer. A Thai family had moved to a house on the south coast of England. The son of the family, a boy of 11, was going to boarding school in the autumn, and his father wanted him to improve his English before he went. Jaye would tutor him on weekday mornings, but the afternoons and evenings would be free. Her time in Chang Mai might come in very useful, she thought.

The salary was modest, but it came with free board and accommodation which made up for that. For Jaye, the biggest attraction was she would have time to finish her book. For once, Jaye thought her luck had changed, so she put her few belongings into storage and caught the train south.


She was excited to catch glimpses of the sea glinting in the June sunshine as the train followed the coast for a while until it finally pulled into the station. Outside the station, the sun was so bright she had to squint before seeing a middle-aged man holding a card with her name. She pulled her suitcase over and pointed to the sign. “That’s me, Jaye Mitchell.”

The man grinned and stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you, Miss. I’m George. I’m driving you to Seacrest.”

Jaye shook his hand. “Glad to meet you too, George. It’s Jaye, by the way, Miss is too stuffy.”

George laughed, “Okay, Jaye, it is. Let me help you with your case.”

George lifted Jaye’s suitcase with some effort. “That’s heavy.”

“Sorry,” she said. “Mostly books.”

He led the way to a parked Toyota Land Cruiser. Once George had hefted the case into the back of the car and Jaye had climbed in, they were on their way.

“Perk of the job, me getting to drive this beauty,” George said, leaving the town and heading out into the countryside.

“Do you work at Seacrest?”

“Aye, my wife is the housekeeper and I’m the gardener and handyman, as well as chauffeur, sometimes.”

“Have you been there long?”

“About ten years now. We worked for the previous owner, and when Mr Chakrii bought Seacrest, he asked us to stay on. Made us an excellent offer, so we said yes.”

Jaye had done some research on her new employer. Information was sketchy, but it appeared Somchai Chakrii came from a poor background but had made his fortune with a tech start-up, which he had recently sold to a US corporation. He had divorced his wife recently and moved to England with his son, Panit.

“What’s he like? Mr Chakrii, I mean.”

George hesitated. “Makes it clear how he wants things and if it’s done right, he’s happy.”

“He sounds a bit of a stickler.”

“Tough but fair, I would say.”

“Is there anyone else there? I mean, apart from his son.”

“Only Mary, my wife, and me, and the cook, Boonsri. He brought her with him. She’s the only one who stays here permanently. If there’s a party or more than a few guests, he brings in temporary staff.”

“What’s the son like?”

“Panit? He’s a sweet boy, but he needs more of a firm hand, I would say.”

He broke off and turned the car into a drive and stopped in front of a set of gates. After opening them with a remote, they drove slowly down a winding drive flanked by bushes.

Jaye had googled the location, so she thought she knew what to expect, but when the bushes ended and they turned a corner, she was astounded by what lay before them. George saw the look on her face. “It gets everyone like that the first time they see it.”

Whoever had designed the house had been a genius. It was larger than she had imagined, a three-story modern masterpiece cleverly tucked into a fold in the hill to shelter it from the prevailing south-westerly wind, but with an uninterrupted view of the estuary to its front. A lawn fell gently from the house a hundred metres to the water. Tall bushes fringed both sides of the lawn, making it completely secluded. Overhead, swifts were dogfighting each other like tiny fighter jets hunting insects in front of the house, and a seagull soared on the updraft from the afternoon breeze before wheeling away towards the sea.

“It was built in the 1950s by the architect who designed the Sydney Opera House,” George said.

“It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

“Come on, let’s get you settled in. Mr Chakrii wants to see you at three o’clock. He said to put you in the annexe. They built it as a summer house, but he made it into extra guest accommodation. He says you can use it for lessons.”

George led the way through a gap in the bushes to one side of the house to reveal what looked like a single-story copy of the main house. He carried her suitcase inside and said she should come over to their cottage at seven for dinner. Jaye thanked him and looked around the annexe. There were two bedrooms and an open-plan seating and dining area next to a modern kitchen. Folding doors led out to a terrace with a view of the sea through some bushes. Jaye whistled and thought at long last her luck had changed.

At three o’clock, Jaye walked up to the main house. She was surprised to find a San Phra Phum, or a spirit house, which is ever-present in Thailand. Thais believe it honours the guardians of the land and protects them from wayward spirits. Draped with flowers and with bowls of fried rice, it brought back memories of Thailand for her. She liked the idea that even a modern Thai tech titan had a traditional side.

Jaye knocked on the front door, and a woman opened it.

“Hello, I’m Mary. You must be Jaye.”

“Hello, Mary. I’m delighted to meet you.”

“Come on in. Mr Chakrii is in the library. I’ll take you through.”

Mary walked through a wide-open hallway and paused before a door.

Jaye whispered to her, “Any tips for me?”

Mary smiled. “Just be straight with him. He’s stern, but fair enough if you are.”

She knocked on the door and waited before a man’s voice said, “Please enter.”

As Jaye entered the room, the man inside rose, and Jaye put her hands together in front of her chest and bowed her head slightly in a wai, the traditional Thai greeting. “Sawasdee Kha, Khun Somchai.”

He smiled and returned the wai. “Sawasdee Khap, Khun Jaye. I remember you have some experience of our customs.” His English was good, with only the hint of an accent. He was tall for a Thai, about the same height as Jaye, shaven-headed, and beneath the polo shirt and jeans he was wearing, looked well built, yet moved with grace. Jaye liked what she saw, and for a moment, memories of some nights in Chang Mai flashed into her mind. She shook them off and replied, “Yes, Khun Somchai. I spent a very happy year in Thailand.”

“Good, good. Welcome to Seacrest. I hope you enjoy your time here too. Is your accommodation satisfactory?

“It’s perfect, thank you.”

“And are you clear on your duties?”

“I believe so. The agency provided me detailed instructions on what you require from me.”

“I am very particular about how things are done, so please follow your instructions closely.”

“Yes, I will, of course.”

The door burst open and a boy ran into the room. “Ah, here is Panit now.” Chakrii smiled indulgently at the boy, who was now standing by his father and staring at her.

Chakrii spoke to the boy in Thai, but Jaye could follow most of it. “Mee, this is Khun Jaye. She is here to improve your English and prepare you for school.”

The boy grinned and stuck his tongue out at her.

“Mee, where are your manners?” Chakrii spoke sharply to the boy.

The boy grinned and made a wai. “Sawasdee Khap. Khun Jaye.”

“Sawasdee Kha, Khun Panit.”

Chakrii shooed the boy out. “I have done my best, but he can be, how do you say in English, unruly? So please be stern with him. He needs to prepare for his school, where, I am sure, they will not indulge him so much.”

“You called him Mee. That’s Thai for bear, isn’t it?’

“Your Thai is indeed excellent. It is his family nickname, but call him Panit while you are teaching him.” Jaye recalled most Thais have a nickname.

“Of course, Khun Somchai. I will start tomorrow.”

“Very good. And please, I think you say, do not spare the rod? I would like a written report at the end of each week with details of his progress and your plan for the next week. Is all clear?”

“Yes, thank you, Khun Somchai.”

She left feeling Chakrii was a cold fish. Still, she thought, she would do what he wanted and keep out of his way as much as possible. Panit seemed lively, though, and she looked forward to tutoring him. She spent the rest of the day unpacking and getting to know the place where she would live. There was plenty of room for her and Panit to work, and she was delighted to see there was a set of garden furniture with a large parasol, so they could hold their lessons outside if the weather was warm.


She suddenly realised it was nearly seven o’clock, and George had told her to be at the cottage for dinner. The arrangement was for Jaye to have dinner with them, but she would make breakfast and lunch for herself. She had noticed someone had stocked the annexe kitchen with some essentials until she could get her own supplies.

She knocked on their cottage door a little after seven, and George opened the door. Mary appeared from behind him to welcome Jaye inside. They were a lovely couple, and Jaye quickly felt at home with them. They chatted over the meal, which was a delicious curry. Mary had been born in India and had learnt to cook there. Jaye told them of her background, leaving out some details she thought they didn’t need to know. Jaye thanked them for their hospitality but begged Mary to serve her smaller portions, or she would roll back to the annexe. Walking back to the annexe, Jaye thought she had landed on her feet for once.

The next morning, she walked over to the main house a little before nine, wanting to get off to a good start. Chakrii appeared with Panit dragging his feet behind him.

“Panit, you must listen carefully to Khun Jaye. She is in charge of you during your lessons, and I will expect a full report from her on your behaviour. If she tells me you have not behaved well, I will confiscate your PlayStation for a week for the first offence, and for a second offence I will confiscate your computer as well.”

Jaye saw Panit roll his eyes when his father looked away. “And for third offence?” he asked with a cheeky smile. Jaye had to stifle a giggle.

Chakrii glowered at him. “There will not be a third offence. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, father.”

To break the ice during their first session and to see how much English he knew, Jaye asked him to tell her about himself. He understood her question, but he found it difficult to find the right words. Eventually, Jaye discovered Panit liked Star Wars and World of Warcraft, Manchester United, and AR3NA, a Thai girl pop group, and he missed his friends in Thailand. All pretty normal for an eleven-year-old boy. It gave Jaye some ideas for lessons, and it seemed to build a bond between them.

For the first few days, the lessons had to be inside because it rained most of the time, but on the first sunny day, Jaye took them onto the terrace under the umbrella. They always began with Panit reading out aloud and she listened to him reading for a few minutes before, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Chakrii walk out of the house and onto the terrace. He was wearing a white t-shirt and dark blue shorts and sandals. She watched him kick off the sandals and stood facing the sun. Jaye noticed how the t-shirt clung tightly to his muscled upper body, and he bowed toward the sun before beginning a series of exercises. He started slowly with some lunges, and his shorts stretched across his backside. Well, hello, thought Jaye. Chakrii’s pace quickened, with punches and kicks coming thick and fast, making Jaye think it was karate.

“My father, he practise Muay Thai every day.”

Panit’s voice startled her. She had been so engrossed by Chakrii that she hadn’t realised he had stopped reading. Of course, she thought, Muay Thai. Jaye had been to a few Muay Thai bouts with friends in Thailand. It’s the national sport; a whirlwind of kicks and punches with fists, elbows, knees and feet. She turned back to Panit, who was watching his father intently.

“Keep reading, Panit, please.”

The boy reluctantly turned back to the book and read aloud once more. Jaye slipped on her sunglasses so she could keep a surreptitious eye on Chakrii. She liked what she saw. He was moving with grace and power, spinning, kicking and punching. A sheen of sweat on his arms and legs made him glow.

Stop it, she thought to herself. Concentrate on Panit. He was struggling to pronounce a word, and she turned back to him. She said the word for him and made him practise it a couple of times until he got it right. Like many Thais, he had difficulty with English l’s and r’s, but he was a bright boy and he learnt quickly. By the time Panit had finished, Chakrii had vanished from the terrace.

“You’ve done well, Panit. Let’s have a break. Why don’t we walk down to the water?”

They strolled down to where the water was lapping gently against the wooden breakwater which protected the lawn. Coco, the family’s dog, ran barking down the lawn to join them, and Panit was happily playing fetch with him. Jaye turned to look back up at the house and saw Chakrii watching them from an upstairs window. She waved, but he disappeared from the window as if he didn’t want to be seen. They went back to their lesson and, as they finished, Chakrii appeared.

“Jaye, could you spare me a minute, please?”

“Of course, Khun Somchai.”

Jaye immediately thought she had done something wrong.

“I am holding a party this weekend for a few people to celebrate the birthday of our King, and I would like to invite you. Jaye.”

“Oh, thank you. I would love to come.” She hesitated. “Oh, but if it’s for the King’s birthday, will it be a formal party? Because I haven’t brought anything suitable to wear.”

Chakrii nodded. “I understand.” He paused, as if deciding something, then carried on. “If I might suggest something? George can drive you into town where I believe there is a fine ladies’ clothes shop. If it is acceptable to you, and you find a suitable garment, would you accept it as my gift?”

“Oh, that’s so kind of you, but I don’t know…”

“It is our custom to do good deeds on the King’s birthday, so you would honour me if you accept.”

Jaye smiled to herself. He had given her a way to accept the offer with grace, but also, she thought, so she could not refuse.

“Khun Somchai, I would be delighted to accept your wonderful gift. Thank you. Will Panit attend?”

“Of course, he is looking forward to it.”

“Then I shall look after him if you would like.”

Chakrii smiled and bowed his head. “That would be very kind, thank you. George will take you into town tomorrow afternoon after you finish Panit’s lesson.”

Oh my, thought Jaye, she had not expected this. She half suspected Chakrii had suggested it, so she would look after Panit. Still, that was no hardship because she liked the boy, and she was sure he would behave.


George drove Jaye into town the following afternoon where the shop owner, Sophie, an attractive and immaculately dressed woman, was waiting for her and ushered Jaye into a fitting room.

“Hello Jaye, I’m delighted to meet you. I should tell you, Mr Chakrii called me this morning and explained what was happening. It’s a party for the King of Thailand’s birthday, he said. It sounds like it’s going to be a lovely evening. He told me you’re his son’s tutor, is that right?”

“I’m helping Panit before he goes to school,” said Jaye and pulled a face. “I wasn’t expecting anything formal, so I wasn’t prepared for this kind of thing, hence why I’m here.”

Sophie smiled. “I’ve put some dresses which might be suitable on the rail over there. Let’s get some measurements and you can have a look.”

After taking the measurements, Sophie took a dress from the rack and held it up against Jaye.

“Mmm, no. Not this one. You need something with a little more bling.”

She rifled through the dresses and pulled one out. She held it up and Jaye sighed. “Oh, that’s lovely. But I could never wear it.”

“Who says?” Sophie replied. “You’re tall and elegant, and you will rock this frock, I promise. I’ll nip out while you slip it on. Let me know when you’re finished and we’ll see.”

Jaye looked at the dress and sighed. It was gorgeous; a burgundy full-length gown with a V neck, a twist at the waist, and a slit down the left. She quickly took off her clothes and stepped into the dress. She just about zipped it up by herself before calling to Sophie that she was ready.

Sophie came in and stood behind Jaye and adjusted the dress a little as they both looked in the mirror. It was at that moment that Jaye saw the look on Sophie’s face, and a chill went through her when she realised Sophie had read her. Fuck, she thought, what should I do? She could ignore it and hope Sophie would say no more, or she could stand proud of who she was.

“It’s tricky for girls like me to get fitted properly. My shoulders are a bit too wide,” Jaye said, looking Sophie in the eye in the mirror. Sophie looked straight back at her for a second and smiled.

“Oh honey, you don’t think you’re the first to come in here, do you? I will admit you’re the prettiest I’ve ever met, and it took me a while to be sure, but I can guarantee you will knock them dead in that dress.”

Jaye laughed. “Thanks, Sophie. You are very kind.”

“Not kind, Jaye, honest. You are dazzling. Do you have earrings to go with the dress?”

“Not really. I have these studs, but I didn’t bring anything else.”

Sophie left the changing room and came back a few minutes later, holding something in her hand.

“Close your eyes, honey.”

Jay did what she was told, and Sophie fiddled with her ears.

“OK. You can open your eyes now.”

Jaye’s eyes widened as she took in the earrings, which had now replaced her plain studs. “Oh, they’re beautiful.” They were long and sparkled in the light when she moved her head. “But I can’t afford these.”

“No, but Chakrii can,” said Sophie. “I’ll add them to the bill. He told me not to worry about the cost. How about shoes?”

“Those I’ve got. I love heels. I have a pair that would match this dress.”

“OK, there are a few adjustments I need to make, so if you slip it off, I’ll get them done, and you can pick them up the day of the party.” She ran her hands through Jaye’s hair. “I think a nice updo would be lovely for your hair to go with this. Can you do that? No, hold that thought. I have a better idea. When you come in to pick up the dress, I have a friend who can do your hair and make-up.” She saw Jaye wrinkle her nose. “Don’t worry about the cost. I’m making enough on the dress to cover that. Mates rates.”

“Sophie, this is all so kind, but why are you doing it for me?”

She hesitated before replying, a distant look in her eyes. “There was a boy when I was at school. He was a sweet boy, different from the other lads. He was probably gay, but didn’t know it. Anyway, he was bullied and needed someone on his side. I had the chance to be his friend, and I didn’t. Because I didn’t want to be singled out. I found out after we left school he was attacked and beaten up one night and died.” Jaye could see Sophie blink away a tear, and she reached out to take her hand. “I have never forgiven myself, and now, if I can do someone a favour, I will.”

Jaye squeezed her hand. “It wasn’t your fault, Sophie. You couldn’t have stopped it.”

“Maybe not. But I could have helped, I think. So, are you up for my idea?”

“If you’re sure it’s OK, Sophie. Then, yes, I’m in.”


For the next two days, preparations for the party got underway. The weather forecast was favourable, George informed Jaye over dinner, so they would hold the party outdoors. Caterers were being brought in for both Thai and European cuisine, and George said Boonsri was tearing her hair out, getting the caterers to do what she wanted. On the lawn, in front of the house, a stage had been erected with a large picture of the King, flanked by large Thai flags and a temporary wooden floor in front of it. Lights were being strung around the lawn and tables and chairs were positioned around the floor, with what looked like a space for dancing. The tables were going to be dressed properly on the day of the party, but Jaye could already see it was going to be an enormous affair.

The day of the party dawned and a few of Chakrii’s special guests who were staying at Seacrest arrived. Others were staying in local hotels and some were only coming for the party. George was being kept busy, so Mary drove Jaye into town for her dress, and told her to call when she was ready to be picked up. Sophie was waiting for Jaye and showed her through to the fitting room, where her dress hung from a rail.

It was a beautiful dress, but Jaye turned to Sophie. “Oh, Sophie, do you really think I can wear this?”

“Jaye, honey. Listen to me. In this dress, you will have the men queuing up to ask you to dance, and their wives wanting to scratch your eyes out.”

“OK, if you say so, Sophie.”

“I do. Now let’s get you into it and you can see for yourself.”

Jaye stripped down to her underwear, and Sophie helped her into the dress. Sophie had covered the mirror in the room with a cloth and made Jaye close her eyes before turning her to face the mirror.

“You can open your eyes now, Jaye.”

Jaye hesitated for a few seconds, scared to look. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes.


“Oh?” said Sophie. “Is that all you have to say?”

Her eyes glistening, Jaye turned to Sophie and embraced her.

“It’s gorgeous, Sophie. Thank you, I love it. I didn’t think it would be so beautiful.”

“Told you so, honey. But remember, the dress is only an accessory, it’s you who is beautiful. Let’s get the dress off, and we can move on to part two.”

She opened the door and spoke to someone outside.

“Emma, you can come in.”

What appeared to be a younger version of Sophie entered and smiled at Jaye.

“Jaye, meet Emma. Emma, meet Jaye.” Seeing the look on Jaye’s face, Sophie laughed and said, “Emma’s my daughter, her salon is next door. We often work together.”

Emma pecked Jaye on the cheek. “It’s good to meet you, Jaye. Mum has talked a lot about you.”

“Um, really?”

“Yeah, she couldn’t stop talking about this drop-dead gorgeous girl we have to get ready for her big party.”

”Well, I was right, wasn’t I?”

Jaye blushed, and mother and daughter both laughed. “Emma, I have to make a couple of alterations to Jaye’s dress, so take her next door and call me when you’re finished.”

Emma led Jaye out of the shop and into her salon next door. She sat Jaye at one of the stations in the salon and drew up a chair so she could see her in the mirror. She took Jaye’s hair and ran her fingers through it, piling it on top of her head.

“OK, now I’ve seen you, I suggest that as it’s a formal party, a classy updo will look perfect with that dress. We’ll do nails and I think something sophisticated but not too intense look for your make-up. Is that OK?”

Jaye nodded. “Whatever you think, Emma. I’m in your hands.”

An hour and a half later, Emma rang Sophie. “Jaye’s ready. I’ll bring her round.”

Sophie whistled when Jaye walked into the shop. “Em, wow. You have excelled yourself. Jaye, you look gorgeous. Let’s have one more fitting, and then we can let you go.”

Sophie had covered the mirror again, and after she and Emma had helped Jaye into the dress, they stood in front of the mirror and Sophie said. “Hey, presto.” She whipped away the cloth and Jaye’s mouth dropped open. It took her a moment to recognise herself. Jaye’s hair was swept back into a low bun, with a braid to one side, and loose strands of hair curling down on both sides. She had finished it with some pretty pink and white flowers laced through the bun. She had kept make-up glamorous, but not too heavy. It’s summer, Emma had told her, you don’t want to look like a Christmas tree.

The dress fitted perfectly and Jaye felt she was tearing up.

“Don’t you dare cry and spoil that make-up,” said Emma.

“Oh, my God. That can’t be me,” Jaye said aloud.

“You better believe it, girl,” laughed Emma.

Jaye turned to them. “Thank you so much. I never believed I could look like this.”

Sophie frowned. “What’s up Mum?” asked Emma.

“Wait, nobody move,” said Sophie, and she dashed out of the room. Jaye looked at Emma, who shrugged her shoulders. A few seconds later Sophie reappeared carrying something.

“Turn round, Jaye.”

She did and felt something around her neck. Sophie turned Jaye back around to face the mirror and she saw a necklace sparkling in the lights. “It’s one of mine, but you can borrow it if you like it. I thought it would add the finishing touch.”

“Oh, Sophie, it’s lovely, but I couldn’t possibly–”

“Don’t be silly. Take it with my pleasure. It will match the earrings you have. Bring it back when you’re next in town.”

“Thank you, Sophie, for everything you’ve done.”

“My pleasure, but just make sure you have a good time tonight.”

At that moment, the shop doorbell rang, and they heard Mary call out. “Hello, anyone there?”

Sophie shouted, “Come on through, Mary.”

She stick her head round the door and caught sight of Jaye. Her eyes widened, and she put her hand over her mouth. “Oh, Jaye, you look like a princess.”

Jaye blushed, but she loved the compliment.

“Give Us a minute, Mary, and we’ll get Jaye out the dress, and you can take her back to the house. She can change back in the dress there.”


Soon, they were driving back to Seacrest, and Mary couldn’t stop telling Jaye how beautiful she looked. “There’ll be nobody prettier than you there tonight, believe you me.”

Mary helped carry the dress to the annexe before heading back to the house to stop Boonsri murdering the caterers again, as she told Jaye. It left Jaye with a few minutes before she had to put on the dress, and she wondered if she was doing the right thing. Well, she thought, it’s too late to pull out now, so put your game face on, and go have a good time for once.

She zipped herself into the dress, slipped on her heels, and spritzed her favourite Dior Poison before grabbing her clutch bag. She took a last look in the mirror to check she didn’t have lipstick on her teeth before puffing out her cheeks, told herself to be brave, and went out the door.

Jaye walked over to the house and went to the front door, where two hired security men in dinner jackets, bow ties and earpieces checked her name from a list before allowing her inside the house. George had told her there would be other security guards around during the party. She walked through to the lounge that ran the length of the back of the house to where servers mingled with champagne and trays of canapes. Many guests had already arrived, and the party was in full swing.

Jaye took a glass of champagne and looked around, taking in the scene. The sun was setting and the evening light bathed everyone in a soft golden shimmer. Small groups of guests stood chatting in the lounge; the men in black tie and dinner jackets, and the women in evening gowns. A cellist was playing in one corner, and Jaye almost pinched herself to check she wasn’t dreaming. A moment of panic filled her as she compared herself to the women she could see in their beautiful gowns, but catching a reflection of herself in a window settled her mind that she would not be overshadowed. She offered up a little prayer of thanks to Sophie and Emma for what they had done for her. Through the windows, she could see some guests had already made their way to the garden where the tables and stage had been set up.

“Jaye, Jaye.” Panit’s excited voice from behind made her turn round. He, too, was wearing a dinner jacket, but his bow tie was hanging loose from his neck.

“Panit, you look so handsome. Do you need some help with your tie?”

“Yes, please. Father tied it, but it too tight and it came loose.”

Jaye took his hand and led him to a side room where she knew there was a mirror. She put Panit in front of the mirror and knelt behind him, looking over his shoulder at him in the mirror.

“I will show you how it’s done, so you can do it for yourself in the future.”

He nodded, his eyes wide, as he tried to follow Jaye’s fingers while she nimbly tied the bow. It was a skill she had picked up from one of her boyfriends in London who had to attend formal events but couldn’t tie the bow to save his life.

“There. That looks better, doesn’t it?”

“Thank you, thank you, Jaye.”

Jaye stood up, and Panit immediately gave her a hug around her waist. She smiled and said, “Now you look like James Bond. Let’s go back to the party, shall we?”

He grabbed Jaye’s hand, and they headed back to the party. Panit immediately spotted his father and dragged Jaye over to him.

“Jaye say I am James Bond.”

Chakrii looked at Jaye in surprise.

“Panit had a slight problem with his tie, which I helped him with. I told him he looked like James Bond, that’s all.”

Chakrii smiled. “Is there no end to your talents? I also want to say how lovely you look tonight.”

“Oh, thank you. I also haven’t had the chance to thank you for the dress.”

He dipped his head. “You are very welcome, and I think you have chosen wisely. You have also done something to your hair?”

Jaye giggled. “Yes, Sophie at the dress shop arranged for somebody to do it for me.”

“I like it very much. It suits you.” He put his hand on her arm and peered at her. “And the earrings look beautiful on you.”

Pleased and a little embarrassed by the compliment, she smiled, dipped her head and said, “Thank you, Kuhn Somchai.” The touch of his fingers on her arm made her tingle.

“Come, let me introduce you to some of my guests.”

“What about Panit?” Jaye asked.

Chakrii nodded his head to where Panit sat playing a game on his iPad. “He will be fine for a while. If you could sit with him at dinner, I would be most grateful.”

Chakrii took her elbow and steered her towards a group of guests and introduced her as Panit’s tutor. She chatted with them for a while, but when Chakrii moved away, she couldn’t stop her eyes from following him. He moved around the room with the grace she had seen at his Muay Thai training sessions on the lawn. She tried to imagine what his body would look like under his clothes, and she grew warm with the thought.

“He’s very handsome, isn’t he?”

Startled by the voice, Jaye turned to see a small, tubby man beside her looking at Chakrii while he worked his way around his guests.

“Sorry, what did you say?”

“I said, he’s very handsome. I can see you agree.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you haven’t stopped staring at him. I can’t blame you, to be honest. He is a dish. Oh, I’m Andrew, by the way.” He leaned closer to Jaye, put his fingers on her arm and whispered, “But you can call me Andrea if you wish.”

Realising the man had read her, Jaye’s blood ran cold. Seeing the look on her face, Andrew smirked, “Don’t worry sister, I won’t say anything. We girls have to stick together.”

Jaye looked around in panic.

“It’s OK,’ Andrew continued. “You’re very good. Nobody else will notice. I’ve had years of experience, but even so, I wasn’t sure.”

Jaye’s mouth opened and shut, but no sounds emerged.

“You’re the son’s tutor, I hear. Nice gig if you get invited to parties like this.”

“Erm, who are you?” Jaye finally managed to speak.

“Me? I’m one of Chakrii’s lawyers. Oh, and a part-time queen. However, I will give you a piece of Pro Bono advice. If the look on your face means what I think it does, you’re knocking on the wrong door with Chakrii. Look by all means, and he is something to look at, but no touchy touchy, unless you want to be an ex-tutor. I have heard nothing more than he is a squeaky clean, whiter than white, straight as an arrow, hetero.” Her heart sank at his words. “But, of course, free advice is only worth what you pay for it. Enjoy your evening.”

He winked at her and disappeared into the party. Shaken by his words, Jaye found somewhere to sit down. She didn’t like the fact that the man who claimed to be one of Chakrii’s lawyers had read her. Even if it was by, what had he called himself, a part-time queen? At least, she thought, that meant he wasn’t going to out her. Of course, she was read from time to time, but it had still been a shock. She prayed it had been meant as a warning, not a threat. Still, it merely confirmed what Jaye knew. Nothing was ever going to happen between them.

Panit appeared in front of her. “Jaye, the food is being served. Can we go? I hungry.”

“You mean I am hungry, Panit.”

“OK, but can we go eat, please?”

She got up and took his hand. He looked around and whispered to her, “My nickname is Mee. You can call me that. I don’t mind.”

“Mee, that’s so sweet of you. I feel honoured.”

They walked outside where tables laden with Thai, Chinese, Indian and European dishes spread out across the lawn. Guests could choose whatever they wanted, and the Champagne continued to flow. Jaye and Panit took their food and shared a table with some other guests as the shadows darkened, and suddenly dusk had fallen. Someone called for quiet, and Chakrii walked onto the stage under the picture of the King. Panit’s hand squeezed hers, watching his father on stage. Chakrii waited for a few seconds, spoke some words in Thai, and then repeated himself in English.

“Thank you all for coming this evening to celebrate the birthday of His Majesty, the King of Thailand. King Rama X. I would like to ask you to drink a toast to His Royal Majesty. Everyone raised their glasses and said, “To the King.”

At that moment from behind the stage, khom loy sky lanterns were lit and released into the sky. They floated up, propelled by candles, and flickered like fireflies in the dark sky until they disappeared into the darkness. Somebody clapped, and everyone joined in until Chakrii held up his arms for quiet. “Thank you, my friends. Let us get back to the celebration.”

The band began to play and couples took to the dance floor. Jaye sat with Panit for a while until he declared himself bored and would go to his room to play. Jaye said she would let his father know and not stay up too late. Panit grinned and scampered away. She sighed as she watched Chakrii dancing, and the words of the lawyer came back to her. Well, it would never happen, anyway, she thought, so let me enjoy myself.

A man asked her to dance and as he led her onto the dance floor, she caught Chakrii’s eye and she thought something passed between them. Stop it, she told herself, you’re acting like a teenager. Jaye loved to dance and was asked to dance twice more before she took a break to have a drink.

Chakrii appeared at her elbow.

“Are you enjoying yourself, Jaye?”

“Yes, thank you. It is a delightful party, and your guests are very friendly. Panit has gone to his room.” She hesitated, then said, “May I ask you a personal question?”

“Yes, of course.”

“May I ask why you moved to England?”

Chakrii paused and furrowed his brow. “While you were in my country, you must have been aware that the political situation is very, shall I say, hot at the moment.” He sipped his drink. “To be honest, it has always been hot. King Bhumibol was the one factor that helped unite the Thai people. We love to argue and fight amongst ourselves, but the love for the King brought Thais together. The death of King Bhumibol has created a division amongst the people which may be difficult to bridge. Whilst still loyal to the new King, I wished for a more democratic approach, which some people interpreted as treason. My family and I received death threats, and I decided it would be safer to move away from Thailand. My wife disagreed. She is a supporter of the Army. Her father is a General, and she did not want to come with me. We divorced and after a legal fight, which cost me much money, I brought Mee with me here.”

“I am sorry,” said Jaye.

“There is no need for you to be. It is not your fault. I sold my company and decided that England would be a good place to live and for Mee to grow up.”

“It must have been a difficult time for you and Panit, Khun Somchai.”

“Jaye, please call me Somchai. We are not in Thailand, and I need to adapt.”

“What will you do now? You don’t seem to be the kind of man who sits around.”

He frowned and Jaye thought she might have gone too far. “I have worked seven days a week since I was sixteen, and neglected my family, especially Mee. I want to spend some time with him before he goes away to school. After that, I have some ideas about new business here.” He looked sideways at her. “I will not stay idle for long. And what will you do, Jaye? I mean, after your time here.”

“I don’t know, to be honest. I have been trying to write a novel, and I’ve made some progress since I’ve been here. I might be able to submit it to a publisher soon. I think I will have to get a teaching job somewhere.”

Chakrii smiled. “You would make an excellent teacher. I have watched you with Mee, and he likes and respects you. Believe me, that is a tremendous achievement. Now, forgive me, I must return to my guests.”

The lights sparkled off the water, and the laughter of the guests echoed off the front of the building. A little later, the band announced they would play one more number, and Chakrii suddenly appeared in front of Jaye.

“Jaye, would you do me the honour of this dance?” He didn’t give her a chance to say no, putting his arm around her waist.

“Oh. Yes, of course.”

It was a slow dance and for the first time in a long time, Jaye felt someone’s arms around her. She tensed at first, but as his hand pressed against her back, she let herself melt into Chakrii’s embrace, her head on his shoulder. She inhaled his scent, a dark, woody masculine aroma producing a rush of emotions within her. Oh God, she thought, please don’t let me get hard. So, it was a surprise for Jaye to feel something brush against her when Chakrii pulled her closer to him. She thought she must be imagining it, but there was no mistake. She could feel his erection pushing against her groin. He made no attempt to move away from her and she had a crazy urge to reach down to touch the bulge, but she bit her lip and kept her arms around his neck.

The music came to an end, but Chakrii held her close for a few seconds more, before letting her go. Chakrii smiled and said, Thank you, Jaye, for dancing with me, and for all you are doing here.” Before she could reply, he leant forward and brushed her cheek with his lips, turned and disappeared into the crowd.

Stunned, Jaye stood there for a few minutes, trying to make sense of what had happened. Chakrii had, without doubt, been aroused when he danced with her. But what did it mean? She felt stupid when she realised that any man reacting like Chakrii meant only one thing. Oh no, she thought, this can’t be. Yes, he was an attractive man, and being in his arms had awoken emotions she hadn’t experienced for a long time, but she dare not let herself get carried away. The party was breaking up now, and Jaye said her farewells before heading off to her annexe.

She fell asleep with a smile on her face, thinking about the touch of his lips on her cheek.


Chakrii had to leave after the party for a few days on a trip, so the days passed in their usual routine. Panit’s lessons were going well, she thought, and she was making progress with her writing. A few days later, when Panit and Jaye were finishing their lesson, Mary knocked on the door.

“Jaye, Mr Chakrii would like to see you up at the house. Can you be there at one o’clock?”

“Of course, Mary. Any idea what for?”

“Sorry, I don’t. How’s Panit getting along?”

“He’s doing fine, Mary. He’s a lovely kid, and bright with it.”

Mary slid a sideways look at Jaye. “He seems very fond of you. It’s good for him to have a female presence around him. I’ll tell him you’ll be there for one.”

“Thanks, Mary.”

Promptly at one o’clock, Jaye went up to the house. Chakrii showed her into the library and asked her to sit down.

“Jaye, I want to say how well I think you are doing with Panit. His English has improved, as have his manners, I might add. Has he misbehaved at all?”

“No, he has not. He lacks concentration sometimes, but overall, I am very pleased with him. I am happy you feel so, too. He is also improving my chess skills, too. He is a clever player.

Chakrii smiled. “His grandfather was also a chess player. Unfortunately for me, it seems to have skipped a generation. There is something else I would like to discuss with you. You told me you may have to get a job teaching, but I have a proposal for you.”

“Oh?” What on earth could this be?

“As you know, I have taken a break until Mee goes to school, but I will need to get down to business once more. Things will heat up, and I will need people I can trust. You have impressed me in so many ways since you arrived here. I want to ask if you would consider becoming my PA?”

Whatever Jaye had expected, it wasn’t this. “Somchai, I don’t know what to say. I know nothing about being a PA.”

He waved her concern away. “We can talk about what the role is, but it’s principally about trust, and from what I have seen, you have all the skills required. I will use Seacrest for my business base, so you would be based here as well, but would have to accompany me on business trips here and in other countries. I need absolute trust in my PA, so what better than to have someone whom I have had the chance to experience already? All I ask now is that you consider the idea, and in a few days, we could discuss the details.”

Jaye had recovered from the initial surprise. “Thank you for thinking of me, Somchai. It is an honour to be asked. May I have a couple of days to think about it?”

“Of course, Jaye. Let us meet then to talk about it.”


Jaye had discovered a small sailing dinghy in the boathouse. She had learnt to sail on the North Sea, so she thought nothing of this small stretch of water by the house. She had asked Chakrii if she could take Panit for a sail and he agreed but insisted they must not go out of the sheltered estuary and that he must wear a life jacket at all times. Panit was excited about the trip, and after Jaye helped him put on the life jacket, they pushed off from the small jetty. The wind was light, and she made sure they didn’t stray too far from the house and even allowed Panit to hold the tiller for a while. The late afternoon breeze was freshening, making Jaye think they should head back to the house.

She looked around to see they had clear water and told Panit they would be tacking. The boom swung smoothly over and Jaye steered for Seacrest, the little dinghy surging ahead when the breeze filled the sails, and Panit yelled in excitement as the little boat sped up. They were less than a hundred metres from the jetty when she first heard the noise behind them.

Turning her head, she saw a speedboat approaching from the stern. Thinking the boat would see them and change course, Jaye adjusted the heading to line up on Seacrest. The noise was getting louder, and she looked back to see the speedboat still heading straight for them.

She thought they must alter direction to avoid them soon, but she watched the speedboat’s bow wave get bigger and realised with a surprise they were increasing speed. They must be able to see us, she thought, but deciding safety first would be best, Jaye shouted to Panit to hold on and she tacked quickly to get out of the way. Looking back over her shoulder, she saw the speedboat change course again to follow them.

Jaye tacked quickly again and couldn’t believe it as she watched the boat alter course once more to point straight at them. She shouted a warning, but the boat kept coming. She grabbed Panit when she thought they were going to hit the dinghy, but at the last moment, the speedboat veered away and missed the stern of the dinghy by inches. The speedboat’s wake hit them so hard it made the boom swing over, knocking Panit from her grasp and capsizing the little boat. The water closed over her head, and she heard laughter from the speedboat.

Jaye surfaced and grabbed hold of the upturned hull before looking around for Panit. She panicked when she couldn’t see him and called out his name, but there was only the sound of the water splashing against the boat’s hull. She swam around the boat, struggling with the clumsy life vest, but there was no sign of the boy on the other side of the boat. God, she thought, he’s under the boat. Taking a deep breath, she ducked under the upturned hull and came up into an air pocket inside the hull. There was a little light coming through the water, enough for her to see it was empty.

She scrabbled around in the water with her hands, and her heart leapt as her fingers brushed against something. It was Panit, but something had caught him under the water. She tried to reach down to pull him up, but the life vest stopped her. Unbuckling the vest with frantic fingers, she slipped it off, took another deep breath, and ducked under the water. She grabbed the boy and pulled with all her strength, and for a few seconds, nothing happened. One more heave and he moved. With her breath running out, she tugged again and felt him break free, and they broke the surface outside the hull. Panit was being held up by his life vest, but his eyes were closed and he didn’t seem to be breathing. Please God, she thought, he has to be OK.

“Jaye, Jaye.” She heard someone call. “Hang on, I’m on my way.”

She turned to see George heading towards them in the skiff with the outboard from the jetty. She checked Panit again, but there seemed to be no sign of life. George was alongside in a few seconds and he hauled the boy into the boat, then pulled Jaye in as well.

“I saw what happened, Jaye. Those little bastards, I could strangle them.”

Panit was lying motionless on his back in the boat, and she grabbed his wrist and found the tiniest flicker of a pulse.

“George, get us back as quick as you can. He’s alive.”

He gunned the outboard and Jaye gave Panit mouth to mouth while they sped back to the jetty. George pulled alongside and helped her get him out of the boat onto the jetty.

“Call an ambulance.”

George ran up to the house while Jaye dropped to her knees to resume CPR. She had learnt many years ago on a dummy, but this was the first time she had ever had to do it for real.

She heard shouting but was too focused on what she was doing to pay any attention. Just when she thought she had lost him, his chest heaved and he coughed, water spurting out of the corners of his mouth. He coughed once more, and his eyes flickered open.

“Thank God,” whispered Jaye. She sat up, only to be shoved out of the way by Chakrii, who had run down from the house. She looked up into his face, and he snarled at her. “You were supposed to look after him. Instead, you nearly kill him. You’re fired, get out of my sight. I do not want to see you again.”

He picked up the boy and carried him back up to the house, and Jaye could hear an ambulance in the distance.

She fell back, unable to believe what had happened. It wasn’t her fault. He had no right to blame her for this. It was those bastards on the speedboat. She shivered as the adrenaline ebbed away and the reality of what had happened closed in around her.

“Jaye, take this. You’re shivering.” Mary had appeared with a blanket and she wrapped it around her. “We’ll get you up to the cottage and get you warm.”

Mary put her arm around her and together they walked up to the cottage. Once inside, Mary made tea for both of them while Jaye changed her clothes. They sat down at the table. and Jaye took one sip of the tea before bursting into tears.

“It wasn’t my fault, Mary.”

Mary held her, and the tears of frustration and guilt flooded out.

“I know it wasn’t. George told me what happened when he rang for the ambulance. We need to tell the police about those kids. They could have killed you both. It wasn’t right either, what Chakrii said to you. I’m sure it will be all right.”

Jaye shook her head. “No, he hates me. I saw the look on his face. Mary, he was so angry.”

“Jaye, look at me. He thought he had lost his son. He was distraught and lashed out at you.”

Jaye shook her head. “No. Mary, you’re wrong. I’m going to pack my things. I will leave tomorrow. I can’t stay here now.”

Jaye stood and ran out of the house to the annexe. She slammed the door behind her and lay on the bed and thought how unfair it all was. She loved what she was doing here and hated the idea of going back to her old life.


There was a loud knocking on the front door, making Jaye jump, and she realised she must have fallen asleep. The knocking continued, and she dragged herself to the door and opened it. It took her aback to see Chakrii standing there. She thought he had come to throw her out, and she said, “I’m packing to leave, but can I stay tonight and go in the morning?”

To her surprise, Chakrii bowed deeply and said, “Jaye, may I come in?”

She opened the door and moved back to let him in. He bowed again. “I have come from the hospital.”

Oh God, Jaye thought, please let Panit be all right. Chakrii saw the look on her face and said, “Panit is fine. They are keeping him in overnight, but he might be home tomorrow.”

“Oh, I am so glad to hear that. Thank you for telling me.”

“It was not the only reason I came.”

Here it comes, she thought.

To her astonishment, he bowed and said, “I have also come to apologise for my words and behaviour earlier. I have talked to the doctors and they tell me if you had not acted so quickly, Panit may have died before he got to the hospital. George has also spoken to me, and he told me the accident was not your fault, and you did everything you could to stop it from happening. I wish you to know I am deeply ashamed and I wish to apologise, Jaye.”

He bowed deeply once again and kept his head down. Stunned, her heart lurched at his words. “Somchai, there is no need to apologise. You were so worried about Panit.”

“It is kind of you, but it is no excuse for the way I behaved. Please accept my humble apologies and my gratitude for what you did today.”

Jaye knew by saying these things Chakrii was losing face according to Thai culture. She realised he needed her to accept his apology.

“Of course, I accept your apology, Somchai. It is most gracious of you.”

He looked up and she could see the relief in his eyes.

“When I saw Panit in the hospital, the first words he spoke were to ask if you were all right. He was so happy to hear you were well.”

Tears sprang to Jaye’s eyes, and she wiped them with her hand.

“He is such a nice boy. I am so glad he is OK.”

Chakrii shuffled his feet, and his face coloured with embarrassment.

“I would also like to ask if you would consent to stay here and to forgive my asking you to leave.”

Jaye’s heart leapt. “I would be delighted to stay, and there is nothing to forgive.”

He smiled. “Thank you, and one more request. Would you agree to dine with me this evening?”

“Of course, I would. Thank you.”

“Shall we say seven o’clock?”


Without knowing why, she spent a little more time on her make-up than usual, and let down her hair out of its usual messy bun. She checked herself in the mirror before slipping on her heels and spritzing herself with Dior Poison. One more look in the mirror to fluff up her hair, and she was ready to go. Picking up her handbag and a light shawl for her shoulders in case it cooled off later, she left the annexe for the short walk to the main house. She stood in front of the house for a moment, watching the setting sun turn the windows of the house into gold.

Boonsri had surpassed herself to prepare dinner. It was a banquet in miniature and Jaye relished the delights on offer. She had been nervous at first, worried that Chakrii had not forgiven her, but nothing was said about what had happened earlier in the day and Jaye did not want to go over it again. She had the impression that Chakrii was also nervous as he talked about his upbringing in Thailand and how he had formed his first company at 16, and how it had all grown since then. Jaye talked about her time in Chang Mai, although leaving out certain details. Chakrii asked about her novel and she told him she was excited to be making such progress at Seacrest. She thought she would finish the book by the time Panit would leave for school. Jaye relaxed as time passed, and the attraction she had for Chakrii returned. She remembered the dance they had shared at the party and the feelings she had when Chakrii’s erection bumped into her. Had it even happened, or had she imagined it?

By now, they had finished the meal and moved to the terrace with a pot of coffee. Dusk had fallen and the lights bordering the lawn twinkled in the fading light. They sat in silence for a while, and Jaye thought she heard an owl hoot somewhere. Even in the darkness, Jaye could see the water glinting, and she shivered at the memory of what had happened out there only a few hours ago. She found it hard to believe what had happened in the few hours since.

Chakrii turned to her. “Jaye, have you thought about my proposal to be my PA? Panit will soon go to school and if you have finished your book, it would be excellent timing.”

The question startled Jaye, and she took a moment to gather her thoughts.

“Somchai, are you sure about this?”

“Yes, more than ever now. I would like you to stay with me.”

Oh, she thought, what did that mean? She told herself not to overthink this. He only means as his PA.

She took a breath. Here goes nothing. “Somchai, if you are sure about this, yes, I would like to accept.”

She could see him smile in the lights from the garden. “Jaye, thank you. That makes me very happy.”

Boonsri had left a bottle of Lao Khao Thai Whisky with the coffee, and Chakrii filled a glass for them both. He raised his glass to Jaye.

“To your new role.”

Jaye hesitantly picked up her glass and returned the gesture before taking a sip. She coughed and spluttered when the spirit hit her throat. When she eventually caught her breath, she asked, “Oh my God, what is that?”

Chakrii smiled. “I’m sorry. I should have warned you. It’s a favourite of mine, it’s what working people drink in Thailand. It reminds me of my early life. It keeps me, how you say, grounded.”

“It would ground an elephant,” Jaye said, looking at the glass suspiciously.

Chakrii laughed. “Should we go inside? It’s getting cold out here.”

Chakrii stood and put out his hand to help Jaye get up from the chair. She hesitated a fraction before reaching out to take his hand. The touch of his fingers made her quiver, and once more she told herself that he was only being polite. It meant nothing else. They were about to go through the door when an owl hooted loudly behind them and they both turned to look at the same time. Jaye stumbled slightly and bumped into Chakrii.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” whispered Jaye. Chakrii said nothing, but moved his head towards Jaye and his lips pressed against hers. For a second, she froze, then closed her eyes and returned the kiss. For a moment, she thought, this can’t be happening. But then she put her arms around Chakrii and pressed herself to him. At that moment, Chakrii’s phone rang, and he broke the kiss. Chakrii said something in Thai that Jaye thought was a curse.

“I am sorry. I have to take this call. It’s the hospital.”

Jaye nodded, “Of course.”

As Chakrii took the call, Jaye’s mind was spinning. What did she think she was doing? This had to stop. Chakrii obviously thought she was a woman, and this would all end in disaster if she didn’t end this nonsense now.

As Chakrii ended the call, Jaye said, “Is Panit OK?”

“Yes, they wanted to confirm he can leave tomorrow morning.”

“Thank God. You must be thrilled. Somchai, thank you for this evening. It’s been lovely, but it’s been a long day, so I think I should get back to the annexe.” She pecked him on the cheek and hurried away. She couldn’t resist a look back and saw he hadn’t moved and was still watching her.


Jaye slept fitfully, her mind struggling to decide what to do. She woke to the sound of knocking on the front door and looked at the clock to see it was already nine o’clock. Jumping out of bed, she pulled on her dressing gown and unlocked the front door. George stood outside.

Grinning, he said, “Sorry, Jaye. Did I wake you?”

She grimaced. “Well, maybe. But don’t worry, I need to be up.”

“Chakrii wants me to drive him to the hospital to collect Panit, and he asked if you would like to come too.”

“Oh, yes, I would, very much.”

He grinned. “Thought so. We’ll leave at ten from the main house if that’s OK."

“I’ll be there and thank you for what you said to Chakrii yesterday. It means a lot to me.”

“No need for thanks. He needed to hear the truth about what had happened.”

“Well, thank you anyway.” She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. He blushed and Jaye hurried to get ready and at ten o’clock she was at the house where George stood waiting beside a big black Mercedes.

“George, what’s this? No Land Cruiser today?”

He grinned. “No, Chakrii asked for this one today. He wants you to ride in the back with him.” George opened the back door and Jaye slid into what she thought was the most comfortable seat she had ever sat in. Chakrii emerged from the house and George opened the other door for him to get in.

“Thank you for coming with me this morning. Panit will be pleased to see you, I’m sure.”

“I’m delighted to come. I want to see him, too.”

It was only a brief ride to the hospital, but Jaye was acutely aware of Chakrii so close to her in the back seat of the car. She wanted to reach over and touch him, but she knew George could see them in the rear-view mirror. They arrived at the hospital where Panit ran out to jump into his father’s arms, and they hugged each other until Panit saw Jaye and ran over to her.

“Jaye, Jaye. I pleased to see you.” He hugged her, and Jaye bit back her tears.

“Panit, I am so glad you are looking so well.”

He stood back, bowed to her, and said gravely, “Jaye, thank you for saving my life.”

Jaye burst into tears and Panit looked confused until she grabbed him and hugged him tightly. Chakrii handed Jaye a handkerchief to wipe her eyes and said. “Come, let’s go home, and we can talk about what happened.”

Panit grabbed his father’s hand with one hand and took Jaye’s with the other. The three of them walked hand in hand back to the car, and Panit jumped into the middle of the back seat, pulling Jaye in next to him. Chakrii got in the other side and they set off back to Seacrest. Panit didn’t let go of Jaye’s hand until they arrived back at the house. When Jaye got out of the car, she thought she caught an odd look on George’s face. Panit led them into the kitchen where Boonsri was making lunch. She squealed and grabbed Panit, smothering him with kisses, much to the boy’s embarrassment.

Wriggling free, he said, “I hungry.”

“I am hungry,” Jaye said automatically, and everyone laughed. Boonsri made him a sandwich and Panit sat eating it while he told them he could remember the sound of the speedboat and Jaye trying to get out of the way. He couldn’t remember anything else until he woke up in the ambulance. He looked at Jaye and said, “Will you teach me sailing? I enjoy it until…” His voice trailed off and Jaye couldn’t look at Chakrii.

“We will talk about it, Mee. Now, I think today’s lesson with Jaye will be cancelled and you can begin again tomorrow. Go to your room and rest. Please join us for lunch, Jaye”

Panit bowed to his father and grinned at Jaye. “Laters.”

Jaye stifled a laugh as he ran out of the room. Chakrii sighed, “See, he is impossible.”

“Don’t be too hard on him, Somchai. He has made much progress. He is a bright boy.”

Chakrii snorted. “I think it may shock him when he gets to school. I think I have been too soft on him.”

“He will be OK. He is a fine young man and a credit to you.”

He nodded. “Thank you, and I think you have been very good for him. He has grown very fond of you.” Chakrii looked away before saying softly, “As am I.”

God, thought Jaye, what had he said? Before either of them could say any more, Boonsri announced lunch was ready. Jaye ate lunch with her mind in turmoil. It was clear enough that Chakrii was attracted to her, and she to him. But he did not know who she was, and after what that creepy lawyer had said, there was no doubt in her mind there could be no future in this. She knew it would all end in disaster if she took the role of his PA. Her heart lurched at the realisation that the only way out for her was to leave after Panit went to school. She could see no other solution. She would have to tell Chakrii soon, but she couldn’t bear to do it now.


A couple of days later, it was Saturday, and it promised to be a glorious summer’s day. Panit was away visiting a friend and George and Mary had the weekend off to visit a sick relative. Jaye was pleased with the progress of her novel and she looked forward to the opportunity for some time to herself. The temperature was climbing rapidly, and she decided some sunbathing would be in order. She pulled up her bikini bottom, tucked herself and picked up the bikini top. Panit and George and Mary were away and Chakrii rarely came to the annexe so there would be nobody to disturb her, so she went topless. Tying her hair back with a scrunchie, she took her sunglasses, a book she had been meaning to read for ages, a towel and some factor 30 for her breasts, and went outside. She chose a spot sheltered from the house for the sunbed, just in case.

Her nipples had always been sensitive, even with her implants, and she felt a delicious tingle rubbing the cream onto her breasts. She lay down on the sunbed, closed her eyes and let her imagination take over. Her mind drifted to Chakrii and the dance they had and the kiss they had shared. The tingle in her breasts spread to her groin, and she was becoming aroused. Her hand drifted down and her fingers slipped inside the bikini to free herself. She sucked in her breath as she reached down with her fingers to at first circle, then gently stroke her arousal.

A yell of pain from over by the house made her stop. She sat up and looked around, but could see nothing. Standing up, she could see the front of the house, where lying flat out on the grass was Chakrii, holding his leg and groaning. He must have been doing his Muay Thai practice, she thought, and ran across the lawn to where Chakrii lay. He was sitting up by the time she reached him and she saw his eyes widen when he looked up and saw her. Only then did she remember she was topless. Too late now to go back for my top, she thought.

“I was sunbathing. What’s wrong with you?”

He continued to stare at her breasts as he rubbed his leg.

“I got a cramp in my leg and I fell.”

“Is it still cramping?”

He nodded. Jaye held his foot and lifted his leg to stretch the cramp out. Chakrii moaned as Jaye pushed his foot backwards. In doing so, his foot touched Jaye’s breast and his eyes widened even more.

“Is that any better?” Jaye asked, conscious of his foot on her breast. He nodded. “A bit.”

She was all efficiency now. “Let’s see if we can get you back to the house.”

Jaye let go of his foot and, instead, grabbed his hand. She pulled back and Chakrii gingerly got to his feet. He tried to put weight on the leg and winced as it almost buckled under him. Jaye moved beside him and put his arm around her shoulders to steady him, whilst putting her arm around his waist.

“See if you can hop while I hold you.”

Chakrii hopped a step and then another. Jaye felt her breasts jiggle, and she almost laughed out loud at the sight she and Chakrii must have looked. They made their way to the house and into the lounge, where he fell onto a couch.

“Thank you, Jaye. I will be OK now.” But he groaned as he said it.

“Lay back. I will see if I can help. I learnt massage in Thailand,” said Jaye, kneeling by the side of the couch.

“I know,” said Chakrii, grimacing at the pain.

Jaye put her hands on his leg and probed the muscles with her fingers. It was a few minutes later that what he said hit her. He had said ‘I know. How did he know? If he knew that, how much else did he know? A chill ran through her as she thought about the secret she carried. She stopped massaging his leg.

“Somchai, what did you mean, I know? How did you know?”

Still rubbing his leg, he said, “Your agency told me.”

“Uh-uh. I never told them.”

“Then you must have told me.”

“Wrong again, Somchai.”

She dug her fingers hard into his leg, making him yelp.

“OK, OK. Stop that and I tell you.”

She relaxed her fingers. “OK, go ahead.”

“Everyone who comes to work for me is security checked. Do you remember I told you about my leaving Thailand? I was on a hit list of one of the extremist groups. It was one reason I had to leave Thailand. You were no exception. When your agency put you forward, the time you spent in Thailand was a strong point for you, but it also meant you were a potential risk and needed to be checked out thoroughly. That’s how I know about your massage lessons.”

Jaye stood up and looked down at Chakrii. “What else do you know?”

He looked away before replying. “I know your father left you when you were a child and your mother died soon after. Your grandparents brought you up, and you were lonely as a child. You read everything you could and left university and went to Thailand for a year.” She became icy cold as he continued. “You learnt Thai cooking and massage in Chang Mai, made friends in a bar there, and you have a tattoo of a lotus flower on your left buttock. So, yes, I know everything.”

Jaye felt a burst of anger. “You had no right to investigate—”

“I had every right. Mee’s safety and mine come first. He was also on the list. It’s how I got him out of Thailand. You wanted a job. I had you checked out. I had every right.”

The anger flushed away from Jaye as she realised what had been at stake. “But if you knew everything, why did you give me the job?”

“Why not? You checked out 100%. There was no reason not to. You were an excellent candidate. If you mean why because of your gender, I couldn’t care less about that. We Thais have a tolerance for the third sex.”

Jaye sat down on a chair opposite Chakrii, and suddenly remembered she was still topless. She folded her arms across her breasts, although after what had happened, she thought it was a futile gesture.

Chakrii noticed and sat up, pulled his t-shirt over his head and threw it to Jaye.

She said, “Thank you,” and pulled it on. She could smell his body odour on it.

“But if you knew about me, why did you kiss me?”

He shrugged. “Because I like you.”

“But your lawyer said—“

“What? What lawyer? What did he say?”

Jaye hesitated, unsure what to do.

“Tell me, what did he say?”

“It was a little guy at your party. He said he was one of your lawyers. He told me he knew what I was, and that I had no chance with you because you were straight.” A thought struck Jaye. “Oh shit. He must have seen the report on me.”

Chakrii was visibly angry now. “Who was it?”

Jaye shook her head.

“Oh, don’t tell me. I know who it must have been. Andrew, or Andrea, as he likes to be known.” He saw Jaye’s face. “Yes, lawyers get checked, too. I will deal with him.”

Jaye shook her head. “But it still doesn’t answer my question. Why did you kiss me?”

“Jaye, you’re not the only one with secrets. I have one too. I have tried to keep it buried, but you deserve to know it, and I am about to trust you with it. Before I met Malee, my wife, I had affairs with both women and men. When I married Malee, I promised myself I would be faithful, and until now I have been able to keep that promise.”

Jaye said, “What do you mean, until now?” She held her breath, not daring to hear the answer she wanted.

“When you arrived here, I had no ulterior motives. You were the best candidate available. However, when I met you and got to know you, those desires came back.” He paused for a moment. “I thought you were beautiful, and you captivated me. At the party, you looked so lovely, and I thought you liked me, too, but after I behaved so badly when you saved Mee’s life, I didn’t know if you still were. I had to know. I kissed you to find out, but you walked away.”

“Oh Somchai, I only walked away because of what that lawyer had said. I thought there could be nothing between us. I wanted to avoid a terrible mistake for us both.”

Jaye’s pulse throbbed in her ears, and she knew she had to take this chance or regret it forever. She slid to her knees in front of the couch and covered Chakrii’s lips with hers. He didn’t respond for a moment and Jaye’s heart almost stopped. Then he put his arms around her neck, drew her down and kissed her back. She lost herself in the kiss and her heart was beating like a drum. Their tongues duelled with each other and she was light-headed from the desire surging within her. As they kissed, her fingers danced down his bare chest, drawing circles on the hard muscles of his torso before reaching the top of his shorts. Feeling suddenly shy, she hesitated for a second before reaching further down to feel the hard bulge through his shorts. She could feel him harden as she rubbed it through the thin cloth.

Chakrii moaned when she slid her hand under the waistband to wrap her fingers around him. It twitched when she rubbed the tip, and it was thick and heavy in her hand. Their kissing became more intense as Jaye teased him with her fingers until she broke away and slowly kissed her way down his chest. She took each nipple in turn, licking, sucking and nipping with her teeth, making him hiss. Sensing he liked this, she used her teeth to nip the skin, making him arch his back. Her hand was still stroking him, until her lips took over, kissing and licking him through his shorts.

Locking eyes with Chakrii, she dragged his shorts down, releasing her prize. With her eyes still on his, she kissed the tip before slipping it into her mouth. She watched as he closed his eyes and his head went back as she slid her mouth up and down the shaft. She had been right. He was not so long, but thick, and hard as a steel pipe. Stroking him with her hands, she sucked and licked and even nipped the mushroom head with her teeth, earning herself another hiss. Jaye loved giving head, and she kissed up and down before taking him all the way in again, at the same time as cupping and rolling his balls. She swirled her tongue around his cock, flicking the sweet spot between the head and the shaft and drawing a gasp from him, and when she pressed her knuckle into the sensitive spot below his scrotum, he nearly levitated off the bed.

Sensing he was coming to the edge, she let him slip from her mouth and pulled the t-shirt over her head, tossing it aside. He watched wide-eyed as Jaye cupped her breasts with her hands and rubbed them hard, making them tingle. She squeezed her nipples, and the tingle turned into an electric charge, making her quiver. Leaning forward, she pushed her breasts together around his cock, and he drove himself between them. Jaye was now lost in a red fog of lust and desire she had not felt for a long, long time.

But Jaye knew she would have to face a moment of truth with Chakrii, so she stood up, slipped down her bikini and turned to face him. She would later tell him he had licked his lips as his eyes took her in. Without taking his eyes off her groin, he simply said, “Let me taste you.”

Chakrii lay back on the couch and Jaye straddled his chest until her cock was close to his mouth. She smiled down at him with a surge of relief when his tongue poked through his lips to kiss the tip. Giggling at the touch, she pushed forward, and he opened his mouth to let her slide inside. She pushed forward once more, and he took her fully inside, making her swoon as he greedily sucked her. She rocked forward and backwards, sliding in and out past his lips as she reached behind to stroke his erection, which was bumping against her bottom. After a few minutes of bliss, Jaye pulled out and said, “Can we go somewhere more comfortable?”

Chakrii jumped up and led Jaye by the hand up the staircase to the first floor. She noticed there was no trace of a limp. “You bastard,” she said, before laughing out loud. “You played me. You didn’t have cramp.”

He grinned at her. “My PA deals with all complaints.”

Laughing, she aimed a mock swing at him, which he ducked easily and hoisted her over his shoulder. He carried her squealing and laughing through a door into a bedroom which overlooked the lawn and the water. She didn’t get time to admire the view, however, as he dropped her straight on the bed and dived between her legs.

Coco the dog, attracted by the noise, chose that moment to run into the bedroom, jump on the bed and start barking. Chakrii swore in Thai and pushed the dog off the bed. It jumped straight back on, making Jaye giggle at the sight of a naked Chakrii shooing the barking dog out of the room and slamming the door.

“Now, where were we?”

Jaye giggled and pointed between her legs. Chakrii laughed and engulfed her once more with his mouth.

“Ooh,” she moaned and wrapped her legs around his head as his lips and tongue performed magic tricks on her. I’ve died and gone to heaven, she thought. This can’t be real. She was breathing heavily now as she became more aroused, and she desperately wanted to feel him inside her. She pushed his head away and recovered enough breath to say, “Somchai, will you fuck me now?”

“Are you sure, Jaye?”

“I have never been more sure of anything. Please fuck me.”

“Your wish is my command, but I have to fetch something first.” He ran to the bathroom and Jaye giggled at his cock jiggling about as he ran.

“What is it, for God’s sake? I want you now. Hurry.” Jaye yelled after him. Chakrii reappeared with a tube of something in his hand.

“I don’t have any lube, but Aloe Vera is good, too.”

“OK, OK. That’s good to know. Now, can we get on with it?”

She lay back on the bed and stuffed a pillow under her bum. Chakrii knelt on the bed and covered himself with the Aloe Vera and smeared some on Jaye as well. His erection was pointing up to the ceiling and when Jaye looked at the girth, she thanked God he had remembered the Aloe Vera. He lay down on her and they kissed, his cock and hers bumping together. Wrapping his lips around one nipple, he sucked it into his mouth before nipping it with his teeth. She jerked as every nerve ending in her body seemed to fire at the same time.

“Ooh,” she moaned, and he let go of the nipple. She pouted. “Don’t forget the other one.”

He laughed and did the same to the other nipple, but harder, and this one made Jaye arch her back and close her eyes. Chakrii sat upright and reached down between her legs with his hand, and she squirmed when he eased one finger into her, and then a second, then a third, making her buck and grind against his hand.

“Fuck, if that’s the hors d’oeuvre, give me the main course.”

He leant forward and pushed her legs back until her knees almost touched her shoulders before tapping himself twice on her as a warning before pushing in a little way. She tried to open up but could feel how thick he was, and she had a twitch of alarm at what was to come. He withdrew and pushed a little deeper. She grunted, squeezed her eyes shut and pushed down on him, and suddenly, he was inside. She yelped in pain, adjusting to his size, but as the pain slipped away she said, “Now, fuck me hard.”

Chakrii started slowly before quickening his pace, and she wrapped her legs around him and pushed back against him until they were shuddering against each other at each thrust. Her head fell back, and she closed her eyes as they rutted with a fierce animal fury. She was hard, too, and she tried to stroke herself, but Chakrii batted her hand away. In retaliation, she twisted one of his nipples and he roared before thrusting even harder into her. She had never been fucked like this before.

“Oh, God. Oh, God.” she yelled and pulled his head down to kiss him while he pounded her so hard the headboard of the bed was banging against the wall. He slipped out and picked her up like a rag doll, and she fell to her knees on the bed. Chakrii grabbed her hips and entered her from behind. He slipped in easily this time and pushed so hard she fell onto her elbows with her backside in the air. He stood above her and slammed down hard, making Jaye feel she was being fucked by a steam hammer as he rose and fell above her.

Jaye stuffed a bit of the sheet in her mouth, which muffled the noises she was making as he took her to a level of ecstasy she had never reached before. Her body was on fire, and every thrust from him stoked the furnace. It was months since she had been with a man, but she was making up for it now. The pain had long gone and the hormones coursing through her veins raised her to a state of euphoria she wanted to go on forever. Somehow, through her dopamine high, she felt him grow harder and knew he was close to his climax. She pushed back hard and he made a noise like an animal before erupting inside her as her climax ripped through her, making her mind spin and whirl with the colours of a kaleidoscope until she thought she would faint from the waves of desire and lust that crashed like a tsunami through her body. Chakrii kept pumping, until, finally, he was spent and collapsed onto her back, and together they rolled onto the bed. Sweaty and exhausted, they lay side by side until Jaye rolled on top of him, and said, “My turn next.”


Six months later, an email arrived in the inbox of a lawyer who was now chasing ambulances to get clients. It was short and sweet.

Subject: Pro Bono Advice

Dear Andrea

You were right about only one thing. Your free advice was entirely worthless.

Jaye Chakrii (Mrs)

The End


Meaning of Thai names and nicknames used in the story.

Chakrii - King

Somchai - Real Man

Panit - Beloved

Boonsri - Beautiful

Tip - Divine

Mee - Bear

Malee - Flower

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