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Tammyverse Book 13
Royal Retreat
Part 6 Truly Titled Shiraz & Snowfall
Please note this is a work of fiction and any references to real people, real institutions or real heavily armed military units are for artistic purposes only!
Saturday morning was a flurry of activity.
True to form, the PT consisted of two laps of the runway then into the ocean for two miles of swim. Several dropped out and Tammy swam further. She had awoken earlier to bike and run with Krystel. Wells gave her a cross look when she crossed a line scuffed in the sand.
"Just what exactly was that Captain?"
"Nine miles, nine miles and six and a half miles, Sir." Tammy answered. "Four and half of those miles are against the current, of course. I believe that leading by example is appropriate?"
Wells looked over to group, exhausted, but performing cool-down stretches. "So this is the training you've been doing. I understand what you’re doing but let's keep some discretion, it wouldn't do to demoralize the troops or make them unfit for duty?"
"Yes, Sir." Tammy replied.
At six that morning the C-17 had taken off, heading to Freeport for the duration. At seven the fuel barge arrived. Four soldiers unrolled the fuel bladders as Carl and Eddie ran the hoses out to fill them. After that they went to the dock to meet the barge for the gasoline bladder. Tammy learned that Rodrick, Lyssa, Krystel and Carl were loaning their boats for the S.B.S. to use. Though Tammy would be able to use Krystel's boat.
Eight o’clock was announced with the arrival of six helicopters and four F-35 fighters. Once they were out of the way another C-17 arrived and began to offload equipment and personnel for the air unit. It took off immediately after unloading and another arrived thirty minutes later. This one came with the S.B.S. and S.A.S. teams and their personal gear along with the medical team.
Tammy had learned the other trailer next to the classroom trailer was the medical facility. The Classroom trailer would be used as their command and control centre with the conference room in the hangar to used as a briefing room. Kimberly would be providing intelligence gained from the Bahamians and U.S. Coast Guard to them. She suspected that some of the intel was coming for other sources as well but shouldn't ask.
Tammy grabbed Vance before he, again, went off to help with the recently arrived kit and personnel.
“Do you know the other team leaders?”
A couple of hands waved in their direction.
“Your friends, Vance?”
“No, Ma’am, I think they were waving at you.”
Tammy groaned. One of the recently arrived junior ranks was heading in her direction with a package.
“I’ve been told this is for you, Captain?”
“Thank you. Carry on.”
She opened it and first found her Captain's shoulder flashes, as well as a new beret. A sealed letter from Col MacTaggart was opened but she slid it back into the envelope to read in a less public area.
“If you don’t mind me asking, do you know those two?”
“I think I met them on a Special Forces course.”
“But you’re not a member of the one of the Special Forces units?”
“That all depends from which direction you’re looking, Lieutenant. My Army history is classified, most of it is so far off the record that they’ll never find the bodies.”
“I see.”
“Your question was valid but I don't want my validity questioned again, understood?"
"Yes, Ma'am."
"Good. I suggest you liaise with the officers over there and get a security plan drafted? I’ll run through it with you all later tonight?”
Tammy took herself back to the trailer and swapped her epaulettes then tried the new beret for size, seeing very quickly that someone had indeed done their homework. Maisie arrived as Tammy was freshening herself.
“Looking good Ma’am.”
“Cut it out Maisie, this is temporary.”
“Are you sure? Anyway, I can’t let myself make a mistake in front of the others?”
“As far as I know it’s temporary?”
“Did you get any orders?”
Tammy reached for the envelope again.
Tammy looked surprised. “Oh, it is a permanent promotion.”
She showed it to Maisie.
“Yes, Captain, it is.”
“Damn, does this mean I’ll start getting invites to regimental dinners?”
“I guess you will also be presented to the Royals, which explains the dress uniform?”
“That may include you?”
“Then, Maisie, why did dear Sean say that there would be something appropriate for yourself?”
“I don’t know, but what’s this outstanding issue?”
“I probably still owe a bottle or two of Wolfburn?”
She found the phone number for the distillery and dug through her bag for her Amex card before ordering a half case, just to put herself in credit.
“What name and address, Miss Smart?”
“Col MacTaggart, err, best use the No Name Club in the West End of London.”
“Ah, we have that address as they’re an existing customer but do you have a personal address in case there’s an issue?”
“His office keeps moving but the club is the one constant in his life!”
“Understood, thank you for your order.”
Her phone rang almost immediately.
“Captain Smart, Tammy, did you get the package?”
“Yes, Colonel, but I’m still a little surprised that I’m being promoted and that this isn’t just a temporary measure?”
“It’s two fold my dear, firstly Marcus was going to remove you from this operation due to your familiarity with the hosts whilst also arranging charges against your communication operator.”
“On what grounds?”
“Bringing the RAF into disrepute.”
“I would have his pension and testicles if he tried that on me.”
“I don’t doubt it, anyway he is currently on detachment to the Royal Logistical Corp looking at their defensive capabilities. That left an opening for a Captain on this operation, congratulations.”
“Thank you for your support.”
“Think nothing of it, so long as you can deal with the outstanding matter?”
“There is a delivery due to your club on Monday.”
“Our club. You are welcome anytime, you should know that by now. Excellent, this proves that you can understand my orders.”
“Indeed, Colonel, now what was the second reason?”
“It prevents Marcus from raising charges against you, on the assumption that he returns to Broadsword.”
“That’s sensible, yes, but does he know about my promotion?”
“Not yet, but I’m hoping he takes it with grace when he does find out.”
“We can only hope, Sir?”
“Indeed. Your dress uniform will arrive in the Bahamas on Monday morning, can you arrange collection?”
“I’ll make the arrangements, this may be a task for Lizzie?”
“I’ll leave that with you, but I had an interesting report from her stay at AA House.”
“Such as?”
“Her changeover seems to be more than adequate. Well done.”
“Thank you Sir, but she was hardly a completely blank canvas.”
“Maybe not, but it seems you achieved plenty in your limited time with the former Flight Lieutenant?”
“I’m satisfied we can move her to Broadsword upon your return, with a substantive rank of Lieutenant. She keeps her wings, of course.”
“Lizzie has undertaken a deportment and styling course since she’s been out here, Sir, please don’t expect her to crawl through barbed wire or climb ten feet walls, at least not in heels?”
“Understood. I have an update for you regarding the guest you left at AA House.”
“She is back at home but the local constabulary have installed a response alarm whilst CCTV has also been provided. I understand that she’s been able to find some closure.”
“Does she know my part in the operation?”
“I’m told that she’s thanked the pilot but is aware that she can’t be given their name.”
“Which is awkward as I was seen by her neighbour, her daughter, a shop owner and several local Police officers, whilst wearing flying gear complete with helmet.”
“Did any see you get out of the aircraft?”
“Only the locals I can trust in Thurso.”
“In which case no-one can be certain whether you were there at the time of her rescue. She knows you helped but not your exact role. The lady is secure and safe, for that you should be pleased.”
“It needed to be done, Sir, my own gratitude is irrelevant.”
“Understood, out.”
Tammy killed the call.
"Come on Maisie, let's go find Lizzie and let her know what's going on - just need to know though."
"Aye, aye."
The overnight patrols early Monday morning reported all was quiet and were excused morning PT so long as they saw Maisie after lunch. Otherwise, everyone was available for the triathlon.
Mindy looked demure and very innocent as she waited on Lonestar to take her to school. That image was partly shattered when Tammy asked who had made the first coffee pot.
Mindy grinned. "Uncle Eddie."
Tammy groaned quietly as Lt Col Wells walked in. "Ah, there you are Captain. Is that fresh coffee?"
"After you, Sir."
One sip later his smile was wiped away "Who committed this atrocity?"
"I think I'll have tea this morning." Tammy remarked and saw Mindy grinning like an imp.
Lizzie arrived to join Mindy for the morning hop, under orders from Tammy to take the air shuttle onwards to Bahamas airport.
"So I’m just to keep a low profile on this trip, Tammy?"
"That's the plan. Do you have the shipping note?"
"Yes, there won't be anything to pay?"
"I doubt it, the Brits haven't annoyed the islanders yet. Be ready with some cash to ease the process though."
"Of course not, but it can speed up the process. It's called 'expediting', remember that."
"Especially at lunchtime?"
Tammy went in search of quality coffee, or whatever the Lieutenant was drinking.
"Ah Captain, I was hoping we could discuss the patrols?"
"Coffee first, discuss second."
"Yes, Ma'am."
The meeting was full of references to small fishing boats, all some distance away, and almost nothing else apart from the local sealife. Tammy allowed the patrol leader to head for his bunk.
"Well, Lieutenant, I'll be happy with that every morning."
"We can hope, Captain."
Mid morning Lizzie sent Tammy a text confirming she was at the air cargo terminal and that the package had already been collected.
Tammy messaged back. "Check that the local British diplomatic idiot hasn't been there today, then find them!"
It was another half an hour before Lizzie rang.
"Well guessed, I've recovered it. The Second Secretary hadn't left the terminal."
"How did you manage it?"
"I phoned Sir Thomas."
"I didn't give you his number!"
"He sent it to me, just in case I needed to move an immovable bureaucratic arse to do my work. I'm supposed to be a civilian this trip, if you recall?"
"Well done, are you heading back?"
"The next shuttle isn't for an hour so I'm having a coffee in the terminal."
"Be careful."
"I will."
After lunch Tammy took herself into the sea for a swim. Once she'd moved a fair distance from the hangers she spotted a 'something' in the air, mixed in with the heat haze.
She swam back and went in search of LoneStar, finding him in the tower handling air traffic.
"Is there a drone up there", she pointed to the far side of the island.
"Wells knows we have our own since they were used last time. These are a new version, but dedicated to observation only. We still have the old ones and can use them if we need to." Lonestar informed her.
"Don't worry, the footage is available to your comms crew."
"As I've not heard them landing for refuelling, where are they flying from?"
"We sent them up when the C-17 landed on Sunday, no-one will have noticed them. It's a new type we've developed that can stay up for a week at a time with a mix of solar and fuel cell power systems."
"So put it up and forget about it?"
"That's the idea, but it's there when we need an aerial surveillance platform."
"Just surveillance?"
"That's correct."
Tammy met Lizzie when she returned with Mindy, holding the package tightly.
“Here you are, thankfully the little prick hadn’t opened it – we have a new problem though.”
“Thank you Lizzie, please tell me you dealt with it?”
“No, I would have exposed myself so I slipped out of the coffee bar onto the balcony. The diplomat clearly didn’t know how to keep his mouth shut and was telling everyone loudly about the royal visit.”
“Thing is, most of the operational folk at the airport knew that they were due in on Wednesday for dinner with the local officials plus some charity stuff, but he went on to say they would be staying on a private island.”
“Great, did you let Sir Thomas know?”
“Yes, I’m not sure what damage limitation can be achieved but I guess the security detail will be increased.”
“That’s just what we need, jumpy close protection officers. I need to brief some people, can you write this up for me, urgently? Mark it Top Secret.”
“Am I cleared to read my own stuff if I write TS at the top?”
“As of now, yes. We’ll clarify that when we get back.”
Tammy called for a management meeting, and included the various Lieutenants for every unit.
“Clearly this is an unwelcome development and I’m told the Brit responsible will be sanctioned for a breach of protocol. We can assume that there will be increased interest in the trip.”
“Thank you Captain, but are you satisfied that your source is reliable?”
“Absolutely, Sir. Her clearance is appropriate for our work here and she has a military background despite any alternative appearance.”
“Lieutenant, with wings, Sir.”
“Ah, yes, I am familiar with this operative. All, I’m satisfied that this report is accurate and the contents constitutes a threat to our principal mission. Double the patrols with immediate effect.”
Lizzie had been kept out of the meeting and Tammy wasn’t keen that Wells had questioned her openly about the girl, even if he hadn’t named her. That raised a separate issue.
“I suggest you head back with Mindy in the morning and get yourself a bed in that hotel. Spend the day in the harbour cafés.”
“Sure, Tammy. This beats any RAF operation!”
"Don't forget you're working and that you will be without immediate support - just observe and report. If you're identified then you're spent."
"This isn't the role I was briefed on?"
"We adapt, Lizzie, adapt to the pertaining circumstances."
The first incident happened early on Wednesday when a cigarette boat was spotted at 0430, containing a lone European male and no fishing gear.
One patrol moved to intercept with the second staying on their usual route, whilst one of the incoming patrols joined up.
The sight of two fast patrol vessels appearing out of the murky distance would have been a surprise, but twelve camouflaged and armed personnel may have caused a physical reaction. Tammy had been getting ready for PT when she was called to the secure room for the live reporting.
The cigarette boat’s occupant was confirmed as a London-based freelance journalist, clearly in search of an exclusive.
“Patrol leader to base.”
Commander Traeger answered. “Go ahead.”
“The camera was lost over the side, Sir, an unfortunate result. We offered some advice and sent him back to port.”
Tammy guessed that the teams had been using encrypted radios and that both sides could be heard, meaning that their hosts could monitor everything. She decided to keep this gem to herself.
“That’s the first interloper, when’s the next?”
“No idea, but get that comms officer down to the jetty to meet the incoming journo – let’s hear what he’s telling everyone.”
“She flies out on the school run.”
“We’ll get BlackStar to make an extra run – time is important!”
Lizzie hadn't been happy with the five o'clock alarm but shortly after six she phoned from a café as the journalist's boat was returned to the rental jetty.
“He doesn’t look happy and the boat renting place is complaining about cleaning it; they won’t return the deposit.”
“How close are you?”
“A hundred metres away but sound travels.”
“Be careful and secure text me anything else, with the keypad sounds turned off!”
PT had been cancelled as all patrol teams had been put on high alert except the ones heading for their bunks. It wasn't long before her phone rang.
"Jesus, Tammy, what the hell is going on?"
"Good morning to you too, Colonel. So far we have a foreign office prick spouting off, after trying to steal my dress uniform, as well as a journalist who pooped in his pants then lost his camera. He's also lost the deposit on his boat. How does it look from London?"
"Well, Sir Thomas called a COBRa meeting earlier and the Royals have been asked to change their plans due to security concerns. Officially their plane has technical issues and they are flying into Nassau a day late. Their overnight stay in Nassau is cancelled and the public events have been scaled back."
"Unfortunately the aircrew were booked elsewhere, so can that be handled?"
"There's a Gulfstream here that can handle the job."
"Can you fly it?"
"Not legally. I'd need a few hours to get certified. Regardless of that, there's qualified pilots here with military and civilian tickets, Sir, and they know the plane."
"Fine. I understand they have a support team of ten with them."
"Tell me, Tammy, are you happy that you have enough resources there?"
"Yes, Sir, we have extra support available and I have access to intelligence sources separate to the Lieutenant Colonel."
"You will share, won't you?"
"Already have."
"Good, let's all work together."
"Against adversity, Sir?"
"Comme toujours, ma belle fils."
"Merci et adieu, Colonel."
"A bientôt, Capitan"
An hour later a US Coastguard vessel radioed the island, Tammy was in the Tower.
"Ram's Rock Island; this is Coast Guard Cutter Raymond Evans."
Pete answered. "Ram's Rock Tower here, go ahead Raymond Evans."
“We’ve had a request to offer support.”
“Welcome to our waters, anything in particular?”
“We were just asked to check in with you. Are there any other resources we should know about?”
“Since this is an open channel, you’ll be contacted by other means.”
"Ram's Rock; out."
Pete dropped the mic. “Well shit, let's just invite EVERYBODY. This was supposed to be a simple, quiet, babysitting job.”
"And it takes just one idiot to screw everything?"
"Well, we aren't shot to feck-all, yet. Don't be that idiot, that's my rule."
"You stick to it?"
"Most of the time."
"Now, Pete, I need to let you know about a request for the Gulfstream."
"Yeah, yeah. It's on standby, one-mike launch prep. So is the Lear. We can send them both out at the same time so one can be a decoy for the other if necessary."
Tammy went down to the hangar floor and joined in the British training and briefing session. First up, the S.A.S. team were about to conduct a training jump. They were surprised when Tammy grabbed a parachute, helmet and goggles before boarding the waiting C17. The SAS were even more so when she used her rank to lead the team out over the dropzone at sixteen thousand feet. The team followed her line to touchdown in ten second intervals on the target. An enlisted stood close by, marking their landings.
Those who had been sceptical of the young female Captain now acknowledged there was more to her than first sight had revealed.
Tammy received a few texts from Lizzie but a major update arrived late afternoon.
"I spotted three news teams as well as a load of individuals, so this is turning into a major event."
"Any more boats?"
"A few left but they were escorted back by an American coastguard vessel that was checking for boating licences."
"That will deal with the individuals, but the teams will hire a boat with a skipper."
"Already monitoring that, one skipper said he has a midnight trip to once around the Royals' island, they seem to think the patrols are close to the shore."
Tammy realised that the fishing boats would have reported back that patrols were in the area. "Okay, keep safe and report anything of interest."
"Will do."
During the afternoon briefing, Commander Traeger announced the S.B.S. had completed searching the shoreline of the island and set up an anti-shark net in the preferred swimming area. They had also set off an underwater charge to force anything dangerous that lurked in that area first. That encouraged several stingrays and a hidden moray eel to seek shelter elsewhere. Now that the net was in place, only small fish could swim through. Unfortunately; Barracuda, Lion fish and Puffer fish could fit through as could jellyfish. A finer net would not be able to withstand larger, more aggressive, marine-life attempting to get through. Daily inspections in the morning would be conducted to try preventing incidents involving whatever could pass through the net.
All that remained was a thorough inspection of Kestrel Island itself by both S.A.S. and S.B.S teams which would take place the next morning.
Thursday's PT started calm with the overnight patrols reporting a peaceful shift. Not long after 0600 the calm on Ram's Rock Island was shattered as the personnel were sent to clean and polish everything - whether it moved or not. Tammy was curious as to why Lyssa smirked at her while giving Warlock a bath on her back patio.
"Everything is going to spit and polish, I guess he isn't an exception?" Tammy asked.
Lyssa continued to wash the Belgian. "We had a busy night."
This confused Tammy. "You did?"
"Of course. That island isn't as big as ours, but it's not tiny either. It took us three hours to go over it." Lyssa replied.
Tammy was shocked. "Wait. You and Warlock went there last night? The patrols didn't say that."
"They would've if they knew. They don't, so they didn't." Lyssa said, rinsing the soap out of his fur.
"How?" Tammy asked.
Lyssa grinned. "Trade secret, young one."
Tammy wanted to laugh and roll her eyes at the same time. More importantly; she wanted to know how Lyssa and the dog were able to leave Ram's Rock, go to Kestrel, search it and come back without being noticed by anyone. She had to stop thinking and jump away as Warlock began to shake the water off.
"That was naughty!" Tammy said.
Warlock simply gave a groan that sounded more like moo.
Tammy shook her head. "Not a care in the world, of course."
"Oh he hates baths, but he puts up with them if he wants in the house." Lyssa reminded.
At 1600 things stopped when a siren went off.
"GENERAL QUARTERS! GENERAL QUARTERS! Inbound aircraft, clear the flightline!" Rodrick announced over the loudspeakers.
From everywhere people were running to join formations in front of the main hangar. RamAir's Gulfstream transporting the royal party were arriving from the airport on Nassau. The royals had arrived in Nassau four hours ago for a short meet and greet with officials and lunch. Now they were coming to Ram's Rock for an overnight stay then onto Kestrel Island for their actual holiday. As title holders, Rodrick and Lyssa extended an expected invitation. Naturally such invitation had been accepted. As the jet landed all of the Ram's Rock personnel came out to welcome them. Lonestar and Pete were piloting so were not in the line. After running the length of the runway and coming back, Eddie and three of the British airmen ran out.
Eddie signalled the stop as the airmen chocked the wheels and opened the door. Another pair of airmen rolled out a short carpet to the steps. When the Prince stepped out Wells called out.
All loudly snapped to stance and saluted. Jeremy Wells walked out to the carpet.
"Welcome Highness. Lieutenant Colonel Jeremy Wells, Commanding Officer of the operation." Wells introduced himself then greeted the Duchess. "Welcome, Your Highness."
"Thank you. I'm certain we are great hands on Holiday." Prince William said then turned to the flight crew. "Gentlemen, thank you for a comfortable flight."
LoneStar and Pete saluted. "Our pleasure Highness."
"Shall we greet the troops and hosts?" Prince William asked.
Wells replied instantly. "Certainly, Your Highness."
Wells led the way to the far formation and stopped. "Commander Traeger, commanding the Special Boat Service unit."
"Commander." Prince William greeted. "All in fine spirits?"
Traeger saluted. "Absolutely, Your Highness."
The Prince returned the salute. "Excellent. Carry on Commander."
Wells stopped in front of Tammy. "Captain Smart, commanding the Special Air unit."
"I must say this is a surprise, Captain." Prince William stated.
Tammy added with a salute. "I've also been in charge of the advance team, Highness."
The Prince nodded. "Then you've been quite busy. Well done, Captain. Carry on."
Tammy saluted. "Huzzah."
Wells stopped in front of another female officer. "Highness; this Major Dearing of our medical team."
"Oh excellent, but I hope the Major's service will not be needed." Prince William said.
Major Dearing nodded. "As do we all, Highness. I am an Obstretician, Gynocologist and Pediatrician. Captain Daniels is our trauma specialist. Should care be needed, we are ready to provide."
"Then we are in great care already, Major. Captain." Prince William replied.
Wells next stopped in front of Rodrick. "Our hosts, Your Highness."
"Ah, yes, Lord Mason; or would you prefer Captain?" Prince William asked.
Rodrick bowed slightly. "Actually; Rodrick is fine, Your Highness. Welcome to Ram's Rock."
Though the twins stood between Rodrick and Lyssa, holding their hands, Lyssa was greeted next.
"Lady Mason. It has been some time. I have seen you dance in London twice." Prince William greeted her.
Lyssa gave a stage curtsy. "Welcome, Your Highness. Please call me Lyssa. I hope you enjoyed my performances and enjoy your stay even more."
The Prince smiled as he looked to the twins. "And who do we have here?"
"These are our twins. Alex and Alison. They're about to turn three." Lyssa introduced the twins.
Both smiled when Prince William crouched down to their level. Alex surprised everybody by holding out his hand to shake hands with the Prince. Alison remained shy though. When Duchess Kate and the children were introduced, Alison hugged all three, but bravely kissed Prince George on his cheek. The adults chuckled in amusement.
Pete was addressed next.
"Sir Peter; oh, I believe you prefer to be called Pete?" Prince William ventured.
Pete nodded. "If you wouldn't mind, Highness."
Next were LoneStar, Kimberly and Mindy.
The Prince nodded. "BlackStar; again, a comfortable flight."
LoneStar nodded back.
"Greetings Your Highness." Kimberly stated and gave a slight curtsy.
The Prince nodded back. "Dame Lando. A pleasure."
Kimberly smiled. "Please call me Kim."
Next Mindy curtsied as if she finished a recital. "Highness."
"So charming. Who is this?" The Duchess asked.
"Melinda Valerie Lando, Highness, but everybody just calls me Mindy." Mindy greeted with a smile.
Finally Krystel was greeted. She gave a quick curtsy.
"Welcome, Your Highness. I'm Krystie Ellory." Krystel smiled.
"A pleasure, Miss Ellory." The Prince returned then looked around. "I thought there were two others?"
Rodrick answered. "Carl and Eddie. They're securing the plane, Highness."
Prince William turned to look and nodded. "Fine men, Rodrick."
Lyssa smiled. "Right this way, Your Highnesses. I'm sure you'd like to rest a bit."
Rodrick led the way, with Prince William, as Lyssa and the twins walked with the Duchess and the children. At the house Rodrick showed the Prince to the living room and offered a drink. Lyssa however guided Duchess Kate and the children out onto the patio and sat her in a cushioned chair then whistled. Warlock came trotting over.
"Indulge me, Highness." Lyssa said then looked to the dog. "Warlock, kommen."
Duchess Kate looked at the Belgian. "He won't hurt the children, will he?"
"No Highness. In fact, I want him to know all three of you. Warlock is a tactical K-9. He needs to learn your scents." Lyssa explained then commanded him to go to the Duchess. "Warlock. Bekannte Kate. Schutzen Kate."
Warlock began sniffing the Duchess as much as he could then stepped back and gave a quick 'boof'.
"May I ask what you told him?" Duchess Kate asked.
Lyssa patted his side firmly. "I told him that you are a friend and to protect you. He can find you anywhere now and will guard you until I come."
One by one the children were given the same going over.
Princess Charlotte hugged him. "Doggy!"
Warlock gave her an additional sniffing at her ears, making her giggle. Lyssa patted him roughly.
"Guter Junge." Lyssa praised, then helped Duchess Kate from the chair. "Let's go inside. I'll show you your rooms."
They went in and Warlock was commanded to follow. Lyssa came back from the upstairs with the Belgian and walked him over to the Prince.
"Indulge me a moment, Highness." Lyssa said then commanded. "Warlock, Bekannte William."
Warlock sniffed the royal over then looked to Lyssa and let out a quick 'boof'.
"Thank you. He now understands you are a friend. He will find you if it's needed." Lyssa explained. "Unfortunately Highness, you cannot command him. Only we can."
The Prince eyed him. "Thank you for that, but I would rather he be protective of Kate and the children."
"Already done, Highness. If he believes any of them to be in danger, he will protect them. If we lose track of them, he'll find them. If he thinks they are about to get into something they shouldn't, he'll move them away or simply stop them." Lyssa said. "Just as he does for our children and Mindy."
Suddenly Warlock stood up, looked to the door and let out a soft growl. A knock at the door was then heard.
Lyssa gave Warlock a silent hand signal then went to the door. She came back with Tammy, escorting two soldiers with the Royals' luggage. Lyssa nodded to Tammy who then showed the two upstairs, quickly came down and made their way out.
"Will you need anything else, Highness?" Tammy asked.
Prince William looked to Rodrick. "Perhaps Colonel Wells, Captain Smart and the other officers could join us for dinner?"
Rodrick nodded back. "Done as easily as said. Captain?"
"Aye, Sir. Nineteen hundred." Tammy answered.
Lyssa said quickly. "And Captain; casual attire. Our guests are here to relax after all."
Tammy nodded. "Yes, Prima Lyssa."
After Tammy left, Prince William visibly relaxed. "Thank you, Lyssa. The last thing either of us want is to go through a formal banquet. I thought the Governor-General was going to insist we stay the night there then put us through a formal reception and banquet."
"Well if your travel plans hadn't been leaked, we could've simply picked you up in Miami and brought your straight here to avoid all the fuss. However, somebody else wanted a payday. Now as far as most people know, you've gone straight to Kestrel. Nobody knows you're here with us that doesn't need to. The locals will stay away, thanks to my reputation." Rodrick explained.
Duchess Kate had come down with the children and sat next to the Prince. "One of my friends claimed you are a smuggler and possibly a pirate. Is it true that Lyssa seduced you?"
Lyssa and Rodrick both laughed as she sat down on the arm of Rodrick's chair.
"Oh, Rodrick spirited me away in the Moroccan desert!" Lyssa smiled then told a cleaned up version of how they met and went to get drinks.
Prince William asked. "But what were you doing in Morocco, Rodrick?"
"Smuggling." Rodrick grinned then added. "I was doing a favor for a certain agency, usually referred to as Clusterfucks In Action, that wanted a low-profile transport. Two hours after they left, Lyssa and her crew came over the hill. The rest is history."
"That's still romantic, in a way." Duchess Kate giggled.
"Jury is still out on who seduced whom." Lyssa remarked as she brought back drinks for them.
The children were all playing in the middle of the rug while Warlock lay beside Lyssa's feet watching silently as the adults casually chatted. Eventually Lyssa excused herself to begin preparing dinner. Warlock followed and received his food bowl. Lyssa cooked a meal for the children then fed them while the adults' meal was cooked. Minutes before Seven, Warlock signalled the arrival of the guests. Rodrick went to the door and returned with the officers. The men wore simple chinos and dress shirts. Tammy wore a matching skirt and top set. Greetings were exchanged again. Rodrick poured drinks then opened a bottle of wine.
"I believe we're ready." Lyssa announced as she began setting plates on the table.
The smells from the kitchen had been gaining attention and now they were about to discover why. Everyone took their places and Rodrick filled their glasses.
"This looks quite exotic." Prince William said looking at his plate.
Duchess Kate nodded. "Yes and smells wonderful."
Lyssa smiled as she was seated by Rodrick. "This is Arroz con Pato, rice with duck. It's a Peruvian dish."
"Peruvian?" Lieutenant Vance asked.
Rodrick chuckled. "Lyssa picked it up on a gig there."
"I was doing a shoot in Peru, staying in a town called Aguas Calientes. It's in the Machu Pichu area along the Urabamba river. It's mostly for tourists travelling the Incan Trail." Lyssa explained.
The Duchess smiled. "A modelling assignment? What were the clothes?"
"Swimwear." Lyssa answered the added. "An Italian designer. Dolce & Gabbanna."
Wells nodded in recognition of the name. "I'm sure that was fun."
Lyssa gave a non-committal shrug. "The bikinis were good. The shoes they picked, not so much."
"She hated them." Rodrick laughed.
Everyone noticed she didn't immediately deny it.
"I like this!" Traeger said of the dish.
Prince William nodded. "It has a good flavour, but not overpowering the dish."
"I'd like to add this to my own recipe book." Tammy agreed.
Lyssa replied. "I'll give it to you later on. You can substitute chicken for duck if you want, but the difference will be noticed by anyone that has had it before."
Duchess Kate kept looking over to the living room where the children were playing. Warlock lay on the floor by the end of the couch, watching them.
"Highness." Lyssa called over and when she looked. "Please enjoy yourself. Warlock is watching the children, they're perfectly fine."
Prince William nodded in assurance. "Let us enjoy this time away, under their care."
Both Tammy and Jeremy Wells had seen that Lyssa herself was watching the children play, but without being obvious. Her position at the table gave her a full view of the room. Wells used the relaxed setting to inquire of the Royals' activities during the holiday. After dessert, the Duchess looked over to Lyssa.
"Are you planning to dance again soon?" The Duchess asked.
Lyssa nodded. "I'm currently working on the choreography for a production."
"What production will it be?" Prince William asked.
The Duchess looked hopeful. "Swan Lake?"
"I'm sorry, but no. It's called Ascension of a Warrior Princess. It's an original production. I'll be dancing the première in Vienna. For now, this is all secret. I'd very much like it kept confidential, please." Lyssa confided.
Duchess Kate nodded quickly. "Of course! Oh please, Lyssa, could we see a bit of it?"
Rodrick nudged her. "Give 'em a taste."
"I guess I could." Lyssa teased back. "You hold Thing One and Two."
Rodrick laughed and nodded. Lyssa left to go change and stretch. Ten minutes later Rodrick noticed her.
"She's ready. Follow me." Rodrick snagged both twins, who giggled.
The group followed down the hall to the studio. Chairs lined the far wall, which were quickly occupied. Lyssa started the music and took a position. The first song played and she moved with the gentle haunting voice.
"A princess was deposed and lost everything but her most loyal knights. This is while she's in exile." Rodrick informed them.
Lyssa took up a sword and clumsily waved it around, as if it were heavy and unwieldy. The normally graceful and elegant dancer stumbled, almost tripped, as if the sword constantly took her off balance. The lyrics were of sadness, a sadness that was mirrored by her. After a very clumsy swing her sword smacked the floor and broke into pieces. Lyssa collapsed in apparent frustration. Slowly she rose with a look of devastation and danced with grace reaching out above. Dancing in prayer, her prayer was the dance. As the song hit its crescendo, another sword sprung to extension in her hand.
A second song started and Lyssa danced with more grace and precision. The sword now led her into slow and elegant movements. The princess being trained by her new weapon. A dance became a fighting form and the look of understanding came with it. Her moves improved. Soon she began spinning, twirling and even tossing the sword up then catching as she spun on her toe. The training ended with a flourish of sword and Lyssa high en pointe.
A third song began and she slowly stood in a firm position and had a fierce expression. The powerful music had vocals but no actual words, sounding ominous and angry, reflected her posture then she began to dance around, looking over multiple things. Inspecting them and showing her own willingness to fight. A moment later the moves were like she was testing herself against someone. Duelling or sparring. After apparently defeating the opponent she danced around as if gathering people together and stopped. Lyssa raised the sword high and turned, ready to lead a group away as the song ended. Lyssa quickly went back to a centrepoint and curtsied to her audience. They began clapping and stood up for her.
The twins slipped Rodrick's hold and rushed Lyssa to grab her around her legs. The group laughed in amusement of that. Lyssa simply tossed the prop sword to Rodrick and picked the twins up.
"I'm sorry that's all I can show you, but I hope you liked it." Lyssa said.
Tammy's phone vibrated so she excused herself and moved outside. A secure message from Lizzie was waiting.
"A group has just arrived at the hotel and I don't like the look of them. Definitely not a news team."
Tammy quickly typed a reply. "Photo? If you can."
It took a minute for the long range shot to arrive on Tammy's phone.
She couldn't put a name to them but she had definitely recently seen two of the quartet on Maisie’s True Freedom briefing video.
She wrote: "Lizzie, monitor but do not engage; Absolutely do not engage."
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Oh no!
Now I didn't expect them to appear. The only one that I can think was still free was Sheila Fitzgerald. But she was an investigator not field. Martina Gore?
I think that's unlikely.
The story said Tammy recognized them and being in some of the True Freedom training videos. So presumably Tammy does not otherwise know these two.
What will Tammy do now
Fasten your seatbelt things are going to get busy. Will everyone stay on ram rock?
And so it begins…….
Round and round we go, nobody knows where it ends.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Ascension of a Warrior Princess
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
WOW that looks like a LOT of work
Thank you for sharing.
An Avid Reader
giggles. ah, to be that innocent
Even more awesome
This story started out as really awesome. And, as frequently happens in Shiraz and Snowfall stories, it suddenly gets even more awesome.
I am chuckling over the image the temporary Captain must be making to here people. She starts off being temporarily promoted and supposedly dumped into something over her head. Then she apparently met people while on a Special Forces course, her fitness levels are at an insane level compared to the regular military that were specially selected for this mission, she has information sources they don't know about, she's invited to dinner with the royals, she casually takes command of a training drop and drops with them, she doesn't appear to be in any specific division of the military when everyone is always in a specific division. And nobody knows her background because it's all classified. I don't think they know yet that she can fly an attack helicopter but I can't help wondering if they will eventually learn this too.
I am wondering at this point how many of them are wondering if she is the U.K's current real life James Bond. Which, considering how many traitors she has exposed directly or indirectly, she is close to achieving. About the only thing James had that she doesn't is that her combat expertise is for when the shit hits the fan, it's not her specialty like it is for many of Lyssa's group.
I am so SO looking forward to next Saturday. Thank you so much Shiraz and Snowfall.
I don't think they know yet
And they do just happen to have an Apache helicopter tucked away in one of the hangers on Ram's Rock Island as well, don't they!
That thought has crossed my mind.
Broadsword and OICA know Tammy has her helo wings.
Tammy's flight training was arranged by Broadsword and therefore the Brits are aware and I believe OICA is as well. I can't recall if Tammy mentioned it to Krystal or Kimberley within the story line of In A Spin, but even if Shiraz and Snowfall didn't overtly spell it out, Tammy would have reported it as part of her regular communications.
Of all the OICA personnel on Ram's Rock Island, Lonestar, aka, Blackstar is the premier helo pilot (see Book 27 of the Lyssa Kordenay series Canyons and Legends where we are introduced to Lonestar, who is Paul Dannigan's brother). If anyon will be piloting the Apache in combat against True Freedom, it will be Lonestar. Of course once the dust has settled, the Royals are gone and the SAS and SBS contingent are recalled, it would be wonderful to see Tammy get some advanced training from Lonestar.
yeah i think OICA knows
after all - it was an American who trained her.
I wasn't thinking of Broadsword or OICA
I was thinking of most of the military personnel that are seeing her for the first time and are not cleared to know about her background. A woman who looks about 20 and was a lieutenant last week is not someone you would expect to have the broad range of skills and experience that only specialists have. Her skill sets does not match any well known military slot, and not only does she have them but she has them at around age 20.
Nah, I don't think that'll be
Nah, I don't think that'll be necessary, after all there're more than enough Brits around to detain only 4 bad guys, if they arrive only by boat. The only way I see Tammy using the Apache is if the terrorists get their hands on a light attack helo (maybe home grown). And even then Lonestar might do the job himself. Because Tammy knows how to use the "Force", but a "Jedi" she is not. Yet. ;-)
The big difference between James Bond and Tammy
Bond was a cold-blooded killer when he had to be one, a trained assassin. Tammy isn't a killer, though she will kill to defend herself. Then again when she cut that terrorist in half with a Vulcan cannon, well he was a threat she had to take care of.
BTW, I got hold of a bunch of Atomic Fireball candies (Tammy's flying favourite.) My god, they are great! The cinnamon flavour is absolutely overpowering and I love it.
Umm, Apaches are usually
Umm, Apaches are usually equipped with M230 (~60 kg mass). If you're talking about the M61 Vulcan then that would add between 92 kg to 112 kg of mass, depending on version. And are usually found in fighter jets.
Hmm, no Atomic Fireballs where I live.
It's worse than that
In the movies Bond had emotions but could kill when it was needed. In the books, however, he was pretty much totally emotionless and did not have lovers he cared about or friends. The only exceptions were his protective instincts towards his housekeeper and for Moneypenny. I think the book version of Bond was a lot like Lyssa during her early years. She got the job done no matter what it took but didn't worry about little niceties like was he going to survive the experience. The movie bond is more like the current Lyssa that has many friendships that she cares deeply about.
Lyssa and Rodrick
You just had to mention when Lyssa and Rodrick met. Now I'm re-reading the Lyssa Kordenay Missions again, starting at book 10. Snowfall's books are just so addictive for re-reading.
Thank you Snowfall for all of wonderful stories, including Frills, The Pom Pom Fortress and The Station Late Nite Princess. Come to think of it, it's been a while since I last re-read The Pom Pom Fortress.
Curiouser and curiouser
Shira and Snowfall you are the mistresses of intrigue and leaving us with cliffhangers!
Several months ago (in the Tammyverse timeline) when Tiffany, Tammy, Maisie and Sophie took Penelope Lavoska into custody, Tammy interrupted a video chat with an unknown man who wanted his family released and some money. Whoever this individual is, he appears to be the real head of True Freedom. For individuals associated with True Freedom to show up on such short notice after the leak, it speaks to the organization still having sufficient financial resources and trained operatives to be a credible threat; obviously whoever is bankrolling the organization is very determined and playing a long game. What troubles me is the loud mouthed British official. Is he merely indiscreet or is he a True Freedom mole who, when he found out about the visit, chose blabbing about it publicly as a cover for passing on the information.
It is also interesting to speculate on Prince William's reaction to meeting Tammy. The announcement that women were being allowed to join the SAS wasn't made until October of 2018; this story takes place several months earlier. Is the Prince's reaction due to it being theoretically impossible for her to be a Captain in the SAS, because he has put two and two together and determined that she isn't who she appears to be or because he knows something of her exploits- or perhaps a combination of any and all of the above? It's a good thing that her promotion is permanent because, with her exposure to the Royals, explaining a demotion could be awkward in subsequent encounters with them.
In other matters, the contrast between Jeremy Wells and Marcus Wade couldn't be more stark. Lt. Col. Wells appreciates Tammy and didn't was impressed by her PT regimen. In the event Marcus doesn't take too kindly that Tammy shares his rank, methinks Jeremy would love to have a ring side seat if they were to have a "training round" or two of sparring. Jeremy knows the skills and raining levels of OICA personnel and Marcus is clueless.
A final thought, True Freedom is the bane of Tammy's existence- just as Professor Moriarity was to Sherlock Holmes- just thinking out loud about how many future adventures there may be between Tammy and True Freedom.
Every time I imagine Captain Marcus Wade...
I think of Major Frank Burns from M.A.S.H. Just a pencil pusher who is out of his league. Better he does something he can handle like logistics.
Oh my Goddess.
That is an absolutely AWESOME image for Captain Wade. Thank you.
Lovely chapter (Hee, hee)
It just rocks! Snowfall, Lyssa's ballet scene was amazing and thank you for the link to the music! I loved "When All Is Lost" and am listening now to the second movement. Your choices are masterful. Thank you both again for a set of stories and soundtrack I will return to again and again.
Now playing
WHO WILL SAVE US NOW | by David Chappell (End Of Silence)
Epic Music World
Just Going On Holiday!
I'm so glad I don't have to go through all of that just to get away from it all and have a holiday, although they do get to go to some nice places!
Will the True Freedom people get handed their arseholes on a plate in the forthcoming episodes?
True Freedom Trouble Makers
I, for 1, would not object to those individuals being subjected to "extreme prejudice".
Suggestion for Tammy
Put up the big fish nets, and then a meter inside them put up the small fish nets.
Fish Nets
I was wondering why that didnt happen too.
Me too.
I figure they didn't bother because it's a temporary installation. And the small stuff probably have small territories and aren't likely to be be moving in in large numbers every day.
I just wanna know
Why did the "diplomat" try to make off with Tammy's dress uniform? Did he even know that was in the package?
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I missed that.
Silly me. That's a huge clue. The obvious answer is so that someone can impersonate a military officer.
I'm wondering...
Where some Sicilian Prima Ballerinas are at this time? Are they vacationing somewhere or are they just laying low?

re: Black Badges
This was in Lyssa part 47 (Life through an Angel's eyes)
He's a ticking time bomb waiting to happen, and McTaggert "defused" him before he could go off. The question is: will Marcus learn anything from being pulled off of the mission? Unfortunately there are potentially several reason why he's more and more hostile to Tammy. When he saw that Tammy got equipment from her overseas cousins he acted like he didn't trust or like them, or that they were acting against some unknown agenda of his. But if he's being told that he's jeopardizing his career if he continues to pull stupid crap on Tammy it might help.
Thx for another nice chapter^^
It's supposed to be a vacation
That Brit who opened his mouth might find himself somewhere very cold and very dark several months of the year. He does need a course on how to keep his mouth shut when important people are involved.
Only fools approach Ram Rock without being invited, meaning story gathers were fools to even think they'd got onto Ram Rock.
Now that group Lizzie just saw is a different matter, one that could mean there's about to be some very used to be people.
Others have feelings too.
How Lyssa and Rodrick first met - story?
This has been hinted at in quite a few stories by Snowfall and I’m not sure if Wolfjess, but latest here with Shiraz. The hints ALL indicate this must be an OVER the TOP - EPIC tale. Could it PLEASE be made available to us your loving and loyal readers?
An Avid Reader