I posted "Just being me." on a few other sites. The story is about a trans woman that waits until later in life to start transitioning and meets a man who accepts her for what and who she is.
I got two private messages today about the story. These were readers from Literotica.
One said
" I read several of your stories and wish I could find happiness as well. I'm still stuck in my life of discretion and confusion in some ways. I want someone to love me. I can definitely relate to her, in your story."
There was a lot more, but the above is the relavent part.
The other was from another closet, possibly trans person.
It made me realise the power of words, of an idea.
Both of them I have advised to join this site. The people here have done so much for me. I understand what and who I am now. I have come out to my mother who has been wonderful. Just talking to you ladies and reading blogs and problems helps so much. It gave me the strength not be ashamed of what I am.
The second one messaged me back after looking on here.
I kinda liked what I saw there. Seems like a good community, very supportive.
I couldn't agree more with her.
Having some listen, understand and accept you is so important. It is amazing what a bit of mutual support can do. It changes lives.
I would like to thank you all for that.
Hugs to you all.
Dear Leeanna,
Very nice post. Thank you for helping those 2 out; it seems right that we should help each other out. Few non-trans could/do understand what it's like for us. There is a lot more acceptance now, less hate, etc., but in the US at least, a record number of murders.
I'm glad you have benefitted being with us, because we have, too! I love your comments and your stories.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
I transitioned nearly seven years ago…….
At the age of 55 - actually stumbling through the first steps of transition over the previous several years, but never really making a commitment more due to fear than anything else.
But at 55, I made a decision that I simply couldn’t live a lie anymore. I have been full time for the past six years, and the simple fact of the matter is that without my friends and sisters here on this site, I would never have made it. I cannot even number the times I was minutes from ending it all when a text or a message from someone here pulled me back from the edge.
I would not be here we’re it not for the people on BCTS.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Thank You
There are so many out there struggling to find the place in their life where they find some peace within. Not everyone has to go all out as the opposite gender on their birth certificate. Transvestites are transsexuals without the hard drive. Keep in mind, all the development is in the womb of how much female mind is designed into the male body or visa versa. Just as people develop differently so does the mind. The concept every trans has to fit into a definite set of rules is so wrong and a concept I have been fighting for more years than I am going to admit. We aren't building blocks, we are human and each one is unique unto themselves. Pushing someone into being something they aren't isn't helping but is destructive.
Take care of your sheep Leeanna
Love you girl.
The little boy grew up into man.
The little girl grew up into a woman.
He protected her and kept her safe all their lives.
Her time to emerge had come.
Now was her time to protect him.
She would do that as only a woman could
With softness, kindness, and full female instincts given to her inside their mother's womb
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Spot on!
One thing to add: When I coached youth sports (tennis, soccer, basketball, football, and volleyball) I noted that aggression could not be coached. It could be stifled or encouraged. I believe self-expression is in the same boat. We come from the womb hard-wired -- what we do with our desires can be hugely influenced by those around us.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Thanks for your comments. I
Thanks for your comments. I don't claim to know how to define transvestites or trans people. It seems that some who think of themselves as transvestites realise over time it is more than just getting a thrill out of dressing and acting female. They realise that they want to stay that way.
Society makes it easier to be a transvestite as it can all be hidden away.
Trans women need to be recognised as women, they need some acknowledgement of who they really are. (I know this may be different in everyone)
One of the people I spoke to was just starting to come to terms with it. I hope they have to courageto come here and ask for help.
Thank for your kind words Renee,
D. Eden, wow the site literally saved your life, I'm so glad it did. What does the D stand for by the way ?
Barbie thank you for your messages and encouragement.
I saw my mother tonight and she offered to keep my wardrobe at her house. She was trying to remember what she would have called me if I had been born in the correct gender.