Not to offend atheists', I don't care about your beliefs. Those who know me think I am nominally Christian, but in reality my beliefs are radically more wide than that and I am more Muslim than anything. I don't normally bring that up, but in this case the surprise I just received may make a difference. I always thought that Saudi Arabia was the center of Sunni Islam, but according to several sources, its Egypt. There 2 years of counselling, and if Doctors agree, Sexual Reassignment surgery may be performed, both ways. This was very surprising to me, and matches very closely with rules in Oregon.
Here, and perhaps in Egypt, professional rules don't mean anything to the general populace. Here, if they don't know, they don't care.
How very odd.
Unlike Iran who often "force
Unlike Iran who often "force it on gay males"
"The Iranian government's response to homosexuality is to endorse, and fully pay for, sex reassignment surgery.The leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, issued a fatwa declaring sex reassignment surgery permissible for "diagnosed transsexuals".Eshaghian's documentary, Be Like Others, chronicles a number of stories of Iranian gay men who feel transitioning is the only way to avoid further persecution, jail, or execution.The head of Iran's main transsexual organization, Maryam Khatoon Molkara—who convinced Khomeini to issue the fatwa on transsexuality—confirmed that some people who undergo operations are gay rather than transsexual"
Shadi Amin, an Iranian-born activist, told The Sun that this homophobic Iranian regime is controlled by religious extremists who view being gay as an “illness”. They believe that the only way it can be cured is by changing gender.
“The government believes that if you are a gay man, your soul is that of a woman and you should change your body,” Amin said.
“We think this is a way [for them] to fight the existence of homosexual people because you change their body and you solve the problem.
“The regime gives gay people two choices – to be arrested as a homosexual and risk punishment or even execution, or change your body.”
Government data shows that around 4000 gender reassignment surgeries are performed in Iran each year.
Amin, however, claims that those numbers are actually much higher in reality.
“They are trying to cleanse the country of homosexuals,” she added.
“They would rather carry out mass surgeries than executions because they know the world is watching them.”
I'm sure there is a story in there probably.
Iran was No Surprise
When all that was first going on it was all over the news. Later, even in Saudi Arabia a Doctor was doing the surgeries. Women who became males were generally after the power that men have. When the Religious leadership found out, they put a stop to it. Most are not aware that only 26% of people in Saudi Arabia are religious. The young are paid to leave the country and go to College, and are expected to pay it back when they come home. The activity in Egypt, that is the subject of this post was a surprise to me. The area where I live is referred to as "Little Dubai" because there are so many Arabs here. I spent a decade as a compliant female Muslim, and still would be but most American Muslims in my area will not accept me.
I haven't counted but I think that most of my stories reveal this.
I did notice that Gwen.Now I
I did notice that Gwen.Now I understand. Where do you live now?
Where I Live.
I live in Portland, Oregon, USA, though have travelled to Thailand, Japan, Canada, and a dozen places in the USA. Oh and Alaska.