Total number of drivers 40. Number of company teams 10. Number of tracks 20. Number of countries 12. Time frame 6 months. Number of Fallen Angels hooked on speed 2. The McGuire sisters are and they’re out for blood in the newly founded International Stockcar Racing Association. After two years driving the Formula One circuit Professional Drivers Roberta Bobbie McGuire and her sister Elisabeth ‘Beth’ McGuire have made real names for themselves. The two young ladies took the world by storm in their first year by placing 3rd and 4th in the Championship points race. Now their plans and dreams of starting in the International Stockcar Association have come to fruition. The Fury twins plan to prove to the world they belong in Stockcar Racing. And they don’t care who they have to put into the wall to bring home the inaugural championship.
Chapter 25
Darlington SC: 10 days to final race
Home of Bobbie McGuire
Bobbie sat at the family breakfast table drinking a cup of coffee and reading the morning paper. Kelly, and Sue were busy feeding the twins. On the kitchen counter a 1950’s retro style radio played the local Rock Station, WTTT 99.7 on the FM dial. The local morning show ‘Rabbit and Fox’ were having fun with the latest ‘Stupid Criminals’ report. “Okay ladies and gentlemen this one has to take the boner award for the week if not the month.”
“I have to agree Fox. I mean this guy must have been dropped on his head more than once as a child.” Rabbit chuckled before reading the report. “On Saturday night shortly after ten pm. Darlington Police responded to an alarm at the Darlington Raceway Stock Car Museum. Upon entering the museum Officers found twenty-seven year old Dale Litcaff in the act of stealing the Fabulous Hudson Hornet. Yes you heard me right folks. This moron Dale Litcaff was actually trying to steal one of the most famous stockcars in the history of NASCAR.”
“Hold on here Rabbit. Why would someone try to steal the Hudson Hornet?” Fox asked.
“That’s something that Police asked him. It seems that he was doing as part of a fraternity pledge initiation. It seem that the Total Dumb Cunt fraternity is up to their old tricks again. Hopefully our DA won’t let this one go.” Rabbit chuckled. “To salute our good friends at TDC. We give you an oldy but goody by The Clash.”
As the opening notes of ‘I fought the law’ came over the radio Bobbie, Kelly, and Sue chuckled. Bobbie set her coffee cup down shaking her head. “I swear those two have gotten worse over the last year. They’re definitely not the same nutjobs that first open the station two years ago.”
“I have to say that ‘Too Tough To Tame’ wouldn’t be the same without them or Night weaver. Though I am happy that they got rid of that asshole they had working the midnight show. I never did like his confrontational attitude.” Kelly snorted as she spooned cereal into Terry’s mouth. “That’s a good girl. Eat up now.”
“I have to agree with Miss Kelly. Though I prefer Doctor Fever in the afternoon. There is just something about the way he uses music to pick you up towards the end of the day.” Sue chuckled as she wiped Tony’s mouth.
“I hate to say this but for me it’ll always be Smoking Sam in the evening. I don’t know how he does it, but he always finds the right music to help me calm down from a stressful day at the track, office, or shop.” Bobbie told them as she turned the page of her paper. When she saw the headlines for the sports section Bobbie wanted to punch something. “How the hell did they get this information?!”
“What’s wrong Bobbie?” Kelly asked her politely. “What did Barns do this time?”
“Somehow that cocksucker got a hold of the specs for Sam’s and Jim’s cars. He has even promised to post the specs for mine and Beth’s cars tomorrow.” Bobbie snarled.
“Oh shit. That server hack last week Bobbie. We thought we caught them in time.” Kelly grunted then sighed. “This was my fault. We should have never put the specs for the cars on the new server.”
“Is there anything you can do to stop him, Miss Bobbie?” Sue asked her.
“Sadly, it’s most likely too late to stop them printing the specs of our cars in tomorrow’s paper. Not without a ton of legal wrangling and head butting.” Kelly answered with a heavy sigh. “I should have just shoot that asshole of a report last year when I had the chance. But nnnooo! I had to go and show an uncommon amount of restraint for a pregnant woman. If only my mom wasn’t there.”
“You would have been justified in shooting the man. Your mother told me all about how the asshole ambushed you outside of your OBGYN’s office.” Sue giggled. “I know that my mother would have gutted his ass.”
“Speaking of your mother Sue. Isn’t she do in this afternoon?” Bobbie asked their nanny. “I know that she’s busy with the team sponsors.”
“No ma’am. Mom’s flight from Atlanta was delayed by several hours. Between the delay and the traffic on five-oh-one coming out of Myrtle Beach she won’t arrive until late this evening.” Sue sighed as she wiped the baby’s mouth once more. “Any news on the expansion of five-oh-one?”
“The State Congress is still fighting over the funding for the project. I can’t believe those shitheads think that five-oh-one doesn’t need to be widened to four lanes. The last time we went to the beach took us six hours from the time we reach the outskirts of Conway.” Bobbie bitched before taking a drink of her coffee. “And that was in the offseason. Unless they widen that stretch from Conway through Carolina Forest to Myrtle Beach. They’ll never alleviate the traffic congestion.”
“I noticed that you always take five-oh-one to twenty-two over to seventeen south into Myrtle Beach. Do you take that route to avoid the traffic?” Sue asked politely.
“We learned that route growing up here in Darlington county. Only the locals know about it and use it. Mostly because there isn’t a lot of tourist shit, on those roads. Though the main reason is it is slightly longer.” Bobbie explained for her as she folded the paper and set it down on the table. “Kelly I need to let mom and dad know about this shit. Before they find out on their own.”
“If dad follows his normal routine Bobbie. They already know.” Kelly said as she took a drink of her own coffee then chuckled. “As does more than half the county.”
“I wouldn’t put it pass the Stones to know about this mess already as well.” Sue told them with a small smile. “What I’m worried about is when the car clubs find out. They might take things a little too far seeking their vengeance against that reporter. The last one to piss them off is still eating through a straw, walking with a cane, and pissing in a bag.”
“What did that asshole do to piss off the clubs, Sue?” Kelly asked her.
“I was taking the twins for a walk through the downtown park. Normally I can take them anywhere and no one will mess with me. But this guy ambushed us taking their pictures and mine. When I screamed three members of the Blue Devils jumped his ass. Before the cops arrived. They had shoved his ass into the trunk of a car and drove off. Four hours later they found the reporter tied up to the local high school’s flagpole butt naked with the shit beaten out of him.” Sue answered with a grin.
“Just remember Sue that you’re never alone Sue. Bobbie is one of the reasons that most of those clubs are still around. She and Beth are more than just local celebrities. They’re actual legends. To those clubs our two children are the closest thing to royalty. The car clubs will protect you and the twins with their lives. While showing no mercy to those who dare to threaten you or them. Remember that whenever you’re out with them for a walk.” Bobbie warned her.
“Yes ma’am. Oh, by the way before I forget. A Josie Honeywell for the Pink Panther Car Club invited me to something called the Paint Swap.” The second Kelly and Bobbie heard this they both started to laugh. “Why do I have the feeling that I just became the butt of someone’s joke?”
“Unless you’re into girls Sue. I suggest you turn her down. The invitation was real make no mistake about that. It’s just that the Paint Swap is a dance that is held only for LGBTQ.” Bobbie explained for a now blushing Sue.
“Oh wow. I never expected to be invited to LGBTQ function in the heart of NASCAR. Especially not one ran by a Car Club.” Sue said in surprise.
“Sue the Pink Panthers are more than just an all-women’s car club. They’re one of the largest lesbian organizations in South Carolina. Thanks to the Darlington Knights’ street track. More and more car clubs with alternative lifestyles have been formed over the last few years.” Kelly told her with a smile. “The funny thing is until the Knights bought and restored that old test track. Most of those car clubs were pariahs even among street racers.”
“Um… I know this is going to sound vulgar Bobbie. Why are there so few LGBTQ professional race car drivers? I know that there are a lot of very talented racers that come from all over North and South Carolina to race the Knight. Why aren’t the scouts for the major racing teams trying to recruit them?” Sue asked. “I know that I’ve seen them at the track watching the other street racers.”
“It’s the old problem with public opinion and perception Sue. The only reason that Bobbie has gained acceptance in the professional world of racers is her skill behind the wheel. She is a rarity in the fact that she wins on some of the deadliest tracks in the world. In not just one professional motor sport but two.” Kelly explained as she sniffed the air the picked up Terry sighing. “Looks like I was a little late on the upshift. Someone needs a fresh diaper.”
Bobbie watched as her wife took their daughter to the nursery. “Say Bobbie. Have you thought about retiring any time soon? The only reason I’m asking is something that my mom said the other day.”
“Let me guess. Your mother made a comment about me having a death wish or something. Am I right?” Bobbie asked with a chuckle.
“Something to that effect.” Sue giggled then turned serious. “Bobbie I know that it’s not my place, but mom is worried that you’re pushing the edge.”
“That’s why she’s wondering if I’m planning on retiring.” Bobbie sighed. “Sue there a few things you need to understand about the way I race. The first of which is I never push my car past its limits. I know every last detail of the design and its specs like the back of my hand. The second thing you need to know is that no matter what happens on the track. I always trust in my team. That means everyone on my team. People think that stock car racing is a solo sport. It’s not. Drivers relay on the pit crew to fuel and maintain the car. The spotters keep an eye on not only their driver but every other driver on the track and pit road. The Crew Chiefs have to watch over everything and plan our strategy throughout the race. The last thing you must understand is the reason why I race.”
“No offence Bobbie, but I’m pretty sure that I know the answer to that one already.” Sue told her with a chuckle as she picked the baby up from the highchair. “I’ve seen you drive remember. You’re just like every other adrenaline junkie I know.”
“That is where you, your mother, and so many other people are wrong Sue. Bobbie isn’t an adrenaline junkie. If anything, my daughter knows exactly how far she can push her car and skills.” Jewels McGuire said as she entered through the kitchen door. “Professional Racecar Drivers are anything but adrenaline junkies.”
“Mom’s telling you the truth Sue. Adrenaline junkies have no place in professional motorsports. It’s people like that who get professionals killed. They make stupid and irrational mistakes. Their biggest mistake is they don’t know when to pull back from the edge. They push their cars and skills beyond the breaking point. Professionals may do the same thing but there is a major difference. Professionals know when to pull back. They take in more than just the condition of their cars. They know and understand the track, the weather, the other cars, and so much more. Adrenaline junkies only see the need to fill their habit and care nothing for their environment. The best they’ll ever be is lucky amateurs.” Bobbie told her honestly. “I’ll be very honest with you. Until five years you would’ve have been right to place me and Beth with those individuals.”
“What changed?” Sue asked her quietly. She knew that the key to Bobbie’s success had to be something that happened five years ago.
“I made promise to a someone very dear to me.” Bobbie told her and got up from the table then grabbed her purse on the way to the garage. “Mom I’ll see you later.”
With the sham of the door to the garage Sam looked over to Jewels in shock. “Mrs. Jewels, what kind of promise could drive Miss Bobbie to race the way she does?”
“She made a promise to a dying friend. One that she has yet to break.” Jewels answered with a heavy sigh as the sound of Bobbie’s Viper’s engine turning over, reached her ears. “Not good. It seems that my daughter needs time alone.”
“What does that mean ma’am?” Sue asked her.
“Was that Bobbie’s Viper I heard pulling out?” Kelly asked as she returned with the baby. The sound of the RT/10 V-10 engine roaring down the driveway drew a sigh from Kelly. “What the hell happened to piss her off even more?”
“Sue asked what happened to change the way Bobbie drives.” Jewels answered her.
“Oh, fucking shit.” Kelly groaned as she sit the baby down in the playpen. “Did she have her iPod with her mother?”
“Not that I could tell honey. All we saw was her purse. Unless she took her iPod out to upload new music. Then she has it with her.” Jewels answered as Kelly sighed.
“I hope like hell no one is on the Knight right now. Because if the track is full. Bobbie will be heading for Mill Pond Road.” Kelly sighed as she fixed herself another cup of coffee before sitting down at the table. Kelly looked over at Jewels with a sad smile before asking. “Got a spare cigarette mom?”
“Sure kiddo. This is one time I’ll look the other way.” Jewels answered as she pulled out a pack of Winston lights and a lighter out of her purse. After lighting a cigarette for herself Jewels handed the pack and lighter to Kelly. “I need one myself. I haven’t seen that look in her eyes in a long time.”
“Look? What look?” Sue asked in confusion.
“Normally when Bobbie is out to blow off some steam. She has the look of a hunting dog about her. When she left she had the look of a wolf with its jaws on the throat of its prey wanting blood.” Jewels explained with a sad smile that equaled Kelly’s. “I hope like hell you’re right Kelly. We don’t need her rat racing on the streets. Not this close to the final race of the season.”
“It’ll be hellfire and brimstone for anyone she faces on the track or the streets. If Bobbie is in full on wolf mood nobody will be able to stop her. Except for Beth and maybe Jim and Sam.” Kelly said as she took a drag from the cigarette.
“What about that one boy from Columbia? What’s his name? Brian something.” Jewels asked of her with a faint smile.
“If you’re talking Brian Stillwater mother, forget about it. He has good instincts and a fast car but shit for actual skills. He realize too much on the power of that Mustang Cobra’s engine for his wins. On a straight oval track Brian stands a good chance of wining against those monsters of Bobbie’s or Beth’s.” Kelly answered as she took a drink from her coffee. “On a road course of any type. Bobbie and Beth win hands down. The only people who actually stand a chance against those on a road course are professional Formula One drivers. Even then I would still put my money on the McGuire Furies every time.”
“I got a question to ask. What happens if Bobbie losses her temper during a race?” Sue asked the two McGuire women. Their response was a dark chuckle as Kelly answered her question with an evil smile.
“When that happens even the Devil’s own Bounty Hunter runs for the hills.” The smile that Sue saw on her employers lips sent chills down her spine.
The Darlington Knight racetrack.
Minnie Blake could heard the sound of the Viper’s engine before she ever saw the car. As the Viper rounded the bend heading towards the entrance to the track Minnie recognized the car instantly. She snatched the gate open allowing Bobbie McGuire to pass through unhindered. As the midnight black 1996 second generation Dodge Viper GTS passed through the gate Minnie felt an unnatural spike of jealousy for the owner. That was the car of her dreams.
“Was that Bobbie McGuire?” The other gate guard asked.
“Pretty sure it was Dave. From the sounds of her engine and the way she’s driving. We need to clear the track and fast.” Minnie said as she closed the gate.
“Nobody’s out there right now. So, she’ll have the track all to herself until noon.” Dave Martian told her with a smile. “That’s the good news.”
“What’s the bad news?” Minnie asked him.
“Nobody’s out there but her. That means she’ll be tearing up the track in ways that only she’ll ever know. Bobbie will do things with that Viper of hers that no one will ever see today. Thanks to the delay in the security cameras, we won’t even be able to see what she’s doing out there.” Dave sighed as the first sounds of squealing tires and an uncontrolled roaring engine reached their hearing. “Damn she’s going all out. Holding nothing back. I haven’t heard her driving like this in a long time. Not since we first open the track.”
“Oh wow. How the hell did she ever make it on the pro circuit?” Minnie asked him.
“There’s a legend about the McGuire sisters, Minnie. You’ve heard it haven’t you?” Dave asked her as he took out a zippo lighter and pack of Marlboro cigarettes. Minnie just nodded her head as he lite up his cigarette. “Well, the legend is true. Those two ladies really did earn their rides the same day. Some say that it was nothing but luck. I knew the truth. I was there that day. They put on a show that impressed the people from Mercedes-Benz in a way no one else could.”
“Holy shit. They’re really that damned good?” Minnie asked in shock.
“The McGuire sisters are a force of nature behind the wheel. You give them a racecar and they’ll take it to the limits of its performance envelope every time. It doesn’t matter which sister is behind the wheel. Though they do have two very deferent driving styles. Beth is as cold and calculating as them come behind the wheel. She is a fucking machine. While Bobbie McGuire is pure emotion and instinct. There can’t be two sisters more dissimilar when it comes to driving.” Dave told her before he took another drag off the cigarette. As he exhaled Dave gave her another piece of wisdom. “Though there is something about Bobbie McGuire that sets her apart from her sister. What that is I have no idea. My Uncle Danny tried to explain it to me one night while we were having a few beers last year.”
“What did he tell you? And who is this Uncle Danny of yours?” Minnie asked.
“Hopefully I can boil it down in a way that you’ll understand. Bobbie McGuire is that one in a million driver who can read more than just the car. She can read the track in ways that no other driver can think of doing. It’s like she enters this mind set that allows her to bypass normal thinking.” Dave told her with a chuckle. “At least that’s the way my uncle tells the story. As for who he is that has to remain a family secret for now. I will tell you that he is very close to the McGuire family and one of their most trusted employees.”
“Damn. Say do you think your uncle could get her autograph?” Minnie asked sheepishly.
“Are you shitting me?” Dave laughed out load. “If you really want Bobbie’s autograph just wait until she comes back out. She’ll most likely give it you for letting her onto track this early in the morning.”
“You’re kidding me.” Minnie grunted in surprise.
“Nope. You got to understand something Minnie. Whenever the McGuire sisters show up here they’re out to blow off some steam. They can’t use their personal cars on the Lady, but they can here.” Dave hooked his thumb over his shoulder towards the track. “I don’t know what pissed her off. Don’t really care. But the McGuire sisters and their teammates get a free pass for whenever they show up, Minnie. That ani’t me talking but the owners of the Knight.”
“So what do we do now?” She asked.
“Log in her arrival like normal then call the track office and let them know. They’ll decide what happens next. We’ll either keep the track open or close it down until after she leaves. Either way we don’t get paid to make that call. Like the old army saying goes. It’s way above our paygrade.” Dave told her as he reached over and grabbed the gate’s logbook. As he wrote down the time and name Minnie called the main office. When she hung up the phone Dave asked her. “What they say?”
“Lock down the gate. We’re closed to the public until Bobbie leaves. Only MRI drivers allowed in until then.” Minnie told him in confusion.
“Good enough for me.” Dave said as he hit the switch for the electronic lock on the gate. “I figure that we’ll see Beth, Sam, or Jim before long.”
The sound of three highly tune high performance engines could be heard rounding the bend in the road. Dave looked up out the window of the guard shack. He hit the release on the electronic lock before calling out to Minnie. “Get the gate open!”
Minnie ran out the guard shack to snatch open the heavy chain-link fence gate. She barely got the gate open as a Dodge Charger, Ford Mustang Cobra, and Pontiac Firebird blasted through. All three cars were the same midnight black of Bobbie’s Viper. On the driver side rear corner panel flashed a red and white sticker. Minnie had seen similar stickers around Darlington county. Though they were very rare. To see three of them at once was even rarer.
“Say Dave who are the Steel Rats?” She asked as she entered the shack after closing and relocking the gate. “I’ve seen their club stickers around town from time to time but exactly who are they?”
“That’s Street Rats Minnie.” Dane chuckled. “They’re the smallest car club in all of Darlington county. They’re real exclusive and most likely the best skilled bunch of rat-racers in all of South Carolina. I doubt that anyone can touch them. Before you ask. There’s only ten Street Rats and they’re all Pros in real life.”
“Wait! Are you saying that those three cars and Bobbie’s all belong to the Street Rats?!” Minnie asked in shock.
“Yup! And there’s six more members. All of them are Professional Racers to boot. Four are currently on the Formula One circuit and two are on the Indy circuit. The fact that we have four at home right now is a rarity.” Dave chuckled. “The fun will happen this January when all ten are here.”
“How the hell do you know all this shit Dave?” Minnie asked him bluntly.
“Simple. What is the first rule for any good security guard?” He asked her with a sly smile. After giving her a few second Dave answered. “Observe your surroundings.”
The sound of screeching tires and roaring engines reached their ears as the three new cars entered the track. They were soon joined by the sound of a fourth set of screeching tires. Dave smiled up at his fellow guard. “Now is the one time I really whish we had cameras on the track. By the way you need to call the office again.”
“Can’t have them blasting around the track without reporting them to the bosses.” Minnie chuckled. “Free run of the place, but let the bosses know. Gotcha.”
“Now you’re getting it. Stick with me kid and you’ll learn a few things about how the racing world really works.” Dave chuckled.
“Who are you calling a kid? You’re only four years older than me.” Minnie huffed.
“I hate to tell you this Minnie, but I’m in my early thirties. Do you know why I’m a security guard instead of a cop?” He asked her with a cocky grin as he rolled up his pant leg. Once the prosthetic leg was showing Dave grinned even wider. “I earned this in a little place called Kandahar. Before you ask I joined the US Marines right out of high school fourteen years ago.”
“Damn. I’m sorry Dave I didn’t know. You look so young. I thought that you were only in your early twenties at best.” Minnie told him with real respect.
“It’s called clean living kiddo. Now.” Dave said as he rolled his pants leg back down and pointing towards the bookbag. “Let’s have a look at that homework. I may not have my degree, but I do know a few things. What are you studying?”
“Just basic core courses right now. I want to be a history teacher when I graduate.” She told him as she opened her bookbag with her college textbooks. “Though I don’t think that the track manager will like us setting around going off my homework.”
“Screw that little shit. Last time I checked. She is still my younger sister.” Dave told her with an evil smile that caused Minnie to laugh. “Before you say it. Yes this a case of the ‘good old boy’ system at work at its finest.”
For the next three hours the sounds of squealing tires, and roaring engines would occasionally reach their ears. Dave did his best to help Minnie with her homework. Minnie was actually surprised to find that her boss was a well educate man. Dave explained that during his time in the Marines he took several college courses for the promotion points. She was even more surprised to learn that he was just one semester short of having his Bachelor’s degree in history. Just after 11:30 the sounds of squealing tires and roaring engines dying down. Dave and Minnie looked up from her English 101 textbook.
“Open the gate Minnie. They’re on their way out. They should be here in about five minutes. I figure they’ll head for MRI next after a short stop a Billy’s Big Barn. If they don’t hit DQ or Micky D’s for burgers and fries.” Dave told her as she stood up. “Oh, and Minnie. If they stop you can get that autograph you want.”
The twenty year old young woman blushed as she headed out to take care of her orders. Dave just sat back and lite one more cigarette looking up at the security monitor. “She’s a good kid. Got her head on straight.”
As the four cars neared the gate they all rolled to a stop. One by one they shut down their engines and climbed out. Dave was surprised to see the whole MRI ISA team at the same time. He was surprised by them all agreeing to sign their autographs for Minnie. Then again the MRI drivers were a breed apart. He was only slightly surprised as the four drivers handed the two of them $100.00 dollars apiece before leaving. “Damn that’s a first. Bobbie must have been really pissed off today.”
“Why do you say that Dave?” Minnie asked him.
“The Steel Rats have only stopped and paid for using the track five times in the past. This is the sixth time and they have never paid this much. Between the two of us there’s eight-hundred bucks. That’s six-hundred over the standard free for four cars. Whatever it weas that pissed her off must have been major.” Dave told her with a faint smile. Dave handed her a hundred dollar bill saying. “Put that and a hundred of yours in the crash draw. Keep the rest.”
“Sure, thing boss.” Minnie answered as she did as ordered. “time to get back to my homework. I wish I knew why we have to study Dylan Thomas.”
“While Dylan Thomas is most notably for his works as a poet. He earned his popularity for his voice acting during radiobroadcasts with the BBC. He became widely popular in his lifetime and remained so after his death at the age of thirty-nine in New York City. By then he had acquired a reputation, which he had encouraged, as a ‘roistering, drunken and doomed poet’. Though of all his literary works ‘Do not go gentle into that good night’ and ‘And death shall have no dominion’; are count as his greatest works. Due mostly to their impact on the way people view life and death.” Dave told her as she sat back down staring at him in awe. “My Drill Sergeant in Basic used to quote the man during road marches and other heavy training.”
“Oh.” Was all the young woman could say. “I would never have thought about it like that. I can see where Thomas would appeal to soldiers when you put it that way.”
“Good now. Take what I just explained about Thomas and put it into your own words.” Dave told her as he tapped her notebook. Over the next fifty-minutes Dave explained how the poet’s work fit into today’s society. They had just gotten to Thomas’ work in radio when a delivery car pulled to a stop at the shack. Dave and Minnie enjoyed a large pizza with everything from Billy’s Big Barn. Curtesy of the Steel Rats.
MRI Garage 1330
The arrival of a pizza delivery from Billy’s proceed the appearance of Beth, Sam, and Jim by ten minutes. Bob McGuire looked out at the parking when Bobbie failed to show up. “Beth where’s Bobbie? She’s normally here first.”
“She said something about visiting Doctor Sharron before coming here dad.” Beth told him honestly. “Dad something is bugging her bad.”
“I was afraid of that. Damn it.” Bob snarled and turned towards Chief Hailee. “Dale go ahead close the hood on Bobbie’s car for now. John needs a hand with Sam’s car.”
“Gotcha boss. Any idea on when Bobbie will be coming in today?” Chief Hailee asked.
“It’ll be late Dale. If at all. She’s visiting Sharron.” Bob told him honestly with a heavy note of sadness and anger in his voice.
“Understood Bob. Who do I need to take my favorite cheater bar to?” Dale snarled. He knew that if Bobbie was visiting Doctor Sharron that it was bad. In the last few years Bobbie’s visits to Doctor Sharron Kelly had greatly decreased. Dale didn’t like the idea of someone pushing Bobbie to visiting her this close to a race.
“You can put the cheater bar away Dale. You too gentlemen. This is one time that Bobbie’s past has caught her off guard.” Bob explained to the four crew chiefs before turning back to Beth. “Do you know what set her off honey?”
“I don’t know the whole story dad, but it was bad. Mom called me at home and warned me that she was headed for the Knight in her Viper.” Beth turned to look over at Jim and Sam. “The guys joined me halfway there.”
“I got a call from Mrs. Jewels ordering me to meet the other drivers at the Knight.” Was all Jim said before chuckling. “She said it was a training run.”
“I got the same call from Kelly. Only she told me that Bobbie’s was pissed and needed someone to race against.” Sam answered with his chuckle.
“Seems that my wife and daughter-in-law have all the answers. We’ll just have to wait on Jewels and Kelly. That or wait for Bobbie get here in her own time.” Bob told the gathered drivers and crew chiefs with a grunt.
“Sir, I got a feeling that Bobbie won’t be showing up today.” Sam told him.
“How do you figure that Sam?” Bob asked him.
“It’s just a gut feeling sir. There was something about the look in her eyes. I think we might need to start looking for a replacement driver for next season.” Sam explained as he looked out at the parking lot.
“Shit that wreck at the Atlanta must have tripped something in her.” Chief Hailee bitched. Only to get a look from Bob. “I know none of our people were involved boss, but I got this feeling when she climbed out of her car at the end. I think it was the way that Oscar Johnson went flipping end over end that reminded her of the wreck at Mitsubishi Speedway in Chiba.”
“It was more than that Sam.” Kelly said as she entered the building from the side office door. Jewels was right behind her. “She won’t say it, but that wreck at Mitsubishi fucked with her more than she’ll admit.”
“Kelly Wallen McGuire you better start talking girl.” Bob snarled.
“You will calm down right now Robert Leland McGuire.” Jewels snarled grabbing everyone’s full attention. “As for Kelly not informing us of Bobbie’s mental state that is not her fault. For the majority of the season, she has been stateside looking after her children and this business.”
“Fine. I can understand that. Though why hasn’t Bobbie come and talk to one of us?” Chief Hailee asked her kindly. “She always did in the past.”
“Bobbie’s not the same driver she was three years ago. That teenage firebrand that shocked the Formula One world has been replaced by a grown woman with a family.” Jewels told them all firmly. “She has a future now.”
“Oh shit. Why didn’t I see it before?” Bob sighed.
“How does her having a family now change things boss?” Jim asked Bob.
“Simple. Before the babies were born Bobbie never expected to have a family. Now that she does. She has realized that more than just Kelly is depending on her. Haven’t you guys noticed that Bobbie has become more calculating in her driving. The days of her driving on her emotions alone are pretty much gone.” Beth answered for her father with a small chuckle. “I hate to say this, but Bobbie has grown up. In doing so my little sister has become harder to beat. The driver she is now is three times the driver she was when she first started out.”
“Why do I have the feeling that she’ll just get better and better with every race we run?” Jim groaned as Beth, Kelly, and Jewels just nodded their heads smiling.
“Excuse me but can we get back on topic here? Namely do I need to worry about my driver?” Chief Hailee asked the McGuire women.
“No Chief Hailee you don’t need to worry about Bobbie. She’s just dealing with shit from her past. Nothing more than that. To be honest. I think I’m the only one who could have spotted the signs before now.” Kelly informed him kindly.
“Well, then it’s a good thing that you and the kids will be traveling with us next season.” Chief Hailee snorted then smiled. “Just don’t go asking me to change their diapers or do any babysitting.”
“That’s what we have Sue for Chief. Speaking of Sue. Mother Jewels do we have any contacts in the State Department?” Kelly asked her.
“We have a few. Why?” Jewels asked her.
“Sue is still having problems with her passport. Any chance Senator Scott or Graham can help us out? I know that Congressmen Norman and Rice have offered to help.” Kelly told her mother-in-law with a friendly smile.
“I won’t trust Graham as far as I can throw his ass to order a box of paperclips, but when it come to straightening out paperwork screwups no one is better.” Slow Jake snorted as he refilled his coffee cup. “Contact Scott. You might have a better response time from him. As for those limp dick Congressmen. Don’t get your hopes up Kelly. Norman and Rice are just too new to the Hill.”
“Damn boss man that’s harsh. What about Clyburn? He any good?” Jim asked him.
“He does alright for a Democrat, but I won’t vote for him. I just don’t trust anyone who has been in office for more than eight years. I’m a firm believer in term limits for all political figures. The longer they’re in office the more chance of them becoming corrupt. I don’t know who said it but the old saying about how political power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely is very true.” Slow Jake told them as he took a drink of his coffee. “Before you ask. I’m an Independent. I lost faith in both of our political parties long ago.”
“Damn that’s pretty sinical there Chief.” Kelly smirked.
“Better to be sinical than blindly flowing the pack kiddo.” He told her with his own smirk before taking another drink of his coffee. “Boys you’re with me. Bill and I want to get those new seats adjust for you today.”
As the four men left the office Bob turned to Beth. “Honey I don’t know what Chief Marks has on the charts for you today. I suggest you get with him now. Dan why don’t you go with them.”
Once he was alone with just his wife and Kelly, Bob got down to business. Kelly showed her two in-laws what she had been doing while they were out of town. Bob and Jewels were amazed by how well Kelly was running the family business. They were especially surprised at how well she had reorganized and streamlined the parts ordering. Not just for the Stockcars, but all the motorsports that MRI did business with. Then there was the way she had organized the scholarship program. The biggest surprise came when Kelly showed them the plans for a new scouting program.
“Kelly how in the world did you ever think of something like this?” Jewels asked.
“Back when I was working as part of Bobbie’s pit crew one of the things that Couch Hall always harped on was PT. Seeing as how most of the girls on the pit crew were from the Cheerleaders it was a real bitch getting them into shape. The same could be said for the boys that we recruited from the football team. As for new drivers. That part was all on Bobbie and Mac. I kind of figured that with Bobbie starting the new F-one teams. Sooner or later, we would be needing replacement drivers and pit crew members for the Stockcar teams. I know that injuries are a fact of life for our sport. Sometimes those injuries are minor, but they can put a driver out for weeks to months at a time. Sometimes they’re bad enough that they can put an end to driver’s career. I know this all too well mom.” Kelly explained for Jewels. “Bobbie has already had one too many extremely close calls. If not for the safety features of the cars. She would be dead at least three to four times.”
“I got to say Kelly. You have put a lot of thought in this recruitment program. Where have you been searching for potential members?” Bob asked her.
“I thought about going to the colleges and universities first. Then rejected that idea. I remembered how all of our original pit crew members came straight out of high school. So, I sent our recruiter to all the smaller high schools in South Carolina. They normally don’t get the same attention as the bigger schools from the college and university scouting programs. There’s a lot of great athletes that get overlooked in those smaller schools.” Kelly explained with a smile. “With the amount that we’re paying them for two or three seasons. They don’t need college scholarships to get their higher educations. They don’t have to rely on grants and loans either. They can pay their way with their own money. Because of our new recruitment and training program we’ve been approached by other motorsport teams.”
“Don’t tell they’re actually trying to poach our people?” Bob asked with a snarl.
“They sure are dad. And they’re welling to pay big money for pit crew members that we’ve trained. Last week DEI recruited four of our tire changers. While paying us a hundred-fifty-grand per contract. The real surprise is the number of teams that are interested in the girls as air gun operators.” Kelly was on a roll now and decided to drop a bomb on her in-laws. She held up a stack of paper. “This is a contract with Porsche for us to assemble and train three full F-one pit crews for next season. They’re offering five-million for the teams.”
“Holy shit. How the hell did that happen?” Bob asked for his stunned wife.
“When McNair started up his new Formula One teams he did all of his recruiting from the local talent pool. When those pit crews started turning in pit times that made the ‘professional’ pit crew look sad things changed. We now got Formula One teams coming to us looking for new members. That’s the main reason I started the new recruitment and training program. I figured if they want us to do their scouting for them. Then they can pay us.” Kelly giggled.
“Damn. Jewels I think our daughter Kelly is trying to put us out to pasture.” Bob snarked then hugged Kelly. “Well done dear. You just keep doing what you’re doing.”
“I know that I’ve done a lot without your permission mom, but with you guys on the road. The office and garage staff have been coming to me to answer their questions.” Kelly told them with a sly smile. “I figured that if I made the decisions then I’m the only one who can be blamed. That and it got shit done around here that needed to be done. I know that I might not have done it the way you would have.”
“Stop right there Kelly. When Jewels and I retire this business will go to you kids with Bobbie in charge of the racing teams. Beth will be the overall manager with Joey in charge of fabrication shop. We’ve been talking it over for some time. We feel that you are the best for running the day to day operations of the office. If starting a training program for new drivers, and pit crews for other teams. Then go for it.” Bob told her with a friendly smile. “We won’t get in your way.”
“Bob is right honey. Besides thanks to the way you’ve taken over the office. We get to spend more time doing our actual jobs.” Jewels told her with a smile of gratitude. “I just wish that you could travel overseas with us more right now, but we understand that the babies come first.”
“Thank you mom. I just wish that we didn’t have relay so much on Julie for dealing with the sponsors.” Kelly bitched as Bob and Jewels chuckled. “Okay mom what have I missed? What do you know that I don’t?”
“Just let Julie do her thing. Sponsors are a necessary evil in our sport. Think of them as pissed off king cobras. They take a delicate hand in dealing with them. As such we need a trained snake handler. That is where our lovely Julie comes into play.” Jewels told her with a slight giggle. “That woman knows how to make our sponsors dance to her tune with easy.”
“Okay mom. I’ll leave her alone.” Kelly looked over at the clock on the wall. “Look’s like Bobbie’s not coming. I guess I’ll you set her off.”
“If it was that article in this morning’s paper forget about it. I already figured as much. Though I’m not worried about the information that asshole printed.” Bob chuckled. At the blank looks he was getting from Kelly and Jewels he knew that he would have to come clean. “That was a dumb-dumb file with a worm attachment.”
“Robert McGuire what have you been up to?” Jewels asked with an evil grin.
“For the last four or five weeks our servers have been getting attacked by a hacker trying to get into our secured files. Mercedes-Benz has delt with corporate hackers before. We contacted them after the first attempt. They sent two of their best white hats to handle our little problem. The FBI should be arresting our little pests some time in the day or so.” Bob chuckled.
“Hopefully they’ll sweep up that so called reporter in their arrests.” Kelly sighed.
“Why do you say that Kelly?” Jewels asked as she heard the concern in her voice.
“Because it might give Bobbie some small peace of mind. Before you ask the answer is simple. Of all the local reporters. Only Eric Barns actually knows Bobbie’s secret. At he thinks he does. The man has been trying for the two and a half years to find proof. I don’t know why but Barns hates Bobbie for some reason.” Kelly grunted as Bob and Jewels chuckled. “What don’t I know this time?”
“Four years ago Eric Barns gave his son Mike Barns a classic nineteen-sixty-eight Camaro SS three-fifty for a birthday present. Five days later Bobbie auctioned off that Camaro SS at the local swap meet.” Bob told her with a chuckle. “The stupid little shit thought he could challenge Bobbie to a one-on-one rat race.”
“Oh shit. They raced for pink slips.” Kelly groaned. “Did Mike know that Bobbie never lost a rat race with her old GTO?”
“Yup. He had actually lost to Bobbie once before. Mike blamed it on the car he was driving at the time. Bobbie told him the truth. That he lost because he was out driven not because he had an inferior car. Mike twisted the facts when he lost the second time. Needless to say, Eric Barns feels that he has to get even with Bobbie for his son. To achieve his goal, he’ll do whatever it takes to expose Bobbie as a fraud. That includes exposing her personal medical history.” Bob sighed. “I whish your mother had let you shoot that asshole when you had the chance.”
“You’re not the only one Robert. I should have shot his fucking ass when I found him on the maturity ward after the twins were born.” Jewels snarled. “Damn security.”
“Hi guys.” Bobbie said as she entered Kelly’s office. “Sorry I’m late.”
“Thought you were going to see Sharron kiddo?” Bob asked her.
“She’s in Charleston on an emergency call. One of her clients tried to commit suicide last night.” Bobbie explained with a sad smile knowing exactly what Sharron was facing. “I got a feeling she has her hand full this time.”
“Why do you say that Bobbie?” Jewels asked knowing how a lot of Sharron’s cases affected her daughter. “Is it a bad one?”
“Kid was an Olympic hopeful. She lost her legs in a car crash last June.” Was all that Bobbie told them as she headed for the coffee pot. “From what the receptionist told me the girl was a gymnast. This is one time that I doubt Sharron will be able to help. The girl had to have spend years training to go to the Olympics. Only to have her dream ripped from her grasp by a drunk driver.”
“Damn. That’s totally fucked up.” Bob sighed as Jewels gave him a dirty look. “So, what are you going to do Bobbie?”
“What I always do dad. When Sharron calls. I’ll make a tripe to Charleston.” Was all Bobbie told him before turning to leave Kelly’s office. “Until then I got a race to get ready for. I may have locked in the championship with my win at Warsaw and Talladega. That doesn’t mean I can turn my back on the bitch known to the world as the Lady in Black and The Track Too Tough To Tame. Darlington Speedway may be my home, but that bitch shows no favoritism. She’ll chew you up and spit you out if you make the mistake of believing you’ve become her master. Just ask the top drivers for Darlington. They’ll all say the same thing.”
“Just who are the top three winners at Darlington?” Kelly asked.
“We really need to work on your racing education child. The top three winners for Darlington are as follows. David Pearson is number one with ten wins, Dale Earnhardt Sr in second has nine, and Jeff Gordon in third with seven. They’ve all said the same thing. Race the track not the pack.” Jewels told her with a slight giggle. “You know for the wife of a professional racer your knowledge of the sport is rather stunted. I believe that we’ll be spending time together this off season correcting that shortcoming. You need to know about more than just the cars and tracks dear. You need to know more about the sport’s history and it’s leading figures.”
“Yes ma’am.” Kelly squeaked as Bobbie chuckled.
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Wow…….. David Pearson
He was always my favorite driver when I was just a young kid.
That really takes me back to growing up on the Florida Space Coast in the 1960’s.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Found old video
I don't know who it was but someone put up videos of David Pearson winning at Darlington. I watch those and the ones of Dale Sr. and Gordon. I think it might have been the people at the Darlington Raceway museum who put the videos on line. I know that you can see the same footage at the museum during a visit.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
the end is near?
Assuming Bobbie does win the championship, that would be the ideal time for her to retire. Of course then there would be the issue of what she does with herself after
Sadly the answer is yes.
As much as I hate to copy the tin hats on the street corners. 'THE END IS NEAR' just not yet. As for Bobbie and her future in racing. She has a long way to go yet. (wink) She has one more story in her yet to be told.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
For the love of gasoline, why
For the love of gasoline, why could this crap with Barnes not have happened during the offseason (rather than right before Bobbie is set to race her home track)? This is ridiculous.
This has been an on going issue
Bobbie's distaste for reporters is well known. This is nothing more than an ongoing beef with a particular reporter. Someone who has a grudge isn't going to care about what is going your life. Especially if they can screw with you at a very important time in your life. I have noticed that this especially true of those individuals who call themselves journalists and reporters. (have i mentioned that I really dislike the so called press?)
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
The oldies but goodies
I am old enough to grow up seeing them watch live on TV.
There was not much on TV to watch back in the day.
OTOH there is not much to see now either.
Ask the drivers
Ask the top 3 Darlington race drivers, eh? Only if you zombify David Pearson and Dale Earnhardt Sr. >:->
Thx for another nice chapter^^
Lot of family business
Sometimes reporters think they are above the law and every law they break to get a juicy story is part of the game. If proven a certain reporter hacked a system he will be facing stiff fines and possible Federal Prison.
I think I remember two chapters back where Bobbi is having nerve problems and she herself sees the end of her racing career in the not too distant future. Be a shame as I have loved the story of the Fury Sisters when I could care less about real life racing.
Hugs Wolfjess
I empathize with Bobbi, aging is a slow sneeky bitch.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
All is not lost
Some people never learn how terrible they are at something, no matter how many times they try. They try the same thing but expect different results each time. A person may have a desire to do something, but if they don't have the needed skill set, it doesn't matter how hard they try, they'll never be as good as the person with that skill set.
Bobbie's back bothered her after one race, that why Jewel gave her aspirin for her "headache." Bobbie knows her time racing is closing in in her, but even if she isn't racing she'll still be involved in the game.
Other teams coming to MRI to field and train pitcrews says something about the respect MRI has gained. And judging by the figures Kelly quoted, it will be quite lucrative.
Others have feelings too.