Sick of Literotica

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I finally got sick to death of Literotica today. After Linda got rejected after being submitted three times. If anyone has read it it's a trans/CD love story. Not sure where I will take it. They reject your story and tell you to read the guidelines. You have no idea why.

At first I thought it was the reference to Peter asking his mother why he wasn't a girl. According to Literotica, underage (18) crossdressing is tantamount to child porn. Which is distrubing!

Someone in the forum told me that that's how children crossdressing would be read by many of the readers on there.

I deleted that part, had one of the editors edit out a few minor grammar errors and it got rejected again.

The only reason I kept posting on there was vanity .I started posting on Fictionmania, then Literotica. Then I discovered Bigcloset.

On Lit, Anything to be a Housewife has over 24,000 reads. Half my stories were rated as "Hot". I have 151 followers. When I get a new one, I pm them and tell them about this site. Many of my stories can't go on there.

The thing that surprised me was Surgeon's Lodger was rated Hot, It had less reads than most of the others. A story has to be rated above 4.5/5.

It strikes me as odd that gentle stories get rejected on a site that has 603 pages of Rape stories.

I just hope my DELETE ALL submission works.


I am glad you found BCTS

WillowD's picture

One of the life changing moments in my life is when I subscribed to Kindle Unlimited. This is because when I found a book I liked I could look at the "If you liked this book" links and find more books. And eventually I found an awesome book where the author spoke about how the story was originally read and improved by comments from internet readers. It took many minutes of Google research to find BCTS. And this is where I discovered many awesome stories. I also found that many of my favorite Kindle authors were active here.

This is a great place for authors and readers.

Literotica not worth the effort.

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Literotica is mainly a porn site... My only experience there it tracking down some one I saw referenced with a similar name. "Patty Marie" I discovered the Torn Trilogy there. The final story was by Patty Marie. I thought that story, "Sissy's Revenge" was a good fit for this site and contacted Patty Marie to suggest that she post it here. She informed me that "Sissy's Revenge was the only story she'd written with any trans content and wasn't interested in publishing on any other sites. However she did tell me that if I wanted to do it I could repost it here, but cautioned me that it wouldn't be understood without the first two stories. So I contacted the other two authors who had stories in the trilogy. Only one responded and gave me permission to post their story here. So the third story is only linked here, rather than posted here.

I did peruse their "Transgender & Crossdressers - Erotic tales of gender bending" selections and found them far too erotic for my gentle nature, so have not explored the site any farther.

Given that that section is subtitled "Erotic tales of gender bending" i shouldn't have been surprised.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Yes because it's mainly a

leeanna19's picture

Yes because it's mainly a porn site, you can get a story published where you kidnap, rape, torture a victim. Then do things to the corpse. (sorry for putting that in your head)

They rejected a story where I wrote "Wanted to be a girl since he was 5 years old." That triggers them, but the above doesn't?

I just checked all my stuff has gone now. On the plus side a person that edited my story has asked about this site as they want to practice their editing skills. So hopefully he will be on here soon. Their name is Kenji.


I’m not crazy about Literotica

bryony marsh's picture

It seems odd: a site where the unique selling proposition seems to be that you can find every kink under the sun. Transgender literature just isn’t going to fit well in such a place. For me, the worst thing is all the dodgy advertisements and links... though you can just filter them out, of course. I have found some good stories there, but it’s not what you’d call a target-rich environment.

Sugar and Spiiice – TG Fiction by Bryony Marsh

There does seem to be a fear

leeanna19's picture

There does seem to be a fear of mentioning under 18. I understand that. Fictionmania is full of "schooldgirl" stories with no problems. The problem with TV and trans fiction, is, as many of us know,it starts young.

Another thing I don't like it is full of trolls. They can post comments anonymously.

It's always them that say things like . "I stopped reading after the first paragraph. There word is there not their."


Childhood Crossdressing.

In reality, it is very common, even normal to wear clothing of the other gender as young as 4 years old. Our societal mores make crossdressing seem wrong, but if one studies the other cultures in the world, non bifurcated lower garments are common. I don't often go to other sites but do have my moments. I wanted to be a writer but I am just not good enough.


I think you're a great writer

leeanna19's picture

I think you're a great writer. There are lots on here.

I think it's all about getting the right break. I tried to read 50 shades, didn't care for it. The woman who wrote it used to right vampire fan fic. Millionair now. ($150 million) She got a break.


Thankyou so much.

These days my TG content is minimal, but I try to make it part of normal life since I think that Gender Dysphoria is normal. I'm 75 and writing is getting hard.

Fears of being charged with "child pornography"

1. I suspect that what Literotica is worried about is being accused of distributing child pornography, which (in the USA, at least), is dealt with harshly. Whether a particular story about cross-dressing children would count as "child pornography" would be a judgement call, and I'm sure they would just as soon not have to prove in court that this or that story is not pornography and risk felony convictions if they fail. Best to simply not have any stories where children do anything that a fundamentalist church or overzealous social worker or police officer might take exception to.

I'm not sure how BigCloset avoids this risk.

2. As for "cross-dressing" in childhood: It's worth noting that in previous centuries, young boys and girls were dressed alike, usually in simple dresses, up to a certain age. My guess it was because clothing was expensive/labor intensive (the yarn, cloth, and tailoring were all done by hand, mostly at home), and children grow out of clothes so fast, it was not practical to have a lot of clothes for small children, let alone have separate types of clothes for boys and girls. (Frocks are also more practical for children that aren't fully toilet trained.) I think it was the apparel industry that pushed the idea of gender-specific clothes for infants and small children so they could sell more clothes.

With both our children (boys, or at least AMAB), we got all manner of hand-me-down infant and toddler clothes, some of them arguably "for girls," but we dressed them in whatever fit and was warm (or cool) enough, without worrying about how someone might gender the clothes, and nobody tries to have us arrested or called CPS on us.

In Victorian England boys

leeanna19's picture

In Victorian England boys were kept in dresses until they were "Breeched" Put in breeches. They wore frocks and aprons before that. These would be boys versions. The colours would be different to girls, with less frills and lace. Pink used to be a manly colour too.

There are pictures of many famous men in frocks as youngster's. My mother has a picture of me at 1 year old in a frilly dress. The start of my problem?

Fictionmania has many stories involving underage sex. Same as the ancient site Nifty. I would never write this sort of stuff. I don't even know the laws around writing this kind of material, but it is distasteful to me.

What I realise now is how many extreme Christians there are in the USA. I argued with someone on youtube recently quoting the bible at a guy coming out as trans. Our official state religion is Church of England, which accepts trans. We don't really "do" Christianity in a big way here.


Recent events in the USA

aka book burnings.
All whipped up by crackpot pastors.

1984 and Fahrenehite 451 were warnings not guidebooks. I could go on but Erin would not like it but the USA is heading towards some very deep bovine excrement.

Christianity is a lot gentler

leeanna19's picture

Christianity is a lot gentler here it seems. My son got involved in a Christian youth group. I got into a discussion with a group of independant Christian's at a multi denominational church. They were very friendly. We were talking about the Eucharist.

I said that the meaning was "remember me" Because bread and wine were commonly consumed by items. Not the catholic literal meaning.
Transubstantiation, if you really believe that, Jesus was made of bread? I respect other beliefs but they used to execute non believers.

I was invited back to their church to discuss it with their pastor. They seem to think I had a good knowledge of scripture, I dont. I never went for fear of bursting into flames.


shemales in search of a gazebo

laika's picture

In regards to Literotica, as Carl famously put it:

Meanwhile (from same episode), here's us;
looking for a gazebo we can call our own:

~Yes, there's no place like BCTS. Hugs, Veronica

[Ever checked out the TG fiction at DeviantArt? From what I've seen it's all just transformations, usually into bimbos (breasts growing, penises inverting, IQs dwindling), and nothing you could really even call a story. I guess there's a niche for every taste...]

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)