Well good morning TopShelf.

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It's been a couple of weeks/months since I've felt like human enough to update you all on my "adventure" in sickville.

It started with a pneumothorax, a hole in my lung caused by, believe it or not, a sneeze! That sent me to the E.R. in an ambulance...a trip into the depths of hell otherwise called a hospital. They determined what was wrong, applied treatment and thought it taken care of...it wasn't. I was back three days later with the same thing. That trip lasted almost a month with me in and out of reality and the typical cold, heartless treatment from hospital staff who gave me orders without reasons and expected me to follow like an army private.

Of course, being me, I either couldn't understand nor jump to their whip and labelled me "uncooperative." After a couple of weeks, there came a time when I was stripped, dressed, and prepared for some kind of movement. I had already been treated for diverticulitis, a weak heart, a weak pancreas and a partially blocked urinary tract. I was bundled into an ambulance and off into an uncertain night or destination.

I arrived at a center somewhere in OHIO! A rehab center. While there I was treated like a person rather than a collection of wrong things and helped to understand some of the things that had suddenly cascaded into unhealthy areas. I will say that there were times when I was clearly halucinating and not in contact with reality at all. The staff there was clear and concise about what they needed from me and I tried to comply, but again, being me, still hated not knowing where I was or why and I HATED being so far away from family and my STUFF especially during Christmas and New Year.

I formed my escape plan, involving the staff there to my want to call it quits, being dejected and depressed...hoping to enlist them in getting the hell outta there! Success! I got hold of my nephew who drove the 2 and a half hours to pick me up, signed out AMA (against medical advice) grabbed my things and we GOT OUTTA THERE!

I have been very weak and tire easily so this blog will have to suffice for a while. The list. Weak heart. Diverticulitis. Weak bladder. Weak pancreas. An angeascan, or something like that. There are other things, but they escape me at this moment.

So...I am HOME! My angel, my WIFE, Tina has been my rock through all of this, going WAY beyond any call of duty to make sure that I have everything I need to recover. It's gonna be a long tiring and frustrating road to recovery, but I want to thank all of you who called, or messaged, or otherwise expressed concern or support. I'll try to keep in touch more, but who knows what'll happen?

BE kind and good to one another and remember that everyone has troubles and may need a kind word or something sometime. I ain't leaving this world without a fight.

God Bless and I love you all.
Catherine Linda Michel

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