Spent the last hour and a half shoveling fourteen inches of snow. Thankfully it was light and fluffy, in mild temperature with no wind.
Rethinking the wisdom of buying a house with a double lot.
Gave away my two snowblowers when I moved to the city from the burbs. Had a big one for the driveway and a small one for the sidewalk and to blow the blow from my deck down into my pool.
Now all I have are four shovels, a spouse, and a springer spaniel (with dubious snow moving skills).
LOVE the "Caution" on this one! :)
Depending on your age and level of fitness, shoveling snow could be dangerous. One could get a heart episode from overexertion.
Also, what's with the CAUTION?
-- Daphne Xu
Maybe it had to do with exactly what you pointed out. A guess on my part but who knows.
Oh no!
Home Depot is calling your name. Cub Cadet with a front mounted blower and a back mounted blade and a mower for summer…. Fantasy is fun isn’t it? Still that’s the best way to minimize all future snowfall (applied sympathetic magic - Murphy’s law corollary. What you are prepared for won’t happen.).
BAK 0.25tspgirl
I hope you weren't going to shovel off this mortal coil, were you?
Suggestion: Complement the existing dog with a
St. Bernard in view of the circumstances.
your lucky
the UK weather bureau have been threatening the UK will turn in to iceberg and we've only seen a bit of snow in the last 2 years
I moved to Florida because of the Snow, not to rub it in but I don't own long pants nor a heavy coat short and t shirt year-round.
Long Pants
I often need long pants when I'm shoveling, then I stop to catch my breath.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I was born in 1940 ...
... in the English midlands and I didn't own any long trousers until 1955 - it was shorts all the way, even when sledging. I wasn't very unusual, though I was fairly old before moving to longs, but not the last to succumb. We used to get a lot of snow in those days and central heating was unknown. I feel the cold more now :)
A Rasch Move
Giving away those snowblowers.
14" of snow?
It's all relative. Where I live now 2" of snow brings the whole world to a grinding halt. Where I used to live it meant an extra cup of coffee before driving to work on well-cleared roads. North of there 14" of snow would be called "scattered flurries".
I don't shovel driveways or front walks, it might encourage people to come knocking on my door.
They know they can survive