The Feminine Queendom 75

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Oh wow, revenge at last on

leeanna19's picture

Oh wow, revenge at last on the people that made his life a misery. Love this story, going to love the next parts even more!
Key targets . Mangineer attacks on Parliament, the house of Ladies, knock out a few power stations , so their hairdryers won't work.
That will get them.

Prime minister why do you have mad hair? because that bloody man has knocked out all the power stations . Take out all UQ satellites too.

What will be interesting is will the male soldiers, all low rank "grunts" one presumes, want to fight when they realize the attacker is a man with an "axe to grind" with the feminista.

The UQ prevents half it's population from making any meaningful contribution. My money is on Charlie.

Even though China is mainly patriarchal, women do have equal rights, if not equal pay. In a conventional war they would prove nearly impossible to beat. 1.446 billion of them! They allow up to 3 children per family now, so what will that look like in 20 years.


Charlie Must Think This Through

joannebarbarella's picture

Indiscriminate killing won't get him anywhere. Maybe attacks on military installations where only feministas are present are the answer. I'm sure Bev has this already worked out.

Power stations are one option, but he must consider retaliation for any action he undertakes.

I don't think he should neglect the Chinese either. I don't think they've been sufficiently punished.

Having lived there most of

leeanna19's picture

Having lived there most of his life he will know the best places to attack. Blind them first. Public order breaks down very quickly without power too. Write a few scary messages on the moon perhaps. It may give some of the resistance groups a chance. Like the one Charlie's mum was in.

There was Indiscriminate killing on the Chinese airbase, so fairs, fair.


One has to wonder....

Snarfles's picture

Charlie's hovercar engines are pretty commonplace... I'm sure that as quickly as they've been used for transportation, the same engines could put a power supply in every home, making a 'Power Station' network obsolete. Were I to pick 'targets' per se, I think I'd go after the communications and internet... server farms, cell towers, institutions of 'higher learning'; the very tools used by the Feminista to control their turf.

My thoughts

Lee's picture

I wooden targets the powerstation is directly as damaging their will take a long time to repair but I would target the power lines from the power station. This should take the power station offline I may cause the cascade failure. Well this can be repaired in a week or so it is something Charlie you could easily repeat doing to keep it offline as much as he wants. One Downside maybe is how much are there defences against their neighbours is connected to the power grid if bringing it down could cause an invasion from their neighbours? Well type it in the military is an option what is the end goal? When always said and done I can't see must be able to defend itself from other countries that will take advantage.

My target list
UQ uses surveillance a lot so there must be control rooms or multiple control rooms in every city and town taking them out would damage the UQ to respond quickly to any disturbance.
Damaging or destroying the rookeries will definitely be a big distraction for them.
Damaging or destroying the facilities needed to make the hover cars would certainly send a message.

In the end it is up to Charlie and what is goals actually are?

I am a male lolita.
So what is lolita fashion

Previous wars have already taken out the power lines.

Here in America we still have lots of overhead power lines. That is because we have never had a full scale war on our own land. After every major conflict the US is usually the one to help rebuild and we have been putting all the power lines underground when that happens. Because of that most of the power in Europe and Britain is now underground and any future development would see the power being installed underground. You can trust my opinion on this because I am an electrician. Having the power lines underground the powers stations and sub-stations are going to be the easier targets.

EllieJo Jayne

Damaging or destroying the

leeanna19's picture

"Damaging or destroying the rookeries will definitely be a big distraction for them" .this will only harm the men. The feminista won't care.
Would he care if they are invaded by a patriarchal country? I doubt it. It would give the feminista at taste of what they have been dishing out to him all his life. Half the population would welcome it.
He probably won't as he could have given the secrets away to someone like that before.
If I had spent my life being treated as a 2nd class piece of crap and told I was an ape . I know what I'd do.

Ellie , I was an electrician too, only a small watt but plenty of volts. Must be OHM's law that turns us.
I'm sure Beverly has it all worked out. It's been Charlie's War for a while now, this is his personal war.


Watt are you saying??

Snarfles's picture

For the Feministas, Charlie has to AMP up his game. The most sophisticated and secure software means very little if the hardware it runs on is scrapped. Resistance is futile, induction inevitable, without communication the Feminista's capacitance to wage war would be little more than an open circuit. The longer communication is barely semi-conducted (ie: written on paper), the higher the frequency of incursions, and the greater the resonance to change. Such are transformers of society.


These are grounds for termination! There is nothing you can do to shield yourself from the wrath of the pun gods!

OHM My God! you two.

leeanna19's picture

OHM My God! you two.



I hope this gambit pays off


They should have left him alone

Jamie Lee's picture

The fools at Anston, in the UQ, should have left Charlie alone. While he doesn't have the armaments they have, he has the entire asteroid belt. And at his disposal some very large asteroids, which if dropped in the right location, could take out much of the UQ.

Charlie's war will cause the UQ a lot of problems thanks to Anston. Maybe after a few shots from Charlie they'll get the message loud and clear. Unless they continue being stupid.

Others have feelings too.