

A Story About Gwen Brown by Gwen Boucher

A BS in History from the local University was not much in demand, good jobs were scarce and finally I was reduced to serving Breakfast and Lunch in a homestyle Café, wearing a black short, pleated skirt and blouse, and dancing in a dump called The Devil’s Inn. No one said it was a strip joint, but I soon found out that the more I took off, the bigger the tips. I drew the line at my panties. School loans, rent and the payments for a car that didn’t run was killing me. Now my pretty blue car sat on blocks in the street and the real leatherette interior was trashed by animals. Thieves had stolen my tires, wheels, and all. I still had my 24 speed Bicycle, which I took into my apartment when I was not riding it, and truthfully, if the weather was decent, it was perhaps as good as a car in town. I finally found a seat that did not make me sore. I could often get where I was going faster than a car, even before the Aliens came. After they showed up, commerce dwindled, and I stopped doing frivolous rental car trips. The streets were nearly vacant so I could just zip along on my bike, and it kept me in very good shape.

Then, my mom’s brother, Uncle Fred, who I had barely known left me a huge inheritance and I found that I could live off the interest if I was frugal. My parents were gone from the Covid Virus. At times it feels like I’ll never get over it. Mom and I were very close, and she comforted me so much when the other kids were mean. I wondered if the Banks would fail, and I would lose everything?

I would not miss stripping, though my exit was tearful because of the friendships I had formed with some of the other girls and servers. I was careful not to reveal the reason for my leaving. The management didn’t offer me more to stay, so I wondered if it was because I was not very good as a stripper?

America seemed on the verge of yet another war with China or someone, and that was discouraging. The International big money guys did not mind sacrificing the young as soldiers for profit, and wars meant lots of income from manufacturing. Being the middle of the 21st century I had expected more from humanity.

I was born essentially sexless so started female hormones when I was 9, against the wishes of my doctors. They felt that it was too early. I’d found a Medical School flunk out who knew enough endocrinology to get me what I wanted. There was no way to be a functional male, so female it was. It was a good choice. That did nothing for the progressive deafness, so eventually I was alone inside my head until they put cochlear implants in both ears. They were rechargeable, so the Doctors slit my scalp ear to ear, put little wires in and a coil for recharging. They put my hair back and at night I had a little cap on my head with a coil that recharged me. The charge usually lasted all day.

There would be no children and I felt cheated but eventually had to learn to live with it. Having no Vagina, I was smooth aside from a Urethra. I was told that I was very pretty, but I was not sexually attracted to anyone, except I was just very lonely. Anal sex was repulsive to me so eventually I became adept at Head Jobs. Still, it seemed that my dates always demanded penetrative intercourse and I had black eyes and bruises to prove my objection to the idea. I’d done Martial Arts as a youngster and got so adept that my instructors warned me that I could easily kill an assailant, so for a long time I didn’t use it until I’d absorbed some punishment from disappointed lovers. Finally, I gave up dating, even with Lesbians. The years following were so lonely. Long rides on my bike provided enough radical distraction to control depression and I stayed in great shape.

One evening I was out on a long night ride and admiring the nearly full Moon when something seemed to cross over its face. It was just there a moment and was gone. I decided that it really was not there. In the morning, I was making coffee and watching the news before going on my usual walk. The screen blanked out for a moment and then came a text message. “We will no longer allow you to quarrel”. It stayed there for a while and then was gone. That completely disrupted the morning news routine. No one on the TV tried to explain what had happened.

There was no invasion that most of us knew of but gradually international hostilities ground to a halt. Their Spaceships seemed about three times larger than the moon appeared from Earth. The ships were impossible to miss. Some thought the Aliens would visit the World leaders, but no one ever seemed to have seen them or spoke of it, and there was nothing on the news. At any rate, wars ground to a halt, and slowly there was less violence and aggression around us. Technology advanced, and oddly we started to hear stories that the aliens were likely the visitors that were here thousands of years ago in places like Southern Iraq, Peru, Iran and possibly anywhere there were ancient ruins. We did not often see them that we knew of, and there was no suggestion that our beliefs and churches were now invalid. From my own reading and what I had heard, I started wondering if they were the ‘Gods’ of the Sumerians and before? Having watched countless documentaries on TV, I felt at least partially informed. I had always wondered if Melchizedek was one of them. The Biblical Character Abraham had several encounters with those who seemed God like. I decided to let the matter rest. If I was supposed to know more, they would tell me.

Though not immediately evident, the Aliens were tampering with human genetics. In a generation, differences in Homo Sapiens would be glaringly obvious. Previously males were statistically 14% larger than females and that would double, though the males would become gentle giants with genius level intelligence. Females’ size remained about the same, with little change in their nature, though they now had a strong desire to grow long hair and an aversion to bifurcated lower garments, something that seemed to please the males. Female intelligence increased but in subtle ways.

Years later it became clear that Earth was being made into a brooding planet because of a multi-galactic population crisis. For unknown reasons, many other civilizations on planets that we had not seen, were suffering from eventually cataclysmic low birth rates from declining fertility.

NASA, and others had previously been working hard, before the Aliens, to get into space more substantially and after they arrived, worked even harder. In a few years pioneers were embarking on ambitious expeditions. The technology that the space pioneers were using trickled down into our culture indirectly from the Aliens and one day I found a riding suit in a bike shop that was amazing. It was a thin, transparent soft Lycra like fabric that was rain proof, and a small power pack provided heat in cold weather and cooling when it was hot. I made sure to wear undergarments that were substantial to provide for modesty. The helmet was incorporated into it and did not fog, and rain did not obscure my vision. On me, it looked like a very sexy space suit. It had built in gloves and feet that fit right into my riding shoes.

Earth was increasingly becoming a garden planet. The roads were often nearly empty. Many people were staying home and peacefully gardening or building things. Billions of people left to colonize other planets. Children could once again play in the streets and much of the time walked to school.

One day I was out on a long ride expecting to travel 40 miles or more. The suit and new bike seat made it all really pleasurable. My bike was now electric assist, and on flat terrain, I could easily maintain 15 mph. Mostly I rode with on the lowest setting. If it got too hilly, there was always the very efficient electric assist. The tyres were a bit fat but still rolled quite easily.
I stopped along the way at a snack bar in front of a beautiful water fall and sat to eat on a bench near it. The Turkey sandwich and fruit drink were exactly right. A very handsome, brown haired, muscular man in biking kit asked if he could sit at the same table and I told him that I did not mind. He wore old style kit and admired mine and I think the sexy way I looked in it. If I had the means, I might have hoped it would develop into more. Being results oriented, I wanted to get on my way and achieve my goal for today and that also included the ride back home. I intended to run the assist on full on the way back. I lived in an apartment in a row of tall apartment houses, downtown, south side along the river.

As I was getting back on my bike for the run out to Cascade Locks, he told me, “We will not harm you. We are here to help and advance you and you will find your life changing”. What he said was confusing and at the time I did not know what he meant. The last 30 miles to my goal was so fun. The sun was out, and the winds were minimal. I ate again at a little drive-up restaurant on the road through a small town. After visiting the Loo, I was back on the road heading West, and somewhat tired. I set the Electric assist to high and my gear cassette in top gear. I could easily maintain 25 mph and was back in the city in under two hours. The ride over the high bridge and down toward my apartment was thrilling. After I wheeled my bike inside and put it on the charger, the shower was lovely.

I relaxed with a cup of heavily creamed Coffee and sweetened it with a bit of brown sugar. The news and weather were boring, so I decided to look at clothing. I had discovered long leg, wicking panties a while back, and wished that I could find a bra built the same way. Mainly I just wanted to stop my nipples showing. The girls were quite perky on their own. I was indeed surprised to find the sort of Bra I wanted, and it included silicon nipple covers. On one page was a dress that reminded me of what I had seen on the internet as 1950s clothing. The skirt was full and came with an attached crinoline with a shirt style top. I felt drawn to it. Then I saw a flowery, almost floor length Hutterite dress that had lots of walking room. I slept with it in my dreams.

It felt like I was coming out of a mental fog. The bed was rocking and so was I. It felt as if someone’s penis was in me, and pushing on the owner’s chest, I could not move him, and his penis seemed rooted in me. It didn’t hurt me, and I was dreamily mildly aroused. I could not see him, I seemed to be blindfolded. Gradually it became clear that there was no stopping what was happening. Who was this? “Just relax woman, you will be implanted soon, and you can return to your normal life”. His voice sounded like the man who had spoken to me at the Falls.

Sure of it now, I asked him if I could keep the baby, he was putting in me? He did not reply immediately. Later, when I was awake and had risen, I made myself coffee, and sat there at the table trying to unravel what had happened. When the Aliens arrived, most people expected them to march in and take over. Instead, I had dreams that showed my deepest desires.

Amazingly, I found a very sensitive set of female organs that now occupied where there were previously none. What about my dream? Had they ‘implanted’ me, or was it simply my vivid dreams? Later, it was clear that I was not pregnant, so what did he mean by implanting me?

I continued to ride daily, and window shopped after. It surprised me to find that my hips were becoming fuller, and there were distracting quivering’s in my lower abdomen at times. I did not go to a doctor because I was afraid of what he would tell me. One morning as I was putting my riding kit on, it seemed like I was becoming fuller in the rear. Out on the ride I came round a corner and was hit with sudden excruciating pain and fell hard on the pavement. My head hit hard, destroying my helmet, and I was out for I do not know how long.

I wakened to several people around me. I felt so humiliated I scrambled to my feet, but two women forced me back down. “I’m OK, I promise you. It was just an accident. I do not know what happened. I felt wet down below, and one of the women said, “Oh, she’s started her period”. A pickup stopped and it seemed that the man from a previous bike ride got out. How could he be here? Was he following me? He quickly put my bike in the back of his truck, and then guided me into the passenger side of his truck. “I know her. I’ll get her home and let her clean up”. He said reassuringly.

I was still feeling very muzzy, so was quite thankful for his help. I remembered him from the restaurant at the falls. “You keep showing up at the best times and I have dreamt about you. Are you going to tell me what is going on”? I asked. He just looked at me and smiled.

At home, he saw me into my apartment and then brought my bike up. I was busy in my shower, trying to get the blood out of my suit, and then I noticed that I now had what I would come to know as a functional Vagina, including menses. He found me sitting in my tub and weeping joyously. Despite my nakedness, he sat on the toilet lid and looked at me like a doctor would. Something passed between us, and I knew that my dream was being fulfilled. “Your promise not to hurt us was true then”? I asked

“Yes, we are here to help you move into multiple Galactic civilization, and before that can happen, certain genetic advancements must occur. Telepathy and Ocular improvement are two. Presently a consortium of Nations is guarding your planetary system until we do that. After you are made able to help in your defence, you will be expected to join the consortium to assist in the defence of others. Your ‘Earth’ as you call it has been nurtured for several hundred thousand of your years. We’ve visited in secret for a long time.

“Presently humans are far too aggressive and war like. Frankly, other civilizations near you are afraid to see you on the loose in this Galaxy. There was debate about exterminating you and starting over”. His words chilled me. There is considerable urgency to our efforts because if we fail, it will be the end of what you call Homo Sapiens.

My body continued to get ready for motherhood. I bought a sewing machine and learned to sew floor length dresses, preferring very flowery fabric with large, colourful floral scenes. I found that I could still ride my bike despite my dress because the sprockets and chain were all covered. The back wheel had an effective skirt guard. The bike suit stayed at home.

The next months and years were so exciting. Though I could not say that Ean became my mate, he was quite protective and nurturing. He always seemed to be there when I needed him. Eventually I bore six children, 4 girls and 2 boys. The girls, Chola, Manau, Sally, and Credence, were sweet, nurturing, and bossy. The boys, Terry and Nigel, were tall and handsome and protective. All my children had astonishing IQ numbers, and were home schooled, yet they found ways to mix with other children in the neighbourhood, playing games in the park. One of the girls became a Neurologist, and another studied History. Two of the girls married very bright men and stayed home with their children and those of their sisters.

After the children were grown up enough, Ean started to take me with him to visit their spaceships and later to a huge station out beyond Earth Lagrange point 2. It is there that I began to see and sometimes meet beings who were not homo sapiens. Once in a while we would meet space travellers leaving Earth to travel vast distances or returning from fantastic places.

Even traveling to those places, I was predisposed to long, pretty dresses. They became a sort of uniform for me. They did not seem to limit my motions in any way and were a sort of uniform. Occasionally, I sensed that I was being watched. Eventually, I felt suspicious about the same sort of groups that followed us. It was out there at the station that I began to sense that they were talking about me and what I was doing. I spoke to Ean about what I was feeling, and he told me that one of the reasons that we’d travelled this far was to see if my telepathy would begin to function in a useful way. “Telepathy is constantly used by other beings, and some of them are very strong users. It is seldom used on Earth because that population is not that far developed.

And that is how Earth joined the advanced races. It took a lot of caring, patient help. Dozens of other authors have written about the following centuries, and I am sure that avid readers know who they are. You thought they wrote fiction, didn’t you?

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