The Feminine Queendom 72

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First In, Best Dressed

joannebarbarella's picture

The price of palladium group minerals will soon come down on earth unless Australia can maintain a monopoly, so those who mine it early will be those who benefit the most.

I hope that Charlie will break China's hold on the "rare earth" minerals that they use to hold the rest of the world to ransom.

Showing their hypersonic missile to the world will dent their diplomatic credentials considerably.

the laws of Mars

giggle. I hope they can make it work.


Isn't New York in one of

leeanna19's picture

Isn't New York in one of those Feminista countries. May have to watch out that a certain Colonel doesn't attend


First catch your hare.

First catch your hare.

... though Mrs B was talking about gutting, not hunting :-)

New, clean mining

Jamie Lee's picture

While mining the asteroid is clean it's more dangerous than on Earth. But more profitable since overburden doesn't have to be removed. Plus, there are no fuel costs.

But how long will it be before other Countries start complaining or wanting to stop the mining?

Charlie going to the UN? Isn't that the same as sticking a hand in a shark's mouth? Might that AH colonel have another go at Charlie? Or might the women there have a hissy fit having an intelligent man there?

Dawn should be their transportation, since its armored. And can protect Charlie better. Charlie best choose well in who he takes with him. This could be the very thing a sleeper agent has been waiting for.

Others have feelings too.