The Feminine Queendom 67

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Never Forget

joannebarbarella's picture

History repeats itself if you don't learn the lessons. Also, forgiving takes time and must be from both sides. Charlie must be very careful if and when he goes to Singapore. The Chinese won't forgive or forget.

Family Structure and misandry

leeanna19's picture

You raise some interesting points in this episode Beverly

“That’s all I want Julie, to know the kids are in a decent family structure."

"State-by-state analysis by Heritage scholars indicates that a 10 percent increase in the percentage of children living in single-parent homes leads typically to a 17 percent increase in juvenile crime. The rate of violent teenage crime corresponds with the number of families abandoned by fathers."

Good fathers are important to a stable family. I'm not being unkind to single parent families, there are many loving single parent families, but fathers are important role modals, especially to boys.


I saw a lot of anti-male stuff on social media recently due to women being murdered by men. Stuff about curfews, men should go on courses about not raping etc. (Any society that needs to send men and boys on a course about not raping may as well give up)

Men are more 2-3 time more likely to be murdered by men anyway. 99% of men are decent people. Feminist trying to make all men the enemy does not help their cause.

From my point of view when I'm out for a walk in the evening and in pass a lone women I give her a wide birth. I do this because it seems that woman are told all men are potential rapists. I just don't want them to feel uncomfortable, or am I over reacting?

A few years ago I was driving passed a young girl who had fallen off her bike . I wanted, as a father to stop and comfort her. I stopped myself, as I thought what would people see, middle aged man with a screaming girl. I parked waited a few moments to make sure she was safe, until a woman came. I felt like dirt, I hate the way men are demonized now.

It could be worse, If I had been dressed at the time, I can't imagine what would have been said.



The points you make are exactly the things I care about. I too aim to give women a wide berth if passing in a lonely circumstance even though these days, I am old enough (and decrepit enough) to pass as an 'old biddy'. I find that a genuine and all importantly brief smile, goes a long way to calm a lonely woman's fears if I encounter them in a vulnerable circumstance. However, I absolutely refuse to allow these unfortunate social and misogynistic derivatives of today's culture, prevent me from going where I want and when I want.

As to the dearth of fathers and lack of decent male roll models, you are so right. One of the worst examples being the lack of male primary school teachers. Men cannot afford to go near children in this feminista culture.

xx Bev.


I thought it was just me. I

leeanna19's picture

I thought it was just me. I am blessed or cursed with empathy. I'm sure it has helped me in my job in sales, but made me a pushover as a boss. Why does it always happen to men. A bad man does something evil and all men are evil. Yet female paedophiles exist, but no one says keep women away from children.

I read a report about boys doing worse than girls at school and on e woman replied that this was due to teachers, mostly women. They treat boys differently from the start. Just as they are more likely to comfort a crying girl, quicker than a boy. They praise girls quicker for achievements. Boys soon learn to gain recognition from their peers instead. Girls sit and learn, boys act up and get laughs from their friends. This continues.

As you pointed out , there are very few male primary school teachers, so they have no role models. There was a series on the BBC where they took "naughty boys" and they were educated by men. They did a lot better.

The agenda seems to be improve the education of girls, and if boys don't learn , so what?


True but sad

You are both right in your assessment. And I can relate all to well from intimate personal experience in South America.

When my youngest daughter was born back in the last century, I had this gut feeling that my marriage was all but moribund. And even though I had my newborn daughter suck on my thumb for more than three hours (to maintain the suction reflex) because my wife was unwilling to try breast feeding, I have never once changed (nor even removed) her diaper in all her life. I never had a good explanation for this decision. But almost 15 years later, when my (at that point) ex-wife kidnapped her for the fourth time, she was taken by a group of government employed feminists to a justice of peace where they forced her to sign an accusation of sexual abuse against her father. The justice immediately issued a restraining order with an arrest warrant for violation. Then they repeated the same thing at the local police station, where a criminal case was opened with fiscal attorney. Thankfully the fiscal attorney pretty soon requested from the preliminary criminal court to drop the case since the evidence presented indicated that the complaint was a false accusation. Unfortunately I have never been able to get the restraining order lifted, because the file was shuffled from one court to the other in order to hide it from me.

The society in Paraguay is overtly very machista (but not really patriarchal), but behind the scenes it is a matriarchy (with a lot of deep feminist currents below the surface). The mothers will start to encourage their sons as young a 14 to start having sex to gain "experience", but at the same time demand that their daughters remain untouched virgins until they get married. A "good" man is supposed to have at least 10 children from at least three different women (the more the better). And the judicial system holds, that a mother is materially incapable of harming her own children, so she is innocent until proven barely guilty by overwhelming evidence. While at the same time the father is always guilty until he can barely prove his innocence by overwhelming evidence.

I am glad that I was able to move away from there after all my daughters gained their majority of age. Though the Covid pandemic has had a negative impact on my ability to earn a living wage: first the hard lock-down made it impossible to look for a job, then my mental and also physical health took a hit. I am now slowly getting a handle on my health issues, and hope to be able to start looking for a job again.

In Our World

joannebarbarella's picture

China has already declared economic war on Australia. Our coal exports have been banned from entering the country on the spurious grounds that it is radio-active, although this is about to backfire on them because they are suddenly short of coal for the northern winter. Barley has had extreme tariffs imposed to make it uneconomic for Chinese brewers to buy, ditto with our wine and our lobsters are supposedly contaminated with a disease never before detected in Australia.

It seems that attitudes in the Feminista world are no different in that China thinks it can intimidate and throw its weight around in countries which it thinks should be subservient to The Middle Kingdom.

Good for Julie

Jamie Lee's picture

Those who started the movement to gain the ruling hand and keep men ignorant and forced to be surgically sterilized. If a boy showed intelligence, they were surgically altered to become women.

What they never took into consideration was that once women took over running everything, they became exactly what they accused men of being. Also, women actually became slave owners because of how they treated men. There were curfews for men, men couldn't own anything, especially land, and they had to be accompanied by a woman if they went somewhere. And, if some women kicked a man's butt for whatever reason, he must have deserved it.

Charlie was saved by his mom from the forced sterilization. Because he had to quit school at a certain age he went on to do his own learning and came up with Dawn. All based on his own math, which no one else can follow. Imagine what Charlie could have done had he been allowed to continue his schooling. But would Dawn have been developed?

Charlie being a male, was painted with the same brush used to paint all men. As many women have learned, Charlie is not like all men. Not be a long shot. He abhors violence. He doesn't go out of his way to mistreat others. He considers the opinion of women around him. And he forgives when he's been slighted--sort of. He was a bit pissed when a sniper tried to kill him, but he wasn't that upset as he and Julie used Dawn to help rearrange that Chinese held island.

There's a line in Animal Farm that is apt for this story. If you've read it then you know the animals have taken over the farm and kicked out the farmer and his wife. At the end of the story the animals hear the pigs loudly arguing with the humans they were playing cards with. As the animals looked through the kitchen window, they looked from the pigs to the men, back to the pigs then to the men, and realized they couldn't tell the difference.

Others have feelings too.

Good for Julie

Jamie Lee's picture

Those who started the movement to gain the ruling hand and keep men ignorant and forced to be surgically sterilized. If a boy showed intelligence, they were surgically altered to become women.

They had no idea, or even cared, how such drastic measures would affect many men. So it's good that Charlie was willing to have a surgery that would give Julie at least a chance at fatherhood.

What they never took into consideration was that once women took over running everything, they became exactly what they accused men of being. Also, women actually became slave owners because of how they treated men. There were curfews for men, men couldn't own anything, especially land, and they had to be accompanied by a woman if they went somewhere. And, if some women kicked a man's butt for whatever reason, he must have deserved it.

Charlie was saved by his mom from the forced sterilization. Because he had to quit school at a certain age he went on to do his own learning and came up with Dawn. All based on his own math, which no one else can follow. Imagine what Charlie could have done had he been allowed to continue his schooling. But would Dawn have been developed?

Charlie being a male, was painted with the same brush used to paint all men. As many women have learned, Charlie is not like all men. Not be a long shot. He abhors violence. He doesn't go out of his way to mistreat others. He considers the opinion of women around him. And he forgives when he's been slighted--sort of. He was a bit pissed when a sniper tried to kill him, but he wasn't that upset as he and Julie used Dawn to help rearrange that Chinese held island.

There's a line in Animal Farm that is apt for this story. If you've read it then you know the animals have taken over the farm and kicked out the farmer and his wife. At the end of the story the animals hear the pigs loudly arguing with the humans they were playing cards with. As the animals looked through the kitchen window, they looked from the pigs to the men, back to the pigs then to the men, and realized they couldn't tell the difference.

Others have feelings too.