The Feminine Queendom 66

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Lucky for Charlie, a lifetime

leeanna19's picture

Lucky for Charlie, a lifetime of suspicion saved their lives. If it were me I'd have landed Dawn 1 on their heads and squished them.


He Could

joannebarbarella's picture

Participate by Zoom (I assume they have it in this future world).

Error on the side of caution

Jamie Lee's picture

When they are flying around the solar system, visiting planets of unknown activity, it's always best they error on the side of caution. Doing so could be the difference between life and death.

Aw, not again! Another attempt to grab Chloe and Charlie. Charlie could have easily brought Dawn down and squished them all, had he have been that type of person.

So who at Hammersley is in on the attempted kidnapping? It seems it's time to take out those hell bent on grabbing Charlie and/or his family. And make it a big statement so those of like mind get the message.

Others have feelings too.