The Feminine Queendom 65

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Somehow, I have the feeling……

D. Eden's picture

That we are about to enter a new adventure. Something completely unexpected is about to happen.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus


joannebarbarella's picture

Our most accurate knowledge of Ceres comes from its inspection by the NASA spacecraft....Tah-Dah.....DAWN!
That close inspection indicated that the dwarf planet may be composed of as much as 30% water ice, which would be incredibly valuable in space exploration.
The "volcano" detected was an ice volcano spewing water into space. Probably worth more than all the palladium that they have collected in terms of colonisation.

Really interesting, how does

leeanna19's picture

Really interesting, how does it spew ice? I know there are several moon that possibly have liquid water under the surface. A possibility of life close to volcanic vents.

Funny if they encounter aliens from the masculine maleocracy of the planet Maledom on their way to conquer earth (;


Ming The Merciless

joannebarbarella's picture

May have his dominion on Ceres! Not to worry, Flash Gordon will take care of him.

As to why it spouts water you'd have to ask a cosmologist.

Spewing Ice.

The geyzers spew out brine vapour and water vapour and liquid CO2. Once these vapours escape the high pressures in the crust, they immediately condense into crystalline structures by translation. That is an immediate change from vapour to solid without going through the liquid stage. This is because of the high pressures under the rocky crust and exceedingly low temperatures in the vacuum of space..


Thanks Beverly, I hope the

leeanna19's picture

Thanks Beverly, I hope the intrepid pair don't get caught up in an geyzer.


I don't have words,

or enough words, to tell you how much I'm enjoying this tale, Bev. Suffice it to say that the only thing I could conceivably find fault with is that the chapters are too darned short!''

Guess I should have waited until this story was complete so I could enjoy it in one big sitting.

Anyway, great, great stuff Bev. Thanks ever so much for writing it and allowing us to share in the fun.

Hugs to you and Maddy.
Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Whats not to love! A Scfi

leeanna19's picture

Whats not to love! A Scfi romp, space ships,femocracy, misandry, forced sex change, taking out enemy jets with a plow, and testicle transplants! Never seen anything like that in a story. I came in at chapter 15, read back and check everyday for an update.


Ohhh they're going to be mad

Jamie Lee's picture

Charlie did tell Engie working on the moon was no walk in the park, and now she knows the truth of his statement.

Ohhh when astronomers see what's been put on the rim of that crater they will flip completely out of their minds--if they happen to look at that location. And if it's visible from Earth. Still, if word gets out about Alpha base, the other Countries will scream to high heavens. It might also escalate their ideas of war.

It really seems to verge on stupidity, acting like spoiled children. "If I can't have it then no one can." "No fair, you cheated." And so on and so on.

Charlie has developed something that could greatly benefit the whole planet. But because of selfish attitudes, his discovery has to stay with those select few. And instead of everyone working for the good of everyone, one group of people are doing the very thing they accused the other group of doing.

It's going to take a drastic action before people wake up to the fact that unless they all work together, they'll all perish together.

Others have feelings too.

Money, Money, Money

.. as sung by the pop-group AA (No Bjorn or Benny allowed in the Feminist Queendom)