Speedway Demons -chapter 20

Speed Demons

Total number of drivers 40. Number of company teams 10. Number of tracks 20. Number of countries 12. Time frame 6 months. Number of Fallen Angels hooked on speed 2. The McGuire sisters are and they’re out for blood in the newly founded International Stockcar Racing Association. After two years driving the Formula One circuit Professional Drivers Roberta Bobbie McGuire and her sister Elisabeth ‘Beth’ McGuire have made real names for themselves. The two young ladies took the world by storm in their first year by placing 3rd and 4th in the Championship points race. Now their plans and dreams of starting in the International Stockcar Association have come to fruition. The Fury twins plan to prove to the world they belong in Stockcar Racing. And they don’t care who they have to put into the wall to bring home the inaugural championship.

Chapter 20
Park Inn Hotel, Berlin, Germany: two weeks later

Bobbie, Beth, Sam, Jim, and their Crew Chiefs sat at the end of the table in the Hotel conference room. They were not happy. After having a total nine blown engines over the last three races MRI have lost several positions in the Drivers Championship and Manufacturers Championship. This alone was enough to piss them off, but it was the pit fire that finally broke the straw. A fire that was traced back to a cracked engine block leaking oil. At the other end of the table sat the senior Engine Design Engineers for Mercedes-Benz. In between them the owners of Mercedes-Benz and their wives. Needless to say, that the tension in the room was unmistakable.

Before she left her room Kelly double checked Bobbie to make sure she wasn’t carrying a heavy torque wrench or other blunt object. Bobbie wasn’t the only driver to be searched by her spouse. Though in Beth’s case it was rather redundant as Tony was a walking talking weapon in his own right. Tony ‘The Tigger’ Towers was a former MMA champion for the light heavyweight division. The young man could bring the pain in more ways than one all on his own. The fact that Tony was standing directly behind Beth wasn’t lost on the owners. The woman who had arranged this meeting sat in the middle of the tables. It was her job today to try and keep things civil.

“Now that were are all here Ladies and gentlemen I’ll begin the meeting. First I shall set down the ground rules for this meeting.” Julie Manner began only to have Bobbie interrupt her with a snarl.

“You can screw the rules Julie. I only need five minutes alone with those fuckheads. Their fucked-up engine design has cost me and my team one too many races this season already. Not to mention points in the Championship races.” Bobbie’s very blunt outburst caused Julie to sigh and the owners to cringe.

“Bobbie please calm down. We’re here today to try and work things out in a civilized manner. Now as I was saying there will be a set of ground rules for this meeting.” Julie snarled then looked over at the engineers. “They will be followed. The first of which gentlemen. You will hear out the MRI design and engineering team.”

“We have no reason to listen to the unfounded accusations from a group of uneducated American grease monkeys. There is absolutely nothing wrong with those engines.” The head designer snapped accusingly as he looked at Jewels and Robert McGuire. “If anyone is to blame for the failures of those engines. It is the drivers.”

“Shut it fuckface. We have the x-rays, ultrasounds, and the results from the analyses for magnetic flux gradient wear to back up our claims. The design of those engine blocks is faulty. Right now, I’m very tempted to let my drivers express their displeasure with the design. We warned you that there was a possible problem at the start of the season. We expressed our concerns over the engine block design clear back at Pocono. You have repeatedly ignored our concerns. Going so far as to endanger the lives of our drivers.” Bob McGuire snarled only staying in his chair because Jewels had a grip on his shoulder.

“Herr McGuire there is nothing wrong with the design. We tested those engine designs on our track with our own cars.” The Head Designer countered snidely.

“Did you use production line model cars for those testes?” Bobbie asked quickly.

“Ja. That is our normal procedure Frau McGuire. Why do you asked?” The man was clearly upset at having their testing protocols questioned by a driver.

“You stupid fucking assholes!” Bobbie screamed. “The cars we drive are nothing like the production models! We reach and maintain speeds that your production model never will. You can’t treat the engines we use the same way! Stockcar is only a designation not an actual qualification you fuckheads!”

“Das macht absolut keinen Sinn.” The man grunted. “A stock car is a stock car. You take a car off the showroom floor und race it.”

“That is where you’re wrong dumbass!” Bob snarled. “What we race on the track has absolutely nothing in common with a production line car. We build the cars from the frame up. They're custom built for the drivers within the standards of the ISA regulations. The only thing that those cars have even remotely in common with the production models is the Mercedes-Benz badge on the front grill.”

“This is why we have been pushing to build the engines at our own shop. Using our own fabrication methods. You cannot use the same engines you put in a production line car that you do for racing.” Jewels explained for the designers and engineers. She looked over at the granddames for Mercedes-Benz. “Do you understand now Ladies?”

“I do believe that you have made your point Jewels. Though I can tell from the look on Herr Reinhart’s face he still doesn’t understand.” Julie pointed out as she glared at the senior engineer. “You have something say in your defense sir?”

“Ja. The complaints from MRI are without merit. None of the engines that we designed und they used during Formula One racing had such problems. Why would they need a totally sperate design for Stockcar racing?” Reinhart demanded.

“Because Stockcar racing is a totally deferent animal you stupid son-of-bitch.” Tony snapped as he started to walk around the table. Only to be stopped by Julie.

“Mr. Towers there is no need for violence. Please remain with your wife. I believe that we can still come to a peaceful resolution.” Julie told him hoping to keep the very deadly young from beating the shit out of the design team and engineers. When Tony backed down and returned to standing behind Beth, Julie breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Tony. Herr Reinhart I suggest you adjust your thinking. Because I can assure you that Herr Towers has no problem with violence. Especially when it comes to protecting his wife and his family. You’re belief that Formula One and Stockcar racing are the same is flawed.”

“Warum sagen Sie das? We have designed race car engines for years. There should be no deference between the two sports.” Reinhart demanded.

“First off let’s talk about the seventeen-thousand-pound deference in weight you fucking moron.” Beth yelled. At the sudden looks of realization Beth sneered. “That’s right you shitheads. A stock car weighs more than half a ton heavier than the average F-One car currently on the circuit.”

“Then there is the speed differences. Unlike in Formula One we run at speeds of one-eighty plus nonstop for laps at a time. In Formula One our speeds fluctuate. The engines never hold the same revs for any great length of time. This is due to the need to handle the tight corners of Formula One tracks. Stockcar tracks are designed for one purpose speed.” Jim pointed out angerly.

“Another point is the style of racing. Most Stockcar racing is done in packs. Usually side-by-side. When we race we have to take in how the draft affects our cars. If you think that only Formula One cars are aerodynamic designed. You would be wrong. Each and every car on our tracks is a miracle of aerodynamic design. Then there is the down force we have to contend with. It beats down on our cars like a sledgehammer. Not just in the turns but the straightaways as well.” Sam grunted.

“Don’t forget about the g-forces we deal within inside the car itself during the race. We run marathon races compared to Formula One drivers. Just like our cars. We have to plan for races that last between four to six-hundred miles and two to three hours long. Unlike Formula One races that are no more than two hours and a hundred-and-ninety miles long. We race longer, and harder than any Formula One driver and car. Our races are usually two to three times longer.” Beth snarled.

Bobbie could tell that they were finally getting through to the designers and the engineering team. Julie sat still not saying a word as the drivers were able to drive home the point that she had failed to do over the few months. Nothing she had done or said to these men had gotten them to change their attitudes towards the needs of the Stockcar teams. Julie had even threaten to have them fired. At least that was what she thought. Reinhart had to have the last say as usual. The man just refused to see or believe that he and his team were wrong.

“That is nothing more than Blödsinn! You just need to adjust your driving to accept the limitations of the engine designs.” Reinhart sneered. “That problem is not in our design but the way that the drivers handle their cars. None of the Formula One drivers have had this problem with their engines.”

“You don’t get it. Even with the experts right here in front of you.” Julie snapped as she pounded her fist in frustration. “We’re not dealing with Formula One cars or racing. This is Stockcar racing you damned fools. They know what they need in their engines. Mrs. McGuire has sent you numerous emails explaining to you the needed design changes. Yet you have continuously ignored her and her husband. Both of whom are recognized experts in the field of racing. In more than just Stockcar racing. I have tired to explain to you the differences. Yet you seem to think that they and I have nothing to offer in the design of the engines and transmissions. I have threatened to fire you and you still ignored me and them.”

“Excuse me Julie, but are you saying that these men have ignored a Vice President of this company?” Mrs. Maybach demanded of Julie.

“On more than one occasion Frau Maybach. The one time that I did fire these shitheads they went to your husband complaining of unfair treatment by an emotional woman.” You could almost see the quotation marks surrounding emotional woman Julie answered her bluntly. “Instead of coming to me he rehired the fools.”

“That will not be happening again.” Mr. Maybach snapped as he looked over at the engineers and designers. “You are all fired. Your offices will be cleaned out by our Security and your personal items will be sent to your homes. Get out of my sight you gods be damned fools. I don’t even want to think about the amount of money you have cost this company.”

“Jewels what do you need from our company?” Mrs. Mercedes asked of Jewels McGuire.

“Just let Julie do her job. Then leave us the fuck alone to win races. With a good deal of luck, we might be able to bounce back from this latest fucking debacle in Indianapolis. We could have avoided the situation that we’re currently in if those shitheads had paid attention to the information that me and my husband sent them. As it stands now this team will need top five finishes here, Lausitzring, and Mosco if we’re to regain any positions in the Championship races.” Jewels snarled.

“That is three races. How could you have fallen so far out of the standings?” Asked a very shocked Mrs. Jellinek.

“With four DNF’s from the last race. That’s how, Frau Jellinek. NINE! I REPEAT NINE! Blown engine blocks in under four-hundred fucking miles. Those damned engines didn’t even last the standard four-hundred miles for one God damned race! Let alone the six-hundred miles that we were promised by those fuckheads!” Bobbie yelled just before she came out of her seat. “Mine let go in the fucking pits and caught fire! I was lucky to have it happen where it did! If I had lost that engine on the track. I could have burn to fucking death before the fire crews got to me!”

It took Bob, and the four Crew Chiefs to stop Bobbie. She was going to vent her fear, anger, and frustration over what happen at the last on the heads of the designers and engineers. Bobbie want her pound of flesh and she was going to get it. This was the second time in her racing carrier she had been way too close to a fiery death. This time though it would have been her death.

Only Kelley McGuire, and the other drivers understood Bobbie’s desire for bloody revenge better than those gathered in the conference room. Kelly held Bobbie as the shakes hit her in the bus following the pit fire. Bobbie’s shakes were so bad the poor Sue thought she would have to call the track medics at one point. If it hadn’t been for Jewels just as Sue was exiting the bus Bobbie would have been on her way to the nearest hospital. Once Bobbie had her nerves under control the anger came. Only it was more like a blind rage. Bobbie’s quarters were going to need extensive repairs after her little outburst.

“Roberta Lee McGuire you will sit back down right now!” Jewels snapped as she saw the designers and engineers back toward the door. Jewels could understand her youngest daughter’s rage. The problem was this was not the time or place for that anger to be vented. Once order had been restored Jewels turn her attention back to the owners of Mercedes-Benz. “From now on we will be fabricating everything from scratch out of our facilities in South Carolina. That means from ground up. To include the engines. Seeing as how the corporate designers and engineers cannot see fit to meet the needed standards for Stockcar racing.”

“Agreed Jewels. If we had but known of the circumstances your teams have been laboring under. We would have stepped in weeks ago.” Mrs. Maybach sighed then looked over at Julie. “Julie this is what we hired you to handle. Why didn’t you fix this problem before it came to such a head?”

“Talk to your husbands, Frau Maybach. Every time I have tried to exercise my control in the pursuit of my duties. They would step in and overrule me. I either have complete control over the Stockcar racing division or I quite. I will not have your husbands interfering with the way I run the division again. I have earned the trust of the drivers and their teams. You ladies and your husbands are barely tolerated in their garage areas. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard the drivers comment about you walking through their garages.” Julie almost growled as she stood up.

“My daughter who works for the McGuires has reported that the stress levels which are already high on race days rise to dangerous levels because your presents in the garage areas. Before you question Sue’s qualifications to make such assessments I advise you don’t. Sue graduated at the top of her class and is a fully licensed Psychiatric and Pediatric Nurse. She was trained to spot the signs of extreme stress in her patients. She may be new to Stockcar racing having been to just one major race. It was enough for her to spot all of the extreme stressors.” Julie did snarl this time as she glared at the granddames. “Right now, I’m looking at the four biggest of those stressors ladies. The only one that is greater is a lack of faith in their equipment. Which they have had for the last few months.”

“That will no longer be an issue Julie. You have our word on that matter. Jewels build your engines the way you need to build them.” Mr. Maybach ordered Jewels McGuire then turned to his wife. “You and the others will stay out of the garage areas unless you are invited by Julie. If you want to talk with the drivers you will go through her and no one else. Understood?”

“As for our design and engineering team or anyone else getting in your way Julie. That will no longer happen. When you were hired you were promised total control over that division of our company. You will have it, and more. You hire who you want, purchase what you need, do whatever it takes to get the job done.” Mr. Mercedes told her bluntly as he stood up. He grabbed his wife as he did so and pulled her to her feet. “Time to go dear. Handle this matter Julie. Get our teams back on track to a winning season.”

With that the rest of the owners and their wives left the room. Leaving Julie to finish dealing with MRI and the former designers. She looked over at them and snarled. “What are you still doing here? You’re fired! Now get out!”

As the eight men left the room the tension finally broke. Bobbie and the other drivers breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Julie looked over at Jewels and Bob relieves to see that she wasn’t the only one relaxing now that meeting was over. All three had sat down the day before to discuss the problematic nature of the meeting in the first place. They all understood that Bobbie was going to be their biggest problem child. The pit fire had set her on edge in ways they had not seen in over two years for a few days following the race. The fact that Bobbie’s infamous temper flared during the meeting was not lost them.

“Bob, Jewels, are your teams and cars ready to race this weekend?” Julie asked politely as she eyed Bobbie and the other drivers.

“We’re ready. We replaced the engines and transmissions with ones from our shop at home before leaving. If we didn’t Bobbie was threating to use her favorite wrench on her father first then me.” Jewels snarked as she glanced at Bobbie.

“Well, you now have full control over everything. As it should have been from the start. I still don’t understand why they demanded control over the engine and transmission fabrications. Those fools have no idea of the requirements needed for race cars by their drivers.” Julie sighed. “Now I just have to find their replacements. Any ideas of who I should talk to outside of yourselves?”

“There are a few designers and engineers out there Julie. Though you would be hard pressed to find any better than my parents.” Beth told her.

“Beth as much as I would love to have your parents designing and engineering for the whole racing division that’s not possible. They have their hands full just covering what your team needs. I need full time designers for the other fields in which we have racing teams. That is what I have to fix.” Julie explained for Beth. Only to hear a soft chuckle from Bob and Jewels. “What have I missed?”

“Bobbie who designed the current engine in your cars?” Bob asked instead of answering Julie outright.

“You know it was a join design between the four of us drivers dad. You and mom were busy with that Enduro engine redesign for Toyota. David and Tonya were busy with designing that drift car for Toby Henderson. Steve and Jacky had they’re hands full with designing that new Mark Stanly rally car build. I still haven’t figured out what Bill and Marsha were up to in their office.” Bobbie told him.

“Wait a minute. Are you telling me that you have an entire design team back at you home offices in South Carolina?” Julie asked in surprise.

“Julie you really need to spend some time at the MRI facilities in Darlington. Over the last three years MRI has gone from a small family run operation. To one of the largest automotive racing design firms in the US. We currently have one two-person design team for eleven deferent automotive sports. We cover everything. That includes F-one, Indycar, F-two and three, GP-two series, Formula Renault, Endurance, Touring, Drift, Rally, and of course Stock car. If you want a new design and you don’t want the competition to know what you’re up to, you come to MRI.” Tony answered her with a chuckle. “It used to be just Jewels and Bob in the design and engineering shop. Now we have twenty-five designers and engineers.”

“Holy shit! I knew that the MRI had become a major player in Formula One and Stockcar racing. I didn’t know they had their hands in all of those other fields. Just how massive is your operation?” Julie asked with a directness that surprised the gathered members of MRI.

“Let’s just say that we’re not the mom and pop from three year ago. Between what Jewels and I have reinvested in the company with what the girls have invested in the family company. We’re now one of the largest employers in Darlington. We’re not only a racing firm.” Bob told her with pride.

“We’re also a trade and training school for pit crews. It may not seem like a viable carrier for most people, but there are a lot of great athletes that don’t get the needed exposure to gain college scholarships. Then there is the kids like Sam and Jim. They spend their time bending wrenches learning a trade because their chances of going to college are slim to none. We take that raw talent and hone it to a razor’s edge. They learn everything from fabrication to basic design.” Chief Hailee explained for Julie about the other half of MRI.

“It looks like I need to take that trip to Darlington before we head for Mosco. How many of your designers are willing to work with other teams?” Julie asked Jewels.

“All of them. Our design firm takes commission work all the time. Before you ask. We have one of the best security systems in the business. Just remember one thing. Our designers and engineers take the secrecy of their other very personally. They’ve been know to shoot people in the ass for being too nosey.” Bobbie chuckled as she looked over at her blushing mother.

“I only did that once. No need to bring ancient history Roberta.” Jewels grumbled.

“Now that is a story I would love to hear over cocktails sometime. Unfortunately, you all are needed down at the track. You have practice runs in four hours. If what I’ve heard is true about this track you’ll need it.” Jewels told them.

“What have you overheard Julie?” Beth asked her quickly.

“That this track is the Monster Mile on steroids. I don’t know what that means but I know that the driver who said it was a regular NASCAR driver until this year.” Julie explained for the team.

“Do you remember which driver made that crack?” Kelly asked as she pulled out her tablet. “I need his name please.”

“Robert Morgan for Thunder Valley. Does that help?” Julie answered as Kelly typed.

“In more ways than one. Robert ‘Mortician’ Morgan three seasons in the ARCA Menards Series. He has one win at Dover. Yup, if anyone would know about the Monster Mile it would be him. If he is comparing Berlin to Dover on steroids we have a problem.” Kelly looked over at Sam and Jim. “Okay guys. You two are the experts on Miles. How do we crack this mother? Because neither Bobbie nor Beth have raced Dover.”

“We don’t. I don’t care what Morgan says. If the German engineers supercharged the Monster Mile then it is a whole new ballgame. We can’t apply what we know about Dover to this track. As it stands right now the only thing we know about it are the specs. The track is a three-mile-long concrete oval, with twenty-four-degree banking in the turns and nine-degree banking on the straightaways. The track has a seating capacity of three-hundred-eighty thousand. Making it one of the largest spectator venues we’ll run at in Europe. The track is wide enough to race three way safely all the way around. On the inside is an apron that runs the full length of the track. On the outside is a thirty-foot tall catch fence to prevent debris from flying into the stands. Which by the way surround the whole track. We’re racing in a big, damned colosseum here Kelly. The only way to win is to race the track not the other cars. Even then luck is going to be the major factor in the race.” Jim answered for them both as Sam just nodded his head.

“Oh boy. Not good. I don’t like the idea of running three wide for four-hundred-fifty miles. There are way too many things that can go wrong.” Beth grunted.

“Beth this weekend’s race is five-hundred miles. I doubt that we’ll be running three wide for more than fifty laps at most.” Bobbie snorted only to have Jim and Sam sigh. “Okay what did I miss?”

“Bobbie think about the mindset for the other drivers. Every last one of them is thinking like a Stockcar driver now. Hell, you were right about a former Formula One driver taking the checkered flag win at Indianapolis. Still can believe that shithead Joseph Lachman actually took the win.” Sam grumbled.

“I told you that a Formula One driver would win at Indianapolis.” Bobbie chuckled. “They know that track way better than any of us. Only Beth and I had any real chance at beating them. If Beth hadn’t blown her engine on lap one-forty-four she would have chased down Lachman within five to seven laps. There is a reason they call him the Fly Squirrel. The man is a nutjob behind the wheel of a car. He is totally unpredictable. Not even I can figure out how that man thinks on the track. Once he was in the lead only Beth had a chance at beating him then.”

“Wait. Are you saying that Beth is the only person who can figure out what Lachman would do?” Jim demanded of Bobbie.

“Excuse me. I know that I’m the newest member to this organization but why would the former Formula One drivers have an edge at certain racetracks?” Julie asked.

“It all revolves around their training. More accurately the styles of driving that the individual drives trained for in their former sports. You see each driver trained to drive on certain types tracks. Stockcar drivers learn how to drive on circular tracks. Making them the best drivers on those types of tracks. Then there are tracks like Indianapolis. Sure, it’s a circular track but it feels more like a road course. The only banking that track has is in the four turns. That gives the edge to the drivers from the other racing fields.” Bob explained for Julie.

“I think I understand. Are at least I understand the concept. If not the practice. Tell me something Bob. How do you see the rest of the season playing out?” Julie asked him with a small smile of hope.

“It all depends on if we can get four of the top ten finishes over the next four races. Even then we need for Reynolds and Red Star to have a run of bad luck.” Bob answered honestly then gave Bobbie and Jim a death glare. “You two are not to help them with that bad luck. I don’t give a good god damn if you have legitimate beefs with some of their damned drivers.”

“Sorry boss, but if Abdulov Germanovich or Rokossovsky Aleskeevich get any where near me I’m putting their asses in the fucking wall.” Jim snarled.

“I’m with Jim on this dad. Bobby Parker, and Rosie John owe me not one but two fucking cars. I won’t even go into what those assholes over at Les Ailes de Justice owe this team. Six fucking cars and two wins. All because they were so far out of the Manufacturer’s Championship it was pathetic. Now we’re the ones that need the fucking wins to get back into the race.” Bobbie snarled.

“Excuse me but am I missing something?” Julie asked. She couldn’t believe the very unprofessional attitudes that Bobbie and the other drivers were showing.

“There are a few things that you need to understand about our team’s drivers mom. The first of which is they take being wrecked on purpose personally. Secondly they all and I do mean all hold grudges. You piss them off once shame on you. Because you won’t get a second chance.” Susan chuckled as the rest of the team laughed. “You really need to spend some time in the garage and pit area mom. I’ve only been with them for a few months but even I know how drivers think now.”

“Sue why are you here? Shouldn’t you be looking after the babies?” Julie asked her.

“Bobbie and Kelly wanted me here. I should say Kelly wanted me here. As for the babies they’re in the hotel nursery right now. As for why I’m here that was a little complicated for me to figure out. Now that I’ve seen the outcome of the meeting I know the reason. There was a very distinctive gap in understanding between the needs of the race teams and the corporation designers. Those eight jackasses felt that they were the only ones who know how to design an engine power planet for racing. They based this knowledge off of their understanding from Formula One and the other automotive engines they have designed in the past. When you add in their misconceptions about Stockcar racing. It was a recipe for disaster.” Sue explained with an ever-growing smile of pride.

“Still working on your education, I see dear. Are you planning on becoming a Doctor now?” Julie asked with pride.

“To be honest mom. I wasn’t until you introduced me to the McGuires. They in turn introduced me to someone special. Bobbie’s Psychiatrist, Doctor Sharron Kelly. She had a major impact on my ideas of what a psychiatrist should be and how they help their patients.” Sue told her mother as she thought about her meeting with Sharron.

“I can see that you time as a Nanny will have more of an impact that I believed.” She looked over at Kelly. “Thank you, Kelly.”

“I had nothing to do with her change in attitude. That all belongs to Doctor Sharron Kelly. That bitch is crazier then me or any of her patients.” Bobbie chuckled.

“No, she’s not Bobbie.” Jewels snarked. “She drives like someone who actually had a brain in her head that works. That’s way saner than you four nutjobs.”

“I take it that our drivers have a habit of driving above the speed limit when not on the racetrack.” Julie snarked as Bob, Jewels, and the Crew Chiefs just nodded their heads. Julie sighed then asked. “How many tickets to I need to fix?”

“None. They’ve been smart enough to keep their rat racing confined to the Darlington Knights’ racetrack for the last few years.” Bob grunted. Then looked around the room. “But your daughter is right about one thing Julie. You do need to spend time in the pits and garage areas. You’re in charge of the Racing Division for Mercedes-Benz. That covers a lot of territory. More than just the Stockcar teams.”

“What do you suggest?” Julie asked Bob bluntly.

“Spend time with each team. Start with us. Spend this week and next with us. Then move over to the F-One teams for their next two races. Keep doing this until you understand what each racing team needs.” Jewels explained. “Speaking of the garages. We need to get a move on. We start practice runs in one hour.”

“Bobbie you need to get your head in the game before we get there. I don’t care what happens. You’re the first one on the schedule. You’ll have just barely enough time to get changed and prepped for your runs. Jim you’re right behind her with Beth following you and Sam rolling off last. Before you bitch, fucking don’t. The ISA set the order for practice runs today.” Jewels told the team. To hear a round of ‘yes ma’am’s from the team.

Julie stood still as they filed out of the room. Only her daughter Sue remained in the room with her. “Tell me something Susan. In your opinion how sane are Bobbie and the other drivers for MRI?”

“Mom you got to understand something about race car drivers. They have to be just a little nuts to get behind the wheel of a three-thousand-pound race car. That applies to more than just Stockcar drivers. Even the Formula One drivers think the same way. They go out of their way to minimize the dangers, but they can’t account for everything. Wrecks happen all the time. Wrecks that can put a driver in the hospital or even the grave. Yet they go out there and put it all on the line. For most drivers racing is all they know. For Bobbie McGuire it is something else.” Sue told her mother with real honesty. “What that is I haven’t figured out yet.”

“I see. That does explain a lot about the attitudes of the drivers towards the old design and engineering team. They place their lives on the line and trust their trust in their equipment. If they can’t trust their equipment then they can’t trust their skills to keep them alive.” Julie sighed with real regret. “I should have stepped in after the second failed engine.”

“Mom you’re still getting the hang of this jig. You’re working off a major learning curve here. Right now, you’re barely pulling down a C-plus. You’re good at the public relations crap no doubt about that. It’s the technical and personnel aspects that you’re failing in. That’s why the McGuires invited you to visit the garages and pit areas. You need to see what they do up close and personal.” Sue explained for her mother then looked down at her watch. “It’s been fun mom, but I got to go pick up the McGuire twins and head for the track. Kelly will be waiting for us in Bobbie’s tour bus. I know it sounds crazy, but the babies seem to keep Kelly calm.”

“Why are you worried about keeping Kelly calm?” Julie asked.

“As a Medical Professional I’m worry about more than just the drivers, mom. After that pit road fire and two wrecks at Indy I’m worried about the whole team.” Sue explain for her mother. “That is the only reason why me and the twins are here. It took me talking my ass off to get Kelly to let me travel with the team this time.”

“Damn it. I want you honest opinion as a Medical Professional Sue. Do I need to start looking for substitute drivers?” Julie demanded of her daughter.

“I don’t believe so mom. You have to understand that they maybe pushing the edge, but they’re still professionals. They’ll do their jobs. The question is if the Crew Chiefs can regain the trust of the drivers.” Sue told her mother.

“I doubt that will be a problem Sue. I’m not the only one that needs to spend more time in the pits and garages. Before you say that I’m wrong think about something first. Just a few minutes ago those four drivers damn near came out of their chairs in defense of their Crew Chiefs. They barely had their rage under control. I truly believe that had if not Jewels and Robert McGuire been here. Those drivers would have skinned those men alive.” Julie pointed out for her daughter. “It will be that rage that drives those four young people to retake their positions as the top drivers in the Championship races. Nothing and no one will stop that from happening.”

“Care to expand on that theory mom?” Sue asked.

“While it is true that I haven’t spent much time around the teams in the pits and garage areas. I have spend time around the individual drivers. Each of them has one thing in common. The need to be the best.” Julie told her daughter.

“Do you think that will be enough to keep them going?” Sue doubtfully asked.

“Think of their individual driving talents. Then their individual personalities. You add those two components together with the pit crews’ need to redeem themselves in the eyes of their drivers. Nothing will stand in the way of those four drivers retaking the top four positions in the Drivers’ Championship race. With that the Manufactures’ Championship race. I may not know race cars Sue, but I do know people. It was the McGuire sisters that convinced me to take this job. I knew that I would need to know about them than what was in their bios. I talked with every driver I could at those damned meet-n-greets and sponsor parties that I could about the sisters. You want to know what I learned?” Julie smirked.

“Okay mom. What did you learn from the other drivers?” Sue sighed.

“Don’t get in their way when they’re on an unholy tear. Normally when they’re racing they’ll turn their cars into thirty-five-hundred-pound, two-hundred-mile an hour, sledgehammers then pound your ass into the wall. From what I gathered that was them playing nice. Piss them off and all bets are off. They came over from F-one with a nickname that fits their driving. The McGuire Furies.” Julie chuckled at the look of surprise on her daughter’s face. “They weren’t the only ones. Jim and Sam also have reputations and nicknames.”

“Do I even want to know?” Sue giggled.

“For your work you better. Nicknames have power and meaning in this sport. Jim earn the reputation for being a stone-cold driver with nerves of steel. It’s the reason other drivers call him Landslide Fields. Sam on the other hand is a pure emotional driver like Bobbie. Only Sam keeps his emotions under control and using them like fuel. Until someone pisses him. That’s the main reason the other drivers call him the Dragon. All those emotions come boiling out in a red-hot raging flame. Do you understand where I’m going Sue?” Julie asked her daughter.

“I believe so, mother. You’re telling me to do more than just study the drivers of MRI. I should instead study all of the drivers in the ISA. Along with all of the pit crew members. They have just as much invested in the race as the drivers.” Sue told her mother with a smile of understanding.

“Good girl. Now we both need to head down to the track.” Told her and picked up her briefcase and purse. Then with a small sigh Julie looked at the end of the table where MRI had sat. “Let’s hope that our drivers keep their cool.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, mom. We want them fired up, and ready to rock. We want them pushing their cars and skills to the limit. It’ll be the only way they can regain the lead in both Championships.” Sue pointed out to her mother.

“Then let us hope they show some restraint on the track.” Julie told her daughter. “Because if they don’t we’ll have a major problem on our hands.”

“That is where you’re wrong mom. We aren’t the ones with a problem. The other teams have the problem. Those four drivers are out for revenge, and nothing will stand in their way of getting it. They’re going to set every track between here and Darlington at the end of the season on fire. They will turn lose the demons under the hoods of their cars. Raising unholy hell in their passing.” Sue snarled as she thought about the two drivers she had the most exposure to Beth and Bobbie.

“How sure of this attitude are you Susan?” Julie asked her.

“As sure as my diploma reads Clemson University across the top. They’re still pissed over that mess with their engines. They’ve been handicapped for the last few weeks. You saw the looks on heir faces mom. They want vengeance for the screwups caused by those engineers and designers.” Sue told her mother with a heavy.

“Then let us pray that no one gets in their way.” Julie chuckled. “Because if they do. Those four will pound them into the wall.”

With that mother and daughter left the conference room. Sue to pick up the twin children of Bobbie and Kelly McGuire. Julie to head for the garage areas of the new Berlin racetrack. A racetrack that was already gaining a reputation for being as unpredictable as an Atlantic Category 5 hurricane and three times as nasty. Berlin’s Blitzkrieg superspeedway would live up to the hopes of its builders.


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