Camp Kumoni : 66

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Edited and made better by Nick B

“What about my feet?”

“In heels, you don’t do a lot with your feet. You just shift your weight or take baby steps.” Tricia demonstrated.



Camp Kumoni 66
The girls of Columbine carefully made their way down the path to the dining hall.

Erika had a little trouble seeing where they were going due to the twinkles dancing around in her eyes from the flash pictures Phoenix had taken of them in the cabin.

Her hand kept flying out to Samantha for support.

She decided these heels were not that similar to wedges after all. Her wedges had more support. In the heels, she felt like she was walking on the tip of a stick.

“Just take short steps,” Samantha encouraged. “You’re doing fine.”

Erika shot her a look of disgust.

“This is uneven ground. You’ll do better once we’re in the hall.”

Loud music permeated the stillness around them and Erika could feel the vibrations of the bass pounding through her body.

Tricia squeezed her hand. “You ready Princess Erika?”


“All girls nominated for the title of Queen are called princesses,” Tricia stated matter-of-factly.

The tables and benches of the dining hall had been folded or pushed up against the walls, clearing a wide-open area for a dance hall. A large punch bowl and cups, bowls of chips, popcorn, cookies and crackers sat on a table against the far wall. A second table, set up by the large windows had upon it stereo equipment, which was blasting into the room and vibrating the windows behind it.

Guys gathered together in small groups, talking or lazing against walls. Most of them wore button down shirts, some even wore a tie loosely around their necks. Some wore pants, but most wore shorts.

The girls, clustered in various sized groups, looking like flowers in their brightly colored dresses and skirts.

Heads turned as the Columbine girls entered. Smiles lit most of the faces when they noticed who they were, others scowled. Erika guessed that the latter were Ashley’s friends.

“I thought this was a dance,” Erika voiced, “Why isn’t anyone dancing?”

“Either it’s too early or they’re too scared to be the first,” Samantha explained.

“Wow, Dani you look beautiful,” Derek admired as he approached. His eyes shifted to Dani’s roommates. “You all look beautiful,” he added, but his voice didn’t have the same depth of feeling as when he spoke of Dani.

Derek took Dani’s hand and led her off, his eyes never leaving her small frame. Dani had chosen to wear a black skirt and a red, low scoop neck top. Her long blonde curly hair had been loosely piled and pinned on top of her head giving her the illusion of a little more height, as did the red heels she wore.

Erika smiled as her friend walked off with her heart’s desire. “They are so sweet.” She looked over at Tricia and found her looking at her with the same devotion she had just seen in Derek’s eyes. She gave Tricia’s hand a squeeze.

She found herself bouncing a bit with the music. “Tricia, how are we supposed to dance the waltz to this kind of music?”

“We don’t, this is for fast dancing.”

“But you didn’t teach me fast dancing.”

“There isn’t much to it. You just bob and sway to the music, while moving your hips and arms.”

“What about my feet?”

“In heels, you don’t do a lot with your feet. You just shift your weight or take baby steps.” Tricia demonstrated.


“Shall we get this party started?” Samantha asked.

Tricia, Victoria, and Katie nodded.

“How do we do that?” Erika asked.

“We dance.” Tricia pulled Erika out into the center of the dance floor with the other girls of Columbine and began dancing, smiling and laughing.

A few other girls came out on to the dance floor and joined them.

“Now, we go and invite the guys in,” Tricia instructed.


“Go up to some cute guy and either ask him to dance, or take his hand and lead him out to the dance floor.”

“I can’t do that.”

“Sure, you can, watch.” She nodded her head over to Samantha. “Watch how she does it.”

Erika glanced around the room looking for a guy she could dance with. She saw Kyle leaning up against a wall, watching the girls dance. He was Josh’s friend, and an ass. She surveyed more of the room and caught sight of Matt. He was talking to a couple of his cabin mates.

Erika danced her way to the edge of the dance floor, like Samantha had done, and then walked over to Matt.

The young man was engrossed in a conversation with his friend and didn’t see her approach. His friend had however and a look of astonishment washed over his face making Matt look up.

“Hello Matt.” Erika tried to keep her voice from cracking. Butterflies the size of turkeys fluttered around in her stomach.

She smiled with a flush as Matt’s eyes scanned down her body and then met her eyes with awe.

“Hello, Erika–wow, you look incredible.”

“I need a partner for a dance or two, could you help me out?”

“I would love to.” He smiled. He took Erika’s hand and glanced back at his stunned friends with a big sheepish smile as he was led out onto the dance floor.

“I’m not that great of a dancer,” Matt warned.

“This is actually my first dance,” Erika replied.

“How can it be?”

“I never went to dances at school.”

The two were joined by the rest of the Columbine cabin girls who had each gone to a guy and pulled him, or shamed him onto the dance floor.

Two songs later, Erika watched as Kyle cautiously stepped through the dancers. He went up to the guy Victoria was dancing with and tapped him on the shoulder. A word or two was exchanged and Kyle took the guy’s place. Victoria’s was no longer smiling and just looked at Josh’s friend.

“We need to be closer to Victoria.” Erika told Matt. The two danced their way so that they were right next to the Hispanic girl. Others in the cabin had the same idea and closed in for support as well.

“Victoria, Erika could just make out Kyle’s voice.

“I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am for the fire extinguisher thing. I never intended it to go that far, nor did I mean to hurt you.” The Oak cabin boy apologized.

Victoria was flabbergasted. She didn’t know what to say for a long moment.

“Anyway, I didn’t want to end summer camp without saying that I was sorry.”

“Thank you, Kyle.” Victoria could barely be heard above the music.

“Would you like some punch?” Kyle offered.

Victoria nodded and they left the dance floor. Erika was puzzled. This guy, this friend of Josh’s, who had invaded their cabin with a fire extinguisher and a panty raid and sprayed Victoria in the face with it, just apologized and Victoria not only forgave him, but joined him for punch?

Erika looked to Samantha, the puzzlement all over at her face as she darted her eyes towards Victoria and Kyle.

“He has liked her all summer,” Samantha explained. “He just didn’t know how to show it.”

Erika figured she should ask more about it, but the music changed from a hip-hop song to a ballad. Erika looked at Matt, who looked back at Erika, both not knowing what to do.

“I’m not very good at slow dancing.” Matt admitted.

Erika smiled. “Like I said, this is my first dance” She watched as all of the others around her slowed to match the slower song, the girls stepping closer to the guys, their hands around their necks. “Shall we at least give it a try?”

Matt shrugged. Erika stepped closer and put her arms across his shoulders and around his neck. He was only a few inches taller than she was, but it felt very different than it did in the woods with Tricia. She felt his hands at her waist as they swayed slowly to the music. She looked up at him and saw him smile nervously at her. She smiled back, trying to calm any fears that he might have.

Erika noticed some of the couples dancing nearby. The girls laid their heads against the guy’s shoulder or if he was much taller against his chest. Then a sight across the room caught her eye. Dani was standing on one of the benches with her short arms wrapped around Derek’s neck as they moved with the music. Erika smiled to herself and concentrated on maintaining her balance in the heels and not stepping on Matt’s toes.

When the song was over, Erika stepped back and dropped her arms from Matt. “Thank you for dancing with me, Matt.” She smiled.

“Uh, sure. No problem.” He grinned, “Maybe you can save me another dance later?”

“It’s a deal.” Erika smiled as she walked with him back to his friend.

“Is it me? Or is that girl glaring at you?” Matt’s friend asked Erika and pointing his chin off across the hall.

Erika turned around and saw Ashley with hatred in her eyes staring angrily across the room at her.

“She’s mad about something I didn’t do,” Erika explained. She looked back at Matt. “Remember you owe me another dance later.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Erika walked around the fray of people in clusters around the dance floor and found Victoria sipping on some punch.

“So do you like him?” Erika inquired.

“I don’t even know him,” Victoria defended.

The two girls watched the others on the dance floor.

“Did you see Dani and Derek?” Victoria asked.

“Aren’t they so cute?” The two said together then laughed.

“Look, look over there.” Erika pointed. “Phoenix and Todd.”

Phoenix’s curly copper hair had been flat ironed into long straight silky tresses that flowed around her back. She looked up at Todd and he looked down. Their lips met in a short but effective embrace.

“Oh my God! Are they together?” Victoria exclaimed.

“Yes.” Erika beamed.

“How do you know?”

“I’ve seen them together.” Erika explained, “Where else do you think Phoenix has disappeared to all summer?”

“How long have you known?” Victoria inquired.

“Since the second week of camp.”

“And you didn’t tell anyone?”

“She asked me not too. They could have gotten into trouble, but since this is the last night of camp, I guess they’re letting everyone know.”

Victoria shook her head. “Our counselor ends up with the hottest guy in camp.”

Katie escorted by a tall guy from Fir cabin joined them.

“I’ll be right back,” he promised Katie. He walked with long loping steps towards the refreshment table.

“Who is that?” Victoria asked.

“Scott.” Katie bit her lip.

“What’s wrong?” Erika asked.

“I don’t know whether to hit him or kiss him.”

Erika looked at her tall roommate confused.

“He has had all summer to ask me out and he waits until the last night,” Katie growled. “He said he was too intimidated to ask me until tonight.”

“Do you like him?” Victoria asked changing the direction of the conversation.

Katie smiled. “A little.”

“Well, good. Does he live near you?”

“No, he lives a couple of hours away.”

“Well, get his digits, girl.” Victoria grinned, “If he has a cute brother, give me his number too.”

Scott returned with two cups of punch and handed one to Katie, who smiled a thanks and drank.

“Would you like to dance some more?” Scott asked.

Katie nodded and handed Victoria her cup. Scott took her hand and led her back out on to the floor.

Samantha came over and joined them. She took Katie’s cup from Victoria and drained the last of the punch from it.

“What did Katie mean, Scott was intimidated?” Erika asked Victoria.

“Katie is extremely beautiful and tall.” Victoria told Erika, “You add to that, a sparkling personality, and you have a lonely girl looking for love and no guys out there who will risk embarrassing themselves asking her out.”

“Erika have you ever noticed that Jordon from high school always dates guys from other schools?”


“She has the same problem. The guys at our school are all too intimidated to even approach her, so she has to fish from a different pond.”

“Even the guys on the football team are intimidated by her?”

“Well, no. Most of them are just assholes. She’s too smart to date assholes.”

“Well, I guess I see what you mean.” Erika nodded. “I was too intimidated by you.”

“How about now?” Samantha quirked a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

“Now, I have a sister.” Erika smiled back.

Samantha wrapped her arms around Erika and gave her a big hug. “You look so amazing; I just can’t get over it.”

“Too bad you didn’t get before and after pictures.” Victoria grinned.

“I’m sure we could come up with a before picture. Phoenix just took the after pictures before the dance,” Samantha thought aloud.

“We need copies of those so we can compare,” Victoria agreed.

The music came to a stop at the end of a song.

“Let’s have a couples dance,” a voice called out. “All of the couples here at Camp Kumoni come out on the dance floor. All of the couples.” A romantic ballad began playing.

Some laughing caught their attention. Erika watched and giggled as two guys carried a bench out onto the dance floor. Derek helped Dani up onto it and the two began swaying to the music with big smiles on their faces.

“Did you know Phoenix and Todd were an item?” Samantha asked the other two.

“Erika did.” Victoria said with a bit venom.

Tricia walked up beside Erika and took her hand. Erika squeezed it, and Tricia squeezed it back in return.

“Don’t worry,” Tricia muttered for Erika’s ears only. “I’m here when you are ready.”

Erika gave Tricia’s hand two more love squeezes and smiled at her.”

At the end of the song the music picked up. “Camp counselors only,” the voice instructed over the music. “Camp counselors–which includes the kitchen staff and instructors.”

Sheila and a few other ladies of the kitchen staff still wearing white aprons piled through the kitchen door and joined the other counselors on the dance floor. The Columbine girls laughed with enjoyment as they watched Sheila danced as well as she paddled a canoe.

“Samantha?” Erika got her friends attention. “You told me to tell you, so now I’m telling you.”

“What’s that?” Samantha leaned in to hear over the music.

“I need to use the bathroom.”

“Okay.” Samantha looked around. Victoria, scout it out, please.” Samantha directed. “Rachel,” she called over to the athletic girl.”

“Rachel came over. “What is it?”

“Erika needs to use the bathroom. Once we’re inside we need a guard on the outside.”

“I’ve got it covered.” Rachel agreed with a nod.

In the cabin before the dance, Rachel explained that she didn’t wear dresses, so to the dance she borrowed a denim skirt from Victoria and a blue short sleeved blouse. Victoria had taken one side of her bobbed hair and pinned it back and fastened a glittery hair comb into it. She argued against wearing heels and relented to wearing a pair of black flats in place of her running shoes.

The group of girls moved towards the bathroom. Victoria came out and waited for them. “There is one girl in there, she’s finishing up.”

Upon leaving the bathroom, the girl’s eyes widened in alarm as she saw the Columbine girls all standing before the door. Once she had left, Tricia, Victoria, Samantha and Erika entered the bathroom, leaving Rachel to guard the door.

“Just don’t pee standing up,” Samantha teased.

“It would be easier,” Tricia pointed out.

“Still,” Samantha grimaced. “It’s kinda gross.”

Erika entered the stall as the other three took up positions around the bathroom.

“You’re giving me stage fright here,” Erika said after a few moments.

I’ll turn on some water,” Victoria suggested.

A few minutes later, Erika re-emerged from the stall and went to the sink. She stutter-stepped as she caught her reflection in the mirror. She hadn’t recognized herself. There hadn’t been time to see what her friends had done to her in the cabin’s bathroom mirror. The more she looked the more she was starting to get intimidated of her own reflection and wondered how the guys in the hall were reacting to it. She turned her face from side to side as she studied her reflection.

“Hair and make-up check,” Tricia agreed. She walked around Erika scrutinizing her hair then she stood in front of her and scanned her face looking at the makeup. “Here, put some of this on,” she said handing Erika some lip gloss.

Tricia checked out her own hair and makeup as did the other girls before they knocked on the door and emerged back into the din of the hall.”

After a few more songs, the music faded and silenced.

“Okay, time to announce the Queen of the dance,” Director Hobbs announced.

Ears perked up and a large group closed in around the camp director leaving a semi-circle of open space before them.

Ashley and cabin Daisy stood on one side of the arc and glared across it at Columbine on the other.

“This year the voting was very close.” Director Hobbs smiled, but one young lady stuck out above all others.” She stopped as if finding what she had said funny.

“You’ve so won this.” Samantha whispered in Erika’s ear.

Director Hobbs continued, “The runner up and Camp Princess, is…” she looked at a note card, “Ashley of Daisy.”

A cheer and applause rang throughout the hall.

“Ashley, come on up,” Hobbs invited.

Ashley wore a smile plastered to her face. Her eyes though, were like daggers as she looked at Columbine. She stepped forward and accepted a small spray of flowers.

“I told you, you’ve won this,” Samantha grinned.

“They still haven’t declared that.” Erika reminded.

“And now for the Queen of the Dance,” Hobbs announced theatrically, trying to build up the tension, “This year’s Camp Kumoni Queen is… Dani of Columbine cabin.”

A thunderous applause shook the building as campers looked at one another confused at the announcement.

“Dani?” Samantha exclaimed puzzled.

“Me?” Dani looked confused.

“Go on up there, Dani.” Victoria urged her forward.

Ashley looked just as stunned as everyone else as Dani stepped forward.

“But we all voted for you, Erika.” Samantha stated, “Really we did. How could Dani win?”

“Because I went to Director Hobbs and told her that if I happened to win the vote for Dance Queen, that I would want it to go to Dani instead. By Dani winning, I would know that the vote was in my favor,” Erika explained. “Dani is just as deserving if not more so than I am.”

Samantha and Tricia looked at Erika trying to understand all she was saying.

“Besides,” Erika grinned, “Ashley is so vain, she will feel more embarrassed by losing to a midget than losing to me.”

Samantha began laughing, Victoria and Tricia followed.

Erika smiled and waved as Dani, looking bewildered, was crowned with a plastic, sparkly tiara and handed a bouquet of roses.

“What’s up with Dani winning?” Rachel joined them. “I thought we campaigned for Erika.”

Krystal quickly filled her in.

“Oh my God.” Rachael guffawed. “That’s hilarious.”

Director Hobbs smiled. “Queen Dani, would you lead off the next dance?” Dani looked for Derek who was so filled with pride and honor, that he glowed pink. The two of them walked out to the middle of the dance floor as the music began.

Their height differences made them look a bit awkward. But they swayed and stepped to the music in a stilted waltz box. Once through the chorus, Ashley led her date out onto the floor and joined them. A few moments later, the rest of the campers began pairing off and joining in the lovely ballad.

“Should we show them how it’s done?” Tricia asked.

“I was hoping you would ask.” Erika smiled back.

The two girls stepped out onto the dance floor, took up position and began to waltz. Other couples cleared out of the way as they dipped, flowed and spun around the room, the skirts of their dresses billowing out as they stepped lightly.

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