The Feminine Queendom 61

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It would have been comical

It would have been comical watching everybody on the island running around trying to figure out what happened. China's probably freaking out wondering why they lost contact with their base. Charlie should have plowed up the airfield then help couldn't have landed there.


If Charlie had plowed up the airfield then it would be obvious he did it, by doing it this way the origin and size of the strike force are only conjecture. Confusion reigns.

They need to start thinking about……

D. Eden's picture

At least defensive armaments for the new ships.

There are ways to defeat even the strongest armor, not to mention the squishy things inside tend to get bounced around even with armored ships. Even main battle tanks can be defeated, and not even the thickest armor could protect a battleship - hence their demise in Naval warfare.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

“But without the skills and

leeanna19's picture

Beverly , the percentage of Kudos on this story is amazing 261 reads and 78 kudos! that's better than 1 in 4 . I think there are many of us that keep looking on here for you next installment.

“But without the skills and qualifications. It’s going to take a whole generation to put things right "

Too true. In the 20 years Afghanistan was under allied control women started to appear in prominent positions in the last few years. Many had returned from fleeing the country and were educated externally. Such as shame any country needs all the talent it can male and female.

Perhaps Oz can offer free adult education to the guys to make up for it? Going to be very wealthy mining asteroids.


Going to be very wealthy

Going to be very wealthy mining asteroids.

To start with yes. How quickly will the prices fall to match the reduced costs ?
If asteroids are cheaper / more profitable to mine than the outback, and outback mining slows down, the mining companies may not even have to pay much more than they are paying now.

Peter Diamandis – founder of

leeanna19's picture

Peter Diamandis – founder of the X Prize competition to encourage tech developments – made the same prediction back in 2008 and expanded on the theme in his 2015 book Bold. As for how those trillionaires will make their riches from space, both he and Neil DeGrasse Tyson – the US astrophysicist and TV host – reckon it will be done by mining asteroids.

If oz is the only country with access it would be extremely wealthy. It's like the major oil producing countries, but more exclusive.


The feminine Queendom

I wonder how many of the male miners could be trained to asteroid mine. The new crop of wealthy could be male. That would be an interesting development.

Time is the longest distance to your destination.


Generally, miners are poor. The mine owners are rich.
The people who will get rich are the ones that can own a spaceship, the best the miners can expect is reasonable working conditions.

The government won't let that

leeanna19's picture

The government won't let that tech out of their hands. So on Charlie's insistence "jobs for the boys" No that sounds sexist , doesn't it?


Miners and wealth.

Miners themselves, even in South Wales (UK) were relatively wealthy compared to other industries during the twentieth century when coal prices were high and employment conditions were fairly policed. Once the coal owners were prevented by law from unfair exploitation, miner's conditions improved. Wealth distribution has to be a FAIR balance between economics and justice for political stability to endure.


Miners and wealth.

Miners themselves, even in South Wales (UK) were relatively wealthy compared to other industries during the twentieth century when coal prices were high and employment conditions were fairly policed. Once the coal owners were prevented by law from unfair exploitation, miner's conditions improved. Wealth distribution has to be a FAIR balance between economics and justice for political stability to endure.



leeanna19's picture

Doing that duplicate thing again LOL


Before Maggie shut them down.

leeanna19's picture

Before Maggie shut them down. The miners got paid well. I'm not claustrophobic, but the idea of going miles underground frightens the life out of me.
The guys that did it were hero's in the war years and called leeches in the 80's


Who Wants To Be A Trillionaire?

joannebarbarella's picture

I know....those who are already billionaires....but workaday miners in space will be in high demand and will have to be very well-paid for the risks that they will take. Previously down-trodden males will suddenly find themselves courted by the mining companies. Even in present-day Australia miners find themselves near the top of the food-chain as most people don't want to go and work in those usually remote and mostly undesirable places where minerals are found.

There will also still be fairly common materials like iron and aluminium which will be cheaper to mine on earth rather than on asteroids, not forgetting sands (silica) and ordinary building materials. I predict that timber will be highly prized in future space colonies, and that comes from only one source.

If only anti-gravity really existed. Still, for the purposes of this story Charlie and Chloe will be the first trillionaires.

War will be short lived

Jamie Lee's picture

The Chinese don't know how big a mistake it was in trying to kill Charlie. While they didn't announce their presence, they used Dawn to give the Chinese a fearful experience.

Any attack against Oz can quickly be stopped by Charlie explaining how much damage can occur when an asteroid hits the Earth. Or specifically, the Country launching the attack.

Why does it matter to the other Countries what Oz does within its own boarders? Is it because they're afraid other Countries will follow Oz's example? Or are they just angry because Oz decided they didn't want to be part of the girl's club anymore?

Oz has become the catalyst for worldwide change. Others are going to try and force Oz to fall back in line through economic means at first, which will backfire since Oz may have exports the world needs. Then will come the threats of war, which can be demonstrated by Charlie as a bad idea. And when they learn the result of was against Oz, they're likely try landing teams to assassinate not only Charlie, but the PM and her cabinet.

Others have feelings too.