The Feminine Queendom 57

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Poor Ozy guys will have an

leeanna19's picture

Poor Ozy guys will have an uphill struggle to form a political party. What with the probable lack of education like the UQ. Does that mean boys will now get the same education as girls .
Not surprising Charlie is good at math. Male brain development make men better at math and have better spacial awareness. Female brains give better dexterity and linguistics skills.

I knew a flint napper once he told me he thought napping flint led to an understanding of math and angles . This may sound sexist , but perhaps 150,000 years with men hunting game (spacial awareness) and repairing making blades arrows (math?) and women gathering (dexterity) and working with others to do this and keeping kids safe (linguistics skills?) and multi tasking as they always tell us. Are to blame for this?


Gender variance.

What you say is quite true there is considerable gender variance associated with male and female brain function. Male and female brains vary enormously.
Male spacial awareness is all to do with throwing spear/stones at moving objects while silence is essential during hunting thus communication is not speech but sign.

Women are more dextrous, more communicative and have better colour perception perfect for gathering food while spotting dangers in the bushes. Women have a wider field of vision for spotting collective dangers while men have a better depth of perception for throwing spears.

I call this 'The Mammoth thing'.


Thanks Bev, I know women go

leeanna19's picture

Thanks Bev, I know women go on about multi-tasking. I always point out men are better at doing one job and not getting distracted. My wife could never understand how I didn't hear her when I was reading the paper.

I think the multitask thing come from keeping an eye on the kids and any danger when picking berries etc. We are what evolution makes us to some extent. Although apparently hormones can change your brain to some extent.


Singapore ?



In Our Time

joannebarbarella's picture

Singapore has vast undergound caverns where it houses its airforce. Maybe those same caverns exist in Charlie's day and hide the other four Chinese fighters.

Charlie should use Jupiter's Trojan asteroids to hide his exotic ores. They would be easier to manage than the main Asteroid Belt.

Screaming foul

Jamie Lee's picture

It's only started a bit, other countries that know about Dawn, with screaming foul because Oz has Dawn. Once the other countries discover mining is taking place in space, whether it's Dawn or Dawn 2, they start screaming foul. They'll say Oz has an unfair advantage and may even think of going to war in order to get on an even footing.

Others have feelings too.