The Feminine Queendom 52

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An Attempted Coup

joannebarbarella's picture

There are definitely factions within the Australian government with (probably) an ultra-Feminista group wanting to control Charlie and his inventions. However, there must be more to it as they have access to Chinese technology as well as the services of Lieutenant Asi and her comrades, so there are wheels within wheels, which are Bev's to recount.


joannebarbarella's picture

Chapters keep vanishing! Chapter 51 has gone missing.

what the heck is going on?

I just hope the PM is on the up and up, its impossible to know who to trust !


Charlie keeps surprising people

Jamie Lee's picture

A remote control Dawn, how clever, or planning for in case of.

Now why would the military prevent Charlie and the doctor from accessing Dawn? Or better, who has the military stopping Charlie from accessing Dawn? It smells of a coup within either the military or within the Government.

Asi is getting a true life education not covered in her other education or training. She's seeing something completely different with Charlie than the propaganda is spitting out. Maybe now she'll see how wrong it is with whatever someone is planning.

One thing is clear. Whoever is after Dawn is real close to pissing Charlie off. And when he gets good and pissed off, there's no telling what he might do to whom or where. He could if pushed, bombard Earth with asteroids precisely guided to the target.

Others have feelings too.