The Feminine Queendom 50

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Curiouser And Curiouser

joannebarbarella's picture

Advanced Chinese fighters piloted by Aussies (?). Australian security guards attempting to silence them. Although the surname of Asi does not immediately bring to mind a nationality.

Are they really still fighting in Afghanistan? Have they learned nothing?

I'm with Charlie

"something just doesn’t add up"

yeah, now to find out what, and why


What has happend to the male

leeanna19's picture

What has happend to the male pilots. I think the world isn't just Feminist regimes or Masculinist? regimes . I think there are plenty where equality reigns . The equalist kingdom of equaltonia etc.
I think the feminist are keeping this from their populations in case they would want to "give it a go".
Imagine if you showed women Afghanistan at it's worst, they way women were treated , then said the men if the UK were going to do that here. They would vote for the messed up lot I have in my story. Control the media , control the population.

I got the distinct feeling that when she realised I was in command of Dawn she realised that not everything she’s heard about Australia and the feminista was entirely true but she keeps things very tight to her chest. Hmm?

Great episode as always Beverly, thanks for writing this one so quickly!


Many dimensions of feminism

It is interesting to see how you have evolved the Feminist Queendom vision. You write much faster than I do as I explore how a select few "Special Boys" learn history and technology in an allied, but very different country.


Charlie's pissed

Jamie Lee's picture

Charlie hates breaking his promises, to anyone. Asi was promised to be kept safe, and then she's beaten by Brunhelda. And the Lt. stood by and let it happen.

Why does it seem there are those in the military setting up a coup against the PM? The Captain of that ship wanted to keep the other pilot. Brunhelda was beating Asi despite orders to the contrary. And the Lt. is claiming to be following orders. Orders from whom?

This all smells of a military takeover in the works.

Others have feelings too.