The Feminine Queendom 47

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Brilliant as ever. Curious

leeanna19's picture

Brilliant as ever. Curious mix of sexes in the enemy planes. Men and women. New Zealand perhaps didn't go feminista?


I think that’s simply a mistaken use…..

D. Eden's picture

Of pronouns. Bev has already admitted to mistakenly using masculine pronouns out of habit. That is the simplest explanation here as well.

The more important item is that the planes are apparently being piloted by Australians, not to mention the issue with the Admiral’s interference and apparent cover-up attempt. Methinks we have uncovered a plot by the radical feministas against the current government.

Good thing the PM and the defense minister are on Charlie’s side, and good thing Charlie is backing their play!

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Hi , I ment the first plane

leeanna19's picture

Hi , I ment the first plane in part 46 this line

“He got a shout off before he went down. It was some foreign Asian language and it was a man’s voice.” Juliet remarked.

Not this one where she used "he" for the Admiral, It is so difficult when you have women doing what even now are mainly male jobs, and part transitioned males. I think that line in the last story was deliberate.

Was it Bev?


Australian accent

sounds like it was an inside job. house cleaning ahead


Accents and languages

The first chatter they pick up is in an unidentified indo-china dialect and spoken by a man..... the one captured spoke in an Australian accent which could also be kiwi. This could be a collaborative attack between 2 countries or an Australian defector or even possible for it to be an inside job where the pilots were trained to speak a foreign language to confuse Charlie's team. Since the first voice was male it could be a decoy or the one recovered may have been a defector that joined up with their Asian enemies. We just have to wait and see i think we have been fed some misdirection to fuel the readers conspiracy theories.

EllieJo Jayne

Not a cliffhanger? Gads...

Jamie Lee's picture

Well now, ain't things spicing up a bit? First pilot was male, something the feminists would never allow. Then the one hooked like a fish has an Oz voice.

Then an Admiral sticking her nose into it by trying to get the fished pilot sent to her. Something here smells as bad as a shore of week old dead fish.

Then the fourth plane is meeting up with a maybe tanker, nationality unknown. Maybe the fourth plane and the tanker should be taken out.

With different mix of people flying, plus the tanker, might there be a faction in the Oz military edging for a couple? And who are also working with the morons in the UQ?

If it turns out a military coup is planned, to get ahold of Charlie's technology, it was good Charlie added the security to Dawn and Dawn Two. It also means the PM has more trouble on her hands than just parliament.

Now, about this cliffhanger. Please, more please. Gotts to know the answer to all of the open questions.

Others have feelings too.