The Feminine Queendom 43

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You've been busy Beverly!

leeanna19's picture

You've been busy Beverly! Moon base Alpha , won't commander Koenig be upset LOL



D. Eden's picture

Now Charlie has a group of women offering to call him “Boss” on their own initiative.

What’s next? Equal rights, lol?

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Charlie takes two steps out

leeanna19's picture

Charlie takes two steps out of the airlock and collapses.

Ten hours later...

"WAKE UP CHARLIE!" Chloe shouted.

"You're back on earth. You passed out, the O2 mixture was wrong on your tank, how do you feel?"

"A little odd."

"Lets get this suit off."

Chloe unzips his suit and jumps back in horror.

"Charlie, you've got boobs!"

"Mwaahhhaaaa haha" Say all the government troops.

"Who's side are you on now then Charlie?"

The alarm clock jerks Charlie awake.

"Thank god for that!"


The Lunar Poles

joannebarbarella's picture

There are craters that are in permanent shadow and it is believed that there may be considerable quantities of ice locked away in them.

Lunar craters and Ice

Quite right Joanne. That's why I chose to start their first base at one of the poles. If more communities try to settle on the moon, first come to and water is first served. They are getting their claim in early. By international convention, nobody can claim the territory on the moon (If they could, the yanks would have done it years ago,) but as to resources, well that's another matter.


Lunar craters and Ice

Quite right Joanne. That's why I chose to start their first base at one of the poles. If more communities try to settle on the moon, first come to and water is first served. They are getting their claim in early. By international convention, nobody can claim the territory on the moon (If they could, the yanks would have done it years ago,) but as to resources, well that's another matter.


Someones are going to be livid

Jamie Lee's picture

Dawn two appears to be functioning perfectly. But when it's learn that Oz is establishing a base on the moon a whole bunch of nations are going to be livid. More so the UQ.

When it's learned Oz is establishing a base on the moon, another play will be put together to capture Charlie and force him to divulge his gravity secrets.

Those girls with Charlie are being given such a treat, being taken to the moon and working there. With Charlie's gravity balls no longer will extensive training be needed before someone can go into space. Push the ascend and up you go. Of course, once in space it'll be necessary to understand spacial geometry and vectors in order to travel without a lot of experimentation, and running into something nasty.

Others have feelings too.