The Feminine Queendom 42

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Poor mals! Stuck halfway. Now

leeanna19's picture

Poor mals! Stuck halfway. Now he has passed the exams will he go all the way, or perhaps go back the other way. If Charlie succeeds in his male equal rights work.


Charlie's agenda.

Juliet would find it difficult going back to being a man even if Charlie got the laws changed. He's extremely pretty, and he has no testicles. He would have to take male testosterone hormones to give him a libido but he could still never father his own children and he will not grow because he is long past puberty in his mid twenties. It's a cruel conundrum for such as Juliet. At least being Charlie's assistant engineer gives him some dignity and status.


pointless cruelty

the feminists have become as cruel as they claimed men to be, if not more so.


Yet more of the cruelty……

D. Eden's picture

Of the feminista system is revealed.

Why more women cannot see that all they have done is reverse the same oppressive ideas they resented is beyond me. Have they really brainwashed an entire society?

Or is it simply that they prefer being on top of the oppression and don’t care about the fallout?

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Half The Sky

joannebarbarella's picture

Is held up by the other sex, which ever one it happens to be.

What was done to Juliette was turning her into a eunuch. There is no way back from that.

Hypocrisy at it's best

Jamie Lee's picture

What is the difference in the way women now treat men than how women claim men once treated them?

Nothing! Absolutely nothing! The garbage women are currently fed omit the fact they are now no better than the claim of men once being.

Talk about hypocrisy at its highest point, the whole feminist movement is wrought with hypocrisy. And the sad part is how blind those in charge to it all. They are so focused on maintaining their control, they can't see how they've now become the female version of what they claim men once did.

Charlie is right in keeping his secrets to himself, though because no one can understand his math it'd be safe even if he gave them the math. Still, there are those who would use any means to get that secret and use his family to get it.

If the UQ again makes a play for Charlie, he and his family should head to space and explain to the UQ he wants to be left alone by dropping a big rock right on the UQ capital. Then explain that a rock would again be forthcoming every time the UQ got out of line.

Margaret is getting quite a lesson of one man being totally different than the garbage she's been fed. She should now be wondering if there's one man like that there has to be others.

Others have feelings too.