The Feminine Queendom 40

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Wow Beverly, 4.26 AM. You

leeanna19's picture

Wow Beverly, 4.26 AM. You were working late. Glad you did.
It seems with Charlie having a higher profile now, many in Australia will begin to see males as more than just dumb brutes.


Working late.

I don't sleep much or sleep well Leeanna. It's a long story. I'm often up in the small hours 2 to 4 am. Blame psychiatry and child care, circa 1952 to 1960.

Glad you're still liking it,


I read some your story

leeanna19's picture

I read some your story Beverly. It was horrifying, especially being lent out at a children's home. That stuff was so well hidden back in the day.
If I could I'd give you such a hug. After what happened to you, I am glad I kept my mouth shut. Having two brothers was the main reason,

I remember once my mum had brought a pair of white girls knickers instead of pants and her and her friend tried to dress my older brother in them, he refused as they had a small rose bud on them. He must have been 7? I was around 5 , they tried me. How I wish I could have said yes,but Iknew my brother would be shouting "He's wearing knickers!" for the rest of the day.

I remember asking my mum why shge got them , she said they were cheaper than pants? I often wonder what she was doing that day.
We always had to wear those patterned white socks to school, just like some of the girls did. Not that unusual in the 60's was it?


Breaking the preconceived notions

Jamie Lee's picture

Charlie has been breaking all of the preconceived notions concerning men. He floored Margaret when he was taking care of the kids. He floored her again when he took Chloe's suggestion.

Charlie is making many women rethink their position about all men, since he isn't acting as they'd been taught.

And that's been the problem. All men were painted with the same brush, whether it was deserved or not.

How soon before one of the other countries makes a move against Oz because of Dawn and Dawn Two? And because they want Charlie?

The UQ has already made a grab and failed, but likely still consider Charlie their property. It's only a matter of time before they try again, with Wilson leading the assault.

So, chapter 41?

Others have feelings too.

Catching Up

joannebarbarella's picture

I've been computerless for a few days, so I need to update myself and comment on your latest chapters.