The Feminine Queendom 39

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Just when I thought I knew

leeanna19's picture

Just when I thought I knew where you were going, you throw in more twists. It would hamper the UQ and FRP, if he sent their satellites out of orbit.
UQ and FRP working together, could be a problem.


puff bomb

Sara Hawke's picture

All he would need is a large amount of foam that could expand in a vacuum without bursting from the lack of pressure several hundred pounds would expand into a huge diameter depending on how much would mean how big the ball was ten kilometers twenty thirty an hundred. He has the ship to escape the explosive expansion, and in a counter rotating orbit he could sweep the sky of all satellites. With enough coverage the only country that had satellites would be the ones he approved of. This is the threat of space superiority along with dropping tungsten rods on any city he wanted to.

quote wikipedia
In the case of the system mentioned in the 2003 Air Force report above, a 6.1 by 0.3 metres (20.01 ft × 0.98 ft) tungsten cylinder impacting at Mach 10 (11,160 ft/s; 3,403 m/s) has a kinetic energy equivalent to approximately 11.5 tons of TNT (48 GJ).[9] The mass of such a cylinder is itself greater than 9 short tons (8.2 t)

the foam ball is from a series of science story about habitat one the first space habitat and following stories to show possible solutions. Not sure where i found the stories been a few years.

Emotion, yet peace.
Ignorance, yet knowledge.
Passion, yet serenity.
Chaos, yet harmony.
Contemplation, yet duty
Death, yet the Force.
Light with dark, I remain Balanced.

Dang it, no more to read

Jamie Lee's picture

The rest of the world should be worried, because there's a very angry guy at the controls of a ship no one can match.

Fortunately he isn't angry crazy, or Charlie would have already reduced several cities to powder.

In Charlie's view, the female bull whip has crack long enough and it's time things are equal again. And he has the ability to make it happen, if that was his way of life.

The UQ isn't going to sit back and let Oz benefit from Charlie's discovery, they will plan something that guarantees they get Charlie back.

But what they have planned can't be known since there aren't any more chapters to read at this time. Boo hoo...

Others have feelings too.