Transgender Gene

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I almost did not even read this; I was searching for the cost of what I think is called a Genotype test. I think it can determine if a person is a pure XX, XY or some variation of them.

Foolishly perhaps, I have not given up on my family; be that steadfastness or dumb stubbornness.

I had heard of these people a few months ago and my initial investigation into their work, I found to be discouraging. I am much happier with what I see today. Perhaps there is yet vindication waiting in the wings.

Many Blessings

Gwen Brown


Finally riding again, YAAAAYYYY!!!

I am finally able to ride again and seem to have healed quite nicely since my splitarectomy. :)

Though I won't be riding today. It is -3C and snowing quite nicely.

Merry Christmas


It's called...

...karyotyping when they check your chromosome complement.

As far as vindication goes, that article is reporting only one of the most recent of many studies supporting a biological basis for gender identity. For a good overview with links check out this page.