The Feminine Queendom 36

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You Do Tend

joannebarbarella's picture

To be a teensy bit short with people when you've been up for 24 hours or more.

I was once accused of telling the Minister for The Capital Territory (Australia) to make love elsewhere and I couldn't deny it because it was broadcast on national TV!

I keep checking for you

leeanna19's picture

I kept checking for your update Beverly. Love the way the story is going. The Aussies don't seem to treat men anywhere near as bad as UQ.

Joanna, "to make love elsewhere" , what a wonderful polite way to say f$*&^ O*& LOL


I take it negotiations aren't going well

I hope they can end this without the kid seeing someone's head blown off, or getting killed in the crossfire


How do you negotiate away an act of war?

D. Eden's picture

The simple fact of the matter is that these are foreign troops invading the sovereign territory of another nation. They kidnapped citizens of that nation, and now they have fired on and wounded soldiers of that nation as well.

Charlie’s line about there being little difference between the plans and actions of the women and the way this was treated by the patriarchy are telling. People are people - they are all acting the same no matter what gender.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

We know the colonel doesn't

We know the colonel doesn't have much sense when thinking of possible repercussions to her actions but hopefully she has a strong sense of self preservation and will let Charlotte go without harm.

Tried to look that up

Sara Hawke's picture

Only found a video were he was forcing people to shake his hand and the voices muted while music played. So sad that it was censored.

I really would have loved hearing the negative vibes telling him to leave. Surprised he didn't get ran out of town after being tarred and feathered

Emotion, yet peace.
Ignorance, yet knowledge.
Passion, yet serenity.
Chaos, yet harmony.
Contemplation, yet duty
Death, yet the Force.
Light with dark, I remain Balanced.