a very good day

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spent some time with my friend Cheryl Teddy Thomas, and it was wonderful.

Her little dog fell asleep on my chest, and I confessed that my mom's paranoia is draining me of spoons, something I've avoided confronting.

I needed both.


Dorothy- virtual huggles & spoons en route now.

I can send a vitual truckload of spoons to you now, as well as a virtual container ship loaded with huggles to supplement the huggles and spoons your friend & dog gave you today. May you live long and prosper in the midst of your struggles.


We get you Dorothy, and your little dog too! Giggles Talia!


So glad to hear ya had a good day. I ain't sure 'zactly whatcha mean when ya say you been drained of spoons, but I hope ya can get 'em back.


Never heard of that

RobertaME's picture

Thanks for the link, Dorothy! Spoon theory is an excellent way to describe any given day for me! I have rheumatoid arthritis and have had it since I was 2. (most people don't even know that juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is even a thing) Sometimes just getting out of bed takes 2 spoons!
